wheneveryonessuper - CHARACTER?

Sometimes I wish I were Mufasa. Or Hobbes. Or Ernest Hemingway.

1345 posts

On Semester Awfulness

On Semester Awfulness

tl;dr: I still hate lit. Also there are other aspects of school that are less than desirable at the moment. Also, fuck.

it seriously bothers me when people assume work correlates to grades.

my grades, i've discovered, are in fact in direct opposite order of how much work i do in them. as in, it's the classes for which i do no homework and rarely pay attention in class that i have the best grades in. and it's not because they're not hard classes. except choir. choir is easy.

speaking of, i wish i could switch percentage points across classes. as in, i don't need 104% in choir. i need a fucking A in fucking lit. this is far from the most optimal distribution of grade happiness.

also i need an A in bio. except that one is much more actually my responsibility. instead of the goddamn mystery ball of arbitrary that is lit grading when we have literally 9 assignments, scored out of FOUR POINTS, that makes up 90% of our grade for this semester, /and the semester ends tomorrow and she hasn't graded five of them./ That's 5. Out of 9. So as far as I know everything in that class is a crapshoot. And I am just sick of hatingqwetertluuasjkga.kjsdfg dghjsdkfjgnsdn kbx,cnvbc vberohguvcxb and everything and now i'm incoherently upset so i'm going to stop this.

More Posts from Wheneveryonessuper

13 years ago

On Seventeen

I love my friends for a variety of reasons. but i still don't think there's much that beats speeding on the island after midnight. also, picnics, and also fun fact I actually like building things. working with wood is less fun than metal, but still.

even without summer, there aren't many things better than remembering the whole young and wild(ly falling asleep on the couch) and free thing. bitches.

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13 years ago

On Aiden

I’m fairly certain Aiden doesn’t know where to find this which amuses me and I’m going to talk about her anyways

Aiden is one of those friends that I don’t necessarily see or talk to very often, but I’m always glad when I do. I’m afraid she hasn’t been her most cheerful lately so I thought I’d tell you all why she’s great. She can make me smile and make me laugh, but one of the things I admire most about Aiden is how brave she is. When she’s hurt or unhappy, instead of doing the awkward I’m-not-going-to-talk-about-it-because-I-can’t-talk-to-people-but-I’m-still-going-to-be-unpleasant-to-be-around-because-bite-me thing that I usually depend on, she actually admits that she’s not at her best. Instead of hiding behind snarky coping mechanisms, she’s brave enough to actively deal with things, whether it’s by talking to a close group of friends or by writing about it. Aiden is open and caring and one of the most supportive people you could ever meet, and as awesome as she is about helping people when they’re feeling down, I love when she’s happy because her smile is lovely and so is her heart. Also I hear she’s a fantastic snowboarder. Which means I totally need to get up to a mountain with her sometime. Hmm.

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13 years ago
Someone Please Get This Book For Me.

Someone please get this book for me.

13 years ago

On Josh

Josh mocks me for having this because of the inherent hipsterdom of tumblr and as such probably won’t see this but imma say nice things anyways 

EDIT: For example, breaking one of these rules is now on his list of life goals.

For being a fairly stereotypical reclusive intellectual with unjustifiably low self-esteem (as I always tell him), Josh is kind of extraordinary. I don’t really know anyone else who can talk to anyone, as odd as it may be, and still have the ability to shut out the world when necessary. He’s one person I can always count on to also appreciate the little things that make me love the world (boom de yada boom de yada). What’s more, I don’t think there are many other people who know blatantly more than me that I can talk to without feeling bad about myself. So that’s a plus. Josh finds good things in other people without being able to see those things in himself, and in spite of his poorly defined morals and mission to generally corrupt any innocent people he finds, I do believe he’s a good person. He makes me feel good about myself and someday he’s going to rule the world so I figured I’d do my sucking up now. Just kidding. Kind of.

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13 years ago

In the Spirit of Valentine's Day

I was going to take this time to just write nice things about people here because I should be more happy and I like people so it's a win win but then "this time" ended up being late so I'm just telling y'all that it is to come. Because now that I have said I'm going to I can't not do so. Not that you should get excited. But it's good because it'll be bitchin' as shit.

I can't decide if I should use that phrase more or not. I probably will and then get sick of it.

Also I love you all. 

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