Welcome to my humble portfolio. All of the photography on this blog is by me or, rather, what I make of things. I somewhat defy the sense of Tumblr and do not reblog.
911 posts
2019 - Bad Self PortraitNikon F50 - ILFORD XP2 Super

2019 - Bad Self Portrait Nikon F50 - ILFORD XP2 Super
“INDRA - Du lämnat andra världen och gått in i tredje, från Cukra, morgonstjärnan, du fjärmat dig och träder in i jordens dunstkrets.”
August Strindberg - Ett Drömspel
agogtokyo liked this · 4 years ago
More Posts from Whereisthepoetry

2018 - Portugal - also south Nikon F301 - ISO 400 - no colour correction

new digs in Cologne, since 2018

2018 - Portugal - Armação de Pêra (not that it matters) Nikon F301 - ISO 400 - no colour correction
this one is just about the atmosphere

2018 - Portugal - somewhere south Nikon F301 - ISO 400 - no colour correction

2018 - Portugal - Portimão Nikon F301 - ISO400 - no colour correction