Gibberish - Tumblr Posts
Thursdasy’s for surveys
Alright, here we go: trying out the social side, again.
I have asked about HDR and how, more often than not, it just will not communicate to me. But let’s switch it around:
Have you ever, after editing, thought: “Hey, this now looks more like an actual photo, than before!”? And has that changed over time? (Not according to editing skill, but rather: Have you perceived yourself changing the way you want something to look?)

“Life goes faster if you’re somewhere else.” - Daria Morgendorffer
Other skies are calling. Back at the end of this month. Take care!
In lieu of pictures...

So here's what I think of Bratislava [even though you were pretty sure you never asked this dude]. But because I haven't the money the rolls of film are sitting here overwhelmingly undeveloped. [The jpg above is the first InstaX try to photograph me at a wedding for an album of all the guests and symbolises the lack of images pretty accurately.]
Bratislava, anyhow, was surprisingly normal in the best way imaginable. Nice people, a lot of history, but ... let me back track a bit. I had half a day to spend in Vienna and made the mistake of not properly planning for that occasion. So I ended up in an uncontrollable mass of tourists and “in your face”, flashy sights, which, admittedly, was to much for me - no fun was to be had from drifting around the Hofburg area with my huge bike. And most people in shops were to hipster for me to discern whether they were actually nice or just “reverse capitalist zen guruing” you into buying their stuff. I want to positively mention the Radlager [the café I ended up spending my time at - only half café though, the other part being an actual bike shop] - saved me from the tourists and my bad mood! My time in Bratislava was longer, quieter, which gave me time to think about this, and even more time was to be had in the meantime: I actually enjoy that the town is a bit on the down low with its history [especially the soviet part]. Most houses look shabbier, not too tourist-attractiony. But this really got me to investigate, find interesting places and meet nice people. [Apart from the people I visited, whom I forever grateful to for their hospitality.] Starting with a place mainly for sheet music where I got not only a free espresso, basically as I walked in the door, but also recommendations for great Slovakian jazz. Or the museums for Arthur Fleischmann and Johann Nepumuk Hummel [I know - I also get giddy over how great their names are], which, though both admittedly very small, not only jointly cost all of 1,50€, but also had to be looked for thouroughly in back alleys, making their discovery something of value, already. I had the good mind [and experience from Vienna] to stay away from anything too touristy, which made the coffee not only cheap, but really good. Let me end on that note, abruptly.
“Vielleicht wäre es höchste Zeit für einen neuen Prometheus, der diesmal das Feuer den Menschen zu stehlen käme? Jawohl: Lasst sie doch kalt sich morden.” - S.J.Lec
Propterea censeo solem esse delendam.
short hiatus over the weekend
THANKS to everybody liking and sharing! Sharing is caring ;-)
Do you know “what really grinds my gears” (as the young folks put it)? When everyone involved following their job description to the point results in the opposite of what should be happening... Broken by design... All the more reason to be happy about the recent increase in interest in this little hobby of mine. Thanks for sharing and liking and whatnot! Actually thought this last picture might be kind of a bold thing to start my 2016 with. Little did I know, it would be to the liking of so many.
Ugh, more text, yuck... Well, I didn’t manage to post more photos, the problem lying more with the editing/time (read like a fraction) than the actual posting part. I’ll be off to Turku, Finland for a week now in what might just turn out to be the last bigger act in my “trying to be intelligent” phase. Time will tell. This time the Auster thing won’t cut it as I’m setting a north-north-easterly course and wilderness will be substituted mainly with university interiors, but, anywho, I hope I’ll manage to get up early, to get some nice shots, too.
Catch you on the flip side

Just to stay in line with/boost some of the aspects of this blog that are more ‘meta’. These shots and some aspects of the text are compiled, not taken/experienced in sequence per se (power of story - sth along those lines - non-linear bloggage, if you might).
Now that that is out of the way, I would like the photographs to take you into a story of not giving up on a night, a not particularly honed out pamphlet for a certain waywardness. It was the ‘night of theater’ in Bonn, where up until fairly late (~2 a.m.) all participating theaters and other venues show plays and performances. The best thing being that you buy one ticket when entering your first show, which then stays valid through the night. I might have decided to very reclusively ‘lose’ the group I was travelling with in the end, but mostly because of a compelling feeling that the night was all but over and I needed to just keep walking to find something - something undefined, but nevertheless. I ended up in a small park, where I mesmerizedly (is that a word even?) watched the Rhine - as I often will - until the sun came up. It was a good experience, I was blasting ambient drones and reflected on all I had watched/seen/witnessed (leaving this purposefully open here) that night. Full disclosure: I wasn’t sober and I didn’t work through anything or have any kinds of revelations (which tend to be overrated in my experience), but on such nights (which are but too few) I distinctly remember going home with a sense of ease which is hard for me to come by. The difference to the high I got by, say, scaling the Gotthard pass with my bike lying in precisely that there is no adrenaline in this state, that I would most closely ascribe to zen. If you do not mind some disappointments (and they will come) this practice might even lead to a certain intuition as to when to fancy such strolls.
“Det var en kväll, en sommer i limbo.” - Johannes Anyuru
seriously, noone will care, but just to be thorough: I was so sure, that I had used the F50 on all the 2018 shots, but I recently came across a picture of myself distinctly holding the F301, so there that is... posts and tags have been updated

2019 - Bad Self Portrait Nikon F50 - ILFORD XP2 Super
“INDRA - Du lämnat andra världen och gått in i tredje, från Cukra, morgonstjärnan, du fjärmat dig och träder in i jordens dunstkrets.”
August Strindberg - Ett Drömspel
it’s funny how you can just fade your blog back into existence after two years of actual nonexistence (while I thought to myself it must have been longer) and people will find and like your weird obscure amateur shots. This had only been intended as quarantine distraction, but anyhow: Thanks everyone!
The dashboard algorithm is straight up weird. I see stuff I already saw several weeks ago, and liked. Where are the new posts of the blogs I’m following. Instead I get spammed with posts of blogs I dont’t follow.
So, if I’ve missed your post or anything ... well, yes I’m a bad tumblr friend and often forget to login and will miss stuff, but this does not help at all ...
I guess, nobody will see this and this is more therapeutic than helpful.
Rant over
[no love for my own shots, at the moment... so only poetry, for now]
I mina tankars flugsurr smyger jag kring med en tidning i handen klatsch! klatsch!
Ha sentimentalitet huru känns det att vara en våt fläck på tapeten? sprattla inte så med benen kärlekssorger klatsch! klatsch! En fet fluga surrar ut genom fönstret.
Henry Parland, ”I mina tankars flugsurr”, i samlingen ”Idealrealisation” (1929)
[In the hum/buzzing of the flight of my thoughts I sneak around with a newspaper in my hand clap! clap!
Ha sentimentality how does it feel to be a wet stain on the wall paper? don’t struggle that much with your legs troubles in love clap! clap! A fat fly buzzes out of my window.]
Alm mi vecina le está dando duro a "Burn" de Hamilton y la neta sí me dio cosa. Necesita un abrazo o venganza?
mi jefe emocionado porque voy a estrenar sus videos tutoriales para los procesos de la empresa >>>> amo que sea tan acuario jajajaja
Chale, neta ya no sé si es mi ansiedad o si así está la situación realmente. Pos ya el tiempo dirá, en lo mientras puros buenos deseos y gratitud por lo compartido.