Nikon F301 - Tumblr Posts

Genuine travel photography and a little nod to those out there who might have been paying attention. It was quite the ride. In one day from Flüelen to Faido. Deterred from cycling the Schöllenen by the police, though. (30 Swiss franc, please and thank you : /). But we did manage to pick the one day of the most awesomest weather, although I just figured it might not look the part.

Came across this contraption on our way through Germany in Bingen... no further words are needed I presume :)

some crude and random camping shots from the start of our transalpine summer tour

more crude an random shots from our campsites during our transalpine tour

shortly before crossing the Rhein at Rhinau

the sky over Huningue, when we decided to take a day off before the prealps

around the Vierwaldstädtersee (hope I managed to make a bit of virtue out of lo-fi necessity)
Ljuset har blivit allt tunnare och är snart bara ett återsken fladdrande som en sliten drömslöja över jordens utvakande ansikte. (Henry Parland)

haven't quite given up on those holiday pics from last year, yet. right now they're adding quite the welcome change in colour, tonality and atmosphere. i hope they're not to nondescript. the sun was dawning on the day we made the cross over the alps. a great memory!
![[...] You Know You Have No Destiny, No, You Have A Wild Unstoppable Rumor For A Soul [...]](
[...] you know you have no destiny, no, you have a wild unstoppable rumor for a soul [...]
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displaced from Jorie Graham's Nearing Dawn
![[...] You Know You Have No Destiny, No, You Have A Wild Unstoppable Rumor For A Soul [...]](
[...] you know you have no destiny, no, you have a wild unstoppable rumor for a soul [...]
2 of 4
displaced from Jorie Graham's Nearing Dawn
![[...] You Know You Have No Destiny, No, You Have A Wild Unstoppable Rumor For A Soul [...]](
[...] you know you have no destiny, no, you have a wild unstoppable rumor for a soul [...]
3 of 4
displaced from Jorie Graham's Nearing Dawn
![[...] You Know You Have No Destiny, No, You Have A Wild Unstoppable Rumor For A Soul [...]](
[...] you know you have no destiny, no, you have a wild unstoppable rumor for a soul [...]
4 of 4
displaced from Jorie Graham's Nearing Dawn

“‘Das heißt in den Lebensbedingungen der Rolle des Rollens in völliger Übereinstimmung mit der Rolle dem Rollen auf der Bühne der Straße logisch, folgerichtig, menschlich denken, wollen, streben, handeln. Hat der Schaupieler Radfahrer das erreicht, nähert er sich der Rollengestalt und beginnt, analog mit ihr zu empfinden. In unserer Sprache heißt das: die Rolle das Rollen erleben. [...]’“
intetionally misquoted from Stanislawski - Die Arbeit des Schauspielers an sich selbst

Just to stay in line with/boost some of the aspects of this blog that are more ‘meta’. These shots and some aspects of the text are compiled, not taken/experienced in sequence per se (power of story - sth along those lines - non-linear bloggage, if you might).
Now that that is out of the way, I would like the photographs to take you into a story of not giving up on a night, a not particularly honed out pamphlet for a certain waywardness. It was the ‘night of theater’ in Bonn, where up until fairly late (~2 a.m.) all participating theaters and other venues show plays and performances. The best thing being that you buy one ticket when entering your first show, which then stays valid through the night. I might have decided to very reclusively ‘lose’ the group I was travelling with in the end, but mostly because of a compelling feeling that the night was all but over and I needed to just keep walking to find something - something undefined, but nevertheless. I ended up in a small park, where I mesmerizedly (is that a word even?) watched the Rhine - as I often will - until the sun came up. It was a good experience, I was blasting ambient drones and reflected on all I had watched/seen/witnessed (leaving this purposefully open here) that night. Full disclosure: I wasn’t sober and I didn’t work through anything or have any kinds of revelations (which tend to be overrated in my experience), but on such nights (which are but too few) I distinctly remember going home with a sense of ease which is hard for me to come by. The difference to the high I got by, say, scaling the Gotthard pass with my bike lying in precisely that there is no adrenaline in this state, that I would most closely ascribe to zen. If you do not mind some disappointments (and they will come) this practice might even lead to a certain intuition as to when to fancy such strolls.
“Det var en kväll, en sommer i limbo.” - Johannes Anyuru

trying out to come out of hibernation... 2018 - Portugal - Peniche Nikon F301 - 35mm - ISO 400

from dirt road to tar
2018 - Portugal - I forget where Nikon F301 - 35mm - ISO 400 no colour correction

2018 - Germany - Strausberg Nikon F301 - ISO 200 - no colour correction

2018 - Portugal - Atlantic Coast Nikon F301 - ISO 400