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11 years ago
Incident Sorrounding A Joyous Celebration VIII
Incident Sorrounding A Joyous Celebration VIII

incident sorrounding a joyous celebration VIII

"Det finns optiska figurer som när man först ser dem tydligt framträder som någonting [...] men som när man studerar dem närmare visar sig vara någonting helt annat [...]" Stig Larsson - Tiden före och efter en plötslig insikt

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11 years ago
Incidents Surrounding A Joyous Celebration X

incidents surrounding a joyous celebration X

Närvaron är drabbande. Sinnena är beredda. Stig Larsson - Tiden före och efter en plötslig insikt

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10 years ago
Formidable Randomness XXXVI

formidable randomness XXXVI

sorry for the long silence, welcome new followers and thanks for stickin' with me to all the others

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10 years ago
But Let Us Begin With Some:

but let us begin with some:

way old randomness

a rad [sic: my opinion] silhouette of Cologne

also part of my

way back when machine

city silhouettes

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10 years ago
Although It Appeared To All That I Was Still Among Them - II
Although It Appeared To All That I Was Still Among Them - II

although it appeared to all that I was still among them - II

[...] The 'breathtaking banalities' one only accomplishes in retrospect. [...] - Robert Creely

For a while there, I used to live in Finland. Some places I later revisited with the Adox Camera, though not nearly all…

part of

we used to be young and travel way back when machine landscape finland people I used to know back light

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10 years ago
Although It Appeared To All That I Was Still Among Them - III

although it appeared to all that I was still among them - III

For a while there, I used to live in Finland. Some places I later revisited with the Adox Camera, though not nearly all…

part of

we used to be young and travel way back when machine finland people I used to know back light blatantly manipulated

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10 years ago
The Sky Over Huningue, When We Decided To Take A Day Off Before The Prealps

the sky over Huningue, when we decided to take a day off before the prealps

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9 years ago
Beyond The Windowframe

beyond the windowframe

leaving the b/w - at least for this roll of film -, if you get such nice colours, why not use them... thus, no filter, no nothing

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