whereisthepoetry - Where is the poetry?
Where is the poetry?

Welcome to my humble portfolio. All of the photography on this blog is by me or, rather, what I make of things. I somewhat defy the sense of Tumblr and do not reblog.

911 posts

Its Funny How You Can Just Fade Your Blog Back Into Existence After Two Years Of Actual Nonexistence

it’s funny how you can just fade your blog back into existence after two years of actual nonexistence (while I thought to myself it must have been longer) and people will find and like your weird obscure amateur shots. This had only been intended as quarantine distraction, but anyhow: Thanks everyone!

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4 years ago
I Could Shout It From The Rooftops: I LOVE MEDIUM FORMAT! And, Boy!, Eversince The Adox Desintegrated

I could shout it from the rooftops: I LOVE MEDIUM FORMAT! And, boy!, eversince the Adox desintegrated before my eyes I have been feeling less drawn to pick up a camera at all.

BUT! But I have bought a Flexaret Automat and now even a scanner that does negatives ... so be forewarned, I might just make this posting stuff a steady habit again.

Without further ado: here’s the mostest fan-damn-tasticest shot I took with the Flexaret, right after attaching back to it an improvised lever with which to adjust exposure times. It’s of my parent’s cellar, where my dad keeps all the doodads and whatnots that help a buffoon like me repair a Flexaret. Heart emojis all around!

I keep driveling and I am sorry and, thus, concludes this post. Take care!!!

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