Flexaret - Tumblr Posts

I could shout it from the rooftops: I LOVE MEDIUM FORMAT! And, boy!, eversince the Adox desintegrated before my eyes I have been feeling less drawn to pick up a camera at all.
BUT! But I have bought a Flexaret Automat and now even a scanner that does negatives ... so be forewarned, I might just make this posting stuff a steady habit again.
Without further ado: here’s the mostest fan-damn-tasticest shot I took with the Flexaret, right after attaching back to it an improvised lever with which to adjust exposure times. It’s of my parent’s cellar, where my dad keeps all the doodads and whatnots that help a buffoon like me repair a Flexaret. Heart emojis all around!
I keep driveling and I am sorry and, thus, concludes this post. Take care!!!

2019 - Cologne
I like the geometry of the colours in this one which then iin turn gets “ruined” by the chaos in the foreground. If you know this we might live in the same general vicinity

2019 - Cologne - Flexaret Automat the ghost of a party

2020 - My sometimes mess of a kitchen too small and still the center of my flat

scenes from a quarantine
Mitt hjärta av järn vill sjunga sin sång . Tvinga, tvinga människornas hav, forma, forma människornas stora massa till en fröjd åt gudar.
Vaggande i lösa sadlar komma vi de okända, lättsinniga, starka. Bär oss vinden fram? Såsom ett hånskratt klinga våra röster ur fjärran, fjärran...
(Framtidens skugga, 1920)

scenes from a quarantine
Jag är sjuk av gift. Jag är sjuk av en törst, till vilken naturen icke skapade någon dryck.
Ur alla marker springer bäckar och källor. Jag böjer mig ner och dricker ur jordens ådror dess sakrament.
Och rymderna svämmar över av heliga floder. Jag sträcker mig upp och känner läpparn våta av vita extaser.
Men ingenstans, ingenstans ...
Jag är sjuk av gift. Jag är sjuk av en törst, till vilken naturen icke skapade någon dryck.

scenes from a quarantine
“Im Kern heißt das: In dem langen Abnutzungskampf, den die Moderne unter dem Banner von Rationalität, Effizienz und Nützlichkeit gegen soziale und moralische Bindungen, Pflichten und Verbindlichkeiten führte, die die Wahlfreiheit einschränkten, trug das selbstbestimmte, selbstbewusste Individuum den Sieg davon - der sich aber nur allzubald als Pyrrhussieg erwies.“ Zygmunt Bauman - Retrotopia

scenes from a quarantine
På livets anrop rusar tiden till, förlängande sekunden då man sprängs. Hur fasan blåser in, hur skräcken blåser ut. Hur svårt det alltid är att söndersprängas.
Harry Martinson - Aniara (Sång 29)

scenes from a quarantine
“But whether we want to take the challenge or not, whether we seek the truth or take refuge in illusion, our self-(mis)understandings shape what we feel. This is the sense in which man is a self-interpreting animal.”
Charles Taylor - Self-Interpreting Animals

scenes from a quarantine man, it’s autumn already
almost certain most new followers are bots *SAD*

Stockholm - 2019
Camera seems to have been lying in the backpack in such a way that it opened... happy accidents

Åland - 2019
Det är denna tystnad jag talar om. Den som växer inifrån. - Aris Fioretos, Mary

2019 - Åland
![2019 - Land[desaturated]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d7d07dafd702c4963080f01e723f4cc6/08b6e5c09c7daa04-96/s500x750/f64f1acdfa59c22bc421adbffc4fea53d89a7ce3.jpg)
2019 - Åland [desaturated]


Look! I’ve created a metaphor. ---
The film got back to me sooner than I’d hoped, but with some problems. Not only are several strips of negative creased but the lab actually cut one photograph in half. I’m slightly bewildered, since they kept these light-leaky endstrips in and uncut. Seems they might have lost a customer. Then again, I’m looking forward to posting some of the analogues alongside the Fujifilm XT-4 snaps. The Flexaret, actually, does a beautiful job of replacing the Adox. Only some minor kinks (word play intended) to work out.

So, let’s rewind. I was going to take the night train from Hamburg, I promise, but this trip happened so spontaneously that the train had been fully booked by the time I was looking for tickets. With the ferry being too slow I was left with flying. Airports sometimes bum me out because your doing a lot of waiting. But then again, your mind starts to wonder and you can get into the picture-taking spirit.