I'm here to complain and play games. Currently its going to mainly Yu-Gi-Oh related things. Might complain about other things who knows.
57 posts
Yumi Sweetheart, What Is That Thing Around Your Neck? I Mean I Like It More Than Your Anime World Of

Yumi sweetheart, what is that thing around your neck? I mean I like it more than your anime world of the living clothes but still... You look great without it. But still, what is it like I want to say a scarf but it's pinned together sooo??? Then again I don't know much about fashion so it might be in fashion.
Honestly I think I spend more time critiquing their clothes than I do paying attention to the story.
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More Posts from White-dragon-rilliane
Asgardians (Infinity War Spoilers)
What the fuck happened to Loki’s body? Thor ends up in space and picked up by the Guardians and we see the wreckage in space so we can assume that the Asgardian ship was blown to pieces. So is Loki’s body just floating in the middle of space somewhere? Are the Asgardian's bodies just floating in space? Is Valkyrie going to return to where the ship was and just find floating metal and a shit ton of dead bodies? That is assuming that Valkyrie survived the snapping.
God damn it all I want Avengers 4 now!

Got the Cocao Society Gin on my second try. YAY! Even if I did want the new Shiro. I'm debating buying the White Day pack but I don't know if it is worth it.

It's just like that one grimmjow post except with kenpachi's and unfortunately the names dont match up. But damn did I laugh when that 3rd kenpachi joined.

How Loki Escaped Ragnarok (Theory)
So at the end of Thor Ragnarok Loki starts Ragnarok by putting Surtur's crown on the eternal flame, however, both of those were in Odin’s vault which is very far from the Bifrost and where the ship was. So while I should have been doing other stuff revising for exams that start next week I starting wondering again how Loki managed to escape as this had always been something that I never understood about the ending. So I’ve come up with a theory of how Loki could have escaped.
To put it in perspective this is an image of the Bifrost with the palace in the background from just before their fight with Hela and we know that Odin’s vault is at the centre of it.

I don’t know how fast it took for Surtur to spawn (is that the right word for what happened IDK) since it cuts to Hela fighting Valkyrie but we do know that Surtur destroyed the palace from within. We can see it happen as we get a zoom in as it is being destroyed.

Now the firstly I had originally thought of at the time but I didn’t think possible was that Loki ran and I mean that he ran like Hulk was behind him ready to Hulk smash him again. I mean if he did run from Odin’s vault back to the ship it would have had to have run really fast even if he has superhuman stamina and speed I doubt that Loki would have managed to get to the ship may be out the palace but then how did he get to the ship? Thor obviously didn’t know he was on the ship until Loki can to his room, therefore, Loki didn’t come aboard with him. How did Loki come aboard and escape Asgard then? He would have had to use magic but Loki doesn’t know any magic to teleport (I know in the comic he can teleport and he can fly but in the MCU none of that has been shown) therefore he would have had to use a magic item to escape. To be precise the Tesseract which is the Space Infinity Stone.
This was another thing I never quite understood was why Loki took the Tesseract at the end of Ragnarok he has no use for it, especially since when masquerading as Odin he did have it in his possession and didn’t do anything with it. You could argue that he took it to give to Thanos but then he wouldn’t have been so reluctant to hand over the Tesseract to Thanos. The only other valid reason Loki would have had to take the Tesseract would have been to use it to escape and if he did then that could explain how Thanos found them at the end of Ragnarok. We also know that the space stone can still create portables with a device that channels its power since Red Skull gets dragged through a portal at the end of The First Avenger while it wasn’t in a device. Loki is also an extremely powerful sorcerer and would have most likely tested how the Tesseract worked while masquerading as Odin.
Anyway, that is my theory on how Loki managed to escape from the destruction of Asgard mainly written because I didn’t want to revise as it has previously made no sense to me. It also seems like lately, I’ve been thinking about Marvel movies far more than I should be probably still not over Infinity War but still.
Until next time!
- Lady-Loki1048