Bleach Brave Souls - Tumblr Posts

Beyond Resurrección - Can't Fear Your Own World
Well Ok Then...

Was aiming for Bankai Kisuke but literally the very first one I got was True Zangetsu so I'll take it.

It's just like that one grimmjow post except with kenpachi's and unfortunately the names dont match up. But damn did I laugh when that 3rd kenpachi joined.

Got the Cocao Society Gin on my second try. YAY! Even if I did want the new Shiro. I'm debating buying the White Day pack but I don't know if it is worth it.

So I caved and bought the white day pack and got Mayuri... What a waste of £22.99. I just wanted shiro!
Cacao Society Infinite
So if I'm getting the plot correctly, when ichigo left the caoco society he left Shiro behind. When Shiro realised he had been left behind he panicked and decided to go on a murder spree until Ichigo came back for him.
Atleast he got a new outfit so he has that going for him.
Shiro: In my defence i was left unsupervised

Yumi sweetheart, what is that thing around your neck? I mean I like it more than your anime world of the living clothes but still... You look great without it. But still, what is it like I want to say a scarf but it's pinned together sooo??? Then again I don't know much about fashion so it might be in fashion.
Honestly I think I spend more time critiquing their clothes than I do paying attention to the story.

So once again me wanting something lead to me getting something completely different. Got New Year Ichigo when I wanted Anniversary Ulquiorra. I don't know if I have shit luck or if the game hates me by giving me 5 stars but not the 5 stars I want.
5x Soul Tickets
Not gonna lie I’m a dumbass. So I have always wondered what the 5x soul tickets did. Never been bothered to try it for reasons unknown but still. So the other day I finally decided to google it (while waiting for my tutor to arrive and basically using what little data I had left because the college Wi-Fi is terrible). That’s when I find out that it gives you 5x the rewards... So my dumbass has been replaying the jewel quests using only the single soul tickets and spending hours on it to get the right amount even tho all this time I could have done it in 1/5 of the time.
Sometimes I wish I wasn’t so lazy so I would actually be bothered to google things.

So I did a co-op Ichigo raid and 2 Ichigos dropped then I got a surprise Ichigo. Afterwards it turned out that I had enough points for another Ichigo. So I went from 0 raid Ichigos to 4 raid Ichigo in the space of one co-op raid.
It's like this game knows what I want and what I don't want then deliberately gives me things I don't want.

So does this mean we are getting the hogyoku versions of the other Espada as well like we did for Ulquiorra because I am so down for that.

Why does Ashisogi Jizo carry bananas in his picture? I dont remember him having them in the Zanpakuto Rebellion arc. Where would he have even gotten them from. Why have I only just noticed the bananas?

So... ummm what is this??? Why is Byakuya's face squiggled out in the second picture??? Why is the enemies just Ambassador Seaweed in different sizes??? So many questions so little anwsers. I have never been more confused when opening Bleach Brave Souls.

Finally got an Ulquiorra. Now I'm not playing as a Szayelapporo called Murcielago. Hurray!!!
Still not the anniversary version tho.

So this explains how I got Ichigo twice in a row he is literally the only 4 star character you can get in the Getsuga Tenshou summons. Here I thought that I just had some weird luck to get Ichigo twice. Nope! I just have shit luck as he is literally the only 4 star.

Prepare for trouble and make it double...
What I like is how Segunda Estapa Ulquiorra opens his wings then trys to use the force reaches out meanwhile Anniversary Ulquiorra does a dramatic twirl while flying. I also think that A. Ulquiorra has smaller wingspan than S.E. Ulquiorra. Take that last comment as you will.

New download screens with the character from Can't Fear Your Own World. Tsunayashiro looks like such a smug little shit it's not surprising he is head of one of the four great noble clans.

Beyond Resurreccion another look at Nel and Grimmjow. Straight up can't wait!
Also love how Grimmjow is showing off his legs they take up like half the image.

I dont know if Ulquiorra has 2 Unohana bodyguards or if they are his back up singers/dancers...
Personally it looks like they are the weirdest band around since it looks like Unohana is about start singing.

I hate the brave battles but damn do I love it when my characters pull off bullshit like this.
Ichigo was the last person standing and was surrounded by all the other 3 with about half health left on them then he managed to get the ult orb (no idea what it is called) by firing arrows from the middle of the map. He managed to set it of and kill them all and quite frankly I dont deserve that victory but I'm more impressed than anything.