I'm here to complain and play games. Currently its going to mainly Yu-Gi-Oh related things. Might complain about other things who knows.
57 posts
So Once Again Me Wanting Something Lead To Me Getting Something Completely Different. Got New Year Ichigo

So once again me wanting something lead to me getting something completely different. Got New Year Ichigo when I wanted Anniversary Ulquiorra. I don't know if I have shit luck or if the game hates me by giving me 5 stars but not the 5 stars I want.
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More Posts from White-dragon-rilliane
Never before have I wanted a book more

‘Skillful infiltration and escape to all manner of places… There is even the possibility that you used special tools and had someone who manufactured them’
(Left Card) Magician, Le Bateleur, (Right Card) Zorro, Morgana, Mona
I may put some colour on this may not depends if I can be bothered. Although I will do the other members of ‘The Phantom Thieves’ with their personas, tarot cards and names. Yet I have not desided if they will be in their thieves outfit, normal or both (half and half)
Next up will be Akira Kurusu (the protagonist) or Yusuke Kitagawa.
Asgardians (Infinity War Spoilers)
What the fuck happened to Loki’s body? Thor ends up in space and picked up by the Guardians and we see the wreckage in space so we can assume that the Asgardian ship was blown to pieces. So is Loki’s body just floating in the middle of space somewhere? Are the Asgardian's bodies just floating in space? Is Valkyrie going to return to where the ship was and just find floating metal and a shit ton of dead bodies? That is assuming that Valkyrie survived the snapping.
God damn it all I want Avengers 4 now!

Prepare for trouble and make it double...
What I like is how Segunda Estapa Ulquiorra opens his wings then trys to use the force reaches out meanwhile Anniversary Ulquiorra does a dramatic twirl while flying. I also think that A. Ulquiorra has smaller wingspan than S.E. Ulquiorra. Take that last comment as you will.
5x Soul Tickets
Not gonna lie I’m a dumbass. So I have always wondered what the 5x soul tickets did. Never been bothered to try it for reasons unknown but still. So the other day I finally decided to google it (while waiting for my tutor to arrive and basically using what little data I had left because the college Wi-Fi is terrible). That’s when I find out that it gives you 5x the rewards... So my dumbass has been replaying the jewel quests using only the single soul tickets and spending hours on it to get the right amount even tho all this time I could have done it in 1/5 of the time.
Sometimes I wish I wasn’t so lazy so I would actually be bothered to google things.