— raven | he/they | ko-fi —main blog. multi-fandom. see pinned for info.[ writing | writblr || muses | gpose ]
496 posts
Why-raven - The Blackest Night.

可信的不华美﹐ 华美的不可信。
The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth.
― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching: Chapter 81
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More Posts from Why-raven

“When you find yourself alone amid a lightless place, look to the distance, know that I am there.. And that I watch over you always..“

A Realm Reborn - The Art of Eorzea
art history aesthetics — yiuno.

Bold what applies to your character!
tired eyes / coffee stains on the table / listening to the bustle of the city / unmade beds / ponytails / sunlight seeping through the curtains / chapped lips / walking barefoot across floorboards / dusty dictionaries / black and white reruns / huge sweaters / ticking of the clock / hearing birds in the morning / fireplaces / falling asleep during class
freckles / the sun rising / watching the sea / taking shots of the city / historical museums / bright eyes / looking up at the clouds / walls covered in artwork / drawing in the middle of lessons / tracing your fingers on the sand / painting for hours / staying in uncrowded coffee shops / worn paperbacks / messy braids / going to bed with your knee socks on
dark hair / a little sophisticated / always observing the world around you / intricate designs / high ceilings / extravagant musical pieces / dim lights / colorless photographs / fancy furniture / pale skin / hearing soft footfalls coming from outside your room / mischievous looks / bitten nails / candlelight dinners / dark shades of lipstick
chandeliers / the clinking of a teacup / laced clothing / modern architecture / light hair / watching the view from the terrace / hidden birthmarks / drinking tea in the morning / wandering about in an empty building / botanical gardens / old films / ancient marble sculptures / expensive perfume / breakfast in bed / reading stories about mythology
compassion / short writings on scraps of paper / blushed cheeks / a bouquet of roses / reading collections of poetry late at night / loose hair / carpeted floors / attending operas / faint music playing in the background / staying under the covers until midday / the night sky / streetlights / picking flowers / dancing around in silk dresses / scented candles