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Witch Tip: Peppermint (Mentha piperita)

Peppermint (Mentha piperita) is one of the most common spices used in almost all cultures of the world. This medicinal plant is very rich in menthol, a volatile oil and the main agent of this plant.
This medicinal herb is very frequently used in the form of peppermint tea prepared from dry leaves of peppermint, and this tea has a vast variety of therapeutic values and properties.
Peppermint is considered to be among the greatest natural aids for digestion. It has been used for thousands of years to treat nausea, diarrhea, indigestion and many related problems.
Peppermint tea can calm down the muscles of the stomach, relieve cramps and colic, improve fat digestion and make it easy for the foods to pass through our digestive system
This tea is a good herbal remedy for irritable bowel syndrome.
Peppermint is a good solution for flatulence and bloating.
Studies have shown that peppermint has very potent anti-cancer properties and can be used to block tumor formation.
Health benefits of peppermint include its excellent anti-inflammatory and anti-viral effects, that is why peppermint can be used to kill all types of bacteria.
This herbal remedy is considered a great help to those who suffer from various respiratory problems like colds, a flue, bronchitis, etc. Peppermint is a usual ingredient of chest rubs and massage oils for relieving the symptoms of respiratory diseases.
Being a great expectorant, peppermint tea can assist in thinning and evacuating mucus, this way relieving whooping coughs and chest pains.
Peppermint has clear anti-fungal properties and can be used to treat candida infections.
Peppermint tea has been used for ages to calm down headaches.
Other very important health benefits of peppermint tea include the powers of this natural product to relieve anxiety, depression, nervous tension, and other negative effects of stresses.
Peppermint tea can be used externally to treat skin irritations, cuts, infections, itching, athlete’s foot, and many other skin problems.
Peppermint tea is among the most effective remedies for halitosis (bad breath).
common myths about migraines (AKA if you get headaches regularly, please seek treatment for migraines)
"i don't have migraines because while i get them several times a week, it's only when i am hungry or dehydrated."
those are probably migraines. thirst, hunger, sleep disturbances, or any disruption to routine are common migraine triggers.
"my headaches are specifically barometric related, i get them when the weather/altitude changes."
those are probably migraines. barometric pressure is a common migraine trigger.
"i get headaches all the time but ibuprofen gets rid of them so they can't be migraines."
that's not true. ibuprofen works great at relieving migraine pain for many people.
"my consistent headaches are tension headaches. i feel them originate in my neck/shoulders."
those are probably migraines. muscle tension is a common migraine trigger.
if you are regularly getting headaches (once a week or more), you are likely getting migraines. in fact, a good rule of thumb if you're consistently getting headaches is to treat them as migraines until you can rule out migraines. that's how common "chronic headache = migraine" actually is.
migraines are a neurological disorder wherein pain is one symptom. pain is often the MAIN symptom, and the most noticeable symptom, which can make diagnosis tricky. other symptoms of migraine include:
digestive issues
visual disturbances (auras)
sensitivity to light and/or sound
mood changes
brain fog/cognitive changes
ringing in the ears
numbness/weakness on one side of the body
this list is NOT complete, but is a starting point. i really like the comparison to a hangover. if you generally feel hungover when you get a headache (without having consumed alcohol), that's a classic migraine presentation.
so many people suffer from migraine and don't even know it, so they aren't able to advocate for themselves to get treatment. there are great new migraine treatments on the market! if you're able, please seek treatment for your migraines. a better quality of life is possible.
Real Selfcare
Is hiding under a blanket to keep from the chill, in a dark room to avoid the light and the chaos that comes from living in a larger household, and scrolling tumblr cause your headaches to much to focus on fanfiction
27 Dec 2023
Ok so i've mentioned having migraines/headaches this past week or two, i went to the doctor to get them treated and yes they are migraines (and not covid thank god) and i'm on multiple meds for them (anti-nausea, magnesium, aspirin, paracetamol).
Apparently there are people who have gone their whole lives without experiencing a migraine! WTF!! I wish... I've had them every second or thrid day for the past two weeks... fun.
I really hope they resolve soon because they're really gotten in the way of my study and uni assignments! I'm really behind on my work... I've been trying to catch up but it's very hard when every other day i'm completely out of commission with a migraine.
Today i have a headache, or maybe a small migraine - i can't tell cause i took a nausea medication...
Going to try to get more caught up with last weeks uni modules
27 Dec 2023
Ok so i've mentioned having migraines/headaches this past week or two, i went to the doctor to get them treated and yes they are migraines (and not covid thank god) and i'm on multiple meds for them (anti-nausea, magnesium, aspirin, paracetamol).
Apparently there are people who have gone their whole lives without experiencing a migraine! WTF!! I wish... I've had them every second or thrid day for the past two weeks... fun.
I really hope they resolve soon because they're really gotten in the way of my study and uni assignments! I'm really behind on my work... I've been trying to catch up but it's very hard when every other day i'm completely out of commission with a migraine.
Today i have a headache, or maybe a small migraine - i can't tell cause i took a nausea medication...
Going to try to get more caught up with last weeks uni modules
Prompt 117
Jaskier's head often hurts. He doesn't always tell Geralt, but Geralt catches him putting a hand to his forehead and wincing in pain. Jaskier will sometimes lose days of songwriting inspiration, or time for hobbies, because when he and Geralt aren't moving down the path, Jaskier will lay in his bedroll writhing in pain and groaning at how unfair life is. Geralt at first thought Jaskier was exaggerating his pain, as Jaskier tended to be dramatic. When Geralt hinted at this though, Jaskier looked at him with such a hurt expression that Geralt panicked his way into somehow saving the conversation. The very next winter, Geralt asks Lambert, who is much better with potions and the like, to help him make some sort of pain remedy. They test and experiment all winter, before they finally make on they're both happy enough with to send off that spring. Geralt and Jaskier have been reunited for two weeks when Jaskier reaches a hand up and rubs one side of his face, with particular amounts of pressure and care given to his eye and brow. Geralt fishes around in his bags before holding it out to Jaskier. "...What is this?" "The only potion I have safe for humans. Ask me for it, never dig it out yourself, it looks similar to some of the others." "What does it do, Geralt?" "It should help. With... With the pain." Jaskier shoots out sad scents. That wasn't what Geralt expected from his gift. "I'm sorry, Geralt! I didn't mean to slow us down so much! I can work through it! i can keep walking!" Geralt explains he doesn't want Jaskier to "work through it", he wants Jaskier to not be in pain and to be happy. Jaskier, growing up as a busy young viscount, apparently was told to push through and continue with his schoolwork and duties, no matter how bad the migraine. Geralt assures his bard that all Geralt wants is Jaskier's happiness, and Jaskier drinks the potion. Merely twenty minutes later and Jaskier was bouncing around and singing again. He liked seeing his bard not be in pain.
Come on let's play.

Sooooooooo... I was toying with maybe starting my own hurt/comfort side blog, but not exactly sure where to start. This is just a little piece I wrote the other day when thinking about a character who suffers with migraines calling their lover from work to come pick them up. I'd really appreciate it if you could give it a read and let me know what you think? Only if you have the time though! I'd hate to impose.
It is barely midday when A had to excuse themselves to stumble away from their meeting. B had been right. B had been so right to beg them to stay home today, but A had no idea it would get to be this bad. It had only been a slight headache this morning. Just a little headache, maybe a little bit of nausea in their gut if they focused on it. But of course, B had seen straight through them.
A staggers down the hall as the world tilts and wavers around them. There’s no doubt about it – this is a full-blown migraine. Every little step they take sends an echoing thud through their aching head and the threat of nausea has their throat squeezing coldly at every corner turned. They’re sure they were making their way to the bathroom, but every corridor is merging together at this point and the piercing lights in their vision is making reading the room numbers nigh impossible. Everything aches. Everything.
They do finally make it there, somehow. A opens the door to find it empty and feels like they could cry with happiness, if they had the energy to do so. Instead, they stumble over to the farthest sink, away from the door where every sound that echoes from beyond sends a spike of pain through their skull.
They can’t go on like this. They know they can’t, so they reach into their pocket and pull out their phone, their hands trembling so much that they almost drop it. The light from it is searing. It sends another wave of pain through their head and they can’t help hunching over with a whimper. God, they feel so useless. They can barely see to scroll through their contacts, but when they come across the one they need, they recognise it instantly.
B picks up on the second ring, but A’s head is pounding so much they can barely make out B’s greeting across the tinny phone, let alone reply. All they can do is let out another quiet whimper. They feel awful. They feel so awful they want to cry, but they’re in a public toilet at work for God’s sake. Not at home, where they’d so much rather be.
B picks up on the noise immediately. A strains to hear them, and thankfully is able to make out some of it this time. ‘A? A? What’s going on, love? Are you okay?’
A takes a deep breath to calm themselves, but when they do speak, it comes out as a raw, choked sob. ‘No.’ They admit finally, trying desperately to ignore the burning at the back of their eyes. ‘Can you come pick me up, please?’
‘Oh, sweetheart.’ B replies gently, and A has to stop their breath from hitching more than it already is. ‘I’d do it in a heartbeat. But the car’s in the garage at the moment, remember?’
Of course. Through the fuzziness clouding A’s brain, they vaguely recall B telling them that they were getting the engine fixed today. Of course. They had been so stupid. A grips the phone tightly, almost dropping it with how clammy and shaky their hands are, and a few more sobs slip out against their will. ‘O-oh. Yeah, of course. I’m sorry for bothering you, I’ll just-‘
‘I’ll get a cab.’ B says firmly, and A blinks. They want to argue. Money’s already tight for the two of them, and the traffic’s bound to be bad this time of day… but their head is killing them and they can’t stop shaking and they can’t help but be fiercely, fiercely glad that they can go home. They want nothing more than to curl up under the blankets in their misery, the sweet release of sleep from the aching of their body and cold clutch of nausea in their gut their only desire at this point. And maybe to cuddle up to B too… but they would hate to bother them by asking.
‘Ok.’ A breathes eventually. ‘I’m sorry for-‘
‘It’s no trouble at all.’ B interrupts them. It was almost like they could read A’s mind sometimes. ‘I’ll get a hot water bottle ready. And some meds, and some blankets, and then we can cuddle on the couch or the bed and watch dumb movies until you feel better. How does that sound, love?’
‘Good.’ A whispers back, because it does. It really does.
They can hear B’s soft smile down the phone when they speak again. ‘Ok, sweetheart. Just hang on, alright? I’ll get you home.’
okay I am in favor of your starting a whump blog because this is FANTASTIC 😭😍🤩
seriously, your descriptions are so good and you perfectly capture the angst and comfort elements so well. and the dialogue is amazing???
all in favor of anon starting their own blog raise their hands because this is some great stuff 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
"I write about stress, darkness, emptiness, as I'm living it. Headaches and tears. Nothing but dead ends."
- Sequoia Red, taken from [I've Tried. It Hurts]
the only thing i have in common with Henry Winter... is his migraine.

I was doing a Zoom call with a friend and noticed she was drinking water like crazy and going to pee often. When I asked her why she was drinking so much water she replied it was for her skin. That got my thinking about how we should drink water. Turns out there are some interesting facts and myths about drinking water. Drinking too much water before a meal will make your stomach acidic according to one study. Your stomach needs to be alkaline for proper digestion. Turning your stomach more acidic before a meal does not help digestion and also creates bloating. A little bit of water during a meal is actually beneficial as it lubricates the stomach lining and helps your stool be softer. But not too much. Take a page from the Chinese custom of sipping hot tea with their meals in small little cups. Maybe they do know a thing or two about digestion because it turns out drinking cold water is not great for digestion as it apparently solidifies fat in food, worsens joint pain and might even give you a sore throat. One thing that is clear, drinking too much water will wash away salts and other electrolytes. And my friend was exhibiting the classic symptoms of such electrolyte losses, especially headaches, irritability, muscle weakness, fatigue, lethargy and especially abdominal cramping. But she is as stubborn as they come. Not even willing to run an experiment and see. Sigh. The good news is she sips her water, only drinks warm water and drinks while seated. At the end of the day we do have to use common sense and really listen to our bodies. As we get older our thirst receptors do not work as well, often mistaking thirst for hunger. So a little extra water will be useful.
#water #howtodrink #whentodrink #howmuchwater #h2o #electrolytes #sodium #salt #potassium #magnesium #chloride #headaches #irritability #muscleweakness #fatigue #lethargy #abdominalcramping #jointpain #kidneys #stomachacid #digestion #bloating #gas
Guess who just got noise canceling headphones?

I’m so happy! Bc now u can relax in quiet and not have headaches!!!!!