32Illustrator & tinkerer.
54 posts
Windex95 - STARBANDIT - Tumblr Blog

Almost forgot to post this! This is a frontlit GBC I made as a long overdue birthday present for @tinyglitch. The shell is handpainted and features a pink battery indicator!

My full piece for the @artofthewild charity zine!
The digital zine is live and there’s still a few physical copies up for preorder. It’s absolutely brimming with stellar art, so pick one up while you can!

Sneak peak of my entry for the @artofthewild charity zine!
Please consider preordering this zine once it goes live - it’s shaping up to be pretty incredible. 👌

>disappears for months at a time >comes back to post memes

To make up for my inactivity, here’s a couple of mini canvases I painted! I wanted to do all of the Alolan forms prior to the release of SuMo, but these were the only two I got around to. Exeggutor is still sitting here unfinished (taking up two separate canvases, lol).

Sorry for the lack of updates! I just got back from MAGfest Sunday night, and con sickness aside it was a blast. I cosplayed as 707 from Mystic Messenger all weekend, so if you got a photo of me or just want to say “hey, I think I saw you,” feel free to message me!
On to the merch~
Undertale sticker sheets and button set from Fangamer. Visiting their booth was a huge exercise in self control and in the end I’m shocked this is all I came away with.
Alolan Raichu shirt from The Yetee. Both @kimmaterial and @tinyglitch each bought one and when we wore them home on Sunday we looked like a crazy Raichu cult.
Stickers and acrylic Mimikyu pin by @geekysideburns (blog/shop). Once again, this artist had a lot of wonderful merch and it was incredibly difficult not buying more of it.
Mother 3 charm by @whinges (blog/shop). Really cute and clever design (backlit AGB not included!)
See you all next year!

“For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release your soul, and by my shoulder, protect thee.“
Friends don’t let friends watch past volume 2 of RWBY.

Rowlet’s adorable, but there’s no way I’m passing up firecat.

Finally finished this labor of love that I’ve been working on over the past couple of months. This game happened at a pretty difficult time in my life, and despite its silly fandom it’s still very important to me. Wish I didn’t feel so obligated not to replay it. ;;

and the time will surely come when you can see my point of view; I believe in second chances and that’s why I believe in you!
After spending nearly two decades on my to-do list, I finally finished EarthBound the other night. I’m dying to start Mother 3 now, but I don’t know whether I want to buy a translated cart or wait for the ten year anniversary and (hopefully) an official localization. Sucks that some people have been waiting that long. ):

Not sure how it started, but I’ve been way into Game Boy mods recently. I got this atomic purple GBC off Ebay and installed a frontlight (LOCA and all) and painted the shell (original mockup here). Pretty proud of it considering I haven’t held a soldering iron since I was 13!

The wind is howling.
An idea I’ve been dying to flesh out since watching bits and pieces of the genocide route (because I sure as hell can’t play it myself).
In other news, I just discovered screentones in Clip Studio Paint and I may never be the same.

Only the fearless may proceed. Brave ones, foolish ones. Both walk not the middle road.