Azumarill - Tumblr Posts

you can see all kinds of little guys on your computer, ok?

Here's marill evolution line :o
Experimenting a bit with style and composition (not sure what to think of it but I couldn't get the lineart to look good for some reason so I tried something else)
I could try drawing a gym trainer with their team one day, might be more interesting but i'll keep making small drawings for now

I drew this I think roughly a year ago.
This depicts 3 of my favorite Pokémon from every region at the time.
Obviously, my drawing style and opinions have changed so I'm thinking about remaking it soon.

Drew this on my trainer card instead of playing the game

Some random doodles I did while watching god knows what on youtube

i have an azumarill in my pkmn team right now and he’s a dumb egg
btw sry for no quality content as of late. i have not been feeling great for the past few days

April Fruit Tier Rewards - Friend shaped🥚
Asked the server for a theme, and got Egg, so egg shaped friends for April it is! These are the rewards you get if you join the tier this month, in the form of an art print and stickers.
🌸Kofi link🌸
I've been playing Pokemon Scarlet with my blue Azumarill, Bunbon, and wanted to find her a shiny counterpart.
First I found her adoptive son Marill, Kiwi. He was instantly adopted and beloved by Bunbon. They cuddled up to each other and instantly fell asleep at the picnic.

Earlier last night I found an outbreak and found Bunbon a partner in crime. Kinder Egg just makes this family complete. I do have to find an Azurill to finish the line, but for now I love my lil family.

Never again will I fight Walking Wake. FINALLY caught that disrespectful mon after 4 days of trying. I didn't even do the most damage in the end, the NPC LUCAS did...

Look at this Beast of destruction and cause of my suffering. Dont let its cuteness decieve you.
I was gonna give it an aesthetically pleasing dive ball but no it doesnt deserve it.
Get love balled Eusine.
In all honesty, I love this pokemon. I wouldn't have gone through the trouble to catch it if I didn't.

Almost forgot to post this! This is a frontlit GBC I made as a long overdue birthday present for @tinyglitch. The shell is handpainted and features a pink battery indicator!

Azumarill ko-fi doodle for sharkprncess!

@oogaboogaspookyman This for you, dude. Enjoy