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Hi! Can You Write Headcanons On The Gang With The Youngest Curtis (Curtis!reader) Being A Hockey Player?

Hi! Can you write headcanons on the gang with the youngest Curtis (Curtis!reader) being a hockey player? (Platonic ofc) I watched Inside Out 2 and now all I can think about is how cool hockey is. Also your work is literally astronomical I love reading it 😭

the gang and curtis!reader who plays hockey (request)

authors note: i’m so happy you like my writing! but i think im gonna start posting every other day, im getting a little stressed out about it. i hope that’s okay with you guys, please enjoy! also i reached 200 followers, thank you!

Hi! Can You Write Headcanons On The Gang With The Youngest Curtis (Curtis!reader) Being A Hockey Player?
Hi! Can You Write Headcanons On The Gang With The Youngest Curtis (Curtis!reader) Being A Hockey Player?
Hi! Can You Write Headcanons On The Gang With The Youngest Curtis (Curtis!reader) Being A Hockey Player?

includes ponyboy, johnny, soda, darry, dally, two-bit and steve

word count: 2.7k

warnings: cussing, getting hurt, blood

Hi! Can You Write Headcanons On The Gang With The Youngest Curtis (Curtis!reader) Being A Hockey Player?


you had been talking about your next game for weeks, spending time at the ice hockey rink for hours on end for the past week or so

when the day finally came, darry and soda already had their schedules for work, both busy, so ponyboy volunteers to go to your game

at the game, pony is watching from the stands, hardly saying or making any noise besides the occasional cheer when your team makes a goal

as you have the puck, aiming towards the goal with your stick, getting ready to hit the puck when a player from the other team shoves you, causing you to fall to the ground and lose the puck

“motherfucker—“ you grumbled, standing back up and grabbing your stick as the couch waved his hands around, “time out!” blowing his whistle

“curtis, bench!” he commands gesturing to a spot meant for resting after getting hurt

you roll your eyes, skating over to the spot, pushing the door and sitting on the bench, you just began to feel the pain in your right side of your body

ponyboy walks over closer to you, yet still in the stands, asking, “looks like that guy hit you hard, you hurt?”

you look at him through the clear screen, replying, “my right side hurts… i’m guessin’ when i take off my gear, im gonna have fuckin’ bruises everywhere.”

“you’ll be okay,” he paused, trying to convince himself, “when are you gettin’ back in the game?”

as on que, your coach asks, “curtis! you good enough to get back in?” you stand back up and push the door open, nodding at his question and saying goodbye to your brother, skating onto the rink

pony does a sport too, he always feels disappointed when no one goes to watch him at his meets, he wants to feel supported

so he always goes to your games as he wants you to feel supported and loved


johnny knew you were excited for your hockey game that was coming up, so he decided to support you and go to your game

as he entered the building, he kept his head low because he had snuck in, not wanting anyone to notice

he glances to his left, spotting you, your teammates and the opposing team already on the rink

johnny smiles at you when you look to your right, seeing him sitting down at the stands, you wave at him before the referee calls for everyone to get in their positions

as you are all playing the game, he keeps quiet but his attention is fully on what is happening in front of him

skating to the opposing player with the puck, you take it and skate towards the goal when the opposing player puts their hands out, pushing you to the ground

“damn it…” you mumble, quickly standing up almost as fast as you were pushed to the ground

a goal was scored, so you stand in your place until you feel ready to travel over to your teammates

“y/n, are you hurt?” johnny asks, his voice cracking slightly as you skate over to the stands, both of you face to face but separated due to the dasher board

you shake your head although you are holding your shoulder in pain, apologizing as you had to go back to your team

he enjoys to go to your games because it helps him feel emotionally better, it forces him to interact with others and also puts him in a foreign environment

he just wants to support you too, he knows it was hard for you to not have your parents at the games and your brothers to not be available

he values your relationship and sees you as a little sister although you’re not blood related


your brother had taken a day off to watch your hockey game, as you had been talking about it for days

“you’re gonna do amazing, sis! when i’m older i’ll finally be able to say, ‘my sister’s a pro hockey player!” he exclaims, attempting to make you excited for your game

it works, you begin to jump around as you enter the building, soda following after you and patting your shoulder, waking to the stands

you change in the locker room, coming out in your gear

the game starts as you skate onto the rink, you and a player from the opposing team face off to get the puck

you gain the puck first, skating straight across to the goal when the same player from the opposing team hits your leg hard with the stick

soda furrows his eyebrows, a confused look on his face as he watches the scene unfold in front of him

the player pushes you to the wall as you yell, “you ain’t allowed to do that, jackass!” pain is felt all over your left side

the referee doesn’t notice, soda yells after you, “you okay, sis?” you reply by nodding and looking at him

your focus is brought back to the game when the same opposing player charges in your direction, the puck in his possession

you skate towards him then turn in his direction, both of you next to each other as you push him to the ground, hard

taking the puck and skating in the opposite direction, your brother cheers for you as you score a goal

after the game, your adrenaline wears off and you realize you’re in much more pain as you realize

the two of you drive home then you both sit on the couch, you lean into your brothers side as he rubs your left shoulder

you sigh, closing your eyes as he continues to ask you, “this hurt?” you shake your head before he reassures you that you’re okay

soda’s literally your hype man, he’s glad another person in the family is good at sports because he knows he isn’t

always tells you that you did amazing in your games and practices, doesn’t want you to feel insecure about it and truly believes you’re amazing at hockey


it was your first game without the whole family being able to go, so darry took the day off work to support you

he drove you to the rink, asking, “you excited for the game?” glancing at you for a brief second, his attention going back to the road

you shrug, replying, “i don’t know…” looking outside the window as you arrive at the building

the two of you get out of the car, walking towards the building as you move closer to your older brother, a bit nervous for your game

as you walk into the building, you see the rink and direct darry towards the stands, “i have to change. i’ll be wearing dark blue.”

once you are done changing in the locker room, you bring your skates over to the rink and tie them

after warming up with your team, the game begins, a player on your team has the puck and passes it to you

you skate to the goal, getting ready to hit the puck when you feel pressure on your stomach, as you look down, you see a player on the opposing team kicking you as they lose balance

rolling your eyes, you hit the puck into the goal as another player from the opposing team grabs your helmet, smashing your head against the wall

your head suddenly felt warm, like something was running down your face, you recognized it as blood

yelling is heard around you, feeling someone pulling you up and skating you to the edge of the rink, you feel arms around you and your vision is blurry

“y/n are you okay? you’re… bleeding, hey, does anyone have a first aid kit?” darry talks quietly before yelling to the referee

he walks you to the bench and sits you down, your ears ringing and you hardly have energy to keep your head up

you hear the referee coming over to you with a first aid kit, giving it to your older brother while he takes your helmet off and wipes up the blood on your forehead

the referee kneels down to your eyesight as you are looking down, telling you, “you’re real injured right now, i’ll give that sheldon boy a talking to. you go home and rest, it isn’t a problem. get better soon, okay, kid?” smiling at you and patting your shoulder before he leaves

once darry is done with wiping away the blood and making sure you feel okay, he asks, “you ready to go home, kid?”

it’s really rare for him to find time off from work, so if he goes to your games then you’re really happy

you remind him of himself when he would do football, his parents and brothers would watch his games and he would feel proud

so he tries to take time off to go to your games, loves to support you and make you feel happy when you see familiar faces in the stands

always tells you to do your best in the games, congratulating you after the games even if you didn’t do particularly well


dally had offered to take you to your game, your brothers were all busy and he had nothing to do

as you skate onto the rink, dally yells after you, “kick their asses, kid!” sitting down and looking to his left, spotting a soda bottle along with a pack of cigarettes

the game starts and he grabs the cigarettes, placing them in his pocket and grabbing the soda, taking a drink of it

as he watches you pass the puck to others, the other team gains the puck, you chase after the player with the puck

he holds his stick in a position to hit the puck into the goal, as he swings, you happen to be right behind him, causing you to be hit in the face

dally yells, “hey, that little shit’s stick just fuckin’ whacked her in the face, man!” looking out for you, watching you put your hands over your face in pain

the referee calls, “penalty for high sticking! sheldon, you’re on the bench for two minutes! curtis,” he pauses, looking at you, “you feel good enough to play?”

you think before answering, “yeah!” taking your hands off your face, you turn your head towards dally

as you skate closer to the stands, he asks, “you okay, kid?” you nod at him, he continues, “hit ‘em back, hard.”

you smile and nod, beginning to skate back to your side of the rink, your friends swarming you and asking if you’re okay

dally knew his parents never gave a shit to be seen with him, so he wants you to feel cared for, he’s weirdly enough your chaperone even though he’s not responsible at all

if you ever want to practice but the rink is closed, he’ll probably find a way to break in so you can work on how you play

probably gets super pissed off when the opposing team scores for no reason even if they actually deserved it


two-bit and his younger sister decided to support you at your hockey game

you were already playing, keith and his sister found a spot to sit in the stands

you glance over to the stands, spotting two-bit and his sister watching you, you wave and smile at the both of them, directing your attention back to the puck

as your teammate passes the puck to you, you begin to skate towards the goal, preparing to hit the puck

right as soon as you hit the puck, a player from the opposing team shoved you into the wall, chasing after the puck and therefore preventing your team from scoring

pain shoots up your back, you would for sure have bruises all over once you got your armor off

two-bit’s sister gasps behind you, “y/n! are you okay?” concerned looks on her and her brothers faces

“yeah!” you yell back, glancing at the both of them for a brief moment, skating quickly in the direction of the puck

“y/n!” your teammate says, grabbing your attention and passing the puck to you

you skate across the rink, aiming the puck into the goal and succeeding, your teammates cheering for you

standing where you hit the puck, you try to rub your back to ease the pain, failing because of the thick layers of gear

your whole team is already grouped up when one of them turns their head, skating over to you and asking if you’re okay

staring at the ground, you whimper in pain, trying to rub your back again, two-bit noticing and asking, “y/n, you terribly hurt?”

you look at him, still standing with your teammate as the referee orders, “curtis, bench! doesn’t look like you’re feeling good enough to play!”

as you get escorted to the bench by your teammate, the player who hits you skates by the stands

“hey, way to go fuck face!” two-bit yells at him, making you turn your head and laugh gently

cares about you as he cares about his little sister, he goes to all of her school events as he goes to yours and your hockey games

sometimes he’ll just go because he loves seeing the smile on you and his sisters faces when you see each other, her running up to you after your game although you’re sweaty and tired


steve took the day off work to watch your hockey game, you had previously told him which position you would play as, the goalie

he glances to the left of the rink, seeing you with more gear on than the other players and a different stick

he watches the opposing team, switching his attention from you and them constantly

a player from the other team has the puck, skating to where you are, attempting to score a goal

the player hasn’t slow down fast enough, hitting the puck and also throwing himself onto you in the process

both of you were on the ground, you push him off and groan, your whole body hurting

“y/n, you good?!” steve yells, you shake your head as your body aches, he stands up as your teammates skate over to you, creating a circle around you

two of them grab your hands, directing you to the bench where you are to sit and rest, as you are injured

you call out, “steve?” you look around to find him, he moves near the bench yet still in the stands

“hey, you okay kid? looks like that guy hit you pretty hard.” he asks, concerned for you and your health, wanting you to check yourself for bruises or cuts

you breathe unevenly, “my ribs hurt.” straightening out your back and trying to relax, to try making your front feel better

“you’ll be alright,” he paused, glancing over to you once again to see you calming down, “how ‘bout i take you to get ice cream after this?”

you look over to him and smile, seeing concern and worry in his eyes, nodding as your referee calls, “curtis! you’re back in!”

as you are skating back onto the rink, steve comments, “take it easy, kid. don’t wanna have to call darry.”

he goes to your games because he knows you like to have someone there to support you, so you know he cares

steve normally doesn’t care so much about about things, rather nonchalant but cares about you as if you were his sister

he’ll be the most obnoxious person ever in the stands, yelling and screaming over everyone else

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More Posts from Winstonsns

8 months ago

i read your cuteness aggression for the curtis!reader and i’m in love! can you maybe do preferences with a curtis!reader who’s a year younger than pony? thank you and have a wonderful day/afternoon/night! ☺️

the gang and 13 year old curtis!reader (request)

I Read Your Cuteness Aggression For The Curtis!reader And Im In Love! Can You Maybe Do Preferences With
I Read Your Cuteness Aggression For The Curtis!reader And Im In Love! Can You Maybe Do Preferences With
I Read Your Cuteness Aggression For The Curtis!reader And Im In Love! Can You Maybe Do Preferences With
I Read Your Cuteness Aggression For The Curtis!reader And Im In Love! Can You Maybe Do Preferences With

pairings: ponyboy x reader, johnny x reader, soda x reader, darry x reader, dally x reader, two-bit x reader, steve x reader

warnings: cussing

authors note: this is strictly platonic guys!! i feel like i’ve been falling off lately LMAO. i hope u guys enjoy though 💗

word count: 1.0k

I Read Your Cuteness Aggression For The Curtis!reader And Im In Love! Can You Maybe Do Preferences With


the two of you are the closest in the gang, being the closest in age and him being a protective older brother to you

he doesn’t always feel the closest to his siblings because him and darry are always arguing, soda’s in the middle and doesn’t interfere anymore

but you’re always one to comfort pony after he gets into a heated argument with his oldest brother

he helps you with homework a lot since you’re not far behind him, he helps you study and get super high grades so darry isn’t on your ass for shitty grades

pony also reads you books when you’re stressed, it’s also just something he enjoys doing in your presence

quality time means a lot to him because his brothers are never home, he’ll read a magazine or do homework in a room with you, it gives him a sense of safety


the two of you aren’t exactly the closest in age but you talk to each other about everything

you and johnny hang out at the lot and sometimes fall asleep there, when you wake up, you direct him to your house so he can sleep there too

sometimes he’ll give you little gifts for fun, remembers a lot of things you tell him

if you talk about a book or item you want once, he’ll get it as soon as he can

he really appreciates your friendship and will do anything to keep it and strengthen it

probably let’s you borrow his switchblade even though he always has it on him, has backups too


he’s the most annoying but loving brother to you, always asking you if you have a partner yet and teasing you if you do

“ooooh.. who were you hangin’ out with today, y/n? you like them?”

“soda, i’ve been friends with them for years!”

“yeah, but do you like them?”

he’s the embodiment of the trend ‘i know love is real because (name) is real and they are full of it’

soda makes sure you have a lot of attention and love, doesn’t necessarily try to replace your parents but is somewhat nurturing to you

he doesn’t rant to you often because he knows it can be overwhelming, you’re just a kid, as he puts it and shouldn’t be dealing with others problems

sometimes he’ll take you to the DX after school so you can gossip and you can learn about working


darry’s your eldest brother and is extremely protective of you, always checks up on you and asking about your day

he has the same expectations for you and ponyboy, he checks over your homework but is calmer with you

he wants you to be with some sort of guardian wherever you go, even if you’re walking down the street for fun

he knows it’s not the safest for you to be alone, especially at night

because he doesn’t have the best relationship with his brothers, he makes cake with you more often than he does with the others

he does not let you participate in rumbles, he says it’s way too dangerous for you to fight


he fucking hates kids so it’s a surprise he enjoys your presence

you remind him a bit of himself, you’re a bit of an ‘outcast in the outcasts’ because you’re the youngest and told you can’t do anything

so dally teaches you how to live in case you ever get put on the streets, teaches you what to do in the worst case scenarios

he’s hard on you though, it’s tough love and he can get really frustrated if you get hurt or in trouble because he’s taught you how to protect yourself

steals random stuff for you, most of the time it’s candy or random sweets like popcorn from the drive in, sometimes it’s a drink


you remind him of his younger sister, he feels obligated to protect you in some way

most of the time, soda and darry are working so they aren’t home most of the time, pony’s hanging out with johnny so keith watches over you

sometimes he calls himself your babysitter because he thinks it’s funny, it’s even better that he knows you’re fully capable of taking care of yourself

he’ll tell you super inappropriate jokes and when darry’s there, he’ll smack him on the back of the head

“two, knock it off. she doesn’t needa hear that stuff!”

“i didn’t even do anything, super—“

he steals stuff for you too, whether it’s something related to your studies or a random item you want for some reason


originally didn’t want to be around you, he doesn’t want to be around ponyboy and you’re with him all the time

but eventually, steve warms up to you and lets you hang out with him and the gang sometimes

he’s actually pretty smart and not many people expect that from him, he helps you with homework even though he can get frustrated at times if you don’t understand

if you’re into cars, expect him to teach you all about them and for him to invite you to the DX

maybe he lets you help him fix some of the cars, of course you won’t get paid money, instead snacks he gives you for free

soda will come up to you in the morning as you’re barely awake, talking to you

“steve said to come to the DX after school, gonna teach you some stuff about cars.”

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9 months ago

hiii i was wondering if you could do a dally fic where the reader is a part of the gang and her and dally are super close and the gang is making plans to go to the drive in but reader doesn't wanna walk so she asks dally for a piggyback (he obviously says yes cause he's down bad for her) but anyways, he gets super cocky by saying stuff like "askin' old dal for a ride, huh?" and then the gang starts teasing them for it (this is my first req ever so sorry if it's bad lmao😣)

baby i’m yours (request)

Hiii I Was Wondering If You Could Do A Dally Fic Where The Reader Is A Part Of The Gang And Her And Dally
Hiii I Was Wondering If You Could Do A Dally Fic Where The Reader Is A Part Of The Gang And Her And Dally
Hiii I Was Wondering If You Could Do A Dally Fic Where The Reader Is A Part Of The Gang And Her And Dally
Hiii I Was Wondering If You Could Do A Dally Fic Where The Reader Is A Part Of The Gang And Her And Dally

pairings: dally x reader

summary: you are too tired to walk to the drive in, so dally carries you

warnings: cussing

authors note: i looked forward to this request so this is one of my favorites i’ve ever been asked to make! thank you so much for requesting this. i decided to change the layout a bit but does it look ok? also sorry this is kinda short💗 i hope you enjoy

word count: 0.5k

Hiii I Was Wondering If You Could Do A Dally Fic Where The Reader Is A Part Of The Gang And Her And Dally

you and the gang were sitting on the couch in the curtis house, bored out of your minds. you sat next to dally, your legs laying on his lap as you stared at the ceiling.

steve then asked, “hey, you guys know about that new movie that’s comin’ out today? it’s gonna be on in ‘round an hour, i’m goin’.” soda chimed in, saying he wanted to join too. soon, the others began to voice how they wanted to see the movie too.

everyone had spoken besides you, dally noticed and looked at you, placing his hand on your calf. “you gonna go too?” he asked, looking at you up and down.

you responded, “not sure, my legs are really sore… i was walkin’ around town with my friend the whole day.”

dally began to rub your calf in a caring way, he softly suggested, “how ‘bout i carry you or somethin’? that way you can still go, yeah?”

you thought for a second before nodding your head and thanking him. you and the gang had around twenty minutes to spare before you had to start heading over to the drive in.

you continued to watch the movie you were already watching, it ending around fifteen minutes later. two-bit suggested, “should probably head over now, it’ll take around… what, ten minutes? so then we’ll be like… half an hour early? is that right?”

the gang responded in different ways, nodding and talking. all of you stood up from the couch, stretching and groaning before walking out the door. dally turned to you as you stood up, taking a moment while you cracked your back.

“get on my back.” he says, bending down slightly as you jump on his back. he walks out as you rest your cheek on his back, tired and still wanting to rest.

“needed old dal to help you, huh baby?” he asked, teasing you. as your arms are wrapped around his neck, you let go to lightly push his back, mumbling, “shut up…”

he thought for a second, smirking as the gang was looking at the two of you. he decided to tease you again, “couldn’t do it on your own, huh? and out of all people, you decided to choose me to carry you. could’ve asked anyone else…”

“maybe i should’ve asked someone else… but you’re so strong, dal. so handsome, manly…” you tease, he blushes as the gang begin to tease him too.

“god, get a room, you two! don’t have to be all lovesick all the damn time.”

“why are you guys kinda cute together…”

“dally’s got the hots for y/n!”

“man, dally probably thinks he’s her knight in shinin’ armor!”

he rolls his eyes, still walking as the both of you are blushing, “shut the fuck up, man.”

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9 months ago

Hii omg so first, I love your writing. I just now realized I wasn't following despite reading like half your post so now I'm following😊 but anyways i was wondering if you could do the gang members separately ofc with a little sister who just started dating someone? How would they would react? I know my older brothers are protective of me so I wonder how you think the gang would be? Thank you for your time and have a great day🥰

the gang and little sister!reader who dates (request)

authors note: fully platonic between reader and the gang!! sorry this took a while, i hope you enjoy 💗

Hii Omg So First, I Love Your Writing. I Just Now Realized I Wasn't Following Despite Reading Like Half
Hii Omg So First, I Love Your Writing. I Just Now Realized I Wasn't Following Despite Reading Like Half
Hii Omg So First, I Love Your Writing. I Just Now Realized I Wasn't Following Despite Reading Like Half

includes ponyboy, johnny, soda, darry, dally, two-bit and steve

word count: 3.0k

warnings: cussing, threats of beating someone up, arguments

Hii Omg So First, I Love Your Writing. I Just Now Realized I Wasn't Following Despite Reading Like Half


you and pony just had a one year age gap, so the two of you were expectedly the closest in the family and in the gang in general

you had gone into the next grade early, both of you were freshman and it was getting harder and harder to hide a secret from your brother

pony sat in the back of his math class, zoning out but knowing the material of the worksheet well when he heard giggling in front of him

directly in front of him was someone you would hang out with often, yet he didn’t quite know their name yet, but they would come over to the house often and you would spend the time in your room with them

the person next to your suspected friend was of course, you, pony’s sister

the two of you were leaning into each other, whispering then passing notes to one another after getting in trouble for talking

by the time the period was done, you and your so-thought friend gave each other a hug and a kiss on the cheek, parting ways while you waited for your brother to pack up his backpack

he stood in awe at you and your friend— partner, he now guessed, his mouth open in shock while the teacher told you two, “curtis, out!”

the two of you walked, exiting the classroom while your brother continued asking you various questions

you then answered one, “we’re dating. i’m sorry i didn’t tell you sooner, i haven’t had the right time.”

you and your brother slowly walked to the next class before he asked, “they good to you?” you replied with a nod and a smile

if you’re on good terms with your partner, he’s on good terms with your partner

if you’re upset with your partner, he’s upset with your partner

he doesn’t show that he’s protective of you but guessed that your partner already knows that

if your partner fucks up your mindset or makes your standards lower somehow, for example makes you think you don’t even deserve the bare minimum, he and the gang will make sure they never walk into the school again


you and your brother, johnny, are extremely close because you’re all the other has besides the gang

so the two of you tell each other everything, you’re only a few years apart and trust each other more than you trust yourselves

the curtis brothers had told you that you and johnny could stay over anytime, so you decided to sleep at their house for the night, your parents were screaming and hitting each other

as you and your brother were laying on the couch and talking, you paused and looked at the ground

“you okay, sis?” he asked, concerned for you, you replied with another question, “promise you won’t be mad?” looking at him, somewhat nervous to tell him

“um… i just started dating someone…” you looked up at him, smiling slightly before looking back down at the floor, messing around with the blanket over your legs

johnny smiled at you, “really? are they nice, do they treat you well?” he was interested and wanted to hear about how your relationship was going

“they’re real nice! gave me flowers when they asked me to be their girlfriend!” you beamed, smiling widely and putting your hands in your lap

your brother smiled at you, he’s certainly happy that you’re enjoying another person’s presence but continues to worry about you

he doesn’t really have an opinion on your partner, he won’t go to them unless they come to him first because he doesn’t feel the need to form a friendship with them

he’ll only do it if you want him to, he loves you too dearly to say no to you, you’re the only family, by blood, that he truly cares about

johnny’s protective of you and wants you to be the happiest you can be, so if your partner can provide that for you then he’ll leave you two be

but if your partner cheats on you or does something to make you terribly upset, he won’t fight them himself but will instead get someone like dally to fuck them up


soda was in his room, next to yours when he heard kissing and giggling nextdoor

his interest peaked and he got up from his bed, walking slowly as to not let you notice the footsteps

he peeked into your room, seeing you and another person kissing, he swung open the door with an, “ooooooh!!!!!!” smiling and giggling, trying to control himself from jumping up and down

you and your partner stopped kissing, complaining, “soda!!! out!!!” he continued smiling and staying out of your room, “actually, im not in your room!! is this your partner?”

you stated, “yeah, soda..” and he replied, “love you, sis!! don’t do anything bad, leave the door open, have fun but not too much fun!!”

he left a gap in the door while you stated, “love you too, soda!”

he teases you so much about your relationship, always asking, “soooo what’d you and your partner do?” “did you guys kiss?” “y/n, leave the door open, you know that!!!”

soda’s honestly your biggest supporter and will always support you, he’ll always back you up during arguments

most of the time, he’s a super bubbly and energetic guy so he’s naturally nice to your partner, but he lets them know not to mess up the relationship

however, if your partner shows the slightest bit of disinterest or disrespect towards you, he’s telling them to get their shit together and act like a good partner towards you


darry was at work, fixing roofs when he heard a familiar voice passing by, he then heard an unfamiliar voice talking with you

he slightly turned his head to see you with another person, slushies in your hands and arms interlinked

the two of you didn’t notice your older brother and continued to walk to wherever your destination was, he decided to confront you when you would come home

by the time he was done with work, he came home, covered in sweat and dirty clothes

he walked past your room, seeing you sitting on your bed, reading a book, you glanced up at him and stated, “welcome home, darry. how was work?” you smiled at him, if he didn’t see you talking to someone, he never would’ve guessed you were in a relationship

darry slowly opened the door, closing it slightly behind him and stating, “work would’ve been perfect if i knew who you were hanging out with.”

you looked up at him, “oh, we’re dating, if that’s okay. sorry that i didn’t tell you, i hope you’re not mad...” you nervously glanced around, trying to find a distraction

he didn’t want to say something to upset you, “they do anything that bothers you, you come straight to me, understand?” he stated, putting his hands firmly on his hips

“sure, bro. thank you.” you thanked, your oldest brother walking out of your room quietly

darry’s very intimidating so your partner acts extra careful to treat you well, knowing the slightest thing that upsets you could get their life ruined

he’s probably the most protective out of all the greasers, you’re the only girl and the youngest in the family so he’s way overprotective of you and every situation you get into

at the slightest bit of danger, he is by your side and will always help you whenever you need it

he’ll still act uptight and cold around your partner even if you and them are on good terms

he will likely never trust them and will always side with you because you’re his sister

probably threatens your partner to treat you well ‘or else’


you had been living at your aunt’s house for the past few years because your parents neglected you

your older brother, dally, would drop by occasionally to check up on you, he had his own place where he was staying

so one day, he decided to walk to your house, dropping by unannounced and taking the key to the door, unlocking it and walking inside

he wanted to scare you, but heard giggling and kissing sounds from your room so he paused in his place and put his hands in his pockets

as he walked to your room, the sounds grew louder and louder and he swung your bedroom door open, seeing you kissing another person around your age

“hey!!!” he yelled, staring directly into your so-thought partner, making them get up quickly and run out of the bedroom

he chased them out of the house, hearing you complaining as your brother yelled, “get out, man!! could’ve pulled my fuckin’ heater on you!!”

as he saw them running across the street, he slammed the front door shut and locked it, stomping back to your room

he put his hands on his hips and asked, “who the hell was that, sis?” standing in the doorway, making sure you couldn’t get out

you laid on your stomach, kicking your feet and reading a book, acting unbothered

“hey,” dally tried to make himself noticed, walking over to you and pulling the book out of your hands, putting a bookmark in the page you were reading

“the fuck, dally?” you asked angrily, flipping onto your back and kicking him in the stomach hard

he groaned, you began to kick at him constantly to the point where he grabbed both of your feet and swinging them to the side of the bed

“go away!!” you turned away from him, your brother asked you, “who was that person?” and you didn’t answer

he began to poke you, making you irritated, you groaned, “that’s my partner, man!! we’ve been together for five months, now go awaaaayyyy!!!”

he stared at you, “what.”

he doesn’t care how long you and your partner have been dating, dally will not warm up to them no matter what

he’s extremely overprotective of you and might even be rude to your partner sometimes, although you and your partner are young, if they argue or yell at you or do something that makes you upset, he’ll come back with bloodied fists

if you try to make the two of them bond, he’ll act as scary as he can so they know not to do anything wrong to you

dally cares about you more than he does for any other person, if anyone were to hurt you then their life would get fucked up quickly

if your partner treats you well and it is evident that they love you, your brother might act a little nicer than he normally does towards them


two-bit’s youngest sister, ellie, had come running to him, screaming, “keith, keith!!! there’s someone in y/n’s room!!”

he immediately turned his head to his youngest sister and got up from the couch, all his attention being on the situation now

he walked quickly instead of running and opened your bedroom door to see you sitting on the bed, another kid trying to jump out of the window but clearly failing

he walked over to the window and pulled the person down by their shirt, pushing them to sit on the bed next to you

your brother looked at you and crossed his arms, trying to appear intimidating, asking, “you gonna tell me who this kid is?”

ellie was standing in the doorway when you told her to leave, silence filling the room and your brother still staring at you

you sighed, “they’re my partner.”

keith tilted his head up and rubbed his eyes, “jesus, did you tell mom yet? how long have you two been dating, how old even are they!?”

fidgeting with your hands, you answered, “i didn’t tell mom yet, she’s always at work. we’ve been dating for around four months… they’re 14…”

‘a year older than you,’ he thought, as he saw the nervous look on your face, he softened his voice and asked, “when are they leaving?”

you and your partner looked at each other then to the clock in your room, their eyes went wide and said, “oh shit! i’m late, uh— um, i gotta be home! bye y/n, bye keith!!”

your brother made a weird face at your partner, not liking how they said his actual name, hearing footsteps running out the door and seeing them through your window

your brother sat down next to you and asked, “why didn’t you tell me, sis?” a glimpse of vulnerability in his eyes, looking at you worriedly

“i thought you’d be mad… i don’t know… sorry…” you mumbled, staring at the ground in shame, tears forming in your eyes

“i’d never be mad at you, y/n, there is no problem with finding someone you love. bonus if they love you back. you don’t have to keep secrets from me, it’s okay…” he reassured you

you didn’t say anything back, wiping your tears on your face and sniffling, stating, “thank you.” he replied with, “yeah, no problem sis.”

the moment of silence was interrupted with keith joking, “although, what was that haircut!!?”

you hit his shoulder and stated, “shut up!! they just got a haircut and i’m not gonna tell them it looks bad!!”

two-bit isn’t gonna be enraged if you end up dating, but he does want you to tell him if you do

although he normally acts the same with everyone, he’ll act differently towards your partner, appearing intimidating and protective of you

but he warms up to your lover as soon as he sees the two of you are in love, he tells them jokes and enjoys seeing you two laughing and immediately looking at each other

keith teases the two of you all the time too, laughing like a maniac once the both of you are blushing at the joke


steve was standing at the cash register in the DX, talking to soda while waiting for any customer to walk in

your brother, steve, glanced at the clock to see it was 3:24pm, his eyes went wide and hurriedly rushed to the back, searching for keys to soda’s car

“shit, soda, i forgot to pick up my sister from school!!” he stated, hearing a bell ringing because someone had come in

he heard two voices, one familiar and one not, he turned around and forgot about the keys, seeing you walking towards him and another person around your age following you

“y/n, i understand you’re upset—“ the other person said, you angrily replied, “leave me be, please.” you stared at soda then to your brother, a pleading look on your face that implied you wanted the classmate behind you to leave

you walked behind the register, going into the back while your classmate tried to follow you

your brother blocked them from walking into the back, asking, “who the hell are you, huh? what’d you do to my sister?”

he inched closer and closer to them, standing taller and more intimidating as they stuttered, “i’m— i’m her partner— i’m just trying to talk to her about, uh, something—“

steve stared at him, yelling back, “sis, is this your partner?” fully ignoring the other question he had previously asked your partner

“uh, yeah, that’s my partner. sorry you had to find out this way, steve!!!” you yelled back, he heard sniffles from the back room, soda not in sight, ‘probably comforting you,’ your brother thought

steve sighed, asking your partner once again, “why was she runnin’ away from you? what’d you do?”

your partner looked around nervously, stating, “well, maybe you’ll get it because you’re a guy. so, we were doing this weird circle thing in class, right? and i held hands with another girl—“

your brother interrupted him quickly, asking, “did you choose to hold hands with her and not my sister, your girlfriend?” his eyebrows raising

“well, yeah, it ain’t that big of a deal—“ they replied, steve immediately commanding in a threatening voice, “apologize to her now, then get your ass out of here.”

he pushed your partner closer to the back but not yet in the next room, seeing you sitting down and soda talking with you

“um—uh, sorry y/n. will i see you—“ steve interrupted your classmate, “no.” and grabbed them by the back of the shirt, dragging them to the entrance of the DX, opening the door and pushing them out

they scrambled up off the ground and ran into the direction of their house while he watched them, making sure your partner was gone

steve can get real pissed at your partner, depending whether or not they do something to make you upset

when they make you real upset, he confronts the shit out of your partner and makes them apologize until they realize the consequences of their actions, they could at most get beat up by him if you allow it

he might eventually form a bond with your partner if you’re okay with it, he gives them advice on what to do if they want to take you out on a date

at first he’s confused if the two of them meet on good circumstances, if not then he’ll be as pissed as you are

steve is normally pretty chill with your partner, doesn’t necessarily have an opinion on them for a while unless they’re a dick to you

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8 months ago

can you do one where reader and dally have been dating for about a month now and reader finds out that he hooked up with sylvia again and reader goes to bucks to confront him and he's all nonchalant about it like it's not a big deal and reader gets really mad

why do i cry (request)

Can You Do One Where Reader And Dally Have Been Dating For About A Month Now And Reader Finds Out That
Can You Do One Where Reader And Dally Have Been Dating For About A Month Now And Reader Finds Out That
Can You Do One Where Reader And Dally Have Been Dating For About A Month Now And Reader Finds Out That
Can You Do One Where Reader And Dally Have Been Dating For About A Month Now And Reader Finds Out That

pairing: dally x reader

summary: you and dally have been dating for around a month but you find out he hooked up with sylvia, so you go buck’s to confront him

warnings: cheating, smoking, cussing

authors note: im back from camping yay

word count: 1.7k

Can You Do One Where Reader And Dally Have Been Dating For About A Month Now And Reader Finds Out That

as you lay in your bed, you stare up at the ceiling, tapping your fingers against each other as you think. you turn your head, looking at the phone on your nightstand.

you’ve been wanting to call dally, to do anything with him but he’s been busy for weeks. you haven’t heard his voice in more than a week, and you’ve been feeling worried. you trust him, but know he’s been known to get around with other women. you believe it is different this time, that you can see the love in his eyes when he looks at you.

you smile to yourself, picking up the phone and taking it off the stand. you dial your boyfriends number, holding it up to your ear. it rings for a few seconds before you hear a sigh and soft whispers, a woman’s voice, you think, from the other end of the line.

“hey dal, do you think we could go to a diner tonight for—“ you begin to ask, excitement in your voice.

dally’s voice is flat, he interrupts you, “i’m busy, y/n.”

you still have hope, your smile dropping but trying to persuade him, “oh, that’s okay! maybe we can go—“

the phone rings, you look at the phone and ask, “hello? dally?” but you receive no answer. you sigh, placing the phone on the stand and laying back down. you stare at the ceiling, wondering why he hung up, maybe it was an accident.

you think about the other voice with dally, it sounded like a girls voice. there was no way he was with another girl right now, it makes no sense. he’s busy, probably cleaning up his own wounds or something, you wouldn’t know.

you look at the clock on your nightstand, it is around six, you remember the drive in would be open in around an hour. deciding to go to the drive in, you quickly stand up from your bed and walk to your dresser.

opening the drawers, you take some clothes out and accessories from your vanity. you walk to the bathroom, opening the door and taking off your clothes, putting your new outfit on. you look in the mirror, making sure you look okay.

picking up your toothbrush, you wet it and take a tube of toothpaste, putting some on your brush. you brush your teeth for about two minutes before spitting in the sink and rinsing your brush. you place your hand under the water, rinsing out your mouth and spitting once again.

you turn around, checking the time once again and seeing it’s around 6:30. you walk down the stairs to the entrance of your house and picking up your shoes. you put them on, walking back to the kitchen and picking up your keys from the island.

quickly walking back to the entrance of the house, you open the door and walk outside, onto the porch. you close the door behind you and take the keys, locking the door. you walk to your car in the driveway, opening the door and sitting in the drivers seat.

you begin to drive to the drive in, turning the radio on. lesley gore was playing, a favorite song of hers reminds you of you and dally. he always seems annoyed when you play her music, but tolerates it for some reason.

as you pull into the drive in, you park your car and open the door, walking to the concessions building. you begin to take your wallet out when you hear a familiar laugh, along with a girl talking.

you turn your head to see dally and a blonde, a girl with heavy eye-makeup and a cigarette in her hand. his arm is around her shoulder, he kisses her as it begins to turn into a make out session.

you stare as your heart drops, you freeze. sighing, you walk back to your car, opening the door and sitting in the drivers seat. you keep your eyes on the wheel, not yet driving back to your house.

looking down at your lap, you decide you’ll confront him, but he had ruined your night. you put your hands on the wheel and drive back to the bar. the drive to buck’s is silent, the sky gets darker and darker by the minute.

as you arrive at buck’s, you drive to the back of the building so your car can’t be seen. you look at the clock, knowing it would be about an hour before the movie is over. you wait, resting your head on your hand, closing your eyes.

you fall asleep, wanting a break from thinking. you wake up to a loud sound, you move your hand and lay your head on the window, taking a few moments to wake up. you open your eyes, turning your attention to the time, around nine.

you’d slept for around an hour and a half, you remember why you are at buck’s. you open the door to your car, standing up and closing it. you walk to the front of the building, opening the door and walking in.

loud voices and music fill your ears, bright lights shine in your eyes as buck greets you from behind the counter. you greet him back, walking through the bar up to dally’s room. before you enter the door, you sigh, your throat closing up and your eyes begin to tear up.

don’t cry, you think. there is no reason to be sad about someone cheating on you, it’s fine. you ball your fists up, knowing it’s not okay for anyone to act like how dally is. you take a moment for your throat to feel okay again, you blink multiple times before your tears are gone.

knocking on the door, you hear steps coming closer and closer. dally opens the door, staying in the same place but not inviting you in. he stares at you, waiting for you to say something.

you nervously look at him back, his cold eyes on yours. you ask, “can i come in?” he rolls his eyes, replying, “fine, man. make it quick.” as he doesn’t open the door for you, leaving you to do it yourself.

you walk into the room, he seemingly ignores you as you aren’t talking yet. he sits on his bed, taking a cigarette out and lighting it, waiting for you to speak. he looks at you, annoyed, “so? you just gonna stand there and waste my time?”

thinking, you ask, “why were you with sylvia today? i thought you two broke up, but you were kissing her and stuff.”

he rolls his eyes, sighing and not answering your question, “jesus…” and looks away from you.

your eyebrows furrow, you begin to feel warm as you ball your fists up. your voice begins to get louder and louder, “jesus? what the hell dallas, you fucking cheated on me and you know it! how can you act like you didn’t do—“

he yells, his attention now on you, “all you women are the same! how d’ya expect me to stay with you if we never spend time together, man—“

you interrupt him, yelling back, “we never spend time together because you’re fucking cheating on me with other girls, dumbass! i always knew you were messed up but not this messed up! how can you act like this and act like it’s okay, huh?” you move closer to him as he slowly backs up, you continue, “i don’t understand how someone can act as you do, what even is a relationship to you, dally? do you even care, do you even know that kissing other girls is considered cheating? sylvia cheated on you, two times, may i add, and you go back to her? you know, i stayed loyal and i thought we were in love. but ruining a perfectly fine relationship by cheating on me with someone who cheated on you, someone who’s probably with another guy right now, is pathetic. i thought you were smarter than that, dally. you are cold, heartless.”

as dally stares at you, he says nothing as you continue to speak, “you think you’re so tough, but deep down, you’re helpless, dally. you are nothing, people only like you because you can protect them, you think they care about you, but they don’t. and you know that, you feel the same about them. you don’t care.”

he gulps, looking at the floor and looking back at you, a blank stare on his face, you stare at him, this time a cold look on your face. his eyes are now filled with vulnerability, you say, “you have no purpose, dally.”

his eyes slightly widen, enough to notice. you turn around, heading out towards the door of his bedroom. you walk downstairs to the door of the building, out to your car. you drive home, your mind is empty, you hadn’t regret a word you’ve said to him.

dally sits on his bed, staring at the floor. he doesn’t regret kissing sylvia, what he did regret was letting you say those words about him. he begins to think, is what you said true? is he really cold, is he heartless?

he shakes his head, attempting to forget about what you’ve said. he stands up from his bed, walking to the phone connected to his wall. he spins the dial, calling sylvia’s number and placing the phone to his ear.

“hey, babe—“ he says, excited to talk to her. he is interrupted with a deep voice from the other line, “she’s busy. fuck off, man.”

dally hears a beep, the other line has hung up. he stares at the wall, dropping the phone, not bothering to place it back on the stand.

he rubs his hands on his face to the roots of his hair, yelling in anger, “damn it!”

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9 months ago

hiii! could you do a johnny x reader in which johnny brings the girl he likes to the curtis house and the gang wingman him sorta? (He ends up asking her out and they end up tg?!?!🎀🎀🎀🎀 idk)

put your head on my shoulder (request)

authors note: i’m out of school!! sorry i’ve been replying to asks late, i do them in order of who asked first :3 i hope you enjoy!!

Hiii! Could You Do A Johnny X Reader In Which Johnny Brings The Girl He Likes To The Curtis House And
Hiii! Could You Do A Johnny X Reader In Which Johnny Brings The Girl He Likes To The Curtis House And
Hiii! Could You Do A Johnny X Reader In Which Johnny Brings The Girl He Likes To The Curtis House And

johnny x reader

word count: 2.5k

warnings: cussing, joke about sex, mentions of abuse and hitting

Hiii! Could You Do A Johnny X Reader In Which Johnny Brings The Girl He Likes To The Curtis House And

johnny and the rest of the gang were walking around town when steve asked, “hey, do y’all wanna go to the diner near that one dairy queen? the one up ahead where it has good hash browns and shit?” they all agree and headed towards the diner.

as they headed towards the diner, johnny couldn’t stop thinking about what he could tell his friends. he wanted them to know about the girl he likes, you, and to maybe get advice from them for what to do about the situation.

when they opened the door to enter the diner, a waiter asked, “hello, i hope you’re having a great day! how many people will be joining us today?” and dally with no hesitation, rudely replied, “the fuck does it look like? count with your own damn eyes.”

the waiter looked down and nodded, soda walked to him and apologized, “sorry about him… we have uh, seven people. thank you.” nodding and smiling at the waiter. he replied but didn’t look back up, “you guys can sit anywhere.” his voice flatter than how it was before, johnny feeling bad for him, knowing how it was to have his day ruined because of one small interaction.

as they passed the waiter, darry chose a booth and they all sat down, steve and soda on the inside of the booth on the left side while pony and johnny were next to them. across from steve was two-bit, darry and dally.

the topic of romantic partners and relationships came up, and johnny thought it was the perfect time to talk about you, just after dally was done talking and trashing on his ex-girlfriend. “man, i just realized sylvia was a fucking bitch, man. she two times me while i was in the cooler, like, who the fuck would think to do that to me?” he shook his head, almost as if he was replying to his own question, “i don’t know, man…”

the others in the booth began to agree, telling him he deserved better. ponyboy looked at johnny, seeing he was trying to say something but kept getting interrupted, so he said, “it’s okay, man. i’ll listen.” and turned his body towards johnny.

he smiled at the younger boy, appreciating that he noticed and observed more than others. blushing, he stated, “well, i’ve been talking to this girl… her name’s y/n and we’ve been hanging out… like, a lot. and she’s real nice, i just don’t know if she likes me—“

dally interrupted, “wait, you’re talking to someone, man? why didn’t you tell us?!!” the whole group started asking him questions, making johnny overwhelmed with too much attention. he muttered, “god, one at a time, man…”

they all started to become quieter, however, two-bit asked, “she a grease or a stuck up prick?” worried that johnny liked someone who wouldn’t be good for him. he hesitantly replied and looked away, “well… she ain’t a greaser but she isn’t stuck up… she’s got money and all that shit, but she’s nice!!”

silence overcame the group, he watched as they slowly started to turn their heads towards each other, wanting someone to say something yet not wanting to be that person. steve decided to speak up and stated, “don’t go for her.”

most of the gang started to agree, johnny feeling ashamed for even opening up to them, but he still really liked you. soda stood up for him, “hey, guys, come on. maybe she’s not that bad, he seems to really like her. you should bring her over to our house, johnny. that way we can meet her, and maybe you dickwads can see how she is before really judging her.”

he smiled at soda, thanking him silently. the gang started to nod and talk amongst themselves, speaking their own ideas to each other. darry stated, “you can bring her over to the house as long as you don’t do anything… bad. soda or someone can help you out, if you need advice for talking to her.”

johnny nodded at him and smiled, grateful for all that the curtis family had done for him. they later ordered their food and it was brought to them, continuing to talk about you and what the plan was if you came over. soda knew the most and had the most experience with girls, he had been in actual serious relationships, unlike dally and the others.

soda and pony would come in and start up a conversation if yours and johnny’s was dying down, eventually wanting to get to the topic of relationships or a vulnerable situation.

the gang had left the diner once they were done with their food, leaving in various ways as to not pay the bill. they walked in the direction of the curtis house, johnny was told to call you and ask you to come over sometime.

when they walked into the house, steve pushed him over to the couch, telling him to grab the phone and call you. johnny looked over to the rest of the gang, seeing them blocking the exits of the room, staring at him intently.

he murmured, “this better work.” and picked up the phone, spinning the dial to call your number that he had memorized. he held the phone up to his ear, hearing your voice and a, “hello? who is this?” his eyes went wide and he tried to keep himself from smiling, his friends quietly cheering him on and laughing softly.

“hey, uh, it’s johnny. do you think you wanna come to my friend’s house tomorrow? i could, um, walk you there. it would be with around six other people, but it’s mostly be us talking— if you’d want that, though.” he asked, his face turning into a shade of red, smiling at how your voice was in his memory.

you exclaimed, “johnnyyy!! i got nervous for a second, didn’t know who it was,” you giggled, “i bet i could go, i hardly have anything tomorrow. walk me there, you’ve been to my house before, you know the way.” he responded, “nice, i’ll be at your house tomorrow around… 2pm? we’d probably only be there around two hours, but um… oh, shoot, i gotta go, sorry. i promise ill be there, talk to you later!!”

you quickly stated, “bye johnnyyy!! i look forward to seeing you tomorrow!!” he hung up fast, he got too nervous when he was talking to you and thought he messed it up. he smiled at them and beamed, “she’s coming tomorrow!!!” all of them starting to talk to each other in happiness, looking forward to seeing you, the girl their friend talked so highly of.

as the day went on, he kept looking forward to being with you, as you wanted to be with him as well. even when he was talking to his friends and you were talking with your parents, you couldn’t stop thinking about each other.

when the day ended, johnny had stayed at the curtis house. he brought a few pairs of clothes, which included his pajamas and the clothes he would be in while he was to be with you. he was in ponyboy’s room, staring at the ceiling, still thinking about what to do when he would see you. ponyboy suddenly asked, “you worried about tomorrow?” and turned his head to johnny.

he thought for a second, not looking at him but stating, “a bit.” he paused, “i don’t wanna mess it up with her, man, she’s amazing…” pony looked into his eyes and knew johnny didn’t want to lose you, pony knew it would go perfectly tomorrow, it was just the way johnny was thinking that was wrong.

johnny fell asleep with you in his mind, and as he woke up, he immediately thought about you. it was in that moment that he realized he really needed that day to go well, he couldn’t handle it if it would go wrong. he got up from pony’s bed and walked into the kitchen, already smelling breakfast, darry, soda and pony already there.

“hey johnny, what took you so long?” soda asked, a little concerned about him. johnny looked to the clock to his left, realizing it was 12pm. he groaned, “shoot, sorry… i didn’t realize it was so late. i should go pick up y/n soon… i really can’t miss it.” putting his head in his hands and murmuring to himself.

he walked to the table and grabbed some breakfast, thanking darry for cooking. he continued talking to the three of them for an hour, he later got up from his chair and headed towards pony’s room, changing into his clothes he would wear to see you.

he walked out and brushed his teeth, talked to pony and his brothers for a few more minutes before the rest of the gang walked into the living room. “you excited, johnny? you guys gonna bang?” two-bit asked, dally laughing at the joke and johnny shaking his head.

“i know you guys just got here, but i gotta pick up y/n. bye.” he ran out of the door and walked in the direction of your house, arriving nearly ten minutes after he left. there was an open gate, seeing a well decorated two story house in front of him.

he looked around before knocking on the door, hearing footsteps and a, “coming!!” before the door opened, showing your happy face and your outfit, well accessorized and well dressed.

he looked at you up and down, thinking you were beautiful. “you look… amazing…” still in shock, not knowing someone could be as good looking as you. you blushed, smiling and him and closing the door behind you, walking towards the curtis house.

“you look real good, too, johnny. you always do.” you complimented, smiling at him. the two of you started up a conversation, still continuing as you got to johnny’s friend’s house. you followed him, watching him open the door and he stated, “don’t be nervous. my friend are real nice.” knowing it was half right and half wrong.

most of the guys were in the kitchen, eating and talking together. johnny introduced you, “this is y/n, she’s my friend i told you about.” you felt a little sad when he said that, wanting something more. and he couldn’t feel worse than how he did when he said that. soda teased, “uh huh, a friend…” the rest of the gang chuckling, you started to blush.

johnny led you to the living room, turning on the television and continuing to talk. he eventually asked if you had dated anyone yet, which you said no to, saying you didn’t think anyone who was up to your standards liked you. he replied, saying he felt the same.

the two of you began to switch the topic and talk about emotional problems that had happened at home or in the past in general. being that vulnerable with each other was something both of you weren’t able to do that often, you had to make people think you were careless yet careful at the same time. johnny didn’t have any reputation to keep up, he just didn’t want to open up to anyone.

as the both of you opened up to each other, he told you about how his parents acted. saying his father would beat him, his parents would yell at him constantly, both hated him. you felt bad, he nearly started to cry, tears forming in his eyes, him feeling embarrassed and biting his lip.

you put your arm around his shoulder and kissed his forehead, telling him, “i’m sorry that happened to you, johnny… you know i’ll always be here for you, right..?” rubbing his shoulder comfortingly and mumbling to him sweet words.

he looked at you with sadness and vulnerability in his eyes, you didn’t know if it was the right time, but you hesitantly leaned towards him. he leaned into you, too, and put his hands on your hips softly, kissing you lightly. when the two of you pulled away and looked to each other, you kissed once again.

then there was silence, one that you didn’t know if you dreaded or not. johnny told you, “i really like you y/n…” then asked, “would you, like, be my girlfriend..?” something he practiced after thoroughly thinking about the flirting signals you would give him.

you exclaimed and smiled with true joy, hugging him and giving him another kiss, telling him ‘yes’ over and over. the rest of the gang were too busy talking to notice the two of you were romantically together now. when it was around 4pm, you told johnny you had to be heading home.

as he walked you back, the two of you held hands and talked about your favorite moments together, times you had tried to flirt with him but he didn’t pick up on it and more.

by the time the both of you were at your house, you thanked him, “thanks for inviting me, talking with you was real fun.. we should do it again sometime. and um, thanks for asking me to be your girlfriend.” he chuckled at the end.

you walked a little closer to him, putting your hands on his chest and giving him a kiss goodbye, waving lowly and walking into your house, locking it behind you.

johnny was ecstatic, the two of you were boyfriend and girlfriend now, and he couldn’t stop smiling as he was walking back to the curtis house. when he opened the door, the whole gang was in the living room, waiting for him to come back.

they asked things like ‘what happened’ ‘did you guys kiss’ ‘are you together’ and more. he smiled widely and stated, “we kissed. and we’re together now too!!” the boys got up and started jumping around, congratulating johnny and cheering for him.

when you were at home, you were calling with your friends and telling them that johnny had asked you to be his girlfriend. they were happy for you, and when you hung up around an hour later, you were still thinking about him. kicking your feet and writing cute letters to him, drawing the two of you as stick figures and hearts around them.

johnny also continued to think about you for days until he saw you again, knowing he was the luckiest guy to ever live because he was with you. he felt a sense of pride, he had done all of that, kissed you and asked you out without any help. he completely ditched the plan and it worked out perfectly.

he would have it no other way.

Hiii! Could You Do A Johnny X Reader In Which Johnny Brings The Girl He Likes To The Curtis House And

authors note: sorry i posted this really late! i took a nap LMAO

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