witchyligea - Ligea

She/Her, 17Closeted witch, agnostic polytheist and devotee of Aphrodite!

176 posts

I Hate Living In The City. The Worst Part Of The City. Lots Of Factories And Trash. Whenever I Go Out

I hate living in the city. The worst part of the city. Lots of factories and trash. Whenever I go out to get some fresh air I regret it. The air is almost unbreathable. The streets are too crowded. It's easier to feel magic around me during the night and when it rains and snows. One of the reasons why I believe in witchcraft is how much I love rainstorms. The sound it makes against my window. It's smell. I just pull my chair in front of my window and watch it. I love going to sleep listening to it. There was a storm at night after I experienced something that made my mental health way worse. I forgot all my problems while going to sleep listening to the thunder. Everything was okay just for that moment.

Witches who feel connected to the night, storms, snow and the rain, do you have any recommendations for a new witch? Any ideas for things to do in summer?

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More Posts from Witchyligea

9 months ago

@divine-thievery <- my pagan blog

You were raised muslim too 😭 I can't believe I'm not the only one also I wasnt raise religious.

Yep. Well, I didn't really have religion shoved down my throat by my parents. Just school, grandparents and everyone else around me basically. Even though I didn't think about religion too much I still experienced religious guilt, I guess I was influenced by my classmates. Now that I believe in metaphysical beings, not necessarily a creator, I try to get rid of my overleft beliefs from Islam that aren't good for me.

8 months ago

I'm really not in the position to teach anyone anything about this, but for me I started praying to Goddess Aphrodite in a time of need. She replied, even if it's just a placebo effect I really did feel better. Sometimes I trap positive energy in my hair to make me feel good in the morning. I felt the energy when my hand touched it more intensely than before. I became less cruel towards myself. One night I just had to test if she answered. I took a necklace and used it as a pendulum. I was shocked when it worked. I love actually seeing that she exists in a physical way rather than just in my head. I have heard her voice in my head. I saw a picture of her in my head and saw something very similar on pinterest right after. Could be just my mind playing tricks on me but because of my mental health I felt like I was going insane anyway. I am usually very skeptical but I thought if I'm going insane I can as well do it in an enjoyable way. I could recommend you to just look up how pendulums work and grab a necklace, preferably symmetrical but in my experience it works as long as you hold well. I'm not very good at other types of divination but I had managed to get a few messages using playing cards and a pendulum to make sure I get it right. I also want to try scrying using sea water but I didn't get the chance yet.

Genuine Question-
Genuine Question-

Genuine question-

I always see people talking about their deities reaching out to them and having conversations, seeing them, getting help or guidance, WORKING with them. How do people do this and what does it mean to work with a deity?

I would love to learn more about how to worship my deities better. Anything. Could someone reach out to me? I just want to learn more and it’s so hard to do it online, I’m not greek, I still consider myself relatively new to this. I believe in my deities and admire them, it’s just hard and I don’t know if my efforts are working towards anything, could someone teach me more?

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8 months ago

Hey, I've been looking up Poppies on pinterest to draw them and I came upon this website. I thought it could be interesting to those who work with herbs. And the pictures are just pretty.


The picture I found the website through:

Hey, I've Been Looking Up Poppies On Pinterest To Draw Them And I Came Upon This Website. I Thought It

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9 months ago

Are there any requirements for hygiene in Hellenism?

I was raised Muslim, this is relevant. Muslims wash their hands, feet and face before they pray. I think this is neat, however I really don't know what I should worry about when it comes to hygiene in Hellenism, specifically for worshipping Aphrodite. I try to at least wash my face and brush my teeth on fridays before doing devotional acts as I can't give offerings. I'm trying to prevent my previous beliefs from harming me as I could hardly get rid of them even when I was an atheist. I'm trying to keep it as separate as I can.

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9 months ago

I'm too much of a sceptic to say "I know" anything is real but the feeling is and that's enough for me to believe.

I believe in Aphrodite because when I came to her in need of love and understanding she accepted to help me.

I believe in Aphrodite because after praying to her helped me view myself with compassion. I heard her arbitrary voice in my head saying "Oh honey, you should be nicer to yourself."

I believe in Aphrodite because she helped me not hate myself for being gay despite being talked to like I'm the filthiest creature on Earth.

I've believed in her for about four months and I could keep going on about this for an hour. I love her so much. 🐚💘🕊️

i know Aphrodite is real because i see how her love has changed me

i know Aphrodite is real because i see her beauty in the world around me

i know Aphrodite is real because i’ve felt her tenderness in a kiss

i know Aphrodite is real because she has healed my heart

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