Lunar Witch - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Types of water and its uses.

Types Of Water And Its Uses.

Sea water: good for cleansing and healing rituals, for cleansing crystals (some crystals may be damaged), check first. for banishing and protection spells. Storm water:for spells related to emotional strength, confidence, motivation and strength. Known for strengthening spells. Curses. River water: to advance, concentrate energy, protect, get the energy flowing which is also good for cleansing for this very reason. also when you do some kind of spell and you want to get rid of it or throw it away you can do it in a river.

Rainwater: Multipurpose especially for growth and rebirth spells and spells you want to keep gaining power over time. Snow water: spells that focus on purity, endings, and change. Slow working spells. Dew water, love and fertility spells, delicate magic and for fairy work.

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7 months ago

Sunny Creativity Tarot Spread

Sunny Creativity Tarot Spread

Since the Sun influences creative energies, I’ve decided to create the Sunny Creativity Spread for insight on one’s creative abilities and how to improve them.I hope it helps you through your creative journey! Blessed be!

1.) How is my creativity at the moment?

This is the state your creative part of you is doing. Is it good? Is it bad? Is it inexperienced?

2.) How can I describe the works of art my creativity has made?

This question asking about the quality and uniqueness of your drawings, painting, poetry, photographs, anything creative. Is it good? Does it need some work? What’s the style of your work?

3.) What inspires my creativity?

Inspiration is pretty much key to your creativity. But what inspired you to create that piece? It could be a friend, family member or even yourself that inspires you! Also other artists and strangers could inspire you too.

4.) How can I be more creative?

Just for future reference or current reference when you get a creativity/artist’s block, you can get insight from this card on what you can do to try to unblock those creative energies!

5.) What does my creativity show others about me?

When you create things, what are others seeing about you through your creations? 

6.) What should my creativity focus on more?

This is something important that your creativity is not focusing on during the creative process when it should. It will help guide you to become better working with your creativity, so be sure to write it down.

7.) What should my creativity focus on less?

This is something your creativity tends to focus on the most that isn’t that important. It could possibly be holding you back from your true potential in your creativity.

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7 months ago


Spell Jar to ward off negative energies. Keep in your room, house, car, bag or somewhere near you.

Rosemary (protection)

Fennel (purification, healing)

Lavender (peace, happiness)

Sage (protection)

Clover (love, loyalty, protection)

Black pepper (cleanse/protection)

Salt (cleanse)


Black wax

Substitute or exclude any materials as you need!


Like / follow for more like this <3
To protect, purify and cleanse a space, allowing positive energy to fill it. Keep in your room, home, car, desk or somewhere near you. Or a

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4 years ago

It feels so good to be loving you.

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🌕✨ moon water correspondences ✨🌕

taken from one of my favourite pages of my grimoire! 

moon water can be used for blessings, enhancing spells or rituals, for promoting clarity or relaxation, in love magic, wealth/prosperity magic, to increase psychic awareness, and many other purposes! but by harnessing your moon water at different times, you can then incorporate the specific traits of that time/phase/zodiac period into your spell work. 

✨new moon water ✨

the new moon is associated with new beginnings, so use new moon water in spells or rituals focusing on things like new employment, new relationships, or new homes. 

e.g. when moving into a new home, add a couple of tablespoons of new moon water to the water you would normally use to cleanse your house with!

✨waxing moon water ✨

the waxing moon is the period in which the moon is growing in size, so use waxing moon water as a way to grow the strength of your spells. waxing moon water is also beneficial in spells to promote growth (of abilities, skill, or knowledge). the power of the waxing moon also increases the potency of fertility spells, wealth, luck, business and relationship spells  

✨full moon water ✨

the full moon is the point at which the moon is at its peak, so use full moon water for spells that require an extra push of energy. also use full moon water in spells to promote strength, love, protection, health, or use in spells to strengthen spiritual gifts and achieve your dreams 

✨waning moon water ✨

the waning moon is the period in which the moon is decreasing in size, so use waning moon water for all magic intended to remove things from your life; banishing spells to rid yourself of bad habits, toxic relationships, lingering diseases, weight loss, stress, addictions and negativity 

✨dark moon water ✨

when justice is required and is not obtainable outside of your spell work, casting in the dark of the moon and adding dark moon water will help with any crosses, hexes or binding spells

✨super moon water ✨

think of full moon water x1000000…… when you need an EXTRA BIG KICK OF ENERGY for your spells, this guy has you covered 

✨lunar eclipse moon water ✨

the lunar eclipse signifies change, so when drastic change is required, the addition of lunar eclipse water draws on the phenomenal change shown during an eclipse, as the moon cycles through all of its stages in a single instance

✨zodiac* moon water ✨

full moon water also takes on the energies of the zodiac sign the full moon is in. here’s a brief rundown of those properties and/or what they can be used for:

1) full moon water in aries = couragous, positive energy; charging tools 2) full moon water in taurus = stable, earth, fertile energy 3) full moon water in gemini = positive charge, overcoming obstacles 4) full moon water in cancer = loving, maternal, protective energies 5) full moon water in leo = lucky, creative, successful energy; arts, politics 6) full moon water in virgo = practical energy; facilitates planning 7) full moon water in libra = persuasive, balancing energies; legal matters 8) full moon water in scorpio = psychic, spiritual, banishing energy  9) full moon water in sagittarius = transforming, spiritual energy; meditation 10) full moon water in capricorn = careers, politics, attaining material goods 11) full moon water in aquarius = innovative, inventive energies 12) full moon water in pisces = dreamy, psychic energy; astral projection

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8 months ago

I hate living in the city. The worst part of the city. Lots of factories and trash. Whenever I go out to get some fresh air I regret it. The air is almost unbreathable. The streets are too crowded. It's easier to feel magic around me during the night and when it rains and snows. One of the reasons why I believe in witchcraft is how much I love rainstorms. The sound it makes against my window. It's smell. I just pull my chair in front of my window and watch it. I love going to sleep listening to it. There was a storm at night after I experienced something that made my mental health way worse. I forgot all my problems while going to sleep listening to the thunder. Everything was okay just for that moment.

Witches who feel connected to the night, storms, snow and the rain, do you have any recommendations for a new witch? Any ideas for things to do in summer?

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3 years ago
Excuse My Dirty Ass Windshield But The Moon Is Looking Beautiful This Evening In Her Crescent Phase
Excuse My Dirty Ass Windshield But The Moon Is Looking Beautiful This Evening In Her Crescent Phase

Excuse my dirty ass windshield but the Moon is looking beautiful this evening in her crescent phase 🌒🌙

(ps I was not driving when I took this I am a passenger!)

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3 years ago

Things I've Learned from Being a Beginner Witch

Things I've Learned From Being A Beginner Witch

- you are a witch. there is no initiation, no spell, no ritual you have to do to be a witch. (but if it makes you happy do it)

- everyone has their own opinions. just bc someone on tumblr said you shouldn't do something doesn't mean you are a horrible person for doing it (but you should look into it bc they might be right)

- you are not a bad witch or a bad person for doing baneful magick. I strongly believe that what comes around goes around and any bad energy a person puts into the world will come back to them. dark or baneful magick does not affect other witches (my opinion)

- similarly, any good energy will come back to the person who put it into the world. if you need good vibes, put good vibes out to get them back

- do your own research!!! don't believe everything you read on tumblr. social media is great for connecting with others, but it is not a credible source of info. read books and articles and form your own educated opinions

- "your life is the greatest spell you will ever cast" - Veronica Varlowe. you do not have to do a spell every day, or even every week to be a witch. I haven't done a spell since Yule and guess what? I'm still a witch. just by living your life in tune with magick you are casting spells all the time

- witchcraft is not all or nothing. take what speaks to you and leave the rest. everyone's practice is like a fingerprint, completely unique

- don't share everything on the internet. the internet can be a treasure trove of great spells and you may feel the desire to share your own, but never share the whole thing. keep one step, one ingredient, something to yourself to protect yourself

- you do not have to have a beautiful, aesthetic old grimoire (though if you do I am so jealous). a three ring binder, decomposition notebook, or even an organized pinterest board will work just as well. do what works for you

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3 years ago

New Moon in Pisces

New Moon In Pisces

When: March 2 at 12:37 pm EST

Why: Bc that’s how the moon works

How: science, shadows, sun idk watch bill nye

Where: in the vast expanse of the universe

No RSVP required, just your presence under the moon tonight

Themes: intuition, dreams, healing, spirituality

Things to do- create a sacred space, create a dream journal, research ways to improve your sleep, get in touch with your spirituality, focus on rest

Pisces Correspondences:

12th house- Ill heath, institutions, secret places, seclusion, the occult, mysticism

Tarot- The Moon, the Page of Cups

🌙remember to cleanse your crystals tonight witches! 🌙

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2 years ago

Hello new friends! ✨

Hello New Friends!

I have gained some followers lately and thought I would introduce myself! My name is Julia, I use she/they pronouns and here are some things about me:

- I am a Scorpio sun, Aries moon, cancer rising

- I read tarot for myself and friends

- I follow the moon cycles

- I love to read

- I have strange and vivid dreams almost every night

- cookie dough is my favorite ice cream

- I love to change my hair style and color often

- I am kinda obsessed with y2k fashion and style

- I love thrifting and second hand shops

So that’s me, share some thing about you if you want and feel free to dm me if you want to chat! 🥰🥰

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2 years ago

Me: meets a girl, asks for her sign, immediately researches our compatibility when I get home

Compatibility 30%

Also me: well, that doesn’t mean anything

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