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Boyfriends: You Mention Your Ex Drives A Mercedes
Boyfriends: You Mention Your Ex Drives a Mercedes
“So, funny coincidence - my last boyfriend drove a Mercedes just like this one.” You blurt out. “Only it was probably a little newer. And it had a sunroof.”
Namjoon cringes, as if you’ve just insulted his masculinity, and you quickly struggle to make him feel more comfortable.
“But listen, my ex was a jerk. He cheated on me with his personal trainer - can you believe that? And I thought he went to the gym every day because he cared about his health.”
“That’s terrible.” Namjoon replies.
“And that’s not even the half of it!” You groan. Just thinking about your ex-boyfriend makes your blood boil, and all of your hatred for him comes flooding out. “After we broke up, I found out the trainer wasn’t even his first fling! He had girls on the side all the time! But honestly, I wasn’t that surprised. There were plenty of signs, and I knew he had reputation before we even got together...” You continue your tirade, describing all the untrustworthy and hurtful things your ex did, and Namjoon nods politely, offering the occasional “mmm-hmm”.
When you finally take a breath, you realize you’ve been parked in front of your apartment for at least five minutes - and Namjoon is sighing rather impatiently, anxious for you to finally shut up and get out of his car already.
The End
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More Posts from Woodstockbtswriter
#5 & #28 😁
5. Kiss Namjoon OR cuddle Yoongi
I’M SORRY JOONIE BUT CUDDLES WITH SUGA!!! Snuggles with Yoongi would be enough to keep me happy for the rest of my life. 🥰

28. Date your bias but never meet the other members OR be just friends with all the members
Okay so, as sorely tempting as dating Yoongi is, I gotta go the friendship route. I love them ALL too much. Besides, the boys are such integral parts of each other, you couldn’t have one without the others.

Ask me a BTS Would You Rather question!
For the ask BTS, how about #2- would you rather get coffee or ice cream with Yoongi?
Ice cream all the way! 🍦

I don’t drink coffee and even though Yoongi isn’t big on sweets, we all know he can’t say no when someone asks him to do something. 😊
Ask me a BTS Would You Rather question!
BTS Would You Rather
Send me an ask (anonymous or not) with a number from the list below and I’ll answer!
Options with links have been answered previously.

Build a snowman with Taehyung OR have a water balloon fight with Jin
Get coffee with Yoongi OR get ice cream with Yoongi
Go to the movies with Jimin OR to an amusement park with Jungkook
Record a dance cover with Hoseok OR a duet with Jin
Kiss Namjoon OR cuddle Yoongi
Babysit with Jimin OR dogsit with Taehyung
Meet Hoseok’s family OR have Namjoon meet your family
Film a commercial with Yoongi OR a sketch with Taehyung
Hug Jimin OR hold hands with Jungkook
Go to Malta with Jin OR to Hawaii with Yoongi
Film a drama with Jin OR do a photo shoot with Namjoon
Attend an award show with Namjoon OR wear couple t-shirts at the airport with Jungkook
Spend a lazy day with Yoongi OR explore a city with Hoseok
Fall asleep next to Jimin OR wake up next to Jungkook
Make up a silly rap with Taehyung OR a silly dance with Jin
Have a fun picnic with Hoseok OR a fancy date with Namjoon
Have Jungkook serenade you OR have Taehyung sing you to sleep
Have a dance party with Hoseok OR sing karaoke with Yoongi
Cook with Jin OR bake with Jimin
Play tennis with Hoseok OR table tennis (ping pong) with Jin
Dye your hair matching colors with Jimin OR get matching tattoos with Jungkook
Play basketball with Yoongi OR video games with Jungkook
Take photographs with Taehyung OR go to a museum with Namjoon
Make bracelets with Hoseok OR decorate a cake with Yoongi
Go camping with Jimin and Taehyung OR go to the beach with Namjoon and Yoongi
Have a sleepover with the hyung line OR a birthday party with the maknae line
Celebrate Halloween with Jungkook, Yoongi, Taehyung, and Hoseok OR Christmas with Namjoon, Jimin, and Jin
Date your bias but never meet the other members OR be just friends with all the members
Kiss your bias OR hug all the members
Hook-up with your bias OR kiss all the members
Be dominated by Hoseok OR dominate Jungkook
Wear lingerie for Namjoon OR have Jimin model his underwear for you
Pull Jungkook’s hair OR have your hair pulled by Yoongi
Shower with Hoseok OR skinny-dip with Jimin
Be soft and romantic with Jin OR rough and passionate with Taehyung
Make Yoongi jealous OR be made jealous by Namjoon
Give Jungkook a hickey OR get a hickey from Yoongi
Blindfold Jimin OR be blindfolded by Taehyung
Have a late-night phone call with Namjoon OR a late-night video call with Hoseok
Be called “jagi” by Jin OR be called “baby girl” by Namjoon
Beg for Yoongi OR make Jungkook beg for you
Hook-up with Hoseok backstage OR with Jin in the kitchen
Be teased by Namjoon OR tease Jimin
Play Never Have I Ever with Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jungkook OR Truth or Dare with Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jin
Wild (Ask your own WYR question!) One Two
Happy Birthday, Yoongi! Here’s to celebrating another year of being blessed by your existence. 💕

happy birthday yoongi ! thank you for being comfort personified ♡