woodstockbtswriter - C to the J
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#5 & #28

#5 & #28 😁

5. Kiss Namjoon OR cuddle Yoongi

I’M SORRY JOONIE BUT CUDDLES WITH SUGA!!! Snuggles with Yoongi would be enough to keep me happy for the rest of my life. 🥰

#5 & #28

28. Date your bias but never meet the other members OR be just friends with all the members

Okay so, as sorely tempting as dating Yoongi is, I gotta go the friendship route. I love them ALL too much. Besides, the boys are such integral parts of each other, you couldn’t have one without the others.

#5 & #28

Ask me a BTS Would You Rather question!

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

who would propose first/have a flashy proposal ?😁

Thank you for the request, I had so much fun with this! 💜

Propose First


Namjoon - Two words: Family. Man. He’s a mature leader, would be a great husband, and we know he wants to be a dad more than anything.

Jin - As the oldest and most “traditional” or “conservative,” it just makes sense that he would want to get married sooner than the other members.

Taehyung - Another family man. Tae loves kids so much and wants to have a big family, I can see him not hesitating to propose when he knows you’re the right person for him.

Hoseok - Going with the age factor again, I think Hobi would fall somewhere in the middle. He’d probably get married before most of the maknae line, but I think he’d have a long engagement and wait a few years before having kids. He would just enjoy being engaged/married to you for a while.

Yoongi - So the perception is that this man is married to his career, but I don’t think that’s entirely true. Sure, marriage is not at the forefront of his mind, but I think he’s open to it. And he’s aware that he’s getting older, so I can see him wanting to get married and start a family with you sooner than later.

Jimin - Jimin, Jimin, Jimin. Our boy is a flirt. He’s young and carefree and likes to have fun. But he also has so much love to give. He’ll definitely get married, but later, after he’s aged a bit more.

Jungkook - Baby boy is in no hurry to get married. I think he’s well-aware of his inexperience and wants to mature more before entering into a long-term relationship. He’s also at the height of his career with nowhere to go but up, so I expect him to continue to strive for his dreams for quite a while before he’s ready to settle down.


Flashy Proposal


Taehyung - Tae is the kind of man who would propose in front of the Eiffel Tower at sunset. You’d think you were on a private vacation, just the two of you, but he’d arrange for all your closest friends and family to show up holding signs saying, “Will you marry me?” You’d tearfully accept, and as you kissed him, fireworks would illuminate the twilight sky.

Hoseok - Hobi’s proposal would be as big and loud as his personality. I’m thinking a flash mob to your favorite song (featuring all the boys as backup dancers, of course), and his ending pose would be him down on one knee, presenting you with a ring. The only thing brighter than his smile would be the smile on your face.

Jungkook - Okay, hear me out: JK is shy and private - but he’s also super competitive. He would definitely feel the need to do something as impressive as his hyungs. He would also want to take every opportunity to show you how much you mean to him. I imagine he’s the one that would pull you up onstage during a concert to propose, and would probably have ARMY help somehow (maybe by singing or chanting when he gives the cue). There wouldn’t be a dry eye in the stadium.

Jin - So Jin would for sure do something really romantic and elaborate, but not public. Maybe a scavenger hunt? And all the clues would take you to places that were special to the both of you or be gifts you gave each other or be mementos from all the good times you shared. Then when you reached the end there would be flowers and candles all set up. He’d get down on one knee and he’d have a speech prepared and it would be both sincere and light-hearted, and you’d want to say “no” just to mess with him but all you could say would be, “Yes, yes, yes!”

Jimin - I feel like Jimin could go either way. I can see him doing something flashy, but I can also see him asking impulsively if he gets caught up in the moment. Maybe you’re jewelry shopping together - not even looking at rings, just bracelets and necklaces and stuff - and he notices the engagement ring section. So he asks you which one you like and you humor him, thinking he’s just goofing around. But then he tells the salesperson he’ll take the ring and you’re shocked as he kneels down right there in the store and asks you to marry him because he loves you so much he can’t go another day not being engaged to you.

Namjoon - So I think Namjoon would keep things low-key and private, but still make it special. He’d be the one to recreate your first date, down to the last detail. You’d hike the same trail you first hiked together, sharing jelly candies just like you did on your first date, and when you reached the top of the mountain, you’d have a picnic lunch. Over lunch, he’d initiate a deep conversation about the future and your mutual hopes and dreams, before finally pulling out a ring and explaining the wonderful future he wanted to share with you.

Yoongi - I have a hard time imagining Yoongi doing anything grandiose. He might write a song for you and (very nonchalantly) propose that way, but I really think he would be the kind to just blurt out, “Let’s get married,” while you’re snuggling in bed one lazy morning. And it might seem like a spur-of-the-moment decision, but really, he’s been thinking long and hard about it for a while and he’s absolutely sure he wants to marry you. He just didn’t know when or how to propose. But as you lay there in his arms, he would think about how much he never wants to let you go, and he would decide to just ask. And you of course would say “yes,” not even caring that he didn’t have a ring for you yet.


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4 years ago

Boyfriends: You Steer Towards the Calm Water

Warning: Violence

“We won’t survive the rapids.” You tell Jungkook. “Let’s go to the right.” 

You have no trouble navigating the canoe on the straightaway, but it only takes a minute before the robbers catch up to you. In a race on calm water against a boat with an engine, you really didn’t have a chance. 

One of the robbers aims his gun at Jungkook.

“This is like shooting fish in a barrel.” He grins maliciously. 

“Not here on the river.” The leader tells him. “Let’s bring them back to the cabin, so no one else will hear.” 

The robbers agree, and they pull both of you into their motorboat before heading back towards the cabin. And since the remaining four minutes and eighteen seconds of your life are rather unpleasant, it’s probably best if the story just stops here...

The End 

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