woodstockbtswriter - C to the J
C to the J

CJ | She/Her | USA | ARMY Noona/MamaSFW BTS FanFiction → Navigation/Requests are Closed/Header by @suga-ssi

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37 ;)

37 ;)

37. Give Jungkook a hickey OR get a hickey from Yoongi

This may surprise you, but give JK a hickey! I’m waaay too ticklish to enjoy receiving one, even from Mr. Tongue Technology, but I would thoroughly enjoy marking up the maknae. 😋

37 ;)

Ask me a BTS Would You Rather question!

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3 years ago


14. Fall asleep next to Jimin OR wake up next to Jungkook

Sooo hard to choose! 😭 But I have to pick waking up next to this floofy bunny. I mean, can you imagine getting tangled up together as you groggily wrestle each other for the covers before finally giving up and just snuggling until you both fall back asleep? Yeah, me too. 🥺


Ask me a BTS Would You Rather question!

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3 years ago

#5 & #28 😁

5. Kiss Namjoon OR cuddle Yoongi

I’M SORRY JOONIE BUT CUDDLES WITH SUGA!!! Snuggles with Yoongi would be enough to keep me happy for the rest of my life. 🥰

#5 & #28

28. Date your bias but never meet the other members OR be just friends with all the members

Okay so, as sorely tempting as dating Yoongi is, I gotta go the friendship route. I love them ALL too much. Besides, the boys are such integral parts of each other, you couldn’t have one without the others.

#5 & #28

Ask me a BTS Would You Rather question!

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4 years ago

Boyfriends: You Pretend Like Nothing’s Wrong

“Coworker? Did I say coworker?” You ask. “I'm sorry, I’m just babbling. Don’t mind me, let’s talk about you. What’s it like being an actor? Have you been in anything I might have seen?” 

Amazingly, you steer the conversation back on track. All goes well for the next few minutes - until the maître d' arrives at your table, accompanied by a young IU lookalike in a slinky, shimmery dress. 

“Kim Seokjin?” She asks. “I'm Kisoo. I'm so sorry I'm late.”

“You're Kisoo?” He asks, completely bewildered. “I don't understand. If you're Kisoo then... who...” 

“It's just a mix-up!” You stammer. “I know you thought I was your date, but we were having such a good time, I didn't want to say anything.”

Seokjin continues to gape in disbelief. Kisoo and the host are staring at you with a mixture of pity and disgust.

“How desperate can you get?” Kisoo mumbles with a roll of her eyes.

“I'm afraid I must escort you back to the waiting area.” The maître d' informs you.

You shoot Seokjin an apologetic look and follow the host through the dining room, lowering your face in shame.

“Has the other Mr. Kim arrived?” You ask hopefully when you reach the front of the restaurant. 

“My apologies, but he’s already come and gone. He didn’t wait very long when he found no one here to meet him.”

Feeling guilty, you pull out your phone and dial Eunseong’s number, but the call goes straight to voicemail.

Well, this is fantastic. You’ve really made a mess out of the night. Maybe it’s best if you just go home.

You order a ride and half an hour later you’re crawling into bed. Pulling the covers up over your head, you decide you probably shouldn’t show your face in public for at least a month. At least.

Needless to say, your roommate, Danhee, is thrilled to have you home.

The End

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4 years ago

Boyfriends: You Make a Break for the Kitchen

You jump up and bolt for the kitchen - and run smack into another large man holding a gun.

“Not so fast.” He growls.

Jungkook must have seen this man coming from his position at the bar, and now you wish you’d listened to his advice. 

The man grabs your wrists, drags you over to the kitchen’s industrial-sized freezer, shoves you inside, and locks the door. After fumbling around for a minute, you manage to find a light switch. You’re surrounded by dozens of boxes of ribs, roasts, tenderloin, chicken, and chops - all of it frozen solid. 

Crossing your arms over your chest, you shiver and wonder how long it will take before someone comes looking for you. Hopefully before you freeze to death.

Too bad you didn’t wear a warmer outfit.  

The End

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4 years ago

Boyfriends: You Mention Your Ex Drives a Mercedes

“So, funny coincidence - my last boyfriend drove a Mercedes just like this one.” You blurt out. “Only it was probably a little newer. And it had a sunroof.”

Namjoon cringes, as if you’ve just insulted his masculinity, and you quickly struggle to make him feel more comfortable.

“But listen, my ex was a jerk. He cheated on me with his personal trainer - can you believe that? And I thought he went to the gym every day because he cared about his health.”

“That’s terrible.” Namjoon replies.

“And that’s not even the half of it!” You groan. Just thinking about your ex-boyfriend makes your blood boil, and all of your hatred for him comes flooding out. “After we broke up, I found out the trainer wasn’t even his first fling! He had girls on the side all the time! But honestly, I wasn’t that surprised. There were plenty of signs, and I knew he had reputation before we even got together...” You continue your tirade, describing all the untrustworthy and hurtful things your ex did, and Namjoon nods politely, offering the occasional “mmm-hmm”.

When you finally take a breath, you realize you’ve been parked in front of your apartment for at least five minutes - and Namjoon is sighing rather impatiently, anxious for you to finally shut up and get out of his car already.

The End

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