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More Posts from Woodstockbtswriter

3 years ago

Who would buy you food but then forget because he’s stressed and eat all of it?

Thank you for the request! 💜


Namjoon - I can definitely see him doing this. He would try to make a sweet gesture, then get busy taking care of everything and everyone even though he’s stressed, and forget to eat until he’s starving and… whoops. But he would feel so guilty and would be sure to make it up to you.

Yoongi - Another hard-working man that’s gotta eat. I don’t think he would forget so much as he would know you wouldn’t mind as long as he made it up to you, and he definitely would. I mean, let’s be honest, we all know he would never say no to you. (But then again, if he knew you really wanted the food, he would pretend he wasn’t hungry.)

Jungkook - He doesn’t strike me as much of a gift-giver; he prefers to show his affection through physical touch and sweet affirmations. But if you asked him to get you food there’s a good chance this growing boy would eat it before he could bring it to you. And then tease you for a while before finally going back to get more food for you.

Jin - Again, I don’t think he would forget, I think he would make a conscious choice to eat your food. He would also tease you about it until you were adorably annoyed with him, then go above and beyond by cooking you an elaborate romantic dinner to apologize.

Hoseok - This man has way too much maternal instinct to ever let you go hungry. I can see him buying you food all the time, often as a surprise. He might occasionally sneak a bite, but he would always leave plenty for you.

Taehyung - When he buys you food, it’s an event. We’re talking super romantic, full-on picnic in the park or dinner under the stars, or delivered to you with a bouquet of flowers. He wants you to feel special, and there’s no way he’d mess that up by eating your food. Also, he seems like a master of self-control.

Jimin - This angel-on-Earth would NEVER. Yes, he has a playful Slytherin side, but he doesn’t mess around when it comes to your health and well-being. He would (happily) starve before letting you go hungry. All he wants is to take care of you - just make sure you reward him with lots of praise and affection!


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4 years ago

Boyfriends: You Make a Break for the Kitchen

You jump up and bolt for the kitchen - and run smack into another large man holding a gun.

“Not so fast.” He growls.

Jungkook must have seen this man coming from his position at the bar, and now you wish you’d listened to his advice. 

The man grabs your wrists, drags you over to the kitchen’s industrial-sized freezer, shoves you inside, and locks the door. After fumbling around for a minute, you manage to find a light switch. You’re surrounded by dozens of boxes of ribs, roasts, tenderloin, chicken, and chops - all of it frozen solid. 

Crossing your arms over your chest, you shiver and wonder how long it will take before someone comes looking for you. Hopefully before you freeze to death.

Too bad you didn’t wear a warmer outfit.  

The End

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4 years ago

It’s my birthday! 🥳

Its My Birthday!

To celebrate, I’d really appreciate it if you could send me some BTS love: a favorite picture, a cute fact, a funny moment... Or tell me who your bias is, how you got into BTS, or even just squeal about how much you love our boys! I could use some cheering up. Thank you, lovelies! 💕

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3 years ago


24. Make bracelets with Hoseok OR decorate a cake with Yoongi

No, but, you don’t understand, this is like an impossible choice! Making bracelets with Hobi would be ADORABLE and all his cute little sound effects while he works and his sunshine energy and HIS BEAUTIFUL HANDS I-

But y’all know Yoongi has my heart and I would happily watch paint dry with him. And decorating a cake together while he acts like he’s so bored yet he gives it his best effort and then having a frosting fight and seeing his gummy smile... yeah. That would be lovely. 😊


26. Have a sleepover with the hyung line OR a birthday party with the maknae line

Sleepover with the hyung line! No sleeping allowed though, we’re gonna stay up all night talking, laughing, sharing secrets, and doing all the cliché sleepover activities. 🥰


34. Shower with Hoseok OR skinny-dip with Jimin

Alskdjfhgsjaks Tessa, you already know the answer, why you gotta call me out like this?! Yes, I have a showering with Hobi fantasy, I admit it, okay? Let’s just leave it at that before things get too steamy. 🙈


Ask me a BTS Would You Rather question!

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3 years ago

#5 & #28 😁

5. Kiss Namjoon OR cuddle Yoongi

I’M SORRY JOONIE BUT CUDDLES WITH SUGA!!! Snuggles with Yoongi would be enough to keep me happy for the rest of my life. 🥰

#5 & #28

28. Date your bias but never meet the other members OR be just friends with all the members

Okay so, as sorely tempting as dating Yoongi is, I gotta go the friendship route. I love them ALL too much. Besides, the boys are such integral parts of each other, you couldn’t have one without the others.

#5 & #28

Ask me a BTS Would You Rather question!

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