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Please Play, Im Really Curious! Ill Start By Saying If You Assume Im Too Scary To Talk To, The Answer

Please play, I’m really curious! 😄 I’ll start by saying if you assume I’m too scary to talk to, the answer is “Nope”! 😊

Send Me Your Assumptions About Me And I’ll Respond With “Correct,” “Nope” or “Kinda”

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More Posts from Woodstockbtswriter

4 years ago



Genre: Fluff/Headcanon

Pairing: Yoongi x Reader (Female)

Summary: A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join BTS on a Bon Voyage adventure leads to once-in-a-lifetime love.

Author’s Note: What? What’s this? Two updates in one week? Can you believe it? 😄 Anyway, as always, please enjoy! 💕

Part Fifteen

A Helicopter Tour

The route to meet the helicopters took you off-road, through the woods, and out into an open field

Jin parked the SUV on the grass, and as you and the boys climbed out, you noticed Yoongi didn’t hold the door open for you

You excused the incident as an oversight, but he had always been so diligently chivalrous it was hard to believe he simply forgot

As you stood in the bright sunlight waiting for the helicopters to arrive, everyone took the opportunity to apply sunscreen

You had the idea to use the SUV window as a mirror, and Namjoon and Yoongi followed your lead as you all rubbed sun lotion onto your faces

Glancing sideways at Yoongi, you saw he had a thick layer of white cream smeared all over his nose and his cheeks, and you couldn’t hold back the laugh that escaped you

Yoongi turned around at your reaction, and when the other members saw him, they burst into laughter too

Unabashed, he defended himself as he continued to rub his face, saying you were supposed to apply sunscreen liberally to block UV rays

And as you watched him waddle away past his amused brothers, you felt it in your gut

You truly adored this precious man

A few minutes later, two helicopters came into view, and your group stood to the side so they could land in the field

And Yoongi joked that he’d called them to come pick you up

When they were on solid ground, you and the boys divided yourselves between the two helicopters 

You purposely chose the same one as Yoongi, but you were a little disappointed when he sat in the front by the pilot instead of in the back with you, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Taehyung

The other boys exchanged glances with you as everyone climbed in and put on headsets

Apparently, they noticed Yoongi was being a little distant too

A knot that had nothing to do with being nervous about the flight began forming in the pit of your stomach

Hoseok read your face, and linked your arm through his, patting the back of your hand

You gave him a small, grateful smile in return, squeezing his arm affectionately just as the helicopter lifted into the air

The view of the New Zealand countryside passing beneath you was spectacular, all blue sky, green mountains, and white snow

And for just a second, as you hovered over a shining lake as reflective as a mirror, you forgot all your worries and just lived in the moment

But then Hoseok said he wanted to try some snow with strawberry syrup on top, which caused Yoongi to wonder aloud about the reality of eating the snow, and your awareness was pulled back inside the helicopter

Flying low over the lake, the helicopters circled around to land by the shore, and when they touched down, you were allowed get out to explore

As you and the boys crossed the gravel lakeside and approached the crystal clear water, the crew told you it was clean enough to drink

Namjoon and Yoongi didn’t hesitate to taste some, bending down to scoop up handfuls

When they confirmed the cleanliness of the water, you and the rest of the members joined them, trying it for yourselves

Taehyung then suggested skipping stones, and everyone took turns skimming rocks across the surface of the lake

But your stone-skipping skills had not improved since the other day, and the most you could manage was one bounce before your rock sunk

Further down the shore, Yoongi wasn’t doing any better, and had resorted to just tossing pebbles directly in the water

You’d tried to stand next to him at the water’s edge several times, but whenever you got close to him, he’d move to a different spot

And though the knot in your stomach grew tighter with each attempt, you still tried your best to stay optimistic and have a good time

Playing in the Snow

After spending some time at the lake, you and the boys headed back to the helicopters, but before Yoongi could climb into the front again, Taehyung stopped him 

He asked his hyung if he could take a turn sitting up front, claiming he wanted a better view, but the glance Taehyung gave you told you he had other motives

Begrudgingly, Yoongi agreed, and he took Taehyung’s previous seat between you and the window

You tried to give Yoongi an apologetic look, but he busied himself putting on his headset

When everyone was in their seats, the helicopter took off again, and this time it soared higher over the snow-capped mountains

The scene out the windows grew even more breathtaking the further you flew

The peaks of the range were so tall they touched the clouds, and the whiteness of the snow was blinding

Finally, when you thought you couldn’t climb any higher, the pilot landed on a slope of pure, untouched powder, and you and the boys excitedly hopped out of the helicopter

Taehyung quickly took off, running gleefully through the snow as Yoongi wondered again if it was edible

Namjoon replied that it was, and Yoongi immediately grabbed a handful and took a bite

Jungkook asked him how it was and Yoongi said he wished he had some chocolate syrup to make Korean shaved ice

You smiled to yourself as you walked by, amused by Chef Min’s preoccupation with food and cooking

But before you got much further up the slope, Taehyung cut you off, asking you to pose for a picture

You agreed and smiled for him while he took several shots from different angles

Then he called for Yoongi, and asked him to pose with you

Yoongi didn’t argue, but he trudged over to stand next to you as though burdened with a heavy task

Taehyung made a show of setting up the perfect picture, directing you and Yoongi to stand closer together and to look at each other, tweaking your poses until he was satisfied

He then took an inordinate amount of shots, and as you peered at Yoongi’s face you were surprised find him actually looking you in the eye

And maybe it was because he was being a good model for his brother, but you swear you saw a glimmer of the softness his gaze usually held when trained on you

Your anxiety ebbed the slightest bit as you stood together, all your feelings for Yoongi welling up in your heart  

But all too soon the moment passed, and Yoongi looked away, stepping back as soon as Taehyung said he got the shot 

Sighing as Yoongi wandered off, you examined what the other boys were doing

And reminded yourself you were in an incredible place and that you were there to have fun

So when you saw Jungkook and Jin starting to roll snowballs to make a snowman, you marched over to help them

After playing in the snow for a good amount of time - building a respectable snowman, throwing snowballs, writing messages in the snow, and attempting to slide down the slope on your jackets - it was time to leave, and everyone reboarded the helicopters

A Picnic by the Lake

You were all hungry for lunch when you returned from your helicopter tour, and the plan was for a picnic

As soon as you arrived at the lakeside park, you and the boys quickly set up camp chairs and a table and the production crew brought out the food

Rice, ramyeon, udon, chili tuna, and kimchi were on the menu for lunch, and you eagerly began filling your bowl with noodles as soon you sat between Hoseok and Taehyung

As you all ate, you finalized your plans for the afternoon, and you expressed your anticipation to go fishing

You’d only had a few opportunities to fish before and it was something you’d been wanting to try again

Speaking more to the group than exclusively to you, Yoongi said he’d only been fishing a few times and was still a novice too

At his words, the image of him and Jin fishing over a seawall in season three of Bon Voyage popped into your head

“Let’s hope you have better luck than in Malta.” You teased, reminding Yoongi how an old fisherman took pity on them and put a fish on his hook

One corner of Yoongi’s mouth twitched into half a smile, his eyes twinkling with amusement

And you felt like you achieved a significant victory 

Jin laughed appreciatively at your teasing, adding that Hoseok would probably catch a lot of fish because of beginner’s luck

Then Jungkook piped in, saying he was sure you’d all catch enough to feed the entire crew

Fishing for Dinner

After lunch, you split up for your separate activities 

One of the producers drove Taehyung and Jimin to go horseback riding, and another took Namjoon back to the campsite to do some work, leaving the rest of you to make your way to the fishing lake

Wanting to avoid another uncomfortable squeeze in the back seat, you offered to drive the SUV

So Hoseok and Jungkook not-so-subtly herded Jin into the back with them, leaving the passenger’s seat for Yoongi

Soon, you and the boys were aboard a private fishing boat on beautiful Lake Taupo

The weather was perfect, clear and sunny, and the mountains provided a magnificent backdrop

As the captain drove out into the middle of the lake, Yoongi declared that you should make salmon sashimi with your catch for dinner that night

You and the others agreed, and you all put your hands in to do a cheer

Your hand ended up beneath Yoongi’s as you all shouted “Let’s get ‘em!”, and though it was probably a coincidence, you thought you felt his thumb rub softly across the back of your hand

Then the captain dropped the anchor, and everyone chose a fishing post

Again, Hoseok and Jungkook did some sly maneuvering, and you ended up with a rod between Yoongi and Jin

It was Hoseok’s first time fishing and he was a little unsure, so you offered him encouragement while you became familiar with your own rod and cast your line

Within seconds, Jin felt a tug on his line, and the captain told him to reel it in, then scooped up Jin’s catch with a net

Jin shouted triumphantly, and you all congratulated him, giving him high-fives

Only a few minutes later, Jungkook caught his first fish, and Yoongi got a bite soon after

Hoseok started feeling a little discouraged, but you continued to reassure him

Until Yoongi, Jin, and Jungkook each made another catch

You started to feel a little disappointed yourself, watching Jungkook posing for a picture while holding his fish

For some reason, you weren’t getting any tugs on your line, and you wondered if you were going to catch anything either 

Then Jungkook caught another fish, and Jin put his arm around Hoseok, trying to help him and convince him not to give up

You didn’t want to give up, but the thought crossed your mind as you stared at your floating line

“You can do it.” Yoongi spoke beside you, his voice gentle and calm. “You’ll make a catch.”

You looked up at him, relieved to hear him speaking to you, but before you could respond to him, you felt your rod bend

In an excited rush, you quickly reeled in your first fish, exclaiming happily

After the captain caught it in his net, the boys surrounded you, offering you congratulatory high-fives

Even Yoongi was caught up in the celebration, high-fiving you too

When your palms met, he kept hold of your hand for a second, his fingers wrapping around yours

And as he gave you a proud smile, you were filled with the sudden hope that whatever wall he’d had up all day…

Was finally starting to come down

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Taglist: @bucky-thorin-winchester​ @yvemoon​ @serpentiinequeen​ @neilpoetssociety​ @narcissism-iskey

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4 years ago



Genre: Fluff

Pairing: Yoongi x Reader (Female)

Word Count: 0.79K

Summary: When it comes to expressing affection, sometime actions speak louder than words.

Author’s Note: This story can be read as a stand-alone, but also fits into a headcanon of mine where Yoongi meets you during season 4 of Bon Voyage.


Yoongi gave a small, self-conscious chuckle, touching his ears.

“I thought you’d decided that you like Namjoon-ah better than me.”

You blinked.

A cold breeze blew through the empty, starlit campsite, but your face felt flushed. You glanced at the camper van where you knew Namjoon was in bed, and you hoped no one was listening.

“You thought… You think that... I like Namjoon?” You couldn’t help but scoff.

Yoongi shrugged and looked away, reverting to acting unbothered.

“I see the way you are with him. Whenever he does something destructive, you’re right there, taking care of him. You’ve barely left his side all day.”

That was fair. You had shown a greater measure of affection to Namjoon than any of the other boys - especially today. But Yoongi had to know that your feelings for him and your feelings for Namjoon couldn’t be more different… right?

“What am I supposed to think?” Yoongi continued, chewing his bottom lip. “He was your bias first.”

“Wait, hang on,” You considered his words, amusement seeping into your tone as you realized what he was implying, “Are you saying… Min Yoongi, are you jealous?” You couldn't resist teasing.

His expression turned into a pout.

He was. He was totally jealous.

Maybe you needed to make yourself perfectly clear.

“Honestly, I do care for Namjoon. A lot.” You admitted. “But just as a friend.” 

Yoongi finally looked you in the eyes, his face inclined.

“I promise you, Yoongi, you have absolutely no reason to be jealous.” You continued, your voice softening.

An incredulous huff escaped Yoongi, and he dropped his gaze to the ground, slowly shaking his head. 

“Of anyone.” You felt compelled to add. “Ever.”

When Yoongi lifted his face to look at you again, a smirk curled the corner of his mouth. You expected him to say something, but he just took a quick step in your direction. You froze in place, your breath catching as he closed the gap between you and took a hold of your face in a single motion, tipping up your chin. Then with a flit of his tongue over his perfect lips, Yoongi brought your mouth to him, capturing your bottom lip between both of his.

You inhaled deeply, your eyes falling shut as Yoongi kissed you. Every nerve in your body seemed to simultaneously ignite the instant your mouths made contact. All thoughts fled your mind, leaving only feelings, like the flutter awakening in your tummy and the swelling of your heart in your chest.

Smoothing his thumbs over your cheekbones, Yoongi pulled you closer, causing the slick surfaces of your jackets to rustle as they brushed together. The gentle, steady pressure of his kiss allowed you to savor the warmth and softness of his unmoving mouth, and you could just discern the taste of wine still lingering on his lips.

Your hands lifted instinctively, but before you could grasp his wrists to hold him to you, he leaned back, breaking the kiss after only a few seconds. Your lips were reluctant to part so soon. His mouth had pressed to yours just long enough to acquaint you with the pleasure of his kiss, then leave you longing for more.

But as Yoongi dropped his hands and stepped back, you slowly regained your senses, remembering where you were and that you weren’t exactly alone.

His smirk had become a shy smile, and a matching smile spread slowly across your face as you laid a hand over your heart, feeling it pounding against your palm. Yoongi ruffled his hair, his tongue in his cheek as he stood there, looking awkward and adorable. He drew in a breath, and you attempted to do the same, noticing you were feeling a little lightheaded.

He had caught you completely off guard. You’d often imagined kissing Min Yoongi, even long before you met him, but you never thought your desires would be realized. Even though the possibility became infinitely more real when you did meet him, and increased as you grew close to him, you still hadn’t expected him to kiss you anytime soon - least of all tonight. 

It was difficult to conceive that Yoongi’s feelings for you were already strong enough for him to initiate such intimate affection. He was usually one to take his time, and you’d only just allowed yourself to believe he could be developing romantic feelings for you at all.

But his actions spoke loud and clear.

“Aish, noona,” He exhaled, rubbing the back of his neck, “What you do to me...”

Your smile brightened as your racing heart leapt. You hadn’t known exactly what you did to him, but after the way he just kissed you…

You had a much better idea.

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4 years ago



Genre: Fluff

Pairing: Yoongi x Reader (Female)

Word Count: 1.84K

Summary: After a long day, you and Yoongi could both use a little reassurance.

Author’s Note: This story is part of a headcanon of mine where Yoongi meets you during season 4 of Bon Voyage.



“You kissed me last night, Yoongi. You kissed me, and then ignored me. You’ve been avoiding me all day. Yesterday, I was sure you liked me. But after today… I have no idea what to think.”

Yoongi’s brow furrowed deeper, his lips forming a pout. He loosened his grip on your fingers just enough to rub his thumb back and forth across the back of your hand.

“I thought you wanted to spend less time together on camera,” He explained, his tone questioning, “because of what the producer said. You were distant with me all day yesterday, yeah? I was just following your lead, trying to make things easier for you… Was I wrong?”

Relief kindled within you. You looked up into Yoongi’s dark eyes as he searched your face, your own eyes full of hope.

“So you didn’t want to ignore me?”

“No.” He scoffed as though surprised you had to ask. “Of course not.”

The corners of your mouth lifted as a smile started spreading across your face.

“So you want me around?”

Yoongi squeezed your hand, but his face was expressionless.


He said the word so simply, so dispassionately, that if you didn’t know him, you might not have believed him. But you did know him, and you knew he meant it.

Your smile swelled in tandem with your heart.   

“So you don’t regret kissing me?”

Yoongi was taken aback, a look of disbelief twisting his features.

“What? No! Why would you even think that?”

“You thought I had a crush on Namjoon,” You reminded him, your smile becoming a smirk, “So can you really blame me?”

“I guess that’s fair.” Yoongi grumbled, the tension leaving his face. “But listen, noona… I never would have kissed you if I wasn’t sure.”

His words awoke a swarm of butterflies in your tummy, but you kept your smirk.

“Sure about what?” You asked innocently as you stepped closer to Yoongi, leaving barely any space between your bodies.

A blush immediately colored his cheeks.

“Yah…” He groaned, but he couldn’t stop his gummy smile from breaking across his face. “Aish, noona,” He rubbed the back of his neck, “Don’t make me say it.”

Your heart was throbbing, but you were having too much fun teasing Yoongi. He was never cuter than when he was embarrassed.

“What? Say what?” You played coy. Though you were fairly sure you knew what he meant, you wanted to hear the words from his mouth.

“Aish.” Yoongi groaned again, his annoyance over-exaggerated. “That I like you.” He huffed, actively avoiding your gaze.

You beamed at him until he finally peeked up at you, abashed. Then with a deep breath, he lifted his face, looking you in the eye.

“I like you, yeah?” Yoongi said again, all traces of embarrassment replaced by sincerity. “I can’t remember the last time I liked someone this way.”

Your heart soaring, you didn’t hesitate to respond.

“I like you, too. A lot. But I think you already knew that.”

It was Yoongi’s turn to smirk.

“Are you sure you’re not biased?” He asked, his back teeth flashing.

You chuckled appreciatively, and Yoongi’s smirk became an affectionate gaze, his eyes caressing your face before focusing on your mouth. His tongue ran across his bottom lip as he watched you, and when you noticed, your laughter faded. Swallowing in anticipation, you lifted your chin, offering yourself up to him.

Touching his free hand to your face, Yoongi gently bent your neck as he tilted his head in the opposite direction, leaning in close. Your eyelids fell shut instinctively, and you felt his warm breath dance across your lips in the brief moment before he kissed them.

You melted against him, what little space there was left between you disappearing as your mouths connected. His smooth lips felt even better than you remembered, and you pressed your own lips more firmly against his in an effort to fully commit the feeling to memory. As you drew in a breath, his familiar scent filled your head, overwhelming you in a way that was both comforting and exhilarating.

You might say you’d been looking forward to this moment since last night, but truthfully, the way the day played out, you’d doubted it would ever come. And the intrusive thought that you might have to endure a similar day tomorrow disrupted your enjoyment of the moment.

Reluctantly, you pulled away from Yoongi, your free hand resting on his chest. His eyes were slits, his lips still puckered as your thoughts spilled out.

“So as relieved as I am to know you feel the same way I do,” You rushed, “We have got to find a happy medium between ignoring each other and being totally obvious in front of the cameras. I mean, you cannot keep kissing me like this and expect me to just act like nothing happened.”

Yoongi smiled faintly, smoothing your hair back from your face.

“What if we pretend the producer never said anything, and go back to how we behaved before? No one ever said we have to avoid each other. I don’t see why you and I can’t spend time together while you’re spending time with the other members.”

You liked the sound of that, but you weren’t sure it was that easy.

“You’re not worried about the crew - or ARMY - noticing we’re… more than friends?”

Yoongi sighed heavily, then tugged your hand, moving towards the bed. You followed him until he sat down, dropping your hand as he scooted back to lean against the headboard.

“Come here.” He said, patting the spot next to him.

The sight of Min Yoongi lounging on your bed as though he owned it made you pause, but you obeyed him, crawling across the comforter to take a seat close by his side. When you were settled, he wove your fingers together again, holding your hand atop his thigh.

“We can be friendly on camera and still keep our private life private.” He gently assured you. “I know this experience may not have given you the best impression, but the film crew are actually very respectful of our privacy. I’ve worked with most of them for years. What they asked of you… They only had the best intentions for the sake of the show. I don’t believe any of them would truly try to keep us apart. Or expose us.”

You frowned contemplatively. 

“Okay, so… we’ll just act natural?”

Yoongi nodded. But when your frown didn’t fade, he lifted his arm, wrapping it around your shoulders.

“Come here.” He sighed again, pulling you against him. 

You fit into Yoongi’s side, your head resting on his chest, beneath his chin, and you could hear his heart beating beneath his ribs. Noticing the rhythm of his breath, you attempted to synch yours to his.  

“I don’t want you to worry about it anymore tonight.” Yoongi told you, sliding his fingers through a lock of your hair, stretching it down your back. “I want us to enjoy this time together.”

“Okay, no more worries.” You agreed, relaxing as you savored the softness of his t-shirt beneath your cheek. Idly, you smoothed your fingers over the fabric, letting your hand come to rest on his tummy. He really was so comfortable. If you closed your eyes, you could probably fall asleep in an instant.

Yoongi’s fingers paused, tangled in your hair. You felt him inhale deeply.

“Your hair smells so good.” He murmured, pressing his face to the top of your head. His breath made your scalp tingle.

You sniffed, your face in Yoongi’s shirt.

“You kind of smell like garlic.”

You felt his stomach muscles contract, and knew without having to look up at him that he was holding back a laugh.

Sitting up to see his face alight with amusement, you couldn’t resist stealing a kiss. Yoongi smiled against your lips.

“You know,” He chuckled softly, “I knew I was going to like you before I even met you.”

You raised an eyebrow.


“They showed us pictures of you, when we filmed the segment to tell you that you’d won the contest. And they told us a little bit about you.” Yoongi explained, his expression softening.

“Oh? So what was your first impression of me?” You prompted, lying back down and snuggling up to him again.

Yoongi resumed combing his fingers through your hair, his deep voice low and soothing.

“When I heard you did interior design, and saw how beautiful you are, I was intrigued.” He replied. “I was looking forward to meeting you.”

“Tell me all about it.” You said sleepily. Your eyelids were getting heavy, but you weren’t going to waste a moment on sleep. Not while you had Yoongi all to yourself. “Tell me about the night we first met. I want to hear your side of the story.”

Yoongi hummed, recalling the memory, and you felt the sound vibrating in his chest. When he spoke, his voice was softer still, almost as if he was deliberately trying to lull you to sleep.

“I was probably just as nervous as you were that night at the restaurant.” He admitted. “But you were so easy to talk to, so kind and genuine, you put us all at ease. And when you said I was your bias…” He trailed off, and you imagined a grin forming on his face. “I quickly realized after that night that I was attracted to you.” 

You smiled to yourself, and your eyes slipped closed without your noticing. Yoongi’s hand finally fell still, resting on the small of your back, but he continued speaking.

“It scared me.” Yoongi confessed, his tone more sober. “I haven’t let anyone get close to me in a long time. And you know I don’t usually open up easily. But the fact that you’re a fan who already knows so much about me… makes it easier somehow. And as I’ve gotten to know you this past month, and spent time with you this week… My feelings have grown faster than I thought possible.”

You opened your eyes, worried you had strayed into a dream. Yoongi was rarely so honest about his emotions. You listened more intently, determined to not miss a word.

“I could fall for you, noona,” Yoongi breathed, his voice a whisper, “And that terrifies me. But I want to trust you.” 

Your head was heavy with drowsiness, but you lifted it again to see the vulnerability plain on Yoongi’s face. His eyes widened slightly; he was obviously a little surprised that you were still awake.

“You can trust me.” You promised Yoongi, touching his round cheek.

His eyes fell shut, and he turned his face to press his lips to your palm.

“Then I can be brave. For you.”

Full to the brim, you leaned in towards him. He met you halfway, taking your mouth with his, and you let all of your emotions pour out as you sealed your promise with a kiss.

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4 years ago

BTS Tag Game

Part 1/2

Thanks for the tag, @bangtan-sonyeonddaeng ! 💕 This was fun!

First BTS Song

Boy With Luv

BTS Tag Game

First Bias


BTS Tag Game

Current Bias


BTS Tag Game

Bias List








BTS Tag Game

Favorite Song


BTS Tag Game

Favorite Underrated Song

Waste It On Me by Steve Aoki feat. BTS

BTS Tag Game

Favorite Song from Wings

Blood Sweat & Tears

BTS Tag Game

Favorite Song from Love Yourself: Her


BTS Tag Game

Favorite Song from Love Yourself: Tear

Fake Love

BTS Tag Game

Favorite Song from Love Yourself: Answer

Trivia 轉: Seesaw

BTS Tag Game

Mobile Tumblr is lame and is limiting the number of images I can use, so I’ll continue this in another post.

Tags :
4 years ago



Genre: Fluff

Pairing: Taehyung x Reader (Female)

Word Count: 2.14K

Summary: When your best friend Taehyung invites you to celebrate your birthday with him, you’re not sure what to expect.

Author’s Note: This story is based on a dream I had, and once again, I couldn’t keep things under 1K words. 😄 Please enjoy! 💕

Requested by @yvemoon



When your best friend Taehyung invited you to celebrate your birthday with him, you didn’t know what to expect. It’s a surprise, he said, when you asked him what he had in mind.

Then when he told you to dress up in your fanciest clothes and that he’d send a private car to pick you up, you were even less sure.

You were no stranger to Taehyung making grandiose gestures. It was not unusual for him to pull out all the stops to spoil you, but whatever he had planned for this night seemed particularly… romantic. Almost like he had planned an actual date, not just a friendly outing.

To your surprise, you took no objection to the idea. In fact, you were intrigued. You’d recently started wondering if there was something more than friendship between you and Taehyung, and as the luxury town car wove through the congested streets of downtown Seoul, your excitement grew as you considered the possibility that you might find some answers tonight.

The driver finally stopped in front of one of the tallest buildings in the city, and you found Taehyung waiting for you there. He too was dressed to impress, looking devastatingly handsome in a suit that matched his unique style, and just the sight of him made your pulse quicken. He greeted you with his signature boxy smile, gushing over how beautiful you looked, and your suspicions - and hopes - about the evening increased exponentially.

Taehyung offered you his arm, escorting you inside, and you rode the elevator together to the very top floor, your anticipation rising the higher you were lifted. After stepping off the elevator, Taehyung led you up a set of stairs and out onto the roof… where you were met by a scene you did not expect.

You had thought it was just going to be the two of you tonight. You had expected a private evening, one where you could explore your feelings. But when you saw his six other members - along with all your closest friends and family - waiting for you… You were surprised, to say the least.

“Happy birthday!” Everyone yelled, catching sight of you, and you felt your cheeks flush.

You were happy to see everyone, and amazed how many people had come out to celebrate with you, but you’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little bummed. Still, not wanting to seem ungrateful, you put on your best smile, and allowed Taehyung to pull you into the fray.

The party lasted late into the night, and by the time it was just you and the seven Bangtan boys left on the roof, you were exhausted. You had mingled like a pro, chatting, laughing, and dancing with everyone. The guys had even given an intimate performance of your favorite song, and despite your initial disappointment, you had a great time. But now you were glad it was just the eight of you, and you collapsed on a chair, kicking off your shoes. The guys did the same, moving their seats to form a circle.

“Let’s play a game!” Jungkook suggested eagerly, and the boys looked to you for permission.

“Sure,” You sighed, “Sounds good. As long as I don’t have to get out of this chair, I’ll play.”

Jungkook‘s nose scrunched as he smiled, his wheels already turning.

“We could play Mafia, or Telephone, or the game where we guess each other’s drawings,” He thought out loud, “Or I have this trivia game on my phone-”

“What about ‘Never Have I Ever’?” Namjoon offered, and Jungkook’s face lit up.

“Okay!” He agreed, and several of the other boys shrugged, but Taehyung shook his head.

“That’s a drinking game.” He spoke up, nodding in your direction. “The birthday girl doesn’t drink, remember?”

You sent him an appreciative look, and he gave you a soft smile in return.

“We don’t have to drink, we could just play…” Jungkook pouted.

“Where’s the fun in that?” Yoongi quipped, smirking.

“I could just drink soda, or water.” You tried, but Jin jumped up as you spoke.

“Oh! I know!” He said, hurrying to the food table and grabbing two trays of leftover hors d’oeuvres. “How about instead of drinking, we eat instead?”

Hoseok moaned.

“I’ve already had so much to eat, I’ll be sick if I have even one more bite!”

“Then this should be a pretty interesting game, yeah?” Jin teased, returning to the circle and sitting the food in the middle.

“Alright, alright,” Namjoon took charge, “If someone says something you’ve done, you have to take a bite, got it?”

Everyone nodded - though some more reluctantly than others.

“Then let’s play.” Namjoon continued, turning his gaze to you. “Birthday Girl, since it’s your party, how about you start us off?”

You smiled to yourself, and tried to decide if you wanted to take it easy on the guys… or not.

“Okay,” You grinned wider, “I’ve got one. Never have I ever… been an idol.”

All the boys groaned.

“That’s not fair!” Jimin argued.

“That’s how you want to play?” Yoongi scoffed, raising an eyebrow.

You picked up one of the platters, holding it out to them.

“Eat up, boys,” You chuckled, “I play to win.”

Several of them laughed, but Jungkook looked confused.

“But there are no winners in ‘Never Have I Ever’, it’s just for fun...”

“It’s her birthday,” Taehyung reminded Jungkook, taking a bite-size appetizer from the tray, “Let her think whatever she wants.”

Jungkook grumbled, but grabbed his penalty bite along with the others and they all popped the food into their mouths.

“Mmmkay,” Jungkook chewed, “Who’s next?”

You waved a hand at Taehyung seated to your left.

“We’ll just go around in a circle.”

Taehyung thought for a moment before speaking.

“Never have I ever… taken something from a store.” He grinned devilishly, looking directly at you.

“It was one time!” You cried, shoving his shoulder. “And it doesn’t count! I didn’t mean to and I took it back as soon as I realized I walked out with it.”

Taehyung smirked, and turned to his brothers.

“Judges?” He asked.

“Fair is fair.” Jimin beamed, holding a tray out to you.

“Fine.” You sulked, choosing an hors d’oeuvre and eating it in one bite. “Your turn, Jimin. But no more personal attacks, okay?”

Jimin nodded, giggling, and the game continued.

Play went around the circle a few times, and though the boys occasionally called each other out for things like falling on stage, wearing embarrassing outfits, mispronouncing English words, and losing things in foreign countries, they respectfully refrained from singling any one person out. Everyone was laughing and having a good time, but stuffing yourselves with appetizers quickly started catching up with you.

“Seriously, you guys,” Hoseok clutched his stomach, “I am going to be sick if I eat anything else.”

“Same.” You whimpered, taking a sip of water to rinse out your mouth. “How about one more turn and we call it quits?”

“No arguments here.” Jin sighed, slumping in his seat.

“Okay then, Namjoon,” You turned to him, “You’re up. Make it a good one.” 

Namjoon frowned thoughtfully, giving it careful consideration. His gaze flickered between you and Taehyung as he chewed his bottom lip. After a moment, a sly smile lifted the corners of his mouth.

“Never have I ever had romantic feelings for someone in this circle.”

Yoongi and Jin exchanged glances, their mouths falling open, and Jungkook, Jimin, and Hoseok giggled uncomfortably. Your eyes widened.

Did Namjoon know you’d been feeling things for Taehyung? Did all the boys know? Had you been that obvious?

You dared to look at Taehyung. His expression was unreadable, but there was a fire in his gaze as he stared back at you. Not breaking eye contact, he slowly reached for the food tray, and your heart leapt.

You reached out too, and your fingers brushed as you each grabbed an appetizer. The momentary contact sent a shockwave through you. Without looking at what you picked up, you placed it in your mouth and started chewing. Taehyung did the same.

“Alright, good game, everybody.” Hoseok cleared his throat, and you reluctantly tore your gaze away from Taehyung. “But we should probably call it a night.”

You agreed, blushing as you swallowed hard. As you all stood, you thanked the boys for a memorable birthday and began saying your goodbyes.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to put you on the spot.” Namjoon whispered in your ear when you hugged him. Leaning out of the embrace, he tapped a finger under your chin. “I just thought it was about time you both admitted the truth.” He gave you a dimpled smile and you sighed, knowing you could never be mad at him.

Then six of the seven members headed towards the stairs, waving and calling out their last “good night”s and “happy birthday”s as they finally left, and you and Taehyung found yourselves alone on the now deafeningly quiet rooftop.

Looking anywhere but at Taehyung, you took a moment to appreciate the beauty and magic of the scene. Hundreds of little white lights were strung back and forth across the patio, and beyond them, the city skyline was breathtaking, a black canvas dotted with pinks, oranges, blues, and greens. The din of traffic from the streets stories below was almost inaudible, lost in the night breeze. Perched atop a highrise in the heart of Seoul, you felt like you were standing on a tranquil island amidst a sea of chaos. It was as though this place - this rooftop terrace - was its own world, far removed from the hectic metropolis that surrounded it.

In your own world. That was exactly where you had imagined you and Taehyung would be spending this evening when he invited you to celebrate your birthday with him.

And now, at last, here you were.

“Thank you, again.” You said, your eyes still downcast. “For everything, Tae. Tonight was perfect.”

“You’re very welcome.” He breathed, his baritone voice as low as you’d ever heard it. “I wanted everything to be perfect for you.”

You lifted your face, and though you’d been looking at Taehyung all night, you were unprepared for how unbelievably handsome he appeared in that moment. The soft party lights behind him gave him a faint golden glow, and the way his dark curls fell into his eyes made you feel some kind of way.

Taehyung slung his hands in his pockets, relaxing his stance.

“I’m glad you had a good time.” He said, inclining his chin. “But can I ask you something?”

You nodded, and he took a few steps in your direction.

“You meant me, right?” Taehyung asked, hovering before you, peering at you through his thick eyelashes.

“Meant you what?” You pulled in a breath. He was standing so close you could smell his cologne. It made your head swim.

“In the game,” Taehyung clarified, “I’m the one in the circle you have romantic feelings for, yeah?”

You searched his face. While he was exuding sultry confidence, there was an unmistakable vulnerability in his eyes. It always amazed you how he could be so precious and yet seem so dangerous at the same time.

“Yes.” You nodded again, and an exultant smile threatened to break across Taehyung’s face. “I hope you meant me, too.” You added, as an afterthought. “I mean, I know Jimin’s your soulmate…”

Taehyung broke into a laugh, his hands finding your waist. He pulled you to him, and your heart pounded against his chest.

“Come here, Birthday Girl.” He grinned, leaning in to capture your lips and steal your breath.

He kissed you slowly, passionately, his hands sliding up your neck to gently cup your face. You could feel your blood rushing through your veins as your fingers found their way to his hair, and you tangled them into his curls to pull him closer. Your mouths moved together as though it was second nature, as though this wasn’t the first time they’d met, and you allowed yourself to get lost in the sensation. When Taehyung deepened the kiss, you eagerly yielded yourself up to him, and your tongues danced with perfect rhythm. The effect was dizzying.

But all too soon, Taehyung pulled away from the kiss to catch his breath. Panting, he pressed his lips to your forehead, then rested his against the same spot.

“What a nice surprise.” You exhaled, your breath mixing with his.

Taehyung smirked.

“The party or the kiss?” He inquired, his voice husky.

“Both.” You replied, nuzzling your nose against his. “Thanks to you, this night has been full of surprises. I can’t imagine how you’ll ever top it.”

“Guess you’ll just have to wait and see.” Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows, lowering his head again, and your heart swelled as he placed another kiss on your smiling lips.

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