wrappeddinplastic - babygirl, you are so strange
babygirl, you are so strange

*'dreams' by the cranberries playing loudly*

4 posts

Ruby Blue

Ruby blue

In which Klaus ignores obvious problems.

Pairings: Klaus mikaelson x fem reader, minor Klaus x hayley

Warnings: Angst (shocking), slight mentions of death and blood ( dw nothing graphic), toxic relationship


Wordcount: 301

(I hate this sm, but I’m just gonna leave this here. I’m tired.)


Klaus and Hayley stood side by side, watching her play with Hope.

"Why are you doing this to her?"

Klaus looked at the brunette, confusion painting his face.

"I'm afraid I don't understand,"

"Don't tell me you don't see it, Klaus," She turned to face him.

"You're hurting her,"

"I'm sorry?" He tried to pretend he didn't understand but, he did. Of course, he did.

"What we did, no matter how beautiful the outcome, hurt her,"

"And you two don't even talk about it to her. You don't try to make her understand. You just ignore it. And she pretends it okay, and it's not. She's not okay,"

"I assure you, she's fine,"

"She's not, and you know it,"

He knew she was right. He wanted to talk to her, but he didn't know how. He never did.

He was covered in blood, thankfully, not his.

"What happened?" She whispered. She saw the look on his face. She didn't want to upset him further.

"Witches," He muttered.

“Are you ok?” She stepped forward, attempting to reach for his arm, he backed away.

"Fine," He answered.

“Just need to clean off,” He continued. Walking into the bathroom, leaving her alone.

She sat on the bed, listening to the water run.

"Love," He called. 

"Yeah, Nik?"

She turned to face him, noticing the look on his face. She wanted to wait for him to speak, but anticipation was killing her.

“What is it? You look serious,.”

"I'm sorry,"

"For?" She asked, bending to pick Hope's toys off the floor.


"Don't, Nik. It's ok. What's done is done. No need to open up old wounds."

"No. I know we don't talk about these things, but, we should. What happened with Hayley was a mistake, and will never happen again,"

"I, I just wanted you to know that I love you."

She stopped. It was the first time he had said those words in months.

She bit the inside of her cheek before speaking again.

"I know, Klaus. I love you too.”

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More Posts from Wrappeddinplastic

3 years ago


In which Elijah choses you over Hayley.

Pairings: Elijah mikaelson x fem reader, Elijah x Hayley

Warnings: Angst, cheating, parental issues, toxic relationship (my brand!)



"God, I don't even recognize myself." She spoke nervously, fiddling with the ring on her finger.

"You don't have cold feet, do you?" Elena asked fixing her hair. She still hadn't become accustomed to the fact her best friend would be marrying an original.

"No. Of course not!"

She wasn't scared of marrying Elijah. She was scared of marriage in general.

Her parents were quite happy before they married, at least that's what people told her.

Now their marriage was filled with lies, secrets, infidelity, and broken trust.

She feared the same would happen with Elijah.

She saw the stolen glances between him and Hayley.

She wasn't an idiot. She just pretended to be.

For him, she would pretend to be unaware of their attraction to one another.

He smiled softly as Hayley fixed his tie for him. He could more than do it himself, but maybe there was something about the women in his life doing it for him. 

Today was the day. The day he would marry the love of his life.

"You look handsome." The voice of the woman he often left his fiancé for says.

Shame and regret consumed him.

"Thank you,"

He didn't understand how he could've been so foolish. He didn't love Hayley. He let lust consume him. He was grateful the price was only a few sleepless nights and not the loss of his bride.

"Are you sure about this?"

He was quick to answer. He didn't need any time to think about it. He was in love with her. He wasn't going to make the same mistake ever again.

"Yes," He paused for a moment before continuing. He turned to her, his eyes filled with sympathy. Pity.

"Hayley," He started but was quickly cut off.

"I get it, Elijah. You love her.”

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3 years ago

All too well

Thought of this while listening to cinnamon girl by lana del rey and decided to write this instead of sleeping

Your relationship with Klaus throughout the years.

Parings: Klaus mikaelson x fem oc

Warnings: Klaus being a jerk, cheating, a little fluff (wow), angst, toxic relationship, kind of a yandere vibe lols



                                       10th century 

"Fiona. Fiona, stop. I want to come with you."

The girl only laughed as Niklaus chased her through the forest.

“You'll have to catch me first," The girl spoke. He didn't have to look at her to see the smirk on her face.

"I will." The boy declared.


He kissed her hungrily, moving from her lips to her neck.

She couldn't quite enjoy the moment as she remembered the two women she had seen him with earlier.

He didn’t attempt to hide his infidelity after Katerina. She had realized he truly didn't care anymore.

She opened her eyes to see Elijah with Celeste. Jealousy ran through her body. He looked so happy. She couldn't remember the last time Niklaus had looked at her that way. With love and not lust.

She perks up instantly as Rebekah walks into the room, her fingers intertwined with Emil's. She had suspected Rebekah was seeing someone but, she would have never guessed it was the governor's son.

"Are we interrupting?" Rebekah asked, seeing the two.

"No," Both Fiona and Elijah answered.

"Yes," Klaus groaned into the girl's neck.

"Dearest Fiona, Elijah. You've only ever wished happiness for me. Emil and I are in love. Please, let me turn him,"

Fiona smiled brightly running to hug her sister-in-law.

"Rebekah that's lovely. I'm so happy for you," She cupped her face as they giggled happily.

Hugging once more.

“Thank you sister,”

She turned to face her husband as she heard him chuckle.

"Rebekah, the governor has graciously agreed to hide a lot of our indiscretions. It would not do to turn his son into one of us," Elijah spoke.

"Please. For me," Rebekah begged.

"Well," Fiona tried but was quickly cut off.

"It's not going to happen, sister. If we turned every man you dropped your knickers for, then human beings would cease to exist and we'd have no bloody food,"

"Niklaus! You are out of line," He sent his wife a sharp glare before grabbing Emil by his throat.

"Brother," Elijah spoke but was ignored.

"Niklaus. Niklaus!" Fiona followed her husband

"Niklaus, no!" Rebekah tried.

The sound of Emil's neck being broken after Niklaus drops his body over the balcony made her stomach churn.

Klaus roughly grabbed Fiona's arm dragging her to wherever.

The last thing she sees is Elijah consoling a sobbing Rebekah.


She had convinced Klaus it was time to wake Rebekah.

"Well, it's about time. I was bored waiting but I did so want to see your face, and it is, indeed, priceless,"

"Niklaus, stop taunting her,"  Fiona knelt beside Rebekah.

"You bastard. What day is it?"


"I have been daggered for a whole week? Marcel – what have you done to him?"

"It's 1887, Rebekah. You've been daggered for 52 years,"

"I'm sorry, Rebekah," Fiona apologized, seeing the look on her sister's face.


"Niklaus presented him with a choice: he could choose to undagger you and live out the rest of his human days with you, or,"

"No," She turned to face her brother, who held an emotionless look on his face.

"He could turn him instead, as he's always wanted, in exchange for giving you up,"

"No. He wouldn't do that to me,"

"Oh, but he did."  Klaus spoke with a chuckle.


Again. He had cheated again.

Of course, he had broken down and played the victim.

"I'm sorry, but I promise this was the last time. I promise, please just don't leave,"

"Ok. I'll stay,"

He smiled and he kissed her cheek affectionately.

"I love you. Always and forever," 

“I’m going to check on Rebekah,” He spoke before leaving her by herself.

"Always and forever." She mumbled, looking at her ring.

                                                       “Please, Niklaus. We can not leave him. He’s my son. He’s our child!” He turned from her pleading eyes.

“I’m sorry, but we have to leave him.”

She sobbed uncontrollably.

He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly.


"Enough! I've had enough. Enough of your empty promises and lies!"

He watched her closely, an emotionless expression painted his face.

"What exactly are you saying?" He spat sharply.

"What does it sound like I'm saying?"

He arose from his seat.

"You will watch your tone with me! I will not allow you to disrespect me in my own home!"

"Our home! That's exactly what I mean. I am leaving you!"

"You will do no such thing!"

She couldn't even react before she felt something pierce her heart.

She looked down to see an object she recognized all too well.

"You promised," She whispered.

"I'm sorry. It had to be this way,"

"It didn’t. You’re not sorry. You never are.”


She couldn't leave him. She was stupid to think she ever could.

So now, she watched in jealousy as he played with his child alongside Hayley.

It was unfair. Niklaus had never wanted children, and now, he had one. She had searched every grimoire, asked every witch, begging nature for a loophole but she never found one.

After everything he had done to her, she couldn’t stop loving him. Their love was strange. It was rare. She remembered everything all too well.

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3 years ago

We all knew this day would come.

Taking Freya’s place, you are with hope when she transitions. 

Parings: Klaus mikaelson x fem oc (romantically, past), Hope mikaelson x fem oc (platonic)

Warnings: Angst, character deaths, cheating

Oc’s name is Ana, cause i hate using y/n ngl.

Word count: 799


Hope was only seven when she left. She had known the woman since birth. They had become close over the years. Hope looked up to the woman as a mother figure. When she left, she was heartbroken. Even years after, she still missed her profoundly.

When it happened, she clung to the small hope that she would come back, just like she promised.

She had asked her aunt Freya why she left but, she never got an answer. She knew better than to ask her parents.

Hope was smart. She figured she left because of Klaus. After all, they were engaged when she ran off.

And even though she had practically abandoned her, Hope still loved the woman.

She had kept the locket the woman gifted her on her fifth birthday. It was beautiful. It had a gold pendant that opened to show a picture, Hope and the woman playing on swings. Klaus had taken the photo, one of the rare occasions the mikaelsons got to be a normal family.

She remembered the day she left vividly. Klaus and the women were fighting again. She was crying again.

Tears, there were a lot of tears, from the woman, from Klaus, from Hope. It was a bad day.

"Please don't go," Hope held on to her as tight as she could. How could she let go?

"Hope, sweetie, I have to go," The woman spoke as her voice broke, attempting to hold the rest of her tears back.

"But, I promise I'll come back," She bent down to the young girl's level, removing a stray hair from her face.


"I promise," She whispered softly, placing a soft kiss on her head, before leaving.

That was the last time Hope saw her.

Now, Hope was going to transition, without her family, her mother, her father. Her mind couldn't help but drift back to the woman. She wondered if she was ok. She wondered if she had a family or if she was even alive.

"That was, uh, a bit of a stall, 'cause there's somebody who wanted to make it here in time." Alaric sighed, leading her to the room.

Hope thought she was dreaming, she was here, she was actually here. 

She looked the same, she had the same smile, the same eyes.

"Ana?" Hope whispered.

I never thought I would hear her voice again. I never thought I would see her again. She was beautiful.

"Hello, gorgeous," She hugged me. I assumed she would be mad, but she wasn't. I'm glad I could be here in her last moments.

"You're still wearing it," I spoke, watching her play with the locket I had given her.

"Always," She responded softly, looking up at me.

"It was like having you close to me," She continued as I sat down on the bed in front of her.

"You have questions, I'm more than ready to answer," I addressed, glancing at her expressionless face. She really was her father's daughter.

"Why did you leave?" She asked, her eyes were filled with sadness. I hated seeing her sad.

"Wow, starting with the hard stuff huh?" I laughed slightly.

"I left for me," I answered honestly.

"Your father and I didn't have the best relationship. We fought a lot. Hope, your dad and I didn't meet after you were born. We met before," Her expression changed.

"Wait, did my dad cheat on you?"

"Hope, I'm not saying this to put your dad in a bad light, but yes, your father was unfaithful to me,"

She looked disgusted. I grabbed her hand, stroking it gently, attempting to calm her down.

"Hope, I forgave him," I whispered shakily.

“He wasn’t a bad person. He was the man I loved.”

"Then why did you leave? I don't understand. I needed you," She hiccupped.

"I know sweetie, I'm so sorry," I wrapped my hands around her, hugging her tightly.

"It was after I turned. I felt ignored he was spending more time with Cami and we were fighting so much. I just had to leave. I had to go,"

"I understand. I just really missed you,"

"I missed you too," I whispered hugging her again.

"What's it like?" Hope asked. It was almost time.

"At first, there's nothing, and slowly you start to realize that there's nothing, that's your consciousness reigniting, then the light trickles in. Everything is heightened and different, but for me, the first thing I noticed was the beauty, of everything. I felt sort of angry I had been missing all of this beauty my whole life," I summarized, looking at the daylight ring Klaus had given me.

Most vampires' transitions were traumatic. I understood why, your life was over, you were no longer alive. I’m thankful my experience was different, mine was kind of wonderful. I was surrounded by people I loved, people who had experience with this kind of thing.

"Wow, that sounds magical," She uttered in awe.

"It was," I answered honestly.

“He loved you, you know?”

“I know,”

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"As I'll ever be,"

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