wyrm137 - Wyrm

She/They Ace This is mostly just fandom stuff, sorry I guess?

54 posts

Things That Are In Canon That I Find Interesting: (Villains)

Things that are in canon that I find interesting: (Villains)

Both Afo and All Might use strength Quirks and a lot of them instead of any other? Like if Afo used the permeability for example, or even just Hagakure's. He had a plan that was well-thought out, but the end result was not smart at all? He was affected by the quirk discrimination, even dismisses Best Jeanists quirk as being too hard to control- doesn't want to spend time mastering things and basically has minimal control over his Quirks. Like if he had stolen Shinsou's he would only need one other quirk ( a quirk that forces one to respond to questions) (maybe something with electronics) and no one would be able to stop him. It's legit said that he has like thousands but the only ones we really see are these strength quirks.

His manipulation of Shigaraki- made him really immature and childish, which, kinda dumb, even if you just want him as a pawn.

Red Shoe Theory: Shigaraki was originally Quirkless and Afo gave him the quirk so he was conviently crying in an alley after people ignore him to be approached and twisted. Both Shigaraki and Izuku have same shoes, and they need the special shoes because of the extra toe joint. (Also stolen)

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More Posts from Wyrm137

2 years ago

Uh long story short, I have two new blorbos Damian Wayne and Danny Fenton despite having never participated in either fandoms or canon before. whoops

Edit: I also have Tim Drake, Billy Hargrove, Kaz Brekker, Micheal Afton and Wolf Keum, I’m sorry but also not. I can’t explain why, but yes content pls

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2 years ago

Raccoon Izuku AU 2 It’s been two weeks since what Izuku calls The Incident happened. He still hasn’t put his laundry away. Everytime he tries to, its cold dead eyes stare into his soul and all his determination fades away like mist. He’s not quite sure how no one noticed he wears the same five shirts now. He lives in terror of the day his mom finds it in his basket. The good news though, is that he was finally able to work out the trend in bank robberies with the villian Mistletoe. Izuku finishes writing in his notebook. He has a call to make.


A few days later, and Izuku knows his mom is getting suspicious. She had offhandedly mentioned seeing him in the same shirt a few days ago. Nothing had happened, but if he doesn't get the laundry done, then she's going to look and see the fursuit. Which leads him to his current quandry; where should he dispose of it? Izuku takes out his map, and searches for the most obscure route. With luck, nothing will happen. He hopes.


Izuku is monstertruckig stupid. He did the Midoriya equivalent of thinking "What's the worst that could happen?" One might wonder why Izuku is thinking this. It's because he is yet again trapped in an alleyway with a drug dealer and noted convict Prickle. Except this time he is stuck, because they had followed him, haggling, while he was trying to open the dumpster at the dead end. Izuku really hates his life, but he knows he will hate what he has to do more to ensure they can't trace anything back to him.

He puts on the suit, and waits. And waits. And waits. And then one of them turns, probably to confirm everything is in the suit, and spots him. And faints. Prickle turns around too, his excitment from having more Trigger slowly turning to terror. Izuku accidentally lets out a peep. Prickle spins on his heel and sprints out, but trips over the dealer's body and slams face first into the ground. He doesn't move. Izuku blinks, and takes off the stuffy head. He hadn't thought he did anything terrifying that time. Izuku looks down at the cold dead eyes of the suit, and shudders. Okay, maybe he had. Anyone would be terrified if this was just standing, staring at them, in a dark corner. Izuku nudges the dealer with his shoe, but the man doesn't move. Izuku shrugs and continues stuffing the fursuit in his backpack. He had more important things to worry about, such as getting rid of the suit somewhere where there aren't people.

Just his luck, all the alleys he can check on the way back are too well taken care of, busy, or don't have an mostly full dumpster in sight. Izuku sighs, and reluctantly decides to shove it in a bag under his bed. It'll be fine.


Extra: In this au, Izuku does keep track of villians and notable crime. However, he only does the bare minimum in reporting on big scenes, due to being ignored for knowing/reporting too much or for not having an analysis quirk. (There has to be a law for quirk determined evidence, like Naomasa and Shin Nemoto (truth of statement, evidence/admittance), or Togas' (victim or killer appearance) or Nighteye (does the future count as evidence? or do you have to catch them in the act/ wait for it to happen?)) Instead he gives just enough for a lead without being memorable or suspicious instead of notes or notebooks.

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2 years ago
From Flirting With Death /srs By Chaoscookiescrime Ao3 ; A House Plant

From flirting with death /srs by chaoscookiescrime ao3 ; a house plant

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2 years ago

Okay but what about a reverse Hanahaki disease, where if you hate someone enough, they get plants crawling up their throat and climbing in their lungs

And then, what if they thought that they were just in love with you, because they cough flowers every time your eyes meet

Like, imagine enemies to lovers; they link eyes, and all she can do is fume at him for his stupid hair and ego and holier-than-thou attitude, and he’s over there coughing up flowers like, is this love?

Also hanahaki disease where if you love them, they get flowers sprouting from their hair, which calls to me because it isn’t painful (unrequited love is already bad enough) it’s aesthetic, and I just think it’d be really cool to have a ruler that’s really loved and everyone can tell cause his long hair is just filled with flowers.

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2 years ago

Stealth (Black sucks)

There is a really common misconception that wearing all black skin tight clothes is good for stealth. It's not, and I'll explain why.

First of all, the surrounding are never all the same color or shade, even if it is really dark- it's constantly changing with moonlight or dimness- the only reason black would actually work would be if there was no light at all, which means that you could wear neon green and it wouldn't matter anyway. It's much smarter to wear a mottled/camo coloring, something that breaks up the figure.

Second of all, black isn't a natural color- which means in a world of dark greys, that one suspicious pitch black spot really seems weird and stands out. It also makes one's figure really easy to spot. This means that black is too dark, and it would be better to wear a dark color that better matches the surroundings, ie: dark grey, blues for water, brown. I know, I know black sounds more stealthy and cool, but dark colors make you sound smarter and add personality.

Now, onto the skin-tight part. This one is where the lines aren't as clear cut- if your character is going to be fitting into small spaces and can't have clothing catch, go for it. If it's sneaking into a guarded fortress in the middle of a forest, then you might be better off having more loose clothing, which helps break up the figure (and can lead to being more mysterious or underestimated)

Therefore, if you are planning on any experienced in stealth characters to sneak into dark cave system with old flickering candles, or a heavily guarded castle, or even just to show off their skills to the audience, please remember- the more it breaks up the character's profile and blends in to the surrounding environment, the better.

(However, using black as a plot device, or to showcase/highlight inexperience is cool)

List of Environments for Colors;

Dark Reds/Oranges/Yellows- when it's fall,

Dark Brown- urban cities, swamps, treetops maybe, wood

Dark Green- forests

Dark Blue- anywhere near water, sky

Dark Grey- basically anywhere, stone, urban cities, catacombs

Light Grey- winter, mountaintops

Dark Tan- deserts, mesas (more rusty color) canyons,


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