xipe-slayground - SLAYGROUND

she/he. gloriously bi-gender. elder millennial. a touch of imposter syndrome.

1654 posts

Some Anagrams For Dr. Martin Brenner:

Some Anagrams For Dr. Martin Brenner:

Remnant Brr Diner (Benny's Diner?)

Dart Brr Inner Men

Dart Brr Rennin Em

Dart Brr Rennin Me (Dart!?!)

Brat Render Inn Mr (Well, I wouldn't argue he renders brats... The "Inn" is the lab?)

Brat Rend Inner Mr

Brat Nerd Inner Mr (Is he an older version of someone we already know? There are already brat nerds in Hawkins)

Mad Brr Inner Rent

Errant Bin Nerd Mr (A reference to Ich Bin Ein Nerd from IT Crowd? Errant def. "erring or straying from the proper course or standards." Oh, Brenner did that alright.) (See also knight errant: a medieval knight wandering in search of chivalrous adventures.)

Man Brr Nerd Nitre (Nitre def. potassium nitrate, a mineral found in gunpowder, which causes explosions in guns or fuels fire. Maybe the firestarter theory is still at work here...)

An Brr Mind Renter (Mind control?)

Some Anagrams For Dr. Martin Brenner:
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6 years ago

It's okay, I know you no longer give a shit about fans like me. Just as long as you have the ones orbiting your crank that don't see your flaws.

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