Anagrams - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Asriel Dreemur is an anagram of Serial Murderer.... Maybe it just has to do with the fact that he used to be Flowey?

Now That I Can Break My Silence

now that i can break my silence

*takes deep breath*


P.S. Deltarune is an anagram of Undertale, Ralsei is an anagram of Asriel …

Is this world an anagram? Is everything rearranged in a different way, even though the pieces are there?

guys what on earth is happeninggg

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6 years ago

Some Anagrams For Dr. Martin Brenner:

Remnant Brr Diner (Benny's Diner?)

Dart Brr Inner Men

Dart Brr Rennin Em

Dart Brr Rennin Me (Dart!?!)

Brat Render Inn Mr (Well, I wouldn't argue he renders brats... The "Inn" is the lab?)

Brat Rend Inner Mr

Brat Nerd Inner Mr (Is he an older version of someone we already know? There are already brat nerds in Hawkins)

Mad Brr Inner Rent

Errant Bin Nerd Mr (A reference to Ich Bin Ein Nerd from IT Crowd? Errant def. "erring or straying from the proper course or standards." Oh, Brenner did that alright.) (See also knight errant: a medieval knight wandering in search of chivalrous adventures.)

Man Brr Nerd Nitre (Nitre def. potassium nitrate, a mineral found in gunpowder, which causes explosions in guns or fuels fire. Maybe the firestarter theory is still at work here...)

An Brr Mind Renter (Mind control?)

Some Anagrams For Dr. Martin Brenner:

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6 years ago

The anagrams made out of the secret code phrases seem to be based around three themes:

Water, fish and twins. 

I wonder if this is implying that Eleven either has a twin or a clone and they’ll meet in the west. 

The fish also make me think of the astrological sign Pisces, the water sign of balance and the fish are twins. It’s also possible that Eleven was born in  February or March. 

I’m wondering if this goes back to the flashback Eleven saw of a baby being born and taken away by Dr. Brenner. Maybe the baby wasn’t Eleven but her twin.

One of the phrases from “in the west” is “ Tenth We Is”. Maybe #10 is Eleven’s clone or Eleven is a clone of Ten. Or Ten and Eleven are twins.

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1 year ago

so i’m really into anagrams and word puzzles and i realized my spirit guides name can be arranged to say “i a male” and my ocs name can be arranged to say “trans boy ens (ens means being)”

in conclusion, i am definitely a girl

(i know i’m gender-fluid i just though this was interesting)

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