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73 posts

Wrapping Paper [Quinn Hughes]

Wrapping Paper [Quinn Hughes] ๐ŸŽ„


Description: Quinn can't wrap gifts to save his life. Y/N is his neighbor and can help.

Warnings: Cursing.

A/N: Day 9 of 12 Days of Christmas!

"Mom, I have no idea what I am doing." Quinn whines to Ellen through the phone.

He's trying to wrap presents, and it's not going well.

"Well did you watch a video honey? Maybe that can help." Ellen suggests.

Quinn tries to pull the wrapping paper and accidentally rips it. "Damnit." He mumbles. "I did watch a video, it just doesn't work."

"Well, do you know anyone there that can help you?" She asks.

"None of the boys know how to." Quinn says, setting scissors down.

"How about Y/N? You guys always say that she knows how to fix and do everything."

Y/N is Quinn's neighbor and a photographer for the canucks. He has a tiny crush on her, but we don't talk about that.

"Mom. I am not asking Y/N to help me wrap presents." He sighs.

"Why not? She's always told you if you ever need anything just let her know." Ellen questions. She really didn't understand why he couldn't just ask Y/N for help. She's a really sweet girl.

"Because I'm twenty years old and this is embarrassing." He replies. He tosses the scissors on the carpeted floor and runs a hand through his hair. "Maybe I should just get bags."

Ellen laughs. "You do what you want honey, but I know Y/N will help you and not even question it."

"Ok mom." Quinn sighs, again. "Well I know it's late there so tell Luke and dad I love and miss them."

"I will. Goodbye Quinn, I love you."

"Love you too mom."

They hang up and Quinn looks around his living room, at all of the presents he needed to wrap.

"This is going to take forever."


"So Quinn, how is present wrapping going?" Brock asks after practice.

"It's been like three days and I only have two done slightly correct. So if that tells you anything." Quinn replies, taking his helmet off.

"Dude, just ask Y/N. Have you been to her place lately? She's got everything wrapped perfectly under her tree. I even had her wrap that one toy for my nephew."

Y/N walks over to the bench and greets everyone.

"Hey guys, were doing the Christmas pictures today just let me know when you want to start."

Everyone gives her a "ok" and she goes back to set up her camera to take pictures of the rest of practice.


After practice and the Christmas pictures and videos were all done Brock, Elias and Quinn were all walking to the vehicle they carpooled in to go home and play video games when they saw Y/N walking to her car.

So, as any teammate would, Brock decided to take advantage of it and help Quinn out.

"Hey Y/N!" He exclaims. Quinn shoved him and gave him a death glare while Elias just giggled. She turns around and stops to wait for them.

"Hey Brock, what's up?" She asks, shifting her bag on her shoulder.

"Could you help Quinny wrap his presents? He's struggling." Brock side eyes Quinn, who rolls his eyes.

"Yeah of course! Just let me know when you get home and I'll come over and help you?" She questions.

"Yeah! Thank you." Quinn shyly replies.

"No problem! You guys have fun playing video games." She says before she gets into her car and drives off.

"See Quinn. She's a sweetheart, you don't have to be afraid to talk to her." Brock chuckles, throwing his stuff in the car.

"I'm not afraid to talk to her." Quinn pouts.

"Yeah ok." Elias pipes in.

"Shut up Petey."


After getting home, Quinn texted Y/N and told her he was home and she replied a few minutes later saying she'd be over soon.

He looked around his apartment and decided to pick up stuff he'd thrown around randomly.

If only Jack and Luke could see him. They'd never let him hear the end of it. He can hear their voices in his head already.

"Quinn's got a crush."

"Quinn's whipped."

Whatever floats their boat.

His doorbell rang and he scanned around one last time to make sure it didn't look like a complete pigsty before opening it.

"Hey, thanks for coming over."

"You don't need to thank me. I've got brothers, I understand wrapping presents isn't really a guys thing." She laughs.

"Especially not mine." Quinn laughs with her.


After an hour, all of the presents were wrapped, labeled and decorated with bows. Y/N even sort of taught him how to wrap presents.

"I know you just taught me but I might just have to keep asking you to help me because I actually really like spending time with you." Quinn says, watching her write on a tag for Lukes gift.

"I like spending time with you too. You're a great person Quinn."

"Thank you. I think you're great too." He smiles. "So, would you maybe want to stay and watch a movie with me? I'll order us food." He offers.

"Yeah, that sounds great." She smiles.

Later after eating and while they were in the middle of the movie, Quinn gets a text.


So did your presents get wrapped Quinny?

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More Posts from Xofern

5 years ago

Transplant [Kristainย โ€˜Yatesyโ€™ Yates]


Description: Y/N finally gets the call sheโ€™s been waiting for.

Warnings: Pain after major surgery?

A/N: This is part two to "Internal"! Also, this is my last imagine until December! December is going to be big, so stay tuned for that!

It's rare for Bondi Beach to be not packed on a beautiful summer day. When Y/N woke up that morning to get ready for work, she just had a gut feeling that it was going to be an amazing day.

She was scheduled with Matt Dee, Mouse, Hoppo, Jesse, Maxi, Kerrbox and her boyfriend of ten months, Yatesy.

Mouse was really the only concern on the beach because everyone was listening, people were behaving and the only injury was a bloody nose caused by a annoying little brother.

Hoppo had called Y/N up around eleven to have her lunch break in the tower with Jesse. While they ate they danced around to some music while scanning the calm water with binoculars.

Y/N's phone started ringing and she turned the music down to answer it.


Jesse sat and watched to see if she'd give any indication as to who it was, but her eyes widened and she put her hand over her mouth.

"Ok, I'll be right there." She hung up the phone and turned to Jesse. "I've got to go!" She grabbed her bag from the book by the back door, ripped open the door and sprinted down the promenade to her car.

Jesse was left speechless. That was unusual for Y/N, so he picked up his radio and called Yatesy up.

Once Yatesy was in the tower Jesse told him what happened.

"Did she look upset?" Yatesy questioned.

"She just looked shocked, mate. I'm not sure what emotion her face was showing."


Y/N had gotten the call she's been waiting on for years.

She was finally getting a transplant.

Her doctor said the heart was being harvested in Perth as they spoke, so she needed to be there as soon as possible to get prepped for surgery.

She called her brother, Chris Brown, famous Bondi Vet, to tell him the news. He almost started crying when she told him because he always worried for his sister, not knowing when she'd get bad again scared him.

Chris met Y/N at the hospital and sat with her while the nurses prepped her for the surgery.

Once the heart was less than 45 minutes away Chris had to leave Y/N until she was out of surgery. They said their "I love you's" and "see you later's" before Y/N asked him to call Yatesy and tell him what was going on, since she didn't have the time to.


"Kristain, it's Chris. Y/N's getting a transplant right now. She didn't have time to tell you, but she would really like for you to be here when she's in recovery." Chris tells Yatesy. Yatesy's jaw drops.

"Yeah, of course. We'll be there soon."

Yatesy was on the verge of a panic attack because no one could get ahold of Y/N. He was actually just about to call her brother when the vets contact lit up his screen.

Yatesy was there first, then after the beach closed most of the lifeguards strolled into the hospital to see their friend after her surgery.

Yatesy was also probably the most nervous one there. That's because after Y/N finally spilled on how bad her condition could get he had researched everything about the human heart. Just so in case he needed to help her. He's also nervous because that's his girlfriend, the woman he plans to marry soon, the love of his life. He just wanted everything to go right.


Y/N's eyes slowly opened after waking up from her drug induced sleep. Her face scrunched up when she felt the pain in her chest. The incision, her ribs, her whole body just hurt.

The nurse monitoring her sent her a bright smile.

"I'm glad you're awake Y/N, you've got some visitors in the waiting room if you're ready?"

"Yeah, bring it on." Y/N replies with a small smile on her face.

The nurse walks out and walks in a minute later with her brother, her friends and her boyfriend.

Chris is the first to approach. Giving his sister a kiss on the cheek and asking her the normal questions.

"How do you feel?"

"Are you happy?"

Then Yatesy sat next to her. He grabbed her hand and kissed her forehead.

"I'm so happy for you, sweetheart. You finally got your transplant." He says with teary eyes.

"I finally got my transplant." Y/N replies with a smile and teary eyes match the man she loves.

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5 years ago

Internal [Kristainย โ€˜Yatesyโ€™ Yates]


Description: Y/N's health condition gets outed on a hot, busy day at Bondi Beach.

Warnings: Cardiac Arrest

Y/N had been feeling dizzy all day. She had heart problems, really, really bad heart problems. Bad enough to get a internal defibrillator. Most people would probably say being a lifeguard isn't good for someone with cardiac issues, but she still pursued the career.

She's been a lifeguard for Waverly Council for three years. The only person to know about her issues was Hoppo. He had to know because of legal reasons, but everyone else was kept in the dark about that aspect of Y/N's life.

"Bondi Central to Blue Rhino. You've got a young man, twenty meters out." Yatesy says over the radio.

Y/N and Yatesy are great friends, well that's what they like to think. Everyone could tell how in love they are, except them.

Yatesy wanted Y/N to come up to the tower because he noticed how she's been acting but the lifeguards were stretched thin and Bondi was busy.

She'd been going back and forth between first aids and incidents in the water all day, with no time to take a breather, let alone any time to inform anyone about how she was feeling.

"I'm going in Yates. He's not looking good." Y/N replies before setting her radio down and grabbing the board.

"You're not looking good either." Yatesy mumbles to himself.

He watches as Y/N hits the water. She starts paddling to the man, but he notices her grab her chest for a second before continuing to paddle.

Y/N finally gets to the man but when she sits up her eyes roll back into her head, going unconscious. Her body falls forward and smacks against the board. The man she went out to rescue clings to the board and starts waving for more help.

Yatesy starts to panic. Normally he is good at keeping a cool composure, but this is Y/N. The woman he's in love with. He grabs his radio and immediately radios out to every lifeguard, even the ones at Tamarama and Bronte.

"Bondi Central to all Waverly Lifeguards. We have a lifeguard down, get an Ambo here quick!"

Yatesy grabs the defibrillator and the other bag of medical supplies. He throws lifeguard protocol out the door and abandons the tower. Hopping in a ATV and speeding to Y/N. By now other swimmers, and surfers have gone over to Y/N. A surfer had brought the man in and the others were trying to wake her up.

Yatesy hits the water and paddles as fast as he can. All he can think is that he might not get the chance to tell her how he feels. He might not get a chance to actually love her.

He stops right next to her and grabs her arm.

"Y/N?!" She doesn't answer, so he puts two fingers to her carotid artery.

Yatesy swears his heart shattered. The pain in his chest, the feeling in his stomach. It was all too much. The tears start rolling down his face. He grabs her from the board and pulls her onto his.

He races back to shore and sees Hoppo, Jesse and Reidy standing there, waiting for them. Yatesy gets off of the board and Jesse pulls him to the side while Hoppo and Reidy pull Y/N up onto the sand.

"She'll be alright mate." Jesse says as he puts a hand on Yatesy's shoulder.

"She didn't have a pulse." Yatesy whispers.

"She'll be alright." Jesse repeats.

Y/N's internal defibrillator goes off, surprising everyone except Hoppo and now Reidy. Her eyes pop open and her hand goes to her chest.

"Y/N you're alright sweetheart, just breathe." She looks up at Hoppo and Reidy who are leaning over her and then tries to sit up when she hears a sob of relief. Reidy stays behind her to keep her steady as she looks at Yatesy.

"Kristain." She croaks. Yatesy walks over and takes Reidy's place behind her.

"I'm in love with you. I know this probably isn't the best time to tell you, but when I saw you collapse I swear my heart fell apart." Yatesy admits.

"I'm in love with you too. I'm ok. I'm sorry I scared you."

Yatesy wraps his arms around her and presses a kiss to her head. "You don't have to be sorry about anything."

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5 years ago

Pack Christmas [Derek Hale]ย ๐ŸŽ„


Description: Derek and Y/N, sworn enemies, are chosen to prepare the pack Christmas Party.

Warnings: Arguing.

A/N: Day 1 of 12 Days of Christmas! Stay tuned for day 2!ย 

"Scott, what the hell?!" Y/N exclaims through the phone. She was in the middle of decorating her house for Christmas when the alpha called her to inform her that she and Derek Hale would be planning and setting up the second annual "McCall Pack Christmas Party".

"Please Y/N? We need to focus on finals and besides, you and Derek are like the packs parents!" Scott pleads.

"Scott, me and Derek barely get along." Y/N sighs as she sets a string of lights down on the floor to be untangled.

"But you work really well together. Remember when Cora and Boyd we're running through town? You guys did great that night."

"First of all, that was life or death. Second, the dude literally argues with me all of the time. Derek has made it very clear that he doesn't enjoy my presence, so if I'm going to do this, I'm better off doing it myself."

"Please, Y/N? Just try it and if it doesn't work out we'll just forget about it."

"Fine, but when everything goes sideways it's not my fault."


"Derek, come on. It's for the pack, not me!" Y/N exclaims.

They had decided to go to the store and buy decorations, and while they were getting garland to wrap around the handles to the stairs in her house. Normally she didn't do much decorating on the inside of the house but with the party being at her house she decided to go all out.

Derek, surprisingly hasn't been in a horrible mood since they started planning the party. Y/N thought he was sick at first, but then remembered werewolves don't get sick, so she doesn't know how to explain it.

Y/N suggested getting a real Christmas tree instead of the old fake one she has, but Derek decided to be difficult.

"The pack won't care." Derek deadpanned.

"Malia would love it because it reminds her of outside. Lydia loves the smell and authenticity. Scott and Stiles hate fake trees and Liam would absolutely love-." Y/N goes on until Derek cuts her off.

"You spoil those kids too much." He groans, finally giving in.

"Maybe I do. Maybe I don't."


On the way to the christmas tree farm, "Last Christmas" came on and Y/N quietly started singing it. Derek took his eyes off the road to look at her. She was beautiful. Derek always thought that from the first time they met to right now. She's always been beautiful. He's also always had a crush on her, but with all of the women he's been in a relationship with, he's been hurt by ninety-nine percent of them. He just thought it was best to push his feelings aside and distance himself, but Scott isn't helping him do that.

Once he parked his truck they started walking around the shops to see if there were any precut trees. Y/N turned a corner, saw a pin with reindeer in it and gasped.

"Derek! Can we go see the reindeer?!"

Derek looks at her for a few seconds while she looks at the reindeer. She has the biggest and brightest smile he thinks he's ever seen. His body warms at the sight. She's so happy, carefree, unlike most of the other times they are around each other.

"Yeah. Why not." Derek replies and walks over to the fence with her.

Immediately one of the baby reindeer walks over to them. Y/N puts her hand out and it rubs against her hand.

"Hi baby. You're so cute." She says in a baby voice. Derek smiles at her, yet again.


After they finished petting all of the animals Derek and Y/N made their way to the Christmas trees.

"You going to chop down the tree?" Y/N asks.

"Yeah, I used to every year when my mom and sisters were still alive."

"My dad never let me." Y/N says as she looks down at her shoes. "He always said 'Can't let my babygirl cut her hands.'."

"Your dad was protective of you wasn't he?" Derek asks as they walk through the rows of trees.

"Yeah, after my mom left with her boyfriend I was all he had left. He didn't want me to play sports in school because he was so scared that I'd get hurt."

"My mom was like that, but she didn't want us to get hurt because then we would be exposed when we heal."

"I'd be the same way, especially because people can't accept it."

"Well I'm glad you have accepted it."


It was finally the day of the party, and Derek came over early in the morning to help Y/N set everything up and cook, which would take forever.

"Ok, so I made the stuff I could premake last night. The deserts are in the fridge, and there is stuff in crockpots that just needs turned on." Y/N says as she speed walks around her house. She's a perfectionist, so her house is spotless, and the decorations are to her liking, and it was snowing, so nothing could ruin today.

Derek opens the fridge to pull out the crockpots and sees that she wasn't kidding when she said she bought enough food to feed the United States Army.

"Well it's a good thing Scott and Stiles can eat."

Y/N just gives him a big smile before continuing on.


"Y/N. When are you and Derek going to accept the fact that you guys are in love with each other." Lydia asks as she stirs the hot chocolate.

"Lydia." Y/N hisses. "He can hear you."

Lydia just rolls her eyes, knowing Stiles is keeping Derek's ears occupied.

"Oh, come on. He looks at you with pure love and adoration. You know he only acts the way he does because he thinks he's protecting himself."

"Why would he need to protect himself from me?" Y/N asks as she finishes the mashed potatoes.

"Because you came along right after Laura was murdered." Lydia pauses. "He told me that you are Laura in a different body. It scares him and makes him sad." She admits.

Y/N snaps her eyes to Lydia's, finally realizing why he was so cold towards her. Everything anyone's told Y/N about Laura reminds her of herself.

"Why didn't he just say something to me, instead of picking arguments with me every time he sees me." Y/N asks quietly.

"Because like Lydia said. I was scared." Derek's voice cut through the Christmas music playing quietly in the kitchen. "I was scared I'd lose you, like I lost Laura, so I figured if you hated me I wouldn't feel this way about you. It never has and it never will work."

Lydia walks out of the kitchen and into the living room with everyone else.

"I'm sorry that you felt that way Derek. I never meant to make you upset." Y/N says.

"Don't apologize. If anyone's apologizing it should be me. I've treated you so badly all of these years when all you wanted to do was help all of them."

"You too." Y/N exhales. "I wanted to help you too."

"Well since Christmas is "The time of forgiveness", maybe you could forgive me?" Derek asks hopefully while coming closer to her.

"That's true, so you are forgiven." Y/N kisses his cheek.

"Now maybe my New Years Resolution should be to make you mine."

"I wouldn't be opposed."

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5 years ago

Christmas Carols [Nolan Patrick]ย ๐ŸŽ„


Description: Nolan doesn't feel the Christmas spirit but Y/N, who lives above him, keeps playing Christmas carols really loud.

Warnings: None

A/N: Day 2 of 12 days of Christmas!

Nolan Patrick is the real life embodiment of the grinch this Christmas. This would be the first Christmas he wouldn't be home with his family because of his career.

Of course he loves hockey, but he also loves his family and wants to spend time with them during the holidays.

He didn't have a tree, or any decorations for that matter. He didn't participate in any normal Christmas traditions. Really the only thing he's done for Christmas was a video with the Flyers media team saying what his favorite Christmas movie was and why.

He hadn't even listened to Christmas music, even Frosty the Snowman, until his upstairs neighbor decided to blast her Christmas carols on a Saturday afternoon.

He kept quiet about it, even though it was annoying him, but she kept blasting it every few days, and after a bad loss, coming home to hear Christmas carols was the last thing he wanted to deal with, but he didn't want to cause issues so he just put his headphones in. With anyone else he would've told them to turn it down, but this is Y/N, his beautiful neighbor/kind of friend/crush. He won't tell her to turn it off.

A week later they bump into each other in the elevator and Nolan brings it up.

"So you seem to really like Christmas music."

Y/N smiles and replies, "Yeah, of course. Who doesn't?" Nolan stays quiet and looks down at his shoes. "You don't like Christmas music? You listened to it last year." Y/N questions.

"Yeah, this year is different though." He replies and starts to fiddle with his duffle bag.

"How so?" Y/N pushes.

"I can't go home because of work, so there's really no reason to celebrate."

Y/N sees the hurt on his face. He really wanted to be with his family.

"Well, how about this, you can celebrate Christmas with me since neither of us can go home this year." She suggests.

Nolan looks up at her and he shakes his head.

"It's ok, I swear. I don't want to intrude, I'll just have to celebrate next year."

"Nolan we've known each other for like three years. You're not intruding." Y/N laughs.

"Seriously, it's ok. I'll just watch some movies and order some takeout." Nolan assures.

The elevator stops on Y/N's floor and they look at each other.

"I won't take no for an answer Nolan." Y/N argues as she steps off of the elevator. "I'll make you stop being your little grinch self." Y/N winks before walking off to her apartment.

Nolan leans against the elevator wall and lets out a deep breath.


A few days later Nolan is walking into the building with Travis. They had just left practice and decided they wanted to play video games at Nolan's place.

"So Patty, how is Y/N?" Travis asks as they play call of duty.

"She's good. Why?" Nolan glances at Travis' face to see his smirk.

"Just wondering. You avoided the elevator." He replies.

"Uh. Coach says we need to stop being lazy." Nolan mumbles.

"So it doesn't have anything to do with Y/N getting home around this time?"

"No." Nolan croaks. "It's not-. Y/N doesn't-. Damn you Teeks." Nolan sputters, his cheeks burning.

"You like her. She invited you over for Christmas. Go or I'll kick your ass."


Nolan walks into the lobby coming in from Philadelphia's cold, snowy weather. It's the day before Christmas Eve and today was their last day of practice until the day after Christmas.

After brushing his hair out of his face he looks up to see Y/N standing at the front desk waiting for her mail. She turns her head to see Nolan standing there and waves at him. He walks over to the desk and asks for his mail as well.

"So, Christmas."

"Your place or mine?" Nolan asks.

"Be at my place at one. Don't worry about bringing anything." She says as she grabs her mail.

"You sure?"

"Just bring yourself Nol." She smiles before walking to the elevator.


Nolan switches the hand the bag is in before knocking on her door.

He knew she said not to bring anything but he didn't feel right so he got her a gift. With Travis' help.

The door opens and Y/N smiles at him.

"Hey, come in!"

Nolan walks into the apartment and looks around.

It looks like a Christmas bomb went off.

"I like your decorations."

"Thanks! I about broke my neck climbing up on a ladder to put the star on top of my tree." She chuckles.

"I brought you something as a thank you for letting me spend today with you."

"You didn't have to Nolan. If anything you're doing me a favor. Making me feel like less of a loner."

"You're not a loner. You know Travis, Carter and I love spending time with you."

"Yeah but I'm just the girl you guys hang out with sometimes." Y/N replies. "Anyway, I got you something too." She goes into the living room and grabs a box. "Open it, I might slip up if you don't open it now." Her bright eyes made Nolan's heart melt. Maybe this would turn out an ok Christmas.

"Only if you open yours first."

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5 years ago

Residents [Grayson Dolan]


Description: Y/N and Grayson are both Pediatric Senior Residents.

Warnings: Lacerations, stitches.

Y/N walks down the hall in the Pediatrics wing at the practice she works at. She's worked here for three years, straight out of medical school. She was in the middle of answering her sisters question about her two year old nieces cough when she ran into a wall, but the wall grabs her before she crashes to the floor.

"Shit. I'm so sorry." The wall says. She looks up at what she first thought was a wall and sees an attractive man looking back at her. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm ok. Probably shouldn't be texting and walking." She says and shoves her phone in the pocket of her scrub top.

"You a Doctor here?" The man asks.

"Yeah. Pediatrics Senior Resident."

"Me too. My name's Grayson Dolan, I just transferred here from the hospital." Grayson says. He puts his hand out for her to shake, and she accepts.

"Y/N Y/L/N. I was actually just going up to reception to show you around."

"Well it looks like I found you first."


"Hey, you wanna come with me to see my patient in Two? He's got two lacerations from running into a window and he's pretty upset." Grayson asks as he leans up against the counter besides Y/N.

"Yeah, sure." She follows him into the exam room and sees a little boy on the bed, curled up with his mom by his side.

"Mrs. Shaw. This is Doctor Y/L/N. She's the other Senior Resident here, and she's going to help me stitch Liam up, so it goes as quick as possible. Alright?" Mrs.Shaw nods and Y/N grabs a suture kit, some lidocaine and some gloves.

"Hi, Liam. My name is Y/N. How are you feeling?" She sits on the stool next to him.

"Owie." Liam cries.

"I know sweetheart, but me and Grayson are going to make you all better, but to do that I need to give you a tiny shot." She squeezes her fingers close together to exaggerate how small the needle is. "But I have a friend to keep you company while it's being done." She pulls a stuffed tiger out of her scrub pocket. "This is Tiggy. He's super strong and really nice, so I want you to hold onto him for me, ok?" Liam nods and cuddles Tiggy. Y/N looks over at Grayson and nods to say she's ready. Grayson nods back so she turns to Liam. "Alright bud, two tiny pinches. Right- now."

They both inject the numbing medication and Liam barely notices.

"Alright. Now we are going to fix you up bud." Grayson says as he puts the syringe down on the table. Y/N does the same and grabs her suture kit.

"Liam, you're doing really good sweetie, I'm proud of you. I'd be crying like a baby if I had an owie like this." Y/N says to the small boy. Liam smiles at her and cuddles into his mom.

Once they finish getting Liam fixed up both doctors walk the mother and son to check out, where the treasure box is.

Y/N takes Liam over to it while Grayson talks with the receptionist and Mrs. Shaw about getting his stitches out. She squats down to his level and opens the treasure box.

"Tell you what, since you are the toughest boy I've ever met, you can get two treasures." Liam's smile shines when she tells him that. "It'll be our secret, ok?" Liam nods and pick out a stuffed tiger, just like Tiggy and a coloring book.

"Thank you." Liam gives her a hug and Y/N beams.

"You're welcome. I'll see you when you come back ok?" Liam nods and they all say goodbye, but Liam turns back.

"Bye Tiggy!" Liam waves.

Once they get back to the Doctors Station Grayson leans on the counter and watches Y/N do paperwork.

"So, as a thank you for your help, would you like to go out for dinner tonight?" Grayson asks. Y/N looks up and smiles.

"Sure, here's my address." She says as she writes on a sticky note and hands it to him. "I've got to go examine some babies at the hospital, so I'll see you tonight." She grabs her stuff and walks over to him. She presses a kiss to his cheek. "Bye Doctor Dolan."

"Bye Doctor Y/L/N."


After Y/N finished seeing all of the newborn babies that are now her patients, she went home to get ready.

It was seven thirty when her doorbell went off. She grabbed her bag and walked to the door to answer it, and she was greeted by a handsome man with beautiful flowers.

"Grayson, these flowers are beautiful." Y/N smiles to him and takes them from him so she can put them in a vase. She gestures for him to follow and he shuts the door behind him.

He takes a look around her house. It looks exactly like he'd pictured it. Clean, cozy and warm. It also smelled like her, which he loved, because she smells amazing.

"So, where are we going?" Y/N asks, pulling him out of his trance.

"It's a surprise." Grayson replies, mischievous smile etched onto his face.

"There better not be a clown." Y/N warns and points at him.

She'd told him about her fear of clowns, and Grayson was known for his little pranks, so she was somewhat scared about the surprise.

"I promise there are no clowns." Grayson chuckles.


Grayson had booked a rooftop table at a very popular Italian restaurant. He knew Italian was Y/N's favorite food because she always talked about how much she loved it. She ordered Carbonara, and Grayson ordered Tortellini, along with wine.

They spent the entire time talking to each other and admiring the view. No phones, nothing to distract them. They talked about their childhoods, things they liked and did not like and their experiences with college and medical school.

"How'd you know you wanted to be a Pediatrician?" Grayson asks as he refills their wine glasses.

"I've always loved kids, babysat my family's babies and neighbors kids all of the time, but I also really admired doctors and what they do. I figured I could just combine the two." Y/N answers. Grayson could've sworn he saw a twinkle in her eye while talking. "How about you Doctor Dolan? Why'd you become a Pediatrician?"

"I actually started out in med school thinking I was going to be a plastic surgeon, but on my first peds rotation I fell in love with it. I mean what's better than being around adorable babies all day?"

"True." Y/N laughs. "So plastic surgery? You wanted to do nose jobs?"

"Yeah, I always thought it was cool that you could help someone be confident with their body, but peds grabbed me by the ankle and didn't let go."


After dinner Grayson took Y/N for ice cream, then back to her house and walked her to the door.

"Thank you for taking me out for dinner Grayson. I had a really good time." Y/N says.

"You're welcome, and me too." Grayson smiles. He starts getting lost in his own world by looking at her, but realizes something. "I never told you how beautiful you look tonight.- I mean not just tonight-."

Y/N blushes and looks down at her feet while she smiles.

"It's ok, I get it." She chuckles. "Thank you, and you look quite handsome as well."

Grayson smiles and looks at his watch quickly. "Shit, it's already close to one. I should let you go to bed."

"Yeah, you don't have to be in until eleven. I have to go in at seven." Y/N giggles.

"Well, to make it up to you I'll bring you coffee." Grayson offers. Y/N smiles and nods. "I'll see you at eleven sharp. Don't miss me too much."

"Shut up, you weirdo." Grayson and Y/N both laugh.

"Ok, seriously. I'm going to go home and you're going to go to bed. I had an amazing time tonight and I'd really like to take you out again."

"Yeah, of course. I'd love to." Y/N replies.

Grayson smiles and leans in. He presses a quick kiss to her cheek and starts walking away.

"Goodnight Doctor Y/L/N!"

"Goodnight Doctor Dolan!"

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