Bondi Rescue - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Me: * a TERRIBLE swimmer* *sinks like a rock* *lung capacity: pea size*

ALSO ME *after watching Bondi Rescue once *: “I think I want to become a life guard 🙂”

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10 months ago

Bondi rescue masterlist ❤️

Main masterlist





Hoppo moodboard ✨️



Proposal 💘






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10 months ago

Main masterlist bondi rescue masterlist request

Main Masterlist Bondi Rescue Masterlist Request

Hoppo marrying the love of his life

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6 months ago

Main masterlist bondi rescue masterlist


Main Masterlist Bondi Rescue Masterlist

Jethro James proposing to his girlfriend of 5 years on bondi beach

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6 years ago

Bluebottles [Trent ‘Maxi’ Maxwell]


Description: Y/N saves a babies life and hurts herself doing so. Maxi takes care of her.

Warnings: CPR, near drowning, bluebottles.

Y/N was standing by Jesse in front of Backpackers Rip while they helped a mother look for her teenage son. She'd been trying to keep an eye on the water, but the woman was screaming and causing a whole mess.

"Ma'am, calm down, we will find him." Jesse tries to calm her down, but she continues screaming. Y/N scans the water for the boy again when her eyes land on a woman struggling in the rip. She rips her black pullover off and grabs the rescue board. Just as she does that, Deano radios from the tower.

"Bondi Central to Blue Rhino, you've got a woman in backpackers with what looks to be a baby. She's about ready to go under."

"Jesse call for backup!" She yells as she runs towards the water. The baby is her first priority. As she quickly paddles out she tries to avoid the floating bluebottles. She reaches the screaming mother and she grabs onto the board. "Where's the baby?!"

"Water!" The woman screams.

Y/N immediately jumps into the water and swims to the baby girl. When she reaches the baby her eyes are closed. She pulls her into her arms and looks up. A swarm of bluebottles has floated in by her board, and she can't avoid them, so she wraps herself around the baby and goes through them. When she breaks the surface she sees Maxi with the mother on his board. She puts the baby on her board and gets on herself. She ignores Maxi's concerned questions and catches a wave in. She drags the baby in with the board and she immediately starts CPR. Harries runs up with a bag and Jesse slides in beside them.

"Y/N you've got stingers all over you." Jesse points out.

"I'm fine." She brushes him off and keeps going.

Maxi brings the mother to shore and makes sure she's okay before rushing over to the group. Y/N absolutely refused to let anyone switch her, even though her body was covered in stings.

After four sets of sixty compressions and eight breaths the baby has a pulse, is responsive and crying. Right in time for the ambulance to arrive.

"Call the police." Y/N says as she stands up. "That was pure child endangerment."

She starts walking to the tower and about halfway up the adrenaline wears off and she's about to drop. Maxi had followed her on the quad and grabs her before she can. He wraps her pullover around her and sits her in front of him, then speeds up to the tower. Once they get up the stairs Maxi immediately grabs a pair of gloves to pick the stingers off of her.

Y/N starts brushing the ones on her chest off as she grits her teeth.

"Let me help." Maxi says as he starts picking the stingers from her neck and back.

"Who the hell brings a six month old baby into deep water, let alone a rip?!" Y/N rants as she continues brushing off stingers aggressively.

"I don't know sweetheart, but the baby is alright. That's all that matters. Now we're worried about you."

"I'll be fine." She groans. "I just need to shower."

"You're covered in bluebottle stings, you're going to hurt for a bit." Deano says as he turns around from dealing with another rescue. "You did amazing Bug." He compliments. "But you're going to start hurting, so Maxi, help her in the showers please." Maxi nods and follows her. Y/N sits on the cold tiles in the shower, not being able to stand because of the pain.

"God, this sucks." She groans.

"I know." Maxi says. He turns the water onto the hot setting and sits next to Y/N on the floor. As she sits there, hunched over in pain as the toxins reach her glands, Maxi takes one of her hair ties and puts her hair in a top knot. "Do you want to sit up?" He asks her. She shakes her head no Maxi scoots closer. "Sweetheart, your neck and back are going to hurt if you stay like that." She doesn’t reply, so, he changes his tactics. "Do you want to sit in my lap?"

She looks up.

"Can I?" Her voice has gotten much quieter.

"Anything for you." Maxi replies.

Y/N has always said that skin to skin contact, or even just being close to another person helps comfort some people, and she was one of them. So, she quickly sits on Maxi's left thigh and brings her legs closer to her chest so her feet are on the other side of them, and head lays on his shoulder. Maxi has an arm around her and a hand on the back of her head.

After they've situated themselves, they sit there in silence while the hot water streams over both of them.

Unfortunately, Maxi was called out for a mass rescue and Y/N was still in a great amount of pain.

Deano had suggested giving her the Green Whistle and sending her to the hospital, but she refused and is now curled up in the corner of the tower. Taco had almost stepped on her, because she’d covered herself in her jackets.

Eventually Jesse, and Maxi come back into the tower and Maxi goes back towards the shower to see if she was still there, and he was confused when he’d seen a empty room.

"Where’d Bug go?" Maxi asks Deano. Deano, turns and points at her.

Jesse laughs when he looks over. Maxi wants to, but he doesn’t. Covered in her black jacket and blue pullover, Y/N had pulled the hood over her head, trying to wish away the sensation in peace. She looked like a box.

"I offered the Green Whistle, but she refused."

"Y/N you know being in pain for this long from a bluebottle sting isn’t normal." Jesse says.

"Give me like thirty minutes and I’ll be good to go."

"You said that an hour ago." Maxi says, and sits in the chair next to her spot on the floor.

"At least now I can talk." She points out.

"Alright Bug, whatever you say."

Finally, three hours left on her shift and the pain has gone away. Now Y/N is patrolling North Bondi with Maxi.

"Thanks for helping me earlier, I appreciate it." Y/N says as they scan the water.

"You’re welcome, but you know I’d do anything for you." Maxi replies.

"And I’d do anything for you."

Maxi stops scanning the water and thinks.

Perfect segway.

"You wanna do something for me?" He asks, and sets his radio on the seat.

"Anything." Y/N nods.

"Go on a date with me tomorrow."

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6 years ago

Shark At Bondi [Max Ayshford]


Description: Y/N gets attacked by a shark trying to chase it away from the beach. 

Warnings: Shark attack, blood, cpr, cursing. 

A/N: Watch Bondi Rescue. It is so interesting!

"You see that shadow? Maybe a hundred meters out in between the flags." Y/N points out to her boyfriend, and fellow lifeguard, Max. The couple and Hoppo were in the tower, keeping an eye on the beach.

"Yeah, what do you suppose it is?" Max asks.

"Could be a seal, group of catfish, could also be a shark." She replies. Max picks up the radio and calls for Jesse.

"Bondi Central to Jet Ski. We've got an eye on a dark shadow. Could possibly be a shark, but we'd like to investigate."

"Clear mate, I'll keep an eye out." Jesse responds.

Just then an urgent knock on the door catches their attention. Y/N stands up and gets the door.

"Hey, I've just seen a shark, in between the flags. He's huge. I have a video on my GoPro." The man says, and shows the camera to her.

"Hoppo, he's got a picture of the shark, it's a Great White." Y/N says. Hoppo, without needing anymore evidence sets off the shark alarm.

"Jesse come to shore, shark sighting has been confirmed. We're going to chase it off."

"Clear." Jesse responds.

"You two go with Jess." Hoppo orders.

Y/N and Max take their pullovers off, and then they start their run down to the water through the crowd. Once they finally reach the jet ski, Y/N jumps on the mat, while Max jumps up with Jesse.

"Let's go chase off a shark Jessifer." Her nickname for him makes Jesse laugh as he starts taking the Jet Ski out to the sharks last known location.

After ten minutes of searching the bay for the shark, the helicopter shows up to help search, and they immediately find the shark.

"Bondi Central to Jet Ski. The helicopter has informed us that the shark is making a beeline towards the rocks at South Bondi. Head over there to chase it off."

"Clear mate, we're going now." Jesse replies. Then, they take off.

"Holy shit, his dorsal fin is huge." Y/N says as they approach it. She scoots up higher on the mat so she can get a closer look at the shark.

"Oh hell, it is." Max says.

Jesse turns the Jet Ski around and chases after the shark. They eventually get it out a couple hundred meters before they lose sight of it. The boys had stood up to see if they could see it and Y/N kept an eye out for shadows. After ten minutes they were about ready to call it quits, but then Hoppo comes over the radio.

"Guys, the helicopter has eyes on the shark, it's circling you. Be careful."


Jesse revs the Jet Ski and it doesn't scare the shark one bit. Y/N started to move up towards the boys more, and Max grabbed her hand, but once her back was turned, the shark jumped up and bit her side. The bite wasn't a clamp down and pull, but the sharks razor sharp teeth dug into her right side and definitely did some damage.

Y/N screams and the shark lets go, only to come back and bite her thigh. This time Y/N fights. She uses her leg that isn't being bitten, to kick the shark in the nose, eye and gill.

After the strong kicks were delivered the shark swam off. Y/N flops onto the mat, crying in pain and Max starts to go back with her.

"No, just go Jess." Y/N grunts through the pain and grabs the handles so she doesn't fall off.

"Call an Ambulance and get ready for us!" Jesse shouts into the radio strapped to him.

Max couldn't say anything. He was in shock, and couldn't believe he'd just witnessed his girlfriend getting attacked by a shark.

They were about a quarter of the way in when Y/N's voice beat the sounds around them.

"Guys I'm goin-."

Max barely had any time to react before Y/N let go of the handles and then fell off of the mat, straight into the ocean.

"Y/N!" Max shouts and Jesse breaks hard. Max jumps off and goes under the water to grab her unconscious body.

With all of the blood that was pouring out around them he knew why she'd gone unconscious so quickly. She was losing a lot of blood, and fast.

Jesse has turned around to get closer to the couple, so Max didn't have to drag her and he helps him get her on the mat before Max straddles her back so she doesn't fall off again.

Once they finally make it to shore, Max grabs Y/N and carries her onto the sand. He sets her down and a few of the lifeguards surround them.

"Check for pulse." Harries tells Bacon, who is up at Y/N's head ready to start bagging her. Bacon puts his pointer and middle finger on her carotid artery and shakes his head no.

"No pulse, start CPR." Jake starts doing compressions, while Bacon uses the Ambu Bag to breathe for Y/N and Harries gets the defibrillator ready to go.

Harries goes around Jake so he can expose her chest and wipe the water off, so the defibrillators pads will work. He places them onto her and then the defibrillator talks.

"Stop CPR. Do not touch the patient. Checking rhythm."

Max stands a few feet away with Harrison. Harrison had to keep him out of the others way so they could get her back.

"Shock advised. Do not touch patient."

"Clear?" Harries asks.

"Clear." Both Jake and Bacon reply.

Harries presses the button and Y/N's body jumps.

"Check pulse."

Harries checks her radial pulse, and Bacon checks the carotid again.

"I've got a pulse!" Harries exclaims.

"Pulse is strong. She's back!" Bacon confirms.

Max lets out a sigh of relief and tears start falling down his face. Harrison engulfs him in a hug and pats his back.

"She's alright, mate. She's a strong girl."

Y/N's eyes shoot open and she starts to cough up the water in her lungs. The boys turn her on her side until she stops coughing.

Then Jake gets a tourniquet and places it above the bite on her thigh, and Harries holds pressure on her side. Bacon grabs a few blankets to cover her up.

Finally, Yak makes it through the crowd. The paramedic needed to check Y/N to make sure nothing major was going on. Harrison quickly briefs him and Max just stares at his girlfriend.

Her lips are blue, she's pale, and shivering, even though it's at least forty degrees.

Yak walks over to Max and puts his hand on his shoulder. "I know this is scary, but right now I need you to be strong for her and talk to her, because she's hypothermic and has lost a lot of blood. She can not close her eyes, so distract her. Alright?" Max nods and sits down besides Y/N.

"H-How bad is it?" She asks.

"Not bad at all baby. Just some gashes, but you'll be alright."

"It-It's c-cold. Hutts said h-he was getting me a bl-blanket."

"Then we should tell Hutts to hurry up then, huh?" He presses a quick kiss to her temple and she smiles.

"No, he-he's ok. He is try-trying his b-best." She responds.

"You love Harrison, don't you? Probably even more than me." Max jokes.

"He's my b-buddy, and-and I love all of y-you guys. Es-Especially you."

"We love you too."


After the ambulance arrived and gotten Y/N up to the road where it's parked, they decided to load and go, but Y/N wouldn't leave without Max.

"He comes with or I-I'm getting out, a-and driving my damn s-self." Y/N states firmly.

Everyone looks at the paramedics. She waits a few seconds and no one answers, so she goes to grab the IV in her arm.

"Ok. Ok." The paramedic says and pushes her hand away. "Max can come with."

"Ok, thanks."

The boys laugh and Harries pats Max on the back and yells him to update them before he leaves.

"Love you Y/N/N, and Max!" They yell.

"We love you too guys!"

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6 years ago

Wisdom [Harrison Reid]


Description: Harrison gets his wisdom teeth out, and he is very endearing when he is drugged up. 

Warnings: None, unless you count wisdom teeth removal and Harrison being cute. 

"Are you nervous?" Y/N asks her boyfriend, Harrison.

"No, not really." Harrison replies. "Just nervous about how I'm going to act after." He runs his hand through his hair and sighs.


"Because any other time I've been under anesthesia, I've said weird things."

"You say weird things when you're sober. What's the difference?"

"Not helping." Harrison groans and leans on her shoulder, head resting at the base of her neck. Y/N laughs and scratches his scalp.

"I'm just trying to keep your mind off of it."

"Yeah yeah."

Harrison's name gets called and the couple go back to the room, and they let Y/N stay with him until he's put under. She presses a quick kiss to his forehead and squeezes his hand before making her way back into the waiting room.


"Where Y/N?" She hears Harrison ask from his room. He was out of surgery and finally able to see her, so he wasn't patient.

"She's coming- Ah, there she is." The nurse says and Harrison quickly looks to the door.

"Y/N! I missed you sooooooooooo much. This much." He spreads his arms out as far as they go.

"I missed you too Hutz." She sits in the chair besides his recliner and he grabs her hand.

"You're hands are so soft and small. It's so cute. I love it." He slurs, but inspects her hands as if he was a detective.

"They fit right in yours don't they?" Y/N smiles.

"Yeah. -I wanna call Maxi." He jumps from subject to subject.

Lifeguarding- dogs, food- candles, Australian thongs- American thongs. Y/N's smile- Y/N's hair. It just goes on and on until she finally is able to get him in the car to take him home.

"Can I call him now?" Y/N nods and gives Harrison her phone so he can find Maxi's contact, so when he does he puts the phone to his ear, but doesn't realize Y/N's phone is connected to the Bluetooth in the car, so Maxi's voice isn't coming from the phone.

"Hey Y/N, what's up?" Maxi answers.

"Maxi, mate it is me, Hutz."

"Oh hey bud, how are you? How'd your surgery go?"

"Good, good." Harrison says. "Maxi, Y/N is so beautiful and nice. She's so good to me. I have puffy cheeks and she isn't making fun of me." Harrison says.

"She is mate. She's a great girl."

"Yeah, I just love her so much man. She's perfect. Like she could blow up my car and I wouldn't get mad."

"Heart eyes huh?" Maxi chuckles.

"Yes- Oh my god, her eyes are so pretty. I love them so much. I could stare at them all day."

He keeps going on and on, all the way home, but Y/N doesn't say anything, she just tries to keep a straight face. So when she gets Harrison's gauze changed and gets him back into comfy clothes he passes out in bed, while she makes him supper, and cleans the house.

"Hey Maxi." She hears Harrison say. "I'm good. Yeah, Y/N's been taking care of me.- I did what?- Oh my god.- Yeah I do.- Alright mate. I'll see you tomorrow, bye." He hangs up and groans. So, Y/N takes that as her cue to enter.

"How're you feeling babe?" She sits beside him.

"Better." Harrison answers with his arms over his face.

"Who was that?" She asks.

"Maxi." He breathes. "He said I called him earlier from your phone while you were driving and told me everything I said."

"Yeah, it was cute. You didn't even know I could hear you even though I was right beside you." Y/N laughs. "You're very endearing when you're drugged up."

"Hey!" Harrison exclaims and sits up. "I'm endearing all of the time."

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6 years ago

In The Surf [Adriel ‘Bacon’ Young]


Description: Y/N gets ran over by her best friends boyfriend, Colton, out in the surf, and Bacon has to rescue her, but it’s complicated.

Warnings: Broken bones, gashes.

"You guys ready?" Y/F/N asks as her boyfriend and Y/N stand next to her.

"Uh, yeah." Colton, her boyfriend sighs.

He's definitely not ready. He doesn't know how to surf, but that's not what he told Y/F/N, and Y/N.

"Yeah. Last one to the lineup buys lunch." Y/N says and starts running towards the water. Colton was definitely going to buy lunch, because Y/N's using the rip to send her out.

The swell was great, eight to nine foot waves. You don't get that too often at Bondi.

Y/N made it out first and caught a couple of waves before sitting with Colton while they watch Y/F/N ride a wave in. Then she turns and sees a great set coming in. She starts paddling and so does Colton. Y/N gets up and she's closest to the break, so all of the other surfers back off, except for one.

Colton keeps going and loses balance for a split second, changing the direction of his board and smashing into the back of Y/N's leg and sending her flying before falling off himself, but he gets washed in towards the shore.

Pain radiates through Y/N's leg as she tries to resurface, but a huge wave throws her around before she can get up to breathe again.

Y/N's local. She grew up surfing and swimming here at Bondi, Tamarama, and Bronte. So, she's here quite often and has met a few of the lifeguards after helping a few people stay above water. She definitely didn't need them to rescue her, but when Bacon saw a familiar board bobbing up in down, vertical in the air after the big wave, his heart dropped. Then the board goes back to its original position and she throws her arms over the board and rests her head, but she doesn't get on.

"Hey Bacon, you might have to go in. I think she might've gotten hit by another surfer." Chappo says over the radio.

"Yeah mate, I'm going." Bacon replies.

He takes his pullover off and grabs the board, then starts running. He hits the water and starts paddling. The waves that kept coming were harsh, almost knocking him off the rescue board a few times.

Bacon was hoping that by time he got out to her, she'd still be hanging onto her board, and not under the water.

Finally, after one last huge wave he reached her.

"Y/N?" Her head pops up and she sees Bacon, who she'd met multiple times.

"Hey. I got hit." Y/N says and tries once again to get up on her board. "My left leg hurts like a bitch and I can't get up on the board."

Bacon nods and moves on his board. "Is it alright if I get in and take a look?"

"Be my guest." She laughs and plops her head back down.

Bacon jumps into the water and swims over to her leg. It's bent at a weird angle.

Definitely broken.

He resurfaces closer to her and puts his hand on her shoulder.

"I'd say it's definitely broken. I'll have to support it somehow."

"We will have to ditch my board. It's not going to help at all." Bacon nods and goes back under to free her from the strap.

Then she lets go of her board and grabs onto the blue rescue board. The surfboard starts going towards the shore with the waves.

"Alright I'm going to lift you up on here. It's probably going to hurt." He warns.

"Do what you have to do, I'll be fine." Y/N replies. Bacon nods and grabs onto her thighs.

"Push up from my shoulders." Y/N nods and does as directed. She finally gets on the board but the painful part is coming, laying on her stomach and moving the broken extremity around. Bacon helps her get into position and gets on behind her. "I'll try and be as careful as I can." Bacon says and starts paddling.

The rescue is going smooth, until a big wave pops up and wipes them out and onto the reef, making Bacon lose the board, and causing some pretty nasty gashes and scrapes. 

"Shit! Are you alright?" Bacon asks as he gets over to Y/N.

"Yeah, I'm good. You?" She asks and scoots herself so she's sitting up.

"I'm fine, just lost the board." Bacon notices how pale she's gotten knows he's got to make a decision soon.

Wait for another lifeguard. Or, carry her so she doesn't get hypothermia and go into shock.

He decides to carry her in, so, he puts a arm under her leg and the other around her back. He hoists her up and starts walking, then another wave hits them, and he falls to his knees, but doesn't let go of her.


Bacon and Y/N finally make it to shore and Maxi meets them, while Quinno gets a splint and the green whistle ready.

Y/F/N runs up with Colton in tow.

"Y/N what the hell? Where'd you go?"

"She was stuck out in the surf because your boyfriend ran his board into her leg and left her out there." Bacon snaps.

Colton is definitely on his shit list.

"I was closest to the break dumbass. You don't keep going if I've got the wave."

Bacon and Maxi set Y/N in the back of the rhino. They wrap her in towels and blankets while Quinno gives her the green whistle.

After a few breaths of that Y/N's pain slowly starts to go away and she looks at Bacon.

"You're a good guy. Saving my ass unlike King Dickhead over there."

The boys laugh and Y/N just keeps breathing with the whistle.

"Never thought I'd have to rescue you if I'm being honest." Bacon replies as he sits next to her and puts another blanket around her.

"Right? But at least I was in the right place for what I was doing. Swim between the flags. Not at South Bondi, and in Backpackers Rip. That thing is like a freaking ice cream truck or something, because everyone goes straight to it." Y/N says and uses her hands for exaggeration. All of the boys laugh and agree with her.


Even though the people the boys normally rescue don't show up again, Y/N definitely did, and Bacon got a girlfriend out of it.

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5 years ago

The Two Percent [Adrian ‘Taco’ Kovacic]


Description: Y/N has to handle some business and Taco gets protective.

Warnings: Harrasment, cursing.

After having been a trainee at Bondi for two years, Y/N finally finished her TAFE course, and got offered a permanent job.

Of course she took it. Who wouldn't?

She was three months into her first summer as a fully fledged lifeguard when she was asked to do a voiceover for Bondi Rescue on a incident that had occurred a month earlier.

"Ninety-eight percent of people down here at Bondi are great, they mind their own business, don't cause any problems. But then there is that two percent of people that are just complete assholes." She tells the camera. "There was an incident with a group of kids, sixteen year old girls. They were local, and it was the weekend, so where else do teen girls go on a hot weekend? The beach."

Y/N was with new trainee, Adrian, better known as Taco, up at North Bondi, just watching the water when she heard a girl tell someone to go away. Neither one of them payed attention to it, but after the second time Y/N turned her head to look.

A older guy was over by the girls, he was about twenty, only two years older than her.

"Hey Tac and Y/N, I think you might have an issue a couple of meters away from you. This guy just keeps talking to these girls, and they aren't liking it." Chappo, who's in the tower, says over the radio.

Taco grabs his radio to answer back. "Yeah mate, we heard one of them tell him to go away. Has he touched any of them?"

"Not yet, but he's inching his way closer, just keep an ear out."

"Copy." Taco replies and sets the radio down. "If we have a rescue, you can go in just incase he acts up, you shouldn't have to deal with that."

Taco only says that out of sympathy, because ever since Y/N started at Bondi, some men would touch her butt, or grab her boob on "accident", or just do it because they think it's ok.

"Nah, I'll be fine." Y/N replies and grabs the megaphone to move some swimmers down to the flags.

After a while Y/N saw a few of the girls go into the water. She was standing in the back of the rhino drying off after a rescue, so she had a great vantage point. She sees the guy get up and follow them so, she radios up to the tower.

"Chap, I'm going to go talk to these girls. I'm not going to identify myself yet. Could you possibly send someone down here."

"Yeah will do. Take Taco with you and be careful." Chappo replies.

Y/N takes her lifeguard rash guard off and that leaves her in a black bikini. She jumps off the rhino and walks over to Taco's side.

"We're going to go talk to those girls, take your pullover off." She tells him. Taco nods and gets out of the rhino. He takes the pullover off and sets it in his seat.

They casually make their way into the water and Y/N stands beside one of the girls.

"Hey." She greets the young girl.

The girl turns and sees Y/N and Taco. "Hi." She smiles.

"Is that guy bothering you and your friends?" Y/N asks quietly, trying not to draw any attention.

"Sort of, but it’s nothing we can’t handle." The girl replies.

"Well, we are lifeguards here, so if you want him to go away just come get us. Alright?" Taco says. The girl nods and they walk back up to the rhino to see Bacon standing there as well.

"How’d it go?" Bacon asks.

"She said they were fine, but I told her we were lifeguards and that if they wanted him gone to come get us." Taco replies.

"Ok, I’ll just hang out here with you guys incase he acts up."


Eventually, the man got too close to the girls, and put his hands on the girl Y/N had spoken to earlier, and she was livid.

She was in the middle of talking to Taco when she saw what happened, so she cut him off.

"Excuse me, I have to go make a scene." Y/N says and hops off the rhino.

She starts speed walking over to the group and makes it to them before Taco even has a chance to breathe.

"Oi, buddy!" She exclaims. The man looks at her and the girls move away from him. "Come here. Now." Y/N demands. The man reluctantly agrees and walks over to her. "What do you think you’re doing?"

"Talking with to the girls." He responds.

"No. You were talking. They were telling you that they didn’t want anything to do with you, but you couldn’t take no for an answer."

"What the hell is your problem, little girl?! I could stomp your ass into the sand!" The man exclaims and comes closer to Y/N, and that is when Taco intervenes.

"I suggest you back off mate." Taco warns.

"Or what? It’s not like you can do anything."

"I can and will do something if you touch her." Taco states firmly. The man rolls his eyes.

"You need to leave the beach, and don’t come back." Y/N says.

"Why?! I didn’t do nothing!" The man exclaims while throwing his hands around.

That’s when Taco stands in front of Y/N. The last thing he wanted was for her to get hit.

"You touched her! Did she say you could?" Y/N asks as she points to the girl, who quickly shakes her head no in response.

"Whatever, she liked it."

Last straw. That’s what set Y/N off.

"Get the hell off the beach and don’t come back or I will call the police and have them arrest you." The fire in Y/N's eyes seemed to finally convince the man that she wasn’t screwing around, because he turned around and bogged up the beach and both lifeguards watched the man leave the beach.

After that was all said and done Y/N walked over to the girls and apologized for their experience with the man, and asked if they were all alright.

All of the girls were grateful that she and Taco stood up for them and assured the two they were perfectly fine, and then they left for their homes.


After pack-up when all of the lifeguards were in the tower they were all talking about how the day went when Bacon brought up the situation up at North Bondi.

"Y/N was a total badass, she wasn’t taking shit from that bloke." Maxi says.

"Yes, you could see the steam coming from her ears all the way from South Corner." Reidy laughed.

"And Tacky, I’m so proud of you mate! Always having her back." Deano adds.

"She’s always had mine." Taco replies and smiles down at Y/N, who in turn, smiles back at him.

"Awe, so sweet!" Harries exclaims.

"Yeah, it’s safe to say I’ve found my new buggy buddy."

Tags :
5 years ago

Summers End [Jake Nolan]

Summers End [Jake Nolan]

Description: The morning after the last day of the lifeguards season includes food, back rubs, paddle boarding, kisses and cuddles.

Warnings: PURE CUTENESS. I don’t remember any cussing but it is a given by now. 

The bright morning light breaks through the cracks in the curtains, and hits Y/N right in the face, making her open her eyes.

"Ugh. Nope." Then she squeezes her eyes shut.

A light chuckle from underneath her makes her eyes open again.

"Poor baby." Jake says, his voice deeper from sleeping.

"What time is it?" Y/N asks as she cuddles into him.

"Seven-thirty." Jake replies and leans down to press a kiss to her lips.

"First day off in forever and I only sleep in until seven-thirty? I am suing whoever came up with that." Jake laughs at his girlfriends comment and starts to move. He ends up laying on his side facing her.

"We don't have to get out of bed." He says and presses another kiss to her lips.

"You and I both know we can't stay in bed all day. You're too hyper for that."

"Well, you're not wrong." Jake admits. He sits up in bed and cracks his back. "I'm hungry." Y/N laughs and gets out of the bed and walks into the kitchen. Jake follows and watches her as she looks through the cabinets.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Y/N asks as she stands on her tiptoes to reach a box so she can read it. The stretch makes her shorts and shirt ride up, which in turn makes Jake stare at her. "Babe?" Y/N closes the cabinet and looks over at him. She immediately realizes what he's doing and knows exactly what he's about to say. "Jake Nolan do not even say what I think you're going to say unless you want to cook for yourself, and everyone knows you can't cook, so you'll be eating raw eggs." She threatens. Jake nods and turns to look in the other cabinets. She knew damn well her boyfriend did not have any type of filter, so whatever he thinks, he says.

"How about pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon?" Jake suggests. Y/N nods and turns her speaker on, blasting music in the house. Y/N starts singing while making the food until a certain song comes on. No One by Alicia Keys, Y/N's absolute favorite song.

Her eyes light up and she turns to Jake. Ever since they started dating, every time they were together and the song would come on she would stop what she was doing and sing to Jake. She walks over to him, wraps her arms around his body, and leans her head on his chest.

"I just want you close. Where you can stay forever. You can be sure, that it will only get better." She sings and Jake sways them.

He loves when she does this. He wouldn't tell her, but sometimes he would play the song when he feels anxious or upset because it makes him feel better. All of the lifeguards knew about their little tradition. It didn't take them long to find out because the day after it first happened Jake was humming the tune in the tower while he was with Harries, and Harries questioned Jake about it which led to the entirety of the Waverly Council Lifeguards knowing about the significance of the song in under twenty-four hours.

After the song finished Jake pulled Y/N in for a long kiss and once they pulled away he grabbed her face and squished her cheeks together.

"You know I love you right? More than I could ever love anybody else."

"I know, and I love you too." Y/N replies.


After cleaning up the mess from breakfast Jake took a shower while Y/N continued to clean their house, and after his shower she went in and took one, still blasting music. Jake just put on shorts and flopped back onto the bed to wait for Y/N. He was on his stomach looking on his phone for engagement rings when the bathroom door opened. Jake freaked out and immediately locked his phone.

"What do you want to do today?" Y/N asks as she straddles his back and starts rubbing it.

"Paddle boarding, but if you keep rubbing my back I'm going to fall asleep." Jake replies and closes his eyes. Y/N laughs and leans down to kiss his cheek.

"You're like a adorable cuddly puppy."

"Babe, I am not a puppy."

"Yeah. Ok."


"Jake I swear if you run into me again-!"


Jake starts dying of laughter when he sees Y/N resurface. The look on her face told him everything he needed to know.

She was going to kick his ass.

"Awe, baby! You look so cute!" Jake exclaims.

Y/N gets back on her board and grabs the paddle before jamming it into Jake's board, causing him to lose balance and fall into the water.

She laughs and sits down on her board. Jake resurfaces next to her board and jumps on with her.

"Your board is gonna start going to shore." Y/N says.

"Eh, let it. We'll paddle in together."

"You just want to stare at my ass." Y/N laughs.

"That's part of it, yes." Jake replies and smiles at his girlfriend. Y/N smiles back and leans in to kiss him.

"Love you too babe."


After Y/N helped Jake load the boards and paddles into his truck he helped her down from the bed of said truck by picking her up by her thighs, but he didn't put her down.

"I'm gonna fall!" Y/N exclaims and grabs his shoulders.

"You're not going to fall!"

"I don't trust that statement!" Jake chuckles and finally sets her down by the passenger door. Y/N goes to open the door but realizes it's still locked. "Why's the truck still locked?" Jake gives her a cheeky smile. "Jake, I'm cold. Unlock the truck."

"Give me a kiss and I'll think about it." Y/N gives him a quick peck and gestures for his keys. "I know I've kissed you like, ten times, but just like another ten, please?" Jake negotiates.

"One more, then you let me in the truck and then we'll talk." Y/N counters.

"I can work with that."

The day after the last day of summer was one for the books.

Tags :
5 years ago

Relocate [Anthony Glick]


Description: Y/N is a NSW Sprint Paramedic, she gets called to Bondi for a dislocated shoulder and is met by a very loopy patient, who is also a lifeguard.

Warnings: Dislocated Shoulder.

Y/N was driving around New South Wales, pretty close to Bondi Beach. It had been extremely hot all day, and she'd been sent to Bronte, Maroubra, and Tamarama multiple times for medical calls, along with others she'd been dispatched to throughout the area. She was surprised she hadn't gone to Bondi yet, but her thoughts halted when the tones dropped.

"NSW Sprint Twelve, Bondi Beach. Twenty-six year old male. Dislocated shoulder." The dispatcher says.

Y/N grabs her radio and keys it up, while simultaneously turning her lights and sirens on.

"NSW Sprint Twelve is clear and en route." She replies.


Glick had been on the Jet Ski for three hours. He'd pulled in at least a hundred people and was tired, so when he got the all clear from senior lifeguards to beach the ski, he went straight for it.

His right shoulder payed the price.

While beaching the ski, you have to also cut the engine, and while doing that Glick rammed his shoulder into handle.

Jesse, who was in the rhino waiting for Glick so they could pack up the jet ski heard the horrendous pop, and the string of curse words that flew from Glick's mouth. He jumped out and went over to his friend, who was now leaning over.

"You alright?" Jesse asks.

"I think I dislocated my shoulder." Glick groans.

Jesse grabs his radio and keys it up. "Jesse to Central, Glicky just dislocated his shoulder, call an Ambo."

"Alright Jess bring him up and we'll get him the green whistle."


Y/N parked her SUV and grabbed her bag.

"NSW Sprint Twelve to NSW Dispatch, put me on scene, Bondi Beach." She says unto her radio and locks the SUV before clipping the radio to her pants and walking towards the lifeguard standing at the stairs waiting for her.

"Y/N, nice to see you again." Jake says.

"Nice to see you too, so how'd our patient dislocate his shoulder?" She asks.

"Oh you'll never believe this. I'll let you find out for yourself." Jake smirks.

They walk into the tower and out onto the overlook to see Glick sitting in a chair with the green whistle in his mouth.

"Ah! One of our favorites! Look Glicky, the shoulder specialist is here!" Jesse says.

"Anthony, what did you do?" Y/N asks as she bends down to examine his shoulder.

"He was beaching the ski." Jake responds, faster than Glick could even process what she'd asked.

"I hit the handle bars and it just made this horrible sound and started to hurt." Y/N nods and feels his shoulder a bit more.

"Alright, how bad is your pain?"

"Like a seven."

"You think you can handle a relocation with just the green whistle or do you want some morphine?"

"I vote morphine." Jesse says. Jake nods in agreement.

"Morphine." Glick responds.

"Just keep breathing in the green whistle, and once your IV is in and working we'll start."

She puts a tourniquet on his bicep and cleans the area before grabbing a kit and morphine. She draws up the morphine and sets it aside. She gets the IV in and administers the morphine, which starts working quickly. She grabs Glick's hand in hers and starts feeling his shoulder again, trying to make the muscles relax, and also figuring out which way would work the best to get it back in. His muscles are tense.

"Anthony I need you to relax your muscles. That's the only way this is going to work." Y/N says as she rubs his arm.

"I can't relax, I'm nervous." Glick slurs.

"Why are you nervous, Glicky?" Jake asks.

"Because there is a beautiful paramedic touching my arm." The boys and the crew filming a Bondi Rescue laugh. Glick didn't even realize what he said. The comment also made Y/N's cheek turn a bit red.

"Just look at Jess then." Glick looks over at Jesse and then gives Jake a weird look for his comment.

"I know she's still there." Glick says.

"Would you be more comfortable laying down?" Y/N asks. Glick nods. "Could you guys get your bed flat for me?" Jake goes off to get the bed ready and Jesse carries her stuff into the tower while Y/N walks with Glick.

He lays down on the bed and Y/N feels his muscles relax. Now that she can attempt to relocate Glick's shoulder, she decides to use Kocher's Method. She bends his arm at the elbow and rests it against his side. She grabs his hand an starts to externally rotate it. Once she feels resistance she lifts his arm into the sagittal plane, then internally rotates it towards his other side.

Glick's shoulder pops back in, just as loud as it popped out. All of his pain goes away and he sobers up. Y/N rests his hand on his other shoulder and makes sure he doesn't move it for a few seconds.

"Damn you're good." Glick says. Everyone in the tower chuckles.

"How's your pain now?"

"Zero." Y/N smiles and makes him a sling for his trip to the hospital.

"So Glicky does Y/N still make you nervous?" Jesse asks. Glick's face turns red and his expression makes Jake and Jesse laugh.


"You were nervous and couldn't relax because there was a beautiful paramedic touching your arm." Jesse chuckles, Jake does as well.

Glick groans and Y/N laughs as she gets a sling made for him. She puts his arm in the fabric and then ties it behind his neck so he doesn't have to keep it there himself.

"So are you guys going to exchange numbers or something?" Jake pushes.

Glick's face turns as red as a fire truck and Y/N just laughs.


Once the other paramedics arrive to take Glick to the hospital, Y/N walks him to the ambulance.

"Thank you for fixing my shoulder." Glick says.

"Yeah, no problem. Be careful beaching that jet ski next time." Y/N jokes. Glick smiles and nods. "Well, I'm sure I'll see you soon. Bye Anthony." She squeezes his hand and slips a paper in it at the same time.

"Bye Y/N."

She closes the door once the paramedic jumps in the back and then wake back to her SUV.

Glick opens his hand and looks at the paper.

(01) 2345 6789 - Y/N :)

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5 years ago

Heart [Andrew ‘Reidy’ Reid]


Description: Y/N is Reidy's daughter, and she has a heart condition.

Warnings: Cursing? I think that is it.

"Hey Y/N/N wanna race in?" Harries asks with a big, playful smile.

Y/N, Harries and Maxi were all out in the water taking advantage of the beautiful weather. Bondi has been quiet all day and Reidy had brought his favorite, and only, girl down to hang out with her favorite guys.

Y/N Reid was born with Congenital Heart Disease, where her heart has holes in it, and if her heart rate gets too high, she can't breathe.

Her mother didn't want to deal with it, so she left. Leaving Reidy alone with his sick baby girl, but he'd never have it any other way.

Reidy is obsessed with his now, teenage daughter. Y/N is the light of his life and keeps him motivated to be the man he is. She is his favorite person, so that means Reidy is quite protective over her, and when she hangs out with two of Waverley Councils goofiest lifeguards, he has strict rules.

One. Don't go too far out.

Two. Stay away from the twins and flat rock.

Three. Don't go swim in a rip.

Four. Don't overwork herself.

Maxi and Harries love to go out and paddle with Y/N, because she can give them both a run for their money.

"What does the winner get?" Maxi asks.

"Nothing, but maybe a laugh at the losers." Harries replies. The younger two of the three laugh loudly before agreeing.

They made a starting line and counted down from five.

"Five. Four. Three. Two. One!"

They took off paddling as hard as they could, all three of them looking back every few meters to look for waves to speed it up.

Once they’re two hundred meters from shore Y/N's heart starts racing and she starts slowing down. She knew she had to try and slow her heart rate, or else it would be bad.

After stopping for a few seconds and waiting, her heart continues to pick up its pace, so she called out to the boys.

"Guys!" Her voice was quiet amongst the sound of the ocean.

They didn’t hear her.


Reidy had gone across the road to the locker rooms, and he had told Hoppo to keep an eye on Y/N, so when Hoppo saw Y/N stop and lie her head down on the board, he knew exactly what would happen.

He left Gonzo in the tower and took one of the rhinos down to the waters edge. He didn’t wait and see if she could make it in, he just grabbed the board and went.

He passed Maxi and Harries who seemed confused, and they turned around to see Y/N laying on her board, floating with it.

"Shit! Maxi did she yell for us?!" Harries exclaims while turning around to paddle back out.

"I didn’t hear her!" Maxi replies as he does the same.

Hoppo reaches Y/N and grabs her hand.

"Just breathe. You’ll be alright." He gets Y/N on his board and unhooks the leg rope from her board. He sits there with her for a few moments. Breathing with her and trying to get her to calm down. It works a little bit, but not all the way.

Hoppo has known Y/N since she was a toddler. When Reidy first started working at Bondi he would always bring her around when he couldn’t get someone to watch her, so she’d hang out in the tower with everyone.

All of the lifeguards love having her there. She’s like their little peak of sunshine on rainy days, so when she’d start having trouble breathing like she is now. They’d all be trying to help her and get her anything she wanted or needed, which most of the time was her dad.

When Reidy came back to the tower and saw Hoppo out on the board with his daughter he immediately sprinted down there and made it in time to help her onto the sand.

Reidy sat behind her while Harries got the oxygen mask for her to breathe into.

"Here sweetheart. Breathe into this." Reidy puts the mask over her nose and mouth and lets her breathe carbon dioxide. They all sit by her while Reidy rocks them both side to side and strokes her hair.

After a few minutes her heart rate is in normal range and she feels better.

"You feeling better now?" Hoppo asks.

"Yeah, just tired." Y/N answers and takes the sweatshirt Maxi is handing her. "Thank you guys."

"Don’t thank us. We’d do anything for you, we love you." Harries gives her a bear hug.

"Well, I love you guys too."

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5 years ago

Competition [Ryan Yerbury]


Description: Ryan meets Mick Fanning’s daughter, and is quite smitten with her.

Warnings: Close encounter with a shark. PTSD behavior.

All of the lifeguards were in the tower, getting their assignments. Today, Bondi Beach was closed for a surfing competition, and all of the guys were helping out.

"Ryan, you're towing and patrolling on the Jet Ski for Mick Fanning's team." Hoppo says. Ryan nods with a smile on his face. He was excited to meet Mick, considering he'd been a fan for a while. He was also excited to meet Mick's eighteen year old daughter, Y/N Fanning. He'd always thought she was beautiful and absolutely amazing in the water. Of course Ryan's older cousin, Trent Maxwell, also known as "Maxi" knew about his crush. With Maxi also being a lifeguard he was bound and determined to introduce Y/N and Ryan.

Maxi had met Y/N and Mick multiple times and knew she was a great girl, so he wasn't worried about her. He was worried about how Ryan was likely to be a klutz and embarrass himself.


"I think we'll do good." Y/N says as she sets her surfboard on the ground. She needed to clean the old wax off and put a new coat on.

"Yeah. Hopefully we win, and then we can celebrate after this." Mick says as he puts the teams assigned white rash guard on.

"How do you want to celebrate if we win?" Y/N asks as she cleans the old wax off.

"Probably a barbecue. Then we can get ice cream after." Mick smiles.

Maxi stops in front of the two and smiles. "Wow, Mick. You sure do know the way to a guys heart." Maxi puts his hand over his heart and pretends to swoon.

"Maxi! Mate, how are you?" Mick hugs Maxi and Y/N gets up to do the same.

"I'm great!" Maxi beams. He wraps his arms around Y/N and gives her a bear hug. "Have you gotten taller?!"

"Shut up, you tree!" Y/N laughs. Maxi puts her down and turns his attention to Ryan, who is standing off to the side.

"Mick, Y/N. This is my cousin Ryan. He's a lifeguard here and is actually manning the Jet Ski for you guys."

"Ah, we'll be in good hands then." Mick shakes Ryan's hand. Ryan nods.

"It's nice to meet you Ryan. How long have you been a lifeguard?" Y/N asks.

"It's nice to meet you too, and it’s my second year here."

"The guys being good to you? Especially this one?" Y/N gets back on the ground and continues to get her board ready.

"Yeah-. Isn't that the board you won your first competition with?" Ryan asks. Y/N smiles up at him and nods.

"Yeah, I've never lost a competition using this board." Y/N explains. "You surf?"

"Yeah, not like you guys do, but I love it." Ryan replies and scratches the back of his neck.

"Well, maybe we could go surfing together sometime." Y/N suggests and stands up to wipe the sand off of her.

"I-I'd love to.- I mean, yeah, of course." Ryan's face turns red and Y/N chuckles.

"Cool, we'll talk more about that later, but I have to go get my rash guard." Y/N excuses herself and walks off.

"Did my daughter just ask you on a date?" Mick asks.

"I think she did." Maxi says.

"I'm not sure." Ryan sighs and watches Y/N as she scours through white rash guards.

Maxi and Mick laugh as Ryan stands there, confused about what had just happened.


"White Team. Koby Abberton, Joel Parkinson, Matt Wilkinson, Kelly Slater, Mick Fanning, Y/N Fanning." The announcer names off everyone from their respective teams.

After the announcing is done, the competition finally starts. One person from each team goes out and tries three times to get the best wave.

"Ladies first Y/N/N." Koby says. Y/N smiles and grabs her board.

"Good luck princess!" Mick yells. Y/N keeps running down to the shore and hops on the Jet Ski with Ryan.

"Ready to go?" Y/N nods and Ryan takes them out to the lineup. "Good luck!"

"Thanks!" Y/N jumps off the Jet Ski and onto her board.


Y/N had a perfect score her first time out, and now she is out at the lineup again. Some of the other surfers were talking about how they'd heard over some radios that there was a shark out in the bay. After her father getting attacked by a shark in South Africa, Y/N was absolutely terrified of any type of sharks. She knew they were probably trying to freak her out, or they were screwing around, but the thought was still in her head when she got up on a five foot wave.

She was about halfway through when something hit her board and tipped her, causing the wave to smash her. She heard the announcers and everyone on the beach gasp, then she heard the shark alarm. She looks around under the water as she starts swimming to the surface and shrieks when she sees a Tiger Shark swimming around. Her mind pauses for a second and replays the memory from South Africa. Those few seconds she couldn't see her dad, she thought the worst. She knew that was how her dad was feeling, but it was a hundred times worse.

She breaks the surface and sees Ryan speeding her way. She sits with her knees on the board, avoiding putting her limbs in the water.

"Everyone out of the water!" The announcer yells.

Ryan finally gets to her after what feels like years for him. He is relieved to see that she isn't injured, but she is freaked out.

"Are you ok?!" Ryan asks as he helps her onto the Jet Ski.

"Yeah. Yeah, I think so."

"Ok, hold on!" Ryan speeds to shore where Mick and a few of the lifeguards along with reporters are.

Once they get there Y/N jumps off and sprints to her dad. Mick wraps his arms around his daughter and lets out a sigh of relief. Now he knows how Y/N and his mother felt when he was attacked.

"You're ok? You didn't get bit or anything?" He pulls away and looks her over.

"No. I'm ok. Just freaked out." Y/N breathes. "I saw it and all I could think about was when I couldn't see you when you got attacked." She was shaking in fear, and had tears in her eyes.

"Alright let's go." A crowd had formed around them. Spectators and reporters mostly. The guys from their team were walking with them and the lifeguards were trying to make a path. One reporter grabs Y/N's arm and Ryan decides enough is enough.

"Hey! Let her go mate!" He exclaims and steps between them. "Have some respect. She doesn't want to talk to you." The reporter backs down and they finally make it through.


The competition was now over and it was dark. The White Team won and they were celebrating with their families and friends, including the lifeguards. Y/N had been quiet since the incident with the shark, and she was now sitting in the sand looking at the water.

"Thank you." Ryan turns to see Mick standing there.

"For what?" Ryan questions.

"For getting Y/N out of there and having her back with that reporter." Mick replies and joins Ryan in watching his daughter.

"You don't have to thank me."

"I do. If you weren't out there on that Jet Ski she would've been bit." Ryan nods. "You know, if you want to ask her out on a date I wouldn't be upset right? You're a good kid and I trust you."

"Really?" Ryan smiles.

"Yes really, and she wouldn't be upset either." Mick hints. He walks back to everyone else and Ryan decides to go to Y/N.

"You alright?" Ryan asks as he sits down next to her.

"Yeah." Y/N sighs. "Is it crazy that I want to go for a surf?" She turns to look at Ryan and they both start laughing.

"It's not crazy. It's like riding a bike. You fall off, but eventually you have to get back on." Y/N nods and smiles. "How about we go for that surf tomorrow? Bronte at ten? Then we can get something to eat after."

Y/N smiles at Ryan, "Yeah. I'd love that."

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5 years ago

Medic [Josh ‘Burkey’ Burke]


Description: Australian Army Medic, Lieutenant Y/N Y/L/N, arrives home from her deployment early and learns that her ex-boyfriend, Josh, is still in love with her, even after two years of being away.

A/N: I do not know how the Army in Australia is ran, so this may not be correct.

Y/N stepped out of the airport and into the Australian heat. It was quite similar to the weather in Iraq.

She looked around and smiled. Two whole years away from this beautiful place. She didn't know how she survived that long away from home.

Australian Army Lieutenant Y/N Y/L/N is a medic, and just arrived back home from a twenty-four month deployment to Iraq where she worked at the base in the hospital. She'd treat soldiers most of time, but had civilians quite often.

She liked what she did, but she missed Australia. She missed her family, and friends. She missed Josh.

Josh is Y/N's ex boyfriend. They didn't break up because of something bad. They broke up because Y/N didn't want Josh to wait for her. She didn't want him to worry about her making it back. She wanted him to be free and live his life.

Y/N had told Josh "If we're meant to be together, we will find our way back to each other." She still loves him, but doesn't want to overstep if he is in a relationship.

Josh has spent the last two years working. He'd just recently got a job at Bondi Beach as a trainee and he loved it. He had became friends with all of the other lifeguards but he was still lonely, and he knew why. He missed Y/N. Y/N and Josh started dating when they were sixteen and broke up five years later at the age of twenty-one.

The day Y/N told him she was training to become a medic for the army was one of the best and worst days of his life. He was ecstatic for Y/N, but he also knew the risk of deployment. He didn't want to get a phone call one day to hear she had been killed. He wanted her to be safe, with him and not thousands of miles away. He'd never told her that. He let her break up with him and leave, without ever knowing if they'd see each other again.

Y/N had made it to her apartment and dropped her bags off. She had people to see.

First on her list was Josh's mom, who had also become Y/N's mom since her parents weren't around.

She made it to the Burke household and smiled. Everything was the same. Beautiful flowers, birds and the beach.

Mrs. Burke was walking around her house when she saw a familiar woman standing at the end of her sidewalk in military uniform. She gasped, ran to the door and threw it open.

"Y/N! Sweetheart you're home!" She exclaims and pulls the medic into a bone crushing hug.

"I'm home mom." Y/N smiles.

"I thought you had a few more months left." Mrs. Burke wipes the tears from her eyes and checks Y/N over. She looks the same, except her hair is different and the uniform almost makes her unrecognizable.

"I did, but they offered me a job at the new Military Hospital they're building. It's permanent." Y/N smiles.

"That's great honey! God, I'm so proud of you! How are you? Are you hungry?" She asks Y/N multiple questions and Y/N just laughs and shakes her head.

"I'm alright. I actually have a few questions though."

"Of course. Go ahead." Y/N looks down to the ground and takes a deep breath.

"How's Josh?" Mrs. Burke's eyes light up.

"Josh is good. He really misses you and talks about you all the time. He’s still in love with you."

"The feelings are mutual."

"Well, I know for a fact he's been single since you left, so if you want to go see him he's at Bondi Beach. He's a trainee lifeguard."

"Really?! He's always wanted to follow in his fathers footsteps."

"Yes sweetheart! You should go down there, his break starts soon!"


Y/N made it to Bondi and just soaked in the view. It was picture perfect. Sunny, clear water, and decent waves. It was absolutely beautiful. She looks over at the tower and decides to go there to find Josh.

She's met most of the lifeguards since she and Josh came to Bondi all of the time, she just hoped they remembered her.

Y/N walks along the promenade to the door and knocks when she arrives. She waits a few seconds and then it opens. She's greeted with the confused face of Hoppo.

"Hi, you may not remember me-."

"Y/N? Is that you?!" Hoppo exclaims. Y/N nods and Hoppo bear hugs her. "You've grown so much, and you look different since the last time I saw you." Hoppo says.

"Yeah, so I've been told." She laughs.

"Well, what can I do for you?" Hoppo leads her into the empty tower.

"Well, I've been told Josh Burke is your trainee, and I'd like to surprise him." Y/N says. Hoppo nods.

"Did you just get back today?" He gestures to her uniform.

"Yeah. I was supposed to have a few more months, but I got hired at the new Military Hospital."

"Good for you!" Hoppo smiles. "I can get Josh up here for you. Just give me one second." Y/N nods and Hoppo grabs the radio.


Josh was with Harrison patrolling the flags and they were due for their break any minute now. The two lifeguards were talking about going surfing when a voice came through their radios.

"Bondi Central to Black Rhino. Come up to the tower boys."

Josh grabs his radio and replies. "On our way."

Harrison drives up to the tower and parks the Rhino by the stairs. They continue their conversation while walking up the stairs, both failing to notice the woman in uniform.

"Burkey, Hutz! Aren't you going to say hello?" Deano, who'd recently gotten back from his break asks as he points his phone at the boys, recording them. They stop and look.

"Hello-." Josh cuts himself off when he realizes who the woman is. "Y/N!" Josh shoves Harrison out of his way and sprints up the stairs. He makes it to Y/N and picks her up in a hug. "You're back?!" Josh lets her lean back.

"I'm back!" Y/N replies with a big smile and teary eyes. Josh digs his face into her shoulder as he lets tears fall.

"I love you so much. Please don't leave again. Please don't leave me again."

"As long as you want me, I will never leave again." Y/N says.

"I’ll always want you." Josh replies and kisses the top of her head. "Don’t ever doubt that."

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5 years ago

Internal [Kristain ‘Yatesy’ Yates]


Description: Y/N's health condition gets outed on a hot, busy day at Bondi Beach.

Warnings: Cardiac Arrest

Y/N had been feeling dizzy all day. She had heart problems, really, really bad heart problems. Bad enough to get a internal defibrillator. Most people would probably say being a lifeguard isn't good for someone with cardiac issues, but she still pursued the career.

She's been a lifeguard for Waverly Council for three years. The only person to know about her issues was Hoppo. He had to know because of legal reasons, but everyone else was kept in the dark about that aspect of Y/N's life.

"Bondi Central to Blue Rhino. You've got a young man, twenty meters out." Yatesy says over the radio.

Y/N and Yatesy are great friends, well that's what they like to think. Everyone could tell how in love they are, except them.

Yatesy wanted Y/N to come up to the tower because he noticed how she's been acting but the lifeguards were stretched thin and Bondi was busy.

She'd been going back and forth between first aids and incidents in the water all day, with no time to take a breather, let alone any time to inform anyone about how she was feeling.

"I'm going in Yates. He's not looking good." Y/N replies before setting her radio down and grabbing the board.

"You're not looking good either." Yatesy mumbles to himself.

He watches as Y/N hits the water. She starts paddling to the man, but he notices her grab her chest for a second before continuing to paddle.

Y/N finally gets to the man but when she sits up her eyes roll back into her head, going unconscious. Her body falls forward and smacks against the board. The man she went out to rescue clings to the board and starts waving for more help.

Yatesy starts to panic. Normally he is good at keeping a cool composure, but this is Y/N. The woman he's in love with. He grabs his radio and immediately radios out to every lifeguard, even the ones at Tamarama and Bronte.

"Bondi Central to all Waverly Lifeguards. We have a lifeguard down, get an Ambo here quick!"

Yatesy grabs the defibrillator and the other bag of medical supplies. He throws lifeguard protocol out the door and abandons the tower. Hopping in a ATV and speeding to Y/N. By now other swimmers, and surfers have gone over to Y/N. A surfer had brought the man in and the others were trying to wake her up.

Yatesy hits the water and paddles as fast as he can. All he can think is that he might not get the chance to tell her how he feels. He might not get a chance to actually love her.

He stops right next to her and grabs her arm.

"Y/N?!" She doesn't answer, so he puts two fingers to her carotid artery.

Yatesy swears his heart shattered. The pain in his chest, the feeling in his stomach. It was all too much. The tears start rolling down his face. He grabs her from the board and pulls her onto his.

He races back to shore and sees Hoppo, Jesse and Reidy standing there, waiting for them. Yatesy gets off of the board and Jesse pulls him to the side while Hoppo and Reidy pull Y/N up onto the sand.

"She'll be alright mate." Jesse says as he puts a hand on Yatesy's shoulder.

"She didn't have a pulse." Yatesy whispers.

"She'll be alright." Jesse repeats.

Y/N's internal defibrillator goes off, surprising everyone except Hoppo and now Reidy. Her eyes pop open and her hand goes to her chest.

"Y/N you're alright sweetheart, just breathe." She looks up at Hoppo and Reidy who are leaning over her and then tries to sit up when she hears a sob of relief. Reidy stays behind her to keep her steady as she looks at Yatesy.

"Kristain." She croaks. Yatesy walks over and takes Reidy's place behind her.

"I'm in love with you. I know this probably isn't the best time to tell you, but when I saw you collapse I swear my heart fell apart." Yatesy admits.

"I'm in love with you too. I'm ok. I'm sorry I scared you."

Yatesy wraps his arms around her and presses a kiss to her head. "You don't have to be sorry about anything."

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5 years ago

Surfing Baby [Dean ‘Deano’ Gladstone


Description: Dean and Y/N take their son surfing for the first time.

Warnings: None!

A/N: This is dedicated to @tinysangel I finally got around to writing for Deano!

"I’ve got it sweetheart!" Dean yells back down.

He finishes packing up the bag and goes back downstairs where Y/N and Jack are in the kitchen. Y/N is packing food and drinks for later while Jack munches on some fruit. Deano puts the bag down on a chair and goes up to his son.

"Alright, you ready to get cleaned up so we can go to the beach?" He asks Jack.

"Yes daddy! Can we go see Uncle Harries?" Jack asks as he gets down from the stool and goes over to the sink to wash his hands.

"Yeah, I’m sure Uncle Harries would love to see his little Jackie." Y/N replies as she finishes putting the rest of their drinks in the cooler.

"Ok, let’s finish cleaning up and then we will get in the car."


After going to see Harries, Maxi, Whippet, Yatesy and Kerrbox, Jack and Deano were finally getting in the water.

"Alright bud, you’re going to get in front of daddy and I’ll show you what do before you try, ok?" Jack nods and continues to help, or at least try to, paddle out.

Deano wasn’t taking him out too far, knowing Y/N would be upset if he did, but he did take him past where the other kids would stop.

"Now we’ve got to watch for a wave, and make sure we don’t get in the head by a surprise one." Deano explained. After a few minutes of waiting, a wave finally popped up. "Start paddling Jack!"

They start paddling and get to where they can stand up. Deano stands up and pulls Jack up with him. He holds on to Jacks wetsuit and helps him stay steady while they ride the wave in.

While they were out in the water, Y/N was recording them. She wanted to be able to show Jack the first time he ever surfed when he grew up, so she made sure it was a decent video. She cheered for Jack when they got up and she was sure you’d be able to hear her proud screams in the video.

"Mommy! Mommy! I did it! Did you see?" Jack ran out of the water and to his mom. Y/N squatted down to his level and opened her arms.

"Yes baby! I saw! I’m so, so proud of you!" She presses kisses all over Jacks face and he giggles and squirms.

"I want to go again!"


After another two hours of surfing the beach was starting to empty out, so Maxi decided he wanted to take Jack out for a bit, which Deano and Y/N quickly agreed to, knowing that they could trust Maxi and that they could take a break.

"Look at him, he’s such a little pro!" Deano exclaimed from his spot on the sand beside Y/N.

"Isn’t he? Just like his father." Y/N smiles at her husband and Deano presses a quick kiss to her lips.

"I love him, and you. Life is perfect." Deano sighs.

"I love you both too, but I think I know how to make life a bit more perfect." Y/N says. She looks at their intertwined hands and back up to Deano's curious eyes.


"Adding to the family?" Y/N smiles.

"You, you’re pregnant?!" Deano exclaims happily.

"Yeah! I found out yesterday!" Y/N cries.

Deano pulls her into a tight hug, kissing her forehead.

"I love you so much." He whispers. "I can’t believe we’re going to have another baby!"

"We’re going to have another surfing baby."

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5 years ago

Transplant [Kristain ‘Yatesy’ Yates]


Description: Y/N finally gets the call she’s been waiting for.

Warnings: Pain after major surgery?

A/N: This is part two to "Internal"! Also, this is my last imagine until December! December is going to be big, so stay tuned for that!

It's rare for Bondi Beach to be not packed on a beautiful summer day. When Y/N woke up that morning to get ready for work, she just had a gut feeling that it was going to be an amazing day.

She was scheduled with Matt Dee, Mouse, Hoppo, Jesse, Maxi, Kerrbox and her boyfriend of ten months, Yatesy.

Mouse was really the only concern on the beach because everyone was listening, people were behaving and the only injury was a bloody nose caused by a annoying little brother.

Hoppo had called Y/N up around eleven to have her lunch break in the tower with Jesse. While they ate they danced around to some music while scanning the calm water with binoculars.

Y/N's phone started ringing and she turned the music down to answer it.


Jesse sat and watched to see if she'd give any indication as to who it was, but her eyes widened and she put her hand over her mouth.

"Ok, I'll be right there." She hung up the phone and turned to Jesse. "I've got to go!" She grabbed her bag from the book by the back door, ripped open the door and sprinted down the promenade to her car.

Jesse was left speechless. That was unusual for Y/N, so he picked up his radio and called Yatesy up.

Once Yatesy was in the tower Jesse told him what happened.

"Did she look upset?" Yatesy questioned.

"She just looked shocked, mate. I'm not sure what emotion her face was showing."


Y/N had gotten the call she's been waiting on for years.

She was finally getting a transplant.

Her doctor said the heart was being harvested in Perth as they spoke, so she needed to be there as soon as possible to get prepped for surgery.

She called her brother, Chris Brown, famous Bondi Vet, to tell him the news. He almost started crying when she told him because he always worried for his sister, not knowing when she'd get bad again scared him.

Chris met Y/N at the hospital and sat with her while the nurses prepped her for the surgery.

Once the heart was less than 45 minutes away Chris had to leave Y/N until she was out of surgery. They said their "I love you's" and "see you later's" before Y/N asked him to call Yatesy and tell him what was going on, since she didn't have the time to.


"Kristain, it's Chris. Y/N's getting a transplant right now. She didn't have time to tell you, but she would really like for you to be here when she's in recovery." Chris tells Yatesy. Yatesy's jaw drops.

"Yeah, of course. We'll be there soon."

Yatesy was on the verge of a panic attack because no one could get ahold of Y/N. He was actually just about to call her brother when the vets contact lit up his screen.

Yatesy was there first, then after the beach closed most of the lifeguards strolled into the hospital to see their friend after her surgery.

Yatesy was also probably the most nervous one there. That's because after Y/N finally spilled on how bad her condition could get he had researched everything about the human heart. Just so in case he needed to help her. He's also nervous because that's his girlfriend, the woman he plans to marry soon, the love of his life. He just wanted everything to go right.


Y/N's eyes slowly opened after waking up from her drug induced sleep. Her face scrunched up when she felt the pain in her chest. The incision, her ribs, her whole body just hurt.

The nurse monitoring her sent her a bright smile.

"I'm glad you're awake Y/N, you've got some visitors in the waiting room if you're ready?"

"Yeah, bring it on." Y/N replies with a small smile on her face.

The nurse walks out and walks in a minute later with her brother, her friends and her boyfriend.

Chris is the first to approach. Giving his sister a kiss on the cheek and asking her the normal questions.

"How do you feel?"

"Are you happy?"

Then Yatesy sat next to her. He grabbed her hand and kissed her forehead.

"I'm so happy for you, sweetheart. You finally got your transplant." He says with teary eyes.

"I finally got my transplant." Y/N replies with a smile and teary eyes match the man she loves.

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5 years ago

Babies First Christmas [Harrison Reid] 🎄


Description: Harrison and Y/N's baby boy celebrates Christmas for the first time, just like every other Bondi baby does, at the beach.

Warnings: None.

A/N: Day 12 of 12 Days of Christmas. Sorry this is so late, I changed my mind on what I wanted to write, then I forgot to actually post it. 

Y/N had given birth to their son, Ryder Alexander Reid, three months ago and today was his first Christmas. Harrison had to work from noon to pack up, so he was happy he got to spend time with his wife and his son before going in to work, but it was still hard leaving them both.

Harrison had gathered all of his stuff he'd need for work and sat it by the door before going over to Y/N who had Ryder in her arms, feeding him and watching a Christmas movie. He reached out and Ryder grabbed his finger. Harrison smiled at his baby boy before looking at his wife.

"I don't want to leave."

"I know babe, but you have to work. Hoppo will give me an earful if you don't show up." She chuckles. Harrison gives her a confused look.

"Why would he give you an earful?" He questions and moves his hand to rub Ryder's head.

"Because you don't like leaving Ry and I. You like us more than the beach. He told me the other day when I was working "I've already lost one of my best lifeguard's to the little one, I can't lose another.". It was funny because he thought he lost me. I still love that place and I still work there, I've just got to get back in shape now that my doctor has cleared me."

"Hop has known you since you were a baby, why'd he think he would lose you?" Harrison asks.

"Who knows, but if you don't leave in the next couple of minutes you're going to be late."

Harrison groans and checks the time, and of course she's right. He looks at his baby and wife again, not wanting to leave.

"I just wish I could spend the day with you guys. It's his first Christmas." He puts his head on Y/N's shoulder. She puts her hand on his head and kisses his cheek all while burping the baby.

"I'll try to bring him down there after lunch with my family. I'll bring you some food too." She negotiates.

"Ok. The boys will be glad to see Rydes." Y/N nods and hands Ryder to Harrison.

"Say bye to daddy Ryder. Give him kisses!" Ryder opens his mouth and just presses his face to Harrison's cheek. Harrison laughs and kisses Ryder's cheek.

"Bye Ryder, daddy loves you." He gives him a kiss again and turns to Y/N. "I love you too. I'll see you guys later."

He presses a quick kiss to her lips before handing her their baby and gathering his stuff to leave.


Y/N and her mother had finished Christmas lunch with the rest of the Y/L/N family before packing up Ryder and some food for Harrison and the other lifeguards on duty at Bondi.

They'd decided to walk since it was nice outside and they weren't super far away. Y/N had decided to go to the tower since she wasn't sure where her husband would be. She knocked on the back door before opening it and was greeted by Hoppo and Mouse.

"Y/N! Merry Christmas! Where's the baby?!" Hoppo pulls her into a somewhat bone crushing hug, not wanting to hurt her.

"He's just outside with my mom, I didn't want to bring him in just yet if something was going on." Hoppo let go of her and Mouse gave her a hug.

"Bring him in! We love little Ryder!" Mouse exclaims.

Y/N's mom pushes the food filled stroller in with Ryder sitting in his car seat that's latched into the stroller.

"We brought you guys some home cooked food too, so it's feels more like Christmas." Y/M/N says. Hoppo thanks her and gives her a quick hug while Mouse takes Ryder.

"Hi little man. How are you? I haven't seen you in a couple of days." Mouse baby talks to Ryder and tickles him.

"He's good, we've finally gotten to where he only wakes up once a night for a feeding and that's around the time I'd get up for work. That and he's obsessed with a baby koala stuffed animal that Harrison picked out for Christmas. When he sees it he gets super excited." Y/N chuckles.

"What about you? You feeling ok?" Hoppo asks.

"Yeah. I'm good I've just got to get back in shape now that I'm cleared."

"Take your time, don't rush and hurt yourself." Y/M/N says in a motherly tone.

"Yes mother. I know." Y/N groans.


Harrison and Jake had been called up to the tower for their lunch break and Harrison was excited.

He was starving and he wanted to see if Y/N had come with Ryder.

Jake and Harrison walked up the stairs into the tower to see Y/N sitting in a chair, feeding Ryder, Hoppo and Mouse scanning the water, Deano and KC standing with Y/M/N and talking to Y/N.

"Deano and KC are going to take the North for you two." Hoppo says.

"Harrison I'm glad Ryder looks like Y/N more than you. He's a beautiful baby." Deano says as he walks out and KC pats Harrison's shoulder as he follows.

"It's not like I disagree with that." Harrison mumbles.

Everyone laughs and Y/M/N tells the boys they brought food and to help themselves, which they do.

Harrison has Y/N stand up for a second so he can sit down and then has her sit back down on his lap.

He looks over to Ryder who's still drinking his bottle and smiles.

"Hi Rydes. Are you being good for mommy and grandma?" Ryder smiles as he continues to drink and Y/N nods.

"Yeah, he has been really good with as many people he's been around today. He just got a bit overwhelmed when my dads cousin tried to take him out of my arms."

Harrison gives her look that says he isn't happy about that and Jake chuckles because he's been seeing a lot more of that face since Y/N found out she was pregnant.

Harrison got really protective and even hated it when people would rush past Y/N and barely knock into her and now with Ryder he has a hard time trusting people he doesn't know super well with him.

"It's ok Harrison, you know Y/D/N wouldn't let either of them out of his sight when you're not around. He took care of it." Y/M/N smirked. She loved how in love Harrison is with Y/N and their baby. She never had to worry about her daughter and grandson with him around.

"Ok tell me more. What desserts did you have?"


Hoppo decided to let Harrison stay in the tower for a majority of the rest of the day, until around six when things were winding down.

Y/N and Ryder were told to go with Harrison as he patrols so he can spend more time with them and no one argued.

They sat at the north end watching the water. The beach was pretty empty, which is weird for Christmas Day but people must have actually realized the beach closes at seven.

"I'm glad you guys came down so I could spend his first Christmas with him and you." Harrison says.

"I'm glad we did. It was really nice seeing all of the guys. And seeing you and Ryder together always makes me happy. I can tell how much you guys love each other."

Harrison laughs and puts his arm across her shoulders, "I love both of you. Merry Christmas, Mrs. Reid." He presses a kiss to her lips.

"Merry Christmas Harrison." She says as she snuggles into him, with Ryder sleeping in her arms.

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4 years ago

When Push Comes To Shove [Ryan Yerbury] ⚠


Description: Y/N and Ryan are secretly dating, when she gets assaulted at work and caught in a bad spot the truth comes out.

Warnings: Physical and Verbal Assault.

Y/N and Ryan had been dating for a while, almost a year. They met on their first day of being trainees at Bondi Beach. Ryan thought she was beautiful right away and wanted to get to know her, but Y/N was a little more difficult. It took her a few months to warm up to him.

After their first date Ryan asked her to be his girlfriend and they've been together ever since.

The only thing is, no one knows.

They weren't sure if they'd get fired for being in a relationship with a coworker or if they'd have to break up, so they just didn't say anything and tried not to lead the others on to think they were together.

Y/N had just finished changing when she walked out of the women's room and was pulled around a corner.

She squealed a bit but when she realized it was her boyfriend she quieted down and slapped his arm.

"You can't do that! You gave me a heart attack." She whisper yells.

Ryan chuckles and hugs her tight. "I just wanted to see you real quick before we got to work. I missed you."

"I missed you too." She replies, before pressing a kiss to his lips.

"I can't wait for tonight. It's nice to hang out with you and the boys and not be at work." He mumbles into the kiss.

"Well I think after giving me a heart attack you owe me a drink." She smiles.

"I'll get you whatever you want sweetheart." He pulls her in for a kiss again, but this time they are interrupted.

"Y/N?! Ryan?!" Maxi yells as he walks around the locker rooms.

The two jump apart and start walking towards the voice. Maxi peeks up when he sees his cousin and his friend.

"Hey, there you guys are! You two are on South End." Maxi says as they walk to the tower.

"Okay, thanks Max!" Y/N says as she stops in the tower to put her stuff away and grab what they would need.

Maxi raises his eyebrow at Ryan and Ryan just walks away, ignoring his big cousin.


Y/N and Ryan were down by Backpackers Rip around four when a group of drunk, heated up men started acting up.

They kept going into the water, and both lifeguards had told them multiple times not to go out, and they'd been keeping an eye on the group, but when an injury pulled their attention, they took the opportunity.

A few of the men had gotten stuck in the rip and Maxi, Harrison and Jesse who had all come down for the injury all helped Ryan get them back in while Y/N was left on the sand to keep the rest out.

The biggest of the group walks towards the water and Y/N steps in his way.

"Sir. I can't let you in the water. You're intoxicated and you could drown." She says in a calm voice, trying to reason with the man.

"If I want to go swimming. I'm going to."

"You don't understand. I cannot let you in the water. You could drown and die and I will get in trouble." She explains.

"I don't give a shit about what happens to you. Like I said if I want to go in the water, that's on me." He gets in her face and she takes a step back.

"Sir, I'm just trying to keep you safe. There is no reason for you to get in my face." She says.

"Listen here you little bitch! Maybe a man should get in your face! Little bitches like yourself don't listen so you have to learn. You're a little girl. I can do whatever the fuck I want." He continues to get closer, but she doesn't move an inch. She stands her ground.

"If you're going to continue to act this way I will have you thrown off the beach." She retaliates.

"I'll fucking kill you, you fucking bitch!" The man yells and grabs her arm throwing her into the rhino.

Before he can do anything else the man is already being pulled off of her by Maxi and Jesse while Harrison calls for police and Ryan grabs his girlfriend.

"Are you okay?!" Ryan asks as he pulls her into him.

"I think so." Y/N says and wraps her opposite hand around where the man grabbed her. It was throbbing, and it felt like she had a cut on her leg, probably from landing in the rhino.

"Let me see." Ryan demands. He pulls her arm to where he can see it and his heart drops when he sees the hand bruised into her flesh already. "Y/N." He sighs.

"I swear I'm fine. It's just a bruise."

Hoppo shows up the same time the cops do and after a ton of questioning, Y/N insisting she's fine and refusing to press charges, the man is taken to the jail for public intoxication and for being a public nuisance.

Y/N is told to go home for the rest of the day and rest until later that night, she tried to argue, but ultimately gave up, so she got her stuff and said goodbye before going home.


Later that night after the beach closed the lifeguards made there way to the local bar and grill where they were all meeting to have dinner and drinks together. The lifeguards that weren't already at the beach were coming separately so Ryan had to wait to see Y/N.

He had been worried the rest of the day. He just had a bad feeling about something, but he wasn't sure why yet.

After sitting down he texted Y/N letting her know where they were at. She took a few minutes to text back.


okay i'll be there in a minute.

Ryan knew Y/N wouldn't text and drive so she must've decided to walk. He checks her location and sees that it's moving a tiny bit every few seconds. He closes his phone and orders his drink.

Ten minutes had passed and Ryan was confused. Y/am said she'd be there in a minute and her location said that as well, so what was the hold up?

He subtly grabs his phone and opens up her contact. A few of the other guys had shown up and Jake, one of Y/N's best friends was also wondering where she was.

"She said she was a minute away a while ago." Ryan says.

"Maybe a few of us should go looking for her. She's never been here before, she could've gotten turned around." Jake replies getting up from his seat and grabbing his phone. Ryan, Maxi, Jesse and Glick get up as well.

They head out the door and start walking towards where her location last showed. They get a street away before they start hearing a man yelling.

"You got him put in jail! He didn't do anything wrong!" The voice yells.

"For the last time, I didn't press charges! He got arrested for being drunk and causing problems in public! Just like you assholes are right now!" Y/N exclaims.

She'd been cornered by the mans drunk friends. They were pissed and ready to hurt her. Like earlier, she stood her ground and tried explaining but there is no getting through to people like them.

The boys turned the corner and landed their eyes on their friend. She wasn't worried, like normal, but she was definitely outnumbered until now.

"Hey! Get the hell away from her now or we are going to have problems." Jake yells as he runs towards her.

Jake loved that girl like she was his baby sister. That is basically what she is. She grew up with him.

He gets between the men and Y/N and stares them down.

"What are you going to do about it?" Another man asks. "The little bitch needs her karma."

That pissed Ryan off. He didn't even think before his first went flying into the mans nose, causing a loud crunch and blood to start pouring out of the now broken nose. He didn't cool off after that, he looked at the rest of the men and glared. His eyes had gotten darker, he was seriously pissed.

"Leave my girlfriend alone or I'll kick all of your asses." He threatens. "Your friend assaulted her, he's a drunk piece of shit who hurt a woman. Do you guys want to be the same?!" He exclaims.

The men all seemed to take that to heart.

"We didn't know he hurt you." A man says.

Ryan walked up to Y/N and pulled her arm up for them to see.

"That's his hand print!" Ryan yells. He turns her around and shows them the large cut on her leg. "That's because he threw her." He turns her back around and pulls her into his chest. "Now are we going to have anymore problems or are you going to walk away and leave her alone?"

"I'm so sorry." The man Ryan had punched in the nose says and they all dissipate.

Glick and Maxi start clapping and Jesse eventually joins.

"Finally manned up and asked her out?" Maxi asks.

"Yeah. A while ago." Ryan smiles and presses a kiss to Y/N's head as she rests it against his chest with her eyes closed.

"We always knew you had a massive crush on her." Glick says.

"Wait! You're dating?!" Jake exclaims.

Y/N opens her eyes and looks at Jake.

"Yeah, almost a year." She says. Jake puts his hand to his chest, so she cuts him off before he can start. "We didn't tell anyone because we don't know if it's allowed." She clarifies.

"Y/N, Hoppo doesn't care as long as it doesn't get brought into work." Jesse chuckles.

"Well now that you guys know." Ryan trails off.

"Let's go back to the restaurant."

They all start walking and Ryan holds Y/N's hand.

"Are you okay? Are you up to go still? We can cancel." He says, giving her a worried glance.

"Babe, I'm fine. Like I was earlier. It's going to take a lot more than drunk, pissy men to tear me down." She assures him.

"Are you sure?" Ryan repeats.

"Yes." She laughs. "I just need a drink through."

"Whatever you want sweetheart."

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