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Competition [Ryan Yerbury]

Description: Ryan meets Mick Fanning’s daughter, and is quite smitten with her.
Warnings: Close encounter with a shark. PTSD behavior.
All of the lifeguards were in the tower, getting their assignments. Today, Bondi Beach was closed for a surfing competition, and all of the guys were helping out.
"Ryan, you're towing and patrolling on the Jet Ski for Mick Fanning's team." Hoppo says. Ryan nods with a smile on his face. He was excited to meet Mick, considering he'd been a fan for a while. He was also excited to meet Mick's eighteen year old daughter, Y/N Fanning. He'd always thought she was beautiful and absolutely amazing in the water. Of course Ryan's older cousin, Trent Maxwell, also known as "Maxi" knew about his crush. With Maxi also being a lifeguard he was bound and determined to introduce Y/N and Ryan.
Maxi had met Y/N and Mick multiple times and knew she was a great girl, so he wasn't worried about her. He was worried about how Ryan was likely to be a klutz and embarrass himself.
"I think we'll do good." Y/N says as she sets her surfboard on the ground. She needed to clean the old wax off and put a new coat on.
"Yeah. Hopefully we win, and then we can celebrate after this." Mick says as he puts the teams assigned white rash guard on.
"How do you want to celebrate if we win?" Y/N asks as she cleans the old wax off.
"Probably a barbecue. Then we can get ice cream after." Mick smiles.
Maxi stops in front of the two and smiles. "Wow, Mick. You sure do know the way to a guys heart." Maxi puts his hand over his heart and pretends to swoon.
"Maxi! Mate, how are you?" Mick hugs Maxi and Y/N gets up to do the same.
"I'm great!" Maxi beams. He wraps his arms around Y/N and gives her a bear hug. "Have you gotten taller?!"
"Shut up, you tree!" Y/N laughs. Maxi puts her down and turns his attention to Ryan, who is standing off to the side.
"Mick, Y/N. This is my cousin Ryan. He's a lifeguard here and is actually manning the Jet Ski for you guys."
"Ah, we'll be in good hands then." Mick shakes Ryan's hand. Ryan nods.
"It's nice to meet you Ryan. How long have you been a lifeguard?" Y/N asks.
"It's nice to meet you too, and it’s my second year here."
"The guys being good to you? Especially this one?" Y/N gets back on the ground and continues to get her board ready.
"Yeah-. Isn't that the board you won your first competition with?" Ryan asks. Y/N smiles up at him and nods.
"Yeah, I've never lost a competition using this board." Y/N explains. "You surf?"
"Yeah, not like you guys do, but I love it." Ryan replies and scratches the back of his neck.
"Well, maybe we could go surfing together sometime." Y/N suggests and stands up to wipe the sand off of her.
"I-I'd love to.- I mean, yeah, of course." Ryan's face turns red and Y/N chuckles.
"Cool, we'll talk more about that later, but I have to go get my rash guard." Y/N excuses herself and walks off.
"Did my daughter just ask you on a date?" Mick asks.
"I think she did." Maxi says.
"I'm not sure." Ryan sighs and watches Y/N as she scours through white rash guards.
Maxi and Mick laugh as Ryan stands there, confused about what had just happened.
"White Team. Koby Abberton, Joel Parkinson, Matt Wilkinson, Kelly Slater, Mick Fanning, Y/N Fanning." The announcer names off everyone from their respective teams.
After the announcing is done, the competition finally starts. One person from each team goes out and tries three times to get the best wave.
"Ladies first Y/N/N." Koby says. Y/N smiles and grabs her board.
"Good luck princess!" Mick yells. Y/N keeps running down to the shore and hops on the Jet Ski with Ryan.
"Ready to go?" Y/N nods and Ryan takes them out to the lineup. "Good luck!"
"Thanks!" Y/N jumps off the Jet Ski and onto her board.
Y/N had a perfect score her first time out, and now she is out at the lineup again. Some of the other surfers were talking about how they'd heard over some radios that there was a shark out in the bay. After her father getting attacked by a shark in South Africa, Y/N was absolutely terrified of any type of sharks. She knew they were probably trying to freak her out, or they were screwing around, but the thought was still in her head when she got up on a five foot wave.
She was about halfway through when something hit her board and tipped her, causing the wave to smash her. She heard the announcers and everyone on the beach gasp, then she heard the shark alarm. She looks around under the water as she starts swimming to the surface and shrieks when she sees a Tiger Shark swimming around. Her mind pauses for a second and replays the memory from South Africa. Those few seconds she couldn't see her dad, she thought the worst. She knew that was how her dad was feeling, but it was a hundred times worse.
She breaks the surface and sees Ryan speeding her way. She sits with her knees on the board, avoiding putting her limbs in the water.
"Everyone out of the water!" The announcer yells.
Ryan finally gets to her after what feels like years for him. He is relieved to see that she isn't injured, but she is freaked out.
"Are you ok?!" Ryan asks as he helps her onto the Jet Ski.
"Yeah. Yeah, I think so."
"Ok, hold on!" Ryan speeds to shore where Mick and a few of the lifeguards along with reporters are.
Once they get there Y/N jumps off and sprints to her dad. Mick wraps his arms around his daughter and lets out a sigh of relief. Now he knows how Y/N and his mother felt when he was attacked.
"You're ok? You didn't get bit or anything?" He pulls away and looks her over.
"No. I'm ok. Just freaked out." Y/N breathes. "I saw it and all I could think about was when I couldn't see you when you got attacked." She was shaking in fear, and had tears in her eyes.
"Alright let's go." A crowd had formed around them. Spectators and reporters mostly. The guys from their team were walking with them and the lifeguards were trying to make a path. One reporter grabs Y/N's arm and Ryan decides enough is enough.
"Hey! Let her go mate!" He exclaims and steps between them. "Have some respect. She doesn't want to talk to you." The reporter backs down and they finally make it through.
The competition was now over and it was dark. The White Team won and they were celebrating with their families and friends, including the lifeguards. Y/N had been quiet since the incident with the shark, and she was now sitting in the sand looking at the water.
"Thank you." Ryan turns to see Mick standing there.
"For what?" Ryan questions.
"For getting Y/N out of there and having her back with that reporter." Mick replies and joins Ryan in watching his daughter.
"You don't have to thank me."
"I do. If you weren't out there on that Jet Ski she would've been bit." Ryan nods. "You know, if you want to ask her out on a date I wouldn't be upset right? You're a good kid and I trust you."
"Really?" Ryan smiles.
"Yes really, and she wouldn't be upset either." Mick hints. He walks back to everyone else and Ryan decides to go to Y/N.
"You alright?" Ryan asks as he sits down next to her.
"Yeah." Y/N sighs. "Is it crazy that I want to go for a surf?" She turns to look at Ryan and they both start laughing.
"It's not crazy. It's like riding a bike. You fall off, but eventually you have to get back on." Y/N nods and smiles. "How about we go for that surf tomorrow? Bronte at ten? Then we can get something to eat after."
Y/N smiles at Ryan, "Yeah. I'd love that."
When Push Comes To Shove [Ryan Yerbury] ⚠

Description: Y/N and Ryan are secretly dating, when she gets assaulted at work and caught in a bad spot the truth comes out.
Warnings: Physical and Verbal Assault.
Y/N and Ryan had been dating for a while, almost a year. They met on their first day of being trainees at Bondi Beach. Ryan thought she was beautiful right away and wanted to get to know her, but Y/N was a little more difficult. It took her a few months to warm up to him.
After their first date Ryan asked her to be his girlfriend and they've been together ever since.
The only thing is, no one knows.
They weren't sure if they'd get fired for being in a relationship with a coworker or if they'd have to break up, so they just didn't say anything and tried not to lead the others on to think they were together.
Y/N had just finished changing when she walked out of the women's room and was pulled around a corner.
She squealed a bit but when she realized it was her boyfriend she quieted down and slapped his arm.
"You can't do that! You gave me a heart attack." She whisper yells.
Ryan chuckles and hugs her tight. "I just wanted to see you real quick before we got to work. I missed you."
"I missed you too." She replies, before pressing a kiss to his lips.
"I can't wait for tonight. It's nice to hang out with you and the boys and not be at work." He mumbles into the kiss.
"Well I think after giving me a heart attack you owe me a drink." She smiles.
"I'll get you whatever you want sweetheart." He pulls her in for a kiss again, but this time they are interrupted.
"Y/N?! Ryan?!" Maxi yells as he walks around the locker rooms.
The two jump apart and start walking towards the voice. Maxi peeks up when he sees his cousin and his friend.
"Hey, there you guys are! You two are on South End." Maxi says as they walk to the tower.
"Okay, thanks Max!" Y/N says as she stops in the tower to put her stuff away and grab what they would need.
Maxi raises his eyebrow at Ryan and Ryan just walks away, ignoring his big cousin.
Y/N and Ryan were down by Backpackers Rip around four when a group of drunk, heated up men started acting up.
They kept going into the water, and both lifeguards had told them multiple times not to go out, and they'd been keeping an eye on the group, but when an injury pulled their attention, they took the opportunity.
A few of the men had gotten stuck in the rip and Maxi, Harrison and Jesse who had all come down for the injury all helped Ryan get them back in while Y/N was left on the sand to keep the rest out.
The biggest of the group walks towards the water and Y/N steps in his way.
"Sir. I can't let you in the water. You're intoxicated and you could drown." She says in a calm voice, trying to reason with the man.
"If I want to go swimming. I'm going to."
"You don't understand. I cannot let you in the water. You could drown and die and I will get in trouble." She explains.
"I don't give a shit about what happens to you. Like I said if I want to go in the water, that's on me." He gets in her face and she takes a step back.
"Sir, I'm just trying to keep you safe. There is no reason for you to get in my face." She says.
"Listen here you little bitch! Maybe a man should get in your face! Little bitches like yourself don't listen so you have to learn. You're a little girl. I can do whatever the fuck I want." He continues to get closer, but she doesn't move an inch. She stands her ground.
"If you're going to continue to act this way I will have you thrown off the beach." She retaliates.
"I'll fucking kill you, you fucking bitch!" The man yells and grabs her arm throwing her into the rhino.
Before he can do anything else the man is already being pulled off of her by Maxi and Jesse while Harrison calls for police and Ryan grabs his girlfriend.
"Are you okay?!" Ryan asks as he pulls her into him.
"I think so." Y/N says and wraps her opposite hand around where the man grabbed her. It was throbbing, and it felt like she had a cut on her leg, probably from landing in the rhino.
"Let me see." Ryan demands. He pulls her arm to where he can see it and his heart drops when he sees the hand bruised into her flesh already. "Y/N." He sighs.
"I swear I'm fine. It's just a bruise."
Hoppo shows up the same time the cops do and after a ton of questioning, Y/N insisting she's fine and refusing to press charges, the man is taken to the jail for public intoxication and for being a public nuisance.
Y/N is told to go home for the rest of the day and rest until later that night, she tried to argue, but ultimately gave up, so she got her stuff and said goodbye before going home.
Later that night after the beach closed the lifeguards made there way to the local bar and grill where they were all meeting to have dinner and drinks together. The lifeguards that weren't already at the beach were coming separately so Ryan had to wait to see Y/N.
He had been worried the rest of the day. He just had a bad feeling about something, but he wasn't sure why yet.
After sitting down he texted Y/N letting her know where they were at. She took a few minutes to text back.
okay i'll be there in a minute.
Ryan knew Y/N wouldn't text and drive so she must've decided to walk. He checks her location and sees that it's moving a tiny bit every few seconds. He closes his phone and orders his drink.
Ten minutes had passed and Ryan was confused. Y/am said she'd be there in a minute and her location said that as well, so what was the hold up?
He subtly grabs his phone and opens up her contact. A few of the other guys had shown up and Jake, one of Y/N's best friends was also wondering where she was.
"She said she was a minute away a while ago." Ryan says.
"Maybe a few of us should go looking for her. She's never been here before, she could've gotten turned around." Jake replies getting up from his seat and grabbing his phone. Ryan, Maxi, Jesse and Glick get up as well.
They head out the door and start walking towards where her location last showed. They get a street away before they start hearing a man yelling.
"You got him put in jail! He didn't do anything wrong!" The voice yells.
"For the last time, I didn't press charges! He got arrested for being drunk and causing problems in public! Just like you assholes are right now!" Y/N exclaims.
She'd been cornered by the mans drunk friends. They were pissed and ready to hurt her. Like earlier, she stood her ground and tried explaining but there is no getting through to people like them.
The boys turned the corner and landed their eyes on their friend. She wasn't worried, like normal, but she was definitely outnumbered until now.
"Hey! Get the hell away from her now or we are going to have problems." Jake yells as he runs towards her.
Jake loved that girl like she was his baby sister. That is basically what she is. She grew up with him.
He gets between the men and Y/N and stares them down.
"What are you going to do about it?" Another man asks. "The little bitch needs her karma."
That pissed Ryan off. He didn't even think before his first went flying into the mans nose, causing a loud crunch and blood to start pouring out of the now broken nose. He didn't cool off after that, he looked at the rest of the men and glared. His eyes had gotten darker, he was seriously pissed.
"Leave my girlfriend alone or I'll kick all of your asses." He threatens. "Your friend assaulted her, he's a drunk piece of shit who hurt a woman. Do you guys want to be the same?!" He exclaims.
The men all seemed to take that to heart.
"We didn't know he hurt you." A man says.
Ryan walked up to Y/N and pulled her arm up for them to see.
"That's his hand print!" Ryan yells. He turns her around and shows them the large cut on her leg. "That's because he threw her." He turns her back around and pulls her into his chest. "Now are we going to have anymore problems or are you going to walk away and leave her alone?"
"I'm so sorry." The man Ryan had punched in the nose says and they all dissipate.
Glick and Maxi start clapping and Jesse eventually joins.
"Finally manned up and asked her out?" Maxi asks.
"Yeah. A while ago." Ryan smiles and presses a kiss to Y/N's head as she rests it against his chest with her eyes closed.
"We always knew you had a massive crush on her." Glick says.
"Wait! You're dating?!" Jake exclaims.
Y/N opens her eyes and looks at Jake.
"Yeah, almost a year." She says. Jake puts his hand to his chest, so she cuts him off before he can start. "We didn't tell anyone because we don't know if it's allowed." She clarifies.
"Y/N, Hoppo doesn't care as long as it doesn't get brought into work." Jesse chuckles.
"Well now that you guys know." Ryan trails off.
"Let's go back to the restaurant."
They all start walking and Ryan holds Y/N's hand.
"Are you okay? Are you up to go still? We can cancel." He says, giving her a worried glance.
"Babe, I'm fine. Like I was earlier. It's going to take a lot more than drunk, pissy men to tear me down." She assures him.
"Are you sure?" Ryan repeats.
"Yes." She laughs. "I just need a drink through."
"Whatever you want sweetheart."