Thanks To The Comic By Seraphont, I Have A Strong Urge To Brush Jaybird's Long Pretty Silver Hair Now.
Thanks to the comic by Seraphont, I have a strong urge to brush Jaybird's long pretty silver hair now. Oh goodness me, why am I like this -sad_Tessa_noises.mp3- it's not fair! Why is J so pretty?
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He sure is a swell stand-up fellow "^u^"
Hullo there dear! Hope everything is going grouse for ya. It'll be right, just stick to yer guns. Luv ya - Trevor Gaylord the Third

Look how sweet he is. He even sent me a little message. Love you too hun
*rips out your core* this your core or did I yoink the wrong organ?
×Is literally dead.×
Oh! This is so cute ^u^
Yeah, her version of alternative fashion and mine are two entirely different creatures.
RoboTessa: Kneel before the true Scene Queen, Uzi Doorman!
Uzi: You call that prissy princess shit "emo"? get real, Tess
Hmmm whats this? Murder Drones AU with Drone Tessa having a fashion battle with Uzi? Whatever could it mean????

Time for a game of Barn fire. Push out the window, Carry out in your arms, Leave to Burn. V, N, Cyn
Oh hello, Mun!
That's easy! Carry N down with me. Sadly push V out the window, but I know she'd be alright.
We all know then who's being burned alive

I had to get her to let her guard down by bombarding her with compliments but mission accomplished. She wanted me to brush her hair but she was being all tough and pretending she didn't like that. So on the right is Jay Bird (J) and she's gloating about her lushious long radiant hair.
And on the left is ME! The girl who knows that her gloating is 100% true!
inspired by @seraphont's latest comic