Robotessa Reblogs - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

She brings Vanessa into the shop out of the open, the pretty little jingly bell, above the door. Tessa invited Vanessa to sit down, the receptionist desk is empty. The dark teal haired drone took a deep breath in and out as she sat down in one of the waiting room chairs. "... J's missing... she's been missing and Nate almost died to someone attacking him. And... I don't know how to handle myself right now..."

"So... practical question... did you happen to see any... dark shapes that are roughly humanoid wandering around... might have glowing red shapes where the eyes might be?"

N-No? I've been crying most of the day, Vanessa... what's going on?

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5 months ago

Even as a monster, Tessa was charmed by J's appearance, she gently pet one of the Eldritch monster's ponytails. "I've missed you too, luv," she soothed caringly, kissing the drone monster on the forehead, "gosh, you're still so effervescent,"

She stood up so it wouldn't be so hard on the Eldritch J's neck, for them to be forehead to forehead, just enjoying each other's presence.

Even in silence, Tessa felt a strong wave joy.

from xXRoboTessaXx She approached the warehouse, walking with a jug of oil as a present. The partial disassembly drone stepped briskly, she wasn't sure what the situation was going to be in risking herself, but... this was a J, she'd maybe recognize her, somehow... despite being a drone now. She entered the dark room and set down the jug of oil, waiting in the dark for anything, sitting down to let the skirt of her dress flare out around her as she waited silently

Two eye like cameras lowered down to examine the jug of oil before lowering it's claw to pick it up

Scanning complete. Someone left over a sacrifice contained in a jug.

From XXRoboTessaXxShe Approached The Warehouse, Walking With A Jug Of Oil As A Present.The Partial Disassembly

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5 months ago

Can confirm, Jessa has sunk for @worldslastredemption and @copper-9spurgatory HOWEVER, there's WAY more Jays in the sky and I plan on keeping on with it! Through the fluff and the angst, I will persevere! Thanks for the fun times, WorldsLastRedemption!

I Dont Get Why People Say Juzi Is Toxic. Uzi Killed J Twice Okay?? Cant Gfs Explode Their Lover A Couple

I don’t get why people say Juzi is toxic. “Uzi killed J twice” okay?? Cant gfs explode their lover a couple of times?? if they weren’t madly in love, why does J keep coming back??

idk I thought it was funny but still. Corporate Goth x Scenemo. DO YOU SEE THE VISION??

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5 months ago

"Alright, let's go then," Tessa followed Vanessa outside and locked up the shop before continuing on to find whatever this creature was that could maybe help bring her J home.

"So... practical question... did you happen to see any... dark shapes that are roughly humanoid wandering around... might have glowing red shapes where the eyes might be?"

N-No? I've been crying most of the day, Vanessa... what's going on?

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5 months ago

This is the project I was working on... I have a J once again close by, but... other Js are welcome to interact with me too ^u^ the more the merrier.

Serial Designation J - 73554 Reporting for Duty!

Serial Designation J - 73554 Reporting For Duty!

@xxrobotessaxx brought me into existence. I am a software copy of the J Tessa once knew. However in that J's absence from her disappearing, my Princess Tess needed someone for emotional support. She went out to the corpse spire and found pieces for me, however, due to my nature of being made with spare parts, my internal battery has a fairly shortlife, so I have a battery bank backpack. Don't think that means I'm some "little girl's toy though" I could still kick your ass like week the old interns you are. Especially when I go into battle mode (top right of the image) utilizing the spare legs from the original J and one surviving gauntlet as well as my broadsword. If you wish to bring harm to Tessa, then you will have to endure me... However, if you mean no malice, then we shouldn't have any issues.

NSFW not allowed, at all! Semi Selective, but don't be afraid to message anyways If you want both RoboTessa and I to join you, just let us know. Don't be mean if you don't want to be treated mean back.

@nate-doorman-elliot we're good, I might be mean sometimes but I know that Tess likes you lots so, you're safe.

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5 months ago

"It was effervescent, Jaybird," Tessa giggled, her core felt a-flutter like moths in a mausoleum, and she started to notice her darling little J struggling. She let go of the drone, turning around to pick up a small magenta backpack looking thing. "Wait, Jaybird... I know your internal battery is slightly shot... put this on," Tessa insisted kindly, holding it out. It was a charging pack with lots of charge, it could last for 5 days even on a single charge.

"I know it's not the best option, but for now, until I find a battery that fits your make and model that isn't completely shot, we will have to use this."

The First Sight - @xxrobotessaxx

The worker drone rubbed her LED screen, the bright light shining on her from the desk lamp above was bothering her. "Five more minutes..." she groaned, laying back down on her side. Wait... what? She turned over, scanning around with her platinum LED eyes until she finally saw the drone Tessa with the pale blue eyes. "I guess I'm no longer just the protectress in your dreams then?"

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5 months ago

Hi, I'd like to book an appointment, last name Bee, first name Kit

-writes it down in pencil- I don't know if this one is a joke or serious, but... I have you noted down for Wednesday at 6pm CDT.

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5 months ago

Okay, that was pretty funny, anon!

Hi, I'm looking to set up a delivery of hair dye to Styles by Tessa. I'm going to need you to phone to confirm with head office however. Please reach out to my supervisor, Ms Two-Tone. Her number is 867-5309

-calling the number-.... Is this some kind of joke? Seriously? Jenny by Tommy Tutone? You're soooo funny I forgot to laugh.

Please don't bother me, I'm trying to do my job.

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5 months ago

You got her good, anon!

-another phone call- Hello? I'm looking to book a colour adjustment, do you have an availability on Thursday at 9am? The name for the booking is first name Jaycee, last name Gensun.

-writing it out, sounding out the words, she stops, and is a little impressed- Wow, okay, that one was creative! Jaycee Gensun, JC Jensen.... thanks, that one didn't suck.

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5 months ago

Tessa nervously giggles. "I... didn't really replace her... but... I... made a J who won't be so mean to you, Nate, dear..."

Did you see your Tessa replaced J!? What's your thoughts?

Wait huh?!

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5 months ago

She sighed sadly, fidgeting with her hair. "S-she's gone... gone gone... and this is the emergency protocol... since I had already started an emergency J, but only finished her now."

Did you see your Tessa replaced J!? What's your thoughts?

Wait huh?!

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5 months ago

She gently parted Nate's wings to try to talk to him. "Dearie, no... just... there was no vessel left, and I wouldn't replace you, I'd do everything in my power to not let that happen, alright?" she insisted caringly, trying to hold his hands. "Tessie's here, Nate, and I'm not going to let anyone hurt you, alright?" she stepped into the fortress of his wings and held him, smoothing his hair gently with one hand, humming the tune of True Blue to try to quell his fears and worries.

Did you see your Tessa replaced J!? What's your thoughts?

Wait huh?!

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5 months ago

Sitting still through the whole gentle brushing, she felt also safe, like this was home again, yes it was different, yes that wasn't truly her J, but... this would have to do, until her Jaybird would fly home, if that would ever happen, but, she at least had J back for now. "I've always loved this part of my day, J, luv," Tessa admitted, slightly swinging her legs back and forth after lifting her knees higher so she could do that, "just a break from everything, just you and I." She trilled with a happy giggle as she fidgeted with part of her bangs, "Thank you again, for helping mend me when you were taller, it's a gift I appreciate every day."

The First Sight - @xxrobotessaxx

The worker drone rubbed her LED screen, the bright light shining on her from the desk lamp above was bothering her. "Five more minutes..." she groaned, laying back down on her side. Wait... what? She turned over, scanning around with her platinum LED eyes until she finally saw the drone Tessa with the pale blue eyes. "I guess I'm no longer just the protectress in your dreams then?"

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5 months ago

Tessa realized what was going on, it was a surprise attack. She popped her wings out to throw off the wild J that attacked her. "Not today, robo-satan!" she shouted, before looking to the drone she had bucked off of her back like a wild county-fair-mare.

"Oh... Oh my goodness, no! I'm sorry," Tessa began to exclaim, before she saw the fangs and disheveledness of the J, and she lost that soft cozy demeanour, pulling out her battery-powered curling iron and setting it to high heat. "You want to dance?" she teased before her expression turned stern, "Then let me show you what 10 years of both ballroom dancing and self defense has taught me."

starter for the account of @xxrobotessaxx

The sound of a voice singing could be heard floating through the cold wind from just past the ridge

"Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda You'll come a Waltzing Matilda with me And he sang as he shoved that jumpbuck in his tucker bag You'll come a Waltzing Matilda with me

Down came the squatter mounted on his thorough-bred Up came the troopers one, two, three Where's that jolly jumbuck you've got in your tucker bag? You'll come a Waltzing Matilda with me"

it was a woman's voice, with an Aussie accent.... what a stupid little soul, to be singing out in the open while there was a dangerous J on the prowl

She slowly emerged from the landing pod. Her optic sensors now alert, trying to figure out the source of the sound. A large bold X appears across her visor. Her mouth slightly opened, just enough for her fangs to be visible. She flew off, tracking down the women

She glides in the sky, getting closer to the source of the sound. She lands on a rooftop, looking over to see if anyones there. She had her claws drawn out.

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5 months ago

Tessa wasn't backing down that easily as the hot tool got closer and closer to her, shoving it against the blade, it splintered into hot shards on J. "There's more where that came from!" the Aussie girl insisted, it felt horrible she had to fight the drone who looked like the drones she adored, but, she had to try.

She took a can of glitter spray and sprayed it at the drone's eyes, both the LED screen ones and the ones on the J's 'headband' clogging the eyesight worse.

"Effer-fucking-vescent," she mocked, gaining an opportunity to escape, she took it, flying backwards so she wouldn't be ambushed again.

starter for the account of @xxrobotessaxx

The sound of a voice singing could be heard floating through the cold wind from just past the ridge

"Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda You'll come a Waltzing Matilda with me And he sang as he shoved that jumpbuck in his tucker bag You'll come a Waltzing Matilda with me

Down came the squatter mounted on his thorough-bred Up came the troopers one, two, three Where's that jolly jumbuck you've got in your tucker bag? You'll come a Waltzing Matilda with me"

it was a woman's voice, with an Aussie accent.... what a stupid little soul, to be singing out in the open while there was a dangerous J on the prowl

She slowly emerged from the landing pod. Her optic sensors now alert, trying to figure out the source of the sound. A large bold X appears across her visor. Her mouth slightly opened, just enough for her fangs to be visible. She flew off, tracking down the women

She glides in the sky, getting closer to the source of the sound. She lands on a rooftop, looking over to see if anyones there. She had her claws drawn out.

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5 months ago

The ninja stars left slashes in her dress and one took off the bow ontop of her head, causing her to squeak in fright. She ran up to the J and grabbed J's hand, squeezing it twice firmly before she said with a grin, "Try repressing this!" she smile and licked J's hand before she continued to run to the outpost bunker

starter for the account of @xxrobotessaxx

The sound of a voice singing could be heard floating through the cold wind from just past the ridge

"Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda You'll come a Waltzing Matilda with me And he sang as he shoved that jumpbuck in his tucker bag You'll come a Waltzing Matilda with me

Down came the squatter mounted on his thorough-bred Up came the troopers one, two, three Where's that jolly jumbuck you've got in your tucker bag? You'll come a Waltzing Matilda with me"

it was a woman's voice, with an Aussie accent.... what a stupid little soul, to be singing out in the open while there was a dangerous J on the prowl

She slowly emerged from the landing pod. Her optic sensors now alert, trying to figure out the source of the sound. A large bold X appears across her visor. Her mouth slightly opened, just enough for her fangs to be visible. She flew off, tracking down the women

She glides in the sky, getting closer to the source of the sound. She lands on a rooftop, looking over to see if anyones there. She had her claws drawn out.

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5 months ago

The doors were getting closer. 50 yards, now 40, 30, 20... "Come on, Tessie, come on girl, fly faster!" she yelled at herself who was now flying forwards, her wings working overtime to give her extra thrust just to get away from the impending attack from the disassembly drone. She glanced back, seeing J getting closer, it'd be over if she got caught, she had to move quickly. "Work wings, work!" she exclaimed, the last 20 feet to the door and then.

BAM! Like the sound of an autocollision, RoboTessa was in the snow, underneath the feral J. She kicked and flailed, but her efforts were fruitless. Tessa's internal compressor kicked on, making her catch her breath but she was terrified.

She whimpered like a scared puppy. "I'm so sorry..." she whispered, LED tears falling from her visor's eyes.

starter for the account of @xxrobotessaxx

The sound of a voice singing could be heard floating through the cold wind from just past the ridge

"Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda You'll come a Waltzing Matilda with me And he sang as he shoved that jumpbuck in his tucker bag You'll come a Waltzing Matilda with me

Down came the squatter mounted on his thorough-bred Up came the troopers one, two, three Where's that jolly jumbuck you've got in your tucker bag? You'll come a Waltzing Matilda with me"

it was a woman's voice, with an Aussie accent.... what a stupid little soul, to be singing out in the open while there was a dangerous J on the prowl

She slowly emerged from the landing pod. Her optic sensors now alert, trying to figure out the source of the sound. A large bold X appears across her visor. Her mouth slightly opened, just enough for her fangs to be visible. She flew off, tracking down the women

She glides in the sky, getting closer to the source of the sound. She lands on a rooftop, looking over to see if anyones there. She had her claws drawn out.

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5 months ago

Nate came out of Uzi's room upon the commotion


Tessa was standing in the Doorman household, wearing one of Nori's spare beanies and also her shoulder was bandaged with oil stained gauze. The blue-eyed drone, as soon as she saw Nate, she collapsed into his arms and started crying. "I'm so glad you're safe!" she whimpered, holding her little darling Nate closely.

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5 months ago

this is so beautiful oh my gosh!



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