Tessa James Elliot - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Nate came out of Uzi's room upon the commotion


Tessa was standing in the Doorman household, wearing one of Nori's spare beanies and also her shoulder was bandaged with oil stained gauze. The blue-eyed drone, as soon as she saw Nate, she collapsed into his arms and started crying. "I'm so glad you're safe!" she whimpered, holding her little darling Nate closely.

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5 months ago

Murder Drones Drabble - Too Loud TW// Verbal Abuse and Self Harm

TW// beratement, verbal abuse, gaslighting, mild self harm, emotional distress, corporate jobs

Tessa sat at her repair desk in her bedroom, not chained up, but definitely locked in, and she was hungry because she missing out on mid morning smoko. The now 16 year old girl mulled over what had happened earlier.


It was a practice run for when Tessa would start working next year part time. She was sitting at the desk in the small office off of her father's, surrounded by branded pens and stationary. Opening the work e-mails, she noticed one regarding a bigger company hadn't been read yet, and she had been the one who assisted the last time with it. Tessa looked through the database and found the records and certificates needed for the subcontractor of JC Jensen and sent it off attached to a politely worded email that read:

'Dear Avery Johnson of Qlean Flow Solvents,

I hope this email finds you well, please note the documents attached as we had sent them prior. Hope this clears up any discrepancies, Sincerely,

Tessa James Elliott Office Assistant'

She was pleased with her work, noticing her father's voice from the next room over, she paid no mind until her desk phone rang. She didn't understand the need to use a landline sometimes, but, she still answered it. "JC Jensen, Elliott Office, Tessa speaking," she greeted in the corporate tone she had practiced with J for hours on.

The Aussie man on the other end, James Elliott himself, greeted over the phone, "No need to concern the email in regards to the Qlean Flow company, I handled it already with a phone call."

Tessa hesitated at first, but was kind of glad he didn't just walk in to tell her that, because he would've seen the nervousness on her face. "F-Father, I... I may have resent them the documents, but I worded the email politely and-" the ebony haired girl explained until she was interrupted.

"And why would you do that?" James Elliott remarked sharply, the Aussie man sighed in annoyance before Tessa could even talk, "Didn't you see that it was marked read?"

Tessa had opened the email when it was still unread, perhaps even at the same time as her father. "I didn't mean to, I'm sorry, I must have opened it at the same time as you," the Elliott heiress apologized softly.

"What is it with your generation? All of you are daft dingoes. You don't build rapport with customers and business partners by 'emails and texts' you PHONE them."

Tessa tried to get in an apology but got interrupted.

"I mean, how would you feel if one of your drones didn't have the gall to tell you something important and sent you it through a text? Especially if it was something important," James rambled on and on over the phone, "It's like how people get divorces over text because they haven't pulled their head in. How disrespectful is that? And you SAW it was unread, right?" he was now starting to try to gaslight Tessa, not knowing the drone-adoring girl wouldn't be shaken that easily.

"N-no, I-I saw it was unread, I mean it, I'm sorry," she exclaimed in an apologetic tone, not realizing she was talking louder.

James lost his composure, even though this was his daughter, the only heir to his livelihood and someone he cared about when he had time to care or wasn't too busy or forgot, he yelled over the phone, "YOU DROP THAT TONE RIGHT NOW YOUNG LADY!"

Tessa dropped the phone, she out of instinct grabbed at her wrist and squeezed hard where it was already bruised. She hated herself so much in that moment, 'maybe the pain would teach her a lesson' she thought to herself as the man who had given her middle name shouted at her.


Tessa pleaded, her voice smaller now, just above a whisper as she picked the receiver up, "I-I promise... I w-w-wasn't yelling, s-sir... I... I was just afraid... I'm sorry, it won't happen again, I promise."

James responded sternly, but at least he wasn't yelling now, "I think you need to go take smoko in your room, come back when you are better behaved."


And Tessa remembered as soon as she went into her room, the doors had closed behind her and locked, she laughed to herself somberly and looked to the window, seeing the rain outside, she decided she would sneak out to the graveyard. If she wasn't wanted at 'work' then she'd at least go somewhere that she'd be able to forget everything for a while.

She grabbed her sewing scissors, the keys to the mausoleum, and a couple granola bars from the stash J had put under her bed to stuff into her messenger bag, before she unlocked her bedroom window, climbed out, and snuck along the garden's edge until she got below the willow tree. "I may as well make the best of this," she said to herself, heading through the archway to the graveyard.

The End

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5 months ago

awww, so precious

How many crayons has N gone through this year?

To be honest? Not as many as you’d think! He also uses regular pencils now, says his art skills are expanding! Something about an… an? Anime? Book? I’m not sure, lil guy always has fun with it though!

How Many Crayons Has N Gone Through This Year?

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5 months ago
If You're Cold, She's Cold, Put Her In Your Pocket!

if you're cold, she's cold, put her in your pocket!

Tessa's chapter 1 design for my fic! I'll make a promotional post for it soon... enjoy this tessa doodle while i prepare <3

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5 months ago

A fanfic by my Mun, it's a memory I had long since forgotten. I guess Father used to care... that hurts so much more knowing everything now... but, it's so wholesome

Murder Drones Fanfic - Dear Old Dad - James Elliott story from before he became mean.

Warning, some characters might be OOC but maybe Tessa's parents used to be more kind and caring, making it so much worse for Tessa when they did finally change, anyways, enjoy the story!


The birds sang on that sunny spring morning, the Elliott Manor full of light and laughter.

A four year old Tessa squealed with laughter as she tried to leap out of the way of her dad. "Oh no! A big crocodile!" the little ebony haired girl exclaimed as her father figure chased her with open arms.

"Rooooooar! I'm gonna gobble you up for mornin' smoko!" James called out, making his Aussie voice more grumbly and loud, he eventually caught his daughter and lifted her up. "Got ya! You silly girl!" the man in the tophat exclaimed, he wasn't in a suit today, but just in a sweater vest, some jeans, and his dress shirt.

Tessa stole the tophat off of her father as he held her up. "I got your hat Mr Crocodile! You gotta let me go now!" she exclaimed joyfully before putting it over top of the floppy bow that was barely held on since that was the bow she fell asleep wearing.

"Nope! Now it's time for morning brushies!" the Elliot family patriarch remarked with a laugh.

"I don't like to sit still," the little grey-eyed girl pouted cutely before she tucked her messy hair under the hat.

"Would you sit still for one of yer dad's silly songs?" James said in the silly crocodile voice

Tessa cheered happily for that suggestion, and she took off the hat and gave it back to the fellow holding her. "But only if we can play Kangaroo after!" she negotiated as she was set down on her bed.

James playfully waggled his finger at his daughter. "You drive a hard bargain, Missy," he teased before responding, "Done deal!" He untied the bow and picked up Tessa's brush, standing behind her and brushed the messy hair neat as he sang Tessa her favourite song.

"Hey True Blue, don't say you've gone Say you've knocked off for a smoko And you'll be back la-ater on Hey True Blue, Hey True Blue"

Tessa sang along with her father,

"True Blue, is it me and you Is it Mum and Dad, is it a cockatoo Is it standin' by your mate when he's in a fight Or just Vegemi-ite True Blue, I'm a-asking you"

They had a little giggle as James picked up some hair ties off of Tessa's night stand and braided her hair. He resumed singing

"Hey True Blue, can you bear the load Will you tie it up with ribbons Just to keep the show on the road Hey True Blue Hey True Blue, now be Fair Dinkum"

Tessa laughed, still being a good girl and sitting still, "It's not ribbons, you're such a Mad Hatter!"

James tied a big bow at the top of one of Tessa's braids and laughed, "I'm not putting wire on ya, you daft little dingo!"

The two laughed a little, and once James finished his work he picked her up and put her on her shoulders. "Now, you're getting too big for Kangaroo, but we can still play Wallaby Ride."

The tot in the blue romper dress laughed as she was being lifted up onto her Father's shoulders. "Hold on, lil' jumbuck, we're going to the outback!" he teased before he started running with a spring in his step, Tessa holding on.

"Faster! Wallaby!" Tessa exclaimed with glee, holding on to her Father's shoulders, "We have to make it for morning smoko! Mr Robot is making strawberry muffins!" Tessa liked Mr. Robot, he was a drone with no real name, but he was the family's baker, he sometimes would let Tessa lick the spatula when he would bake cookies or cakes if she was in the kitchen.

James went slower though as they got to the staircase. "Hold on, pumpkin muffin, Wallaby's not so great at hoppin down hill."

The two made it safely down the stairs and then to the sunroom, the golden light glistening in. James had to stop and stare at his wife who was going through a blonde phase. "Goodness Gracious, Louise, you look beautiful."

Louisa looked up from her morning tea and blushed a little, looking away and responding a little reservedly, "You saw me after you picked me up from Xavier's two days ago, and you're still not over it?"

Tessa giggled as she was sat down at the breakfast table, "Mommy looks like a queen!"

The matriarch of the Elliott household couldn't help but smile at the raw assessment by her daughter, knowing that Tessa was at that stage where she would tell everything like how it was. "And you look like an adorable little lady," she responded as she lightly pinched Tessa's right cheek.

James sat down on the other side of Tessa, they were all on the same side of the table which they hardly ever did, but, he knew that Tessa preferred it that way. "Little Missy didn't want to sit still again, so I had to sing to her." "Dad sang me the one about me!" she exclaimed happily, putting her hands up joyfully. She looked proudly down for a second at her dark cool toned braids, believing that the song was about her because her hair was as she called it 'dark-dark-dark-dark-dark-dark blue' like her dad's was. "Because I've got dark-dark-dark-dark-dark-dark blue like Dad and the spots on the heeler you used to have Mum!"

The drone known by Tessa as 'Mr Robot' came into the room, bringing the muffins, as well as a hot chocolate for Tessa since she hadn't adjusted to tea yet.

Tessa beamed joyfully at the child-safe dark blue mug that was decorated with rainbow coloured stars, seeing the whipped topping, chocolate drizzle, and the little chocolate chip on top of that. "Yay! Mr Robot!" she trilled as she was given two muffins on her plate and handed her mug of chocolatey goodness.

James put a very little splash of, what Tessa called, 'silly juice' from a bottle with a bat on it into his morning tea before he said, "Louisa, I know you're working for me today, and I appreciate it but could you take a break around lunch hour so we could play in the garden?"

The grey-eyed girl stopped sipping on her cocoa, her eyes lit up joyfully before she exclaimed, "Wonderland?"

The blonde woman in the sunhat sighed and responded in her more posh Aussie accent, "Fine, fine... We can play Wonderland for Tessa," She smiled and took the top off of one of her muffins and cackled playfully, "Off with their heads!"

"Yay! The Queen of Hearts!" Tessa giggled happily, swinging her legs back and forth joyfully as she knew her Mum did the best impression of the Queen of Hearts, so much so sometimes it startled her a little, but then she remembered it was just a game.

James looked down to his 4 year old daughter, his dull blue eyes sparkling in adoration for the wonderful little lady he was raising. "And I'll always be the Mad Hatter, little dear," he said to Tessa as he patted her on the head.

Tessa asked in a cheeky tone, "Can you take me to statue world after smoko? I want to see the pretty angel statues!"

Louisa rolled her eyes, and responded in a somewhat serious voice, "James, you shouldn't be taking her to 'Statue World' she's too young for that."

"It's all part of life, Louise, and besides, Tessa likes seeing the birds in the willow tree near by."

Tessa stopped eating her muffin and flapped her arms and exclaimed, "CAW CAW! I'M A RAVEN"

James lightly ruffled Tessa's bangs and responded, "You're very good at pretending, we can pretend to be birds together then."

And so James and Tessa went to play in the garden after their breakfast, getting grass stains on their knees and mud on their shoes, but they didn't care, they were too busy having fun.

The End.

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5 months ago
Hold On Little Tessa, You Can Keep Cozy In My Nylon Hair. It's Nice And Warm, Keeps The Cold Of Copper

Hold on little Tessa, you can keep cozy in my nylon hair. It's nice and warm, keeps the cold of Copper 9 off my shoulders ^u^

If You're Cold, She's Cold, Put Her In Your Pocket!

if you're cold, she's cold, put her in your pocket!

Tessa's chapter 1 design for my fic! I'll make a promotional post for it soon... enjoy this tessa doodle while i prepare <3

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5 months ago
Day 17 - Pick An AU - Dying And Getting Over It By @seraphont

Day 17 - Pick an AU - Dying and Getting Over it by @seraphont

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5 months ago

Feral J AU - Mutuals Roleplay - Bringing her Out of Hiding.

Tessa sat in her bedroom, she hadn't left in 4 days since the incident with the Feral J, she sat in the dark on her charger bed, with her laptop, bottles of strawberry oil were littered around the room so badly it was starting to smell like a Strawberry Shortcake Doll factory.

Tessa's hair, the glorious length that had been stolen from her, had been replaced with a long and tangled mess, tied up in a high ponytail. Still draped over her shoulders were the tensor bandages, even though the injuries had scarred over. She didn't also either bother wearing a pretty dress and bows, just a plain black cotton dress with a long floor length skirt. She sat looking at cute cat photos, but everytime she'd hear a sound, she would jump a little.

She no longer sang, or laughed, nor was even @sd-lowercase-j able to coax her gently back from this depressive episode.

Tessa had not only lost her anger and fight towards the feral J, but she had somewhat lost herself in the fray.

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5 months ago

J's voice made her jump slightly, before she looked over in the dark to the J she had created after her J vanished. "S-s-sorry Jaybird, I... I'm r-right," the drone with the dark turquoise tangles greeted sadly, but she clearly wasn't alright at all.

The mere suggestion of J even being an inch away from her hair made her flinch, holding her ponytail close like it was a beloved toy that someone wanted to take away from her. "I don't... I don't think that's wise, J..." she advised, looking away in embarrassment, admitting sorrowfully as she trembled having noticed the legs J was using, "I... I'd prefer if you didn't wear your armoured form's legs at home... They remind me of..." she paused, thinking about the big scary J that had hunted her down, ambushed her and broke her shoulder and also stole Tessa's confidence.

Feral J AU - Mutuals Roleplay - Bringing her Out of Hiding.

Tessa sat in her bedroom, she hadn't left in 4 days since the incident with the Feral J, she sat in the dark on her charger bed, with her laptop, bottles of strawberry oil were littered around the room so badly it was starting to smell like a Strawberry Shortcake Doll factory.

Tessa's hair, the glorious length that had been stolen from her, had been replaced with a long and tangled mess, tied up in a high ponytail. Still draped over her shoulders were the tensor bandages, even though the injuries had scarred over. She didn't also either bother wearing a pretty dress and bows, just a plain black cotton dress with a long floor length skirt. She sat looking at cute cat photos, but everytime she'd hear a sound, she would jump a little.

She no longer sang, or laughed, nor was even @sd-lowercase-j able to coax her gently back from this depressive episode.

Tessa had not only lost her anger and fight towards the feral J, but she had somewhat lost herself in the fray.

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5 months ago

She looked up from her sticker-covered laptop, her LED eyes that were on dull-low light turned bright as she saw Nate, digital tears trickled down. "Nate!" she exclaimed in a shaky voice, she got off the bed and held him up in a tight hug, but didn't swing him around like when she was a human girl, she just stood there, in the dark room, hugging Nate.

Her little Aussie voice chip let out soft sobs.

Feral J AU - Mutuals Roleplay - Bringing her Out of Hiding.

Tessa sat in her bedroom, she hadn't left in 4 days since the incident with the Feral J, she sat in the dark on her charger bed, with her laptop, bottles of strawberry oil were littered around the room so badly it was starting to smell like a Strawberry Shortcake Doll factory.

Tessa's hair, the glorious length that had been stolen from her, had been replaced with a long and tangled mess, tied up in a high ponytail. Still draped over her shoulders were the tensor bandages, even though the injuries had scarred over. She didn't also either bother wearing a pretty dress and bows, just a plain black cotton dress with a long floor length skirt. She sat looking at cute cat photos, but everytime she'd hear a sound, she would jump a little.

She no longer sang, or laughed, nor was even @sd-lowercase-j able to coax her gently back from this depressive episode.

Tessa had not only lost her anger and fight towards the feral J, but she had somewhat lost herself in the fray.

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5 months ago

"I'm... I'm right, Nate, I... I promise..." she stated, clearly not alright, as she set him down, looking away in embarrassment. "I'm sorry you have to see me like this..." she stated, looking around the room at the mess of bottles, "And... that you see my room like this.."

Feral J AU - Mutuals Roleplay - Bringing her Out of Hiding.

Tessa sat in her bedroom, she hadn't left in 4 days since the incident with the Feral J, she sat in the dark on her charger bed, with her laptop, bottles of strawberry oil were littered around the room so badly it was starting to smell like a Strawberry Shortcake Doll factory.

Tessa's hair, the glorious length that had been stolen from her, had been replaced with a long and tangled mess, tied up in a high ponytail. Still draped over her shoulders were the tensor bandages, even though the injuries had scarred over. She didn't also either bother wearing a pretty dress and bows, just a plain black cotton dress with a long floor length skirt. She sat looking at cute cat photos, but everytime she'd hear a sound, she would jump a little.

She no longer sang, or laughed, nor was even @sd-lowercase-j able to coax her gently back from this depressive episode.

Tessa had not only lost her anger and fight towards the feral J, but she had somewhat lost herself in the fray.

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5 months ago

Tessa's LED eyes lit up brighter, she was shocked by the fact that the J she had built when her J vanished WAS her J. "... I'm... I'm so sorry I didn't see you and was so engulfed with grieving that I neglected to notice you were right here..." She rubbed her right hand over her knotted ponytail and replied, "It was very stupid of me to chase down that other J... Studying her... trying to save her... only for my singing to get me in a heap of trouble..."

She felt scared at the thought of a J anywhere near her hair, but... she knew how bad it was. She was a hairdresser... well WAS, she had all her work on back order for the last 4 days, but she didn't have the strength or will power to undo all the knots, and the thought of cropping it short made her terrified.

She took J's right hand in her left hand and kissed the back of it softly. "I'll go take a bath... I'll meet you in the living room after... I'm so sorry I let things get this bad..." she admitted before letting her darling J's hand go, she turned to go use their shared bathroom, but glanced back over her shoulder before responding, "I'm... I'm so happy you're back... You've always been able to pull me back from the brink."

Feral J AU - Mutuals Roleplay - Bringing her Out of Hiding.

Tessa sat in her bedroom, she hadn't left in 4 days since the incident with the Feral J, she sat in the dark on her charger bed, with her laptop, bottles of strawberry oil were littered around the room so badly it was starting to smell like a Strawberry Shortcake Doll factory.

Tessa's hair, the glorious length that had been stolen from her, had been replaced with a long and tangled mess, tied up in a high ponytail. Still draped over her shoulders were the tensor bandages, even though the injuries had scarred over. She didn't also either bother wearing a pretty dress and bows, just a plain black cotton dress with a long floor length skirt. She sat looking at cute cat photos, but everytime she'd hear a sound, she would jump a little.

She no longer sang, or laughed, nor was even @sd-lowercase-j able to coax her gently back from this depressive episode.

Tessa had not only lost her anger and fight towards the feral J, but she had somewhat lost herself in the fray.

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5 months ago

Tessa was a little embarrassed, but... like all the times when she got distressed as a little girl and Nate was there to help cheer her up, she nodded. "M-maybe... I could use some help cleaning up the bottles..."she asked gently, "If... that's okay.." She stood off her bed, and adjusted her long plain cotton dress and smiled weakly at Nate before she walked over and turned on the bedroom light.

Feral J AU - Mutuals Roleplay - Bringing her Out of Hiding.

Tessa sat in her bedroom, she hadn't left in 4 days since the incident with the Feral J, she sat in the dark on her charger bed, with her laptop, bottles of strawberry oil were littered around the room so badly it was starting to smell like a Strawberry Shortcake Doll factory.

Tessa's hair, the glorious length that had been stolen from her, had been replaced with a long and tangled mess, tied up in a high ponytail. Still draped over her shoulders were the tensor bandages, even though the injuries had scarred over. She didn't also either bother wearing a pretty dress and bows, just a plain black cotton dress with a long floor length skirt. She sat looking at cute cat photos, but everytime she'd hear a sound, she would jump a little.

She no longer sang, or laughed, nor was even @sd-lowercase-j able to coax her gently back from this depressive episode.

Tessa had not only lost her anger and fight towards the feral J, but she had somewhat lost herself in the fray.

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5 months ago

After a while, Tessa emerged from the room, wearing a black puffy dress with white bows and lace, she held a bag of the bottles of oil in her hand. Her tangled hair, no longer bound by a dirty scrunchy, was now freshly washed, the colour a little lighter now since all the grime was washed off.

"H-hi Jaybird..." she greeted shyly, making her way to the recycling bin by the front door as she put the oil containers in there. She walked over and sat on the floor in front of the couch, trembling a little, the thought of any J placing even a finger on her hair made her afraid, but, she needed the help.

"Alright... I'm as r-ready as I'm going to be," Tessa replied with some fright in her voice, she held her gauntlets to self soothe.

Feral J AU - Mutuals Roleplay - Bringing her Out of Hiding.

Tessa sat in her bedroom, she hadn't left in 4 days since the incident with the Feral J, she sat in the dark on her charger bed, with her laptop, bottles of strawberry oil were littered around the room so badly it was starting to smell like a Strawberry Shortcake Doll factory.

Tessa's hair, the glorious length that had been stolen from her, had been replaced with a long and tangled mess, tied up in a high ponytail. Still draped over her shoulders were the tensor bandages, even though the injuries had scarred over. She didn't also either bother wearing a pretty dress and bows, just a plain black cotton dress with a long floor length skirt. She sat looking at cute cat photos, but everytime she'd hear a sound, she would jump a little.

She no longer sang, or laughed, nor was even @sd-lowercase-j able to coax her gently back from this depressive episode.

Tessa had not only lost her anger and fight towards the feral J, but she had somewhat lost herself in the fray.

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5 months ago

The Robotic Tessa was afraid at first, and then, that song... The song she had thought was about her when she was a tot, back before any drones, doing her best to sit still for her Father back when he cared as he redid her braids and retied all her ribbons. A fairly faded out and fuzzy memory, but... that song, it made Tessa feel safe.

She remembered why she loved to sing. All those songs she would sing, they were songs she learned when she was little, and they were both a comfort and an auditory stim.

Tessa sat nice and still, feeling her J working though the tangles carefully, surprised that despite the tangles, there was a very light pull but no strain signals came from the clasps.

She eventually waited for a pause in J's brushing as she remarked, "This... this feels nice..."

Feral J AU - Mutuals Roleplay - Bringing her Out of Hiding.

Tessa sat in her bedroom, she hadn't left in 4 days since the incident with the Feral J, she sat in the dark on her charger bed, with her laptop, bottles of strawberry oil were littered around the room so badly it was starting to smell like a Strawberry Shortcake Doll factory.

Tessa's hair, the glorious length that had been stolen from her, had been replaced with a long and tangled mess, tied up in a high ponytail. Still draped over her shoulders were the tensor bandages, even though the injuries had scarred over. She didn't also either bother wearing a pretty dress and bows, just a plain black cotton dress with a long floor length skirt. She sat looking at cute cat photos, but everytime she'd hear a sound, she would jump a little.

She no longer sang, or laughed, nor was even @sd-lowercase-j able to coax her gently back from this depressive episode.

Tessa had not only lost her anger and fight towards the feral J, but she had somewhat lost herself in the fray.

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5 months ago

Tessa felt something, she felt something she hadn't felt in a while. She felt comfortable around J again, despite her J wearing the disassembly drone legs and one disassembly drone gauntlet.

She leaned her back against her girlfriend's legs and let out a small happy squeak of joy.

Feral J AU - Mutuals Roleplay - Bringing her Out of Hiding.

Tessa sat in her bedroom, she hadn't left in 4 days since the incident with the Feral J, she sat in the dark on her charger bed, with her laptop, bottles of strawberry oil were littered around the room so badly it was starting to smell like a Strawberry Shortcake Doll factory.

Tessa's hair, the glorious length that had been stolen from her, had been replaced with a long and tangled mess, tied up in a high ponytail. Still draped over her shoulders were the tensor bandages, even though the injuries had scarred over. She didn't also either bother wearing a pretty dress and bows, just a plain black cotton dress with a long floor length skirt. She sat looking at cute cat photos, but everytime she'd hear a sound, she would jump a little.

She no longer sang, or laughed, nor was even @sd-lowercase-j able to coax her gently back from this depressive episode.

Tessa had not only lost her anger and fight towards the feral J, but she had somewhat lost herself in the fray.

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5 months ago

"Jaybird, can you reschedule all my appointments for tomorrow and the next day? I... I want to try to get back to helping drones again," the former Elliott heiress asked gently, tilting her head back so she could make eye-contact with her girlfriend, "Having a hairstyle I couldn't stand... I don't want anyone else to have to bear that burden of low self-esteem."

She trembled a little at a thought before she had the courage to put it into words, she fidgeted with the tulle of her skirt. "C-could you bite my other shoulder... the one that doesn't have as many scars on it... J-just... if I get scared and ask you to stop, please could you?"

Feral J AU - Mutuals Roleplay - Bringing her Out of Hiding.

Tessa sat in her bedroom, she hadn't left in 4 days since the incident with the Feral J, she sat in the dark on her charger bed, with her laptop, bottles of strawberry oil were littered around the room so badly it was starting to smell like a Strawberry Shortcake Doll factory.

Tessa's hair, the glorious length that had been stolen from her, had been replaced with a long and tangled mess, tied up in a high ponytail. Still draped over her shoulders were the tensor bandages, even though the injuries had scarred over. She didn't also either bother wearing a pretty dress and bows, just a plain black cotton dress with a long floor length skirt. She sat looking at cute cat photos, but everytime she'd hear a sound, she would jump a little.

She no longer sang, or laughed, nor was even @sd-lowercase-j able to coax her gently back from this depressive episode.

Tessa had not only lost her anger and fight towards the feral J, but she had somewhat lost herself in the fray.

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5 months ago

Tessa blushed at J's teasing, awaiting the bite. The second she felt the drone clamp down, she felt that fear that night, but... it faded, recognizing the biting style. It infact was her J.

She let out a joyful squeak, recognizing the tingle of the warning signals that she had been hurt, as well as the trickle of oil running down her steel skin. Tessa tilted her head to the side to let J have better access. She pleaded, her voice weak with love and adoration, "Again, please... That... it felt nice."

Feral J AU - Mutuals Roleplay - Bringing her Out of Hiding.

Tessa sat in her bedroom, she hadn't left in 4 days since the incident with the Feral J, she sat in the dark on her charger bed, with her laptop, bottles of strawberry oil were littered around the room so badly it was starting to smell like a Strawberry Shortcake Doll factory.

Tessa's hair, the glorious length that had been stolen from her, had been replaced with a long and tangled mess, tied up in a high ponytail. Still draped over her shoulders were the tensor bandages, even though the injuries had scarred over. She didn't also either bother wearing a pretty dress and bows, just a plain black cotton dress with a long floor length skirt. She sat looking at cute cat photos, but everytime she'd hear a sound, she would jump a little.

She no longer sang, or laughed, nor was even @sd-lowercase-j able to coax her gently back from this depressive episode.

Tessa had not only lost her anger and fight towards the feral J, but she had somewhat lost herself in the fray.

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