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300 posts
This Was Meant To Be A Stimboard, But Tumblr Hates Me, So Have A Stim Collection Instead.

This was meant to be a stimboard, but Tumblr hates me, so have a stim collection instead.
I made this for Moth as a test ♡

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More Posts from Xxsecretlykinxx
Can I request a moodboard for a cryptidkin/monsterkin? I like forestey colors, lots of eyes, the uncanny valley, blood, bugs, bones, and the overall feeling of "that is something pretending very badly to be human"
Omg I'm so super sorry, I completely forgot about this!
TW: Blood, lots of eyes
I hope this is okay, and fits your aesthetic!!!

It was pretty fun to make!

Hi everyone!!
In the tags on some of my moodboards will be "#grimm's trigger warning tag"
That will just be a tag to say that something in the moodboard may be a trigger, with trigger tags in the tags section as well (they're just things like "#bugs" or "#bones")
I hope this helps ♡♡♡
you guys need to be hornier and stupider and care less about stuff. immediately
Hello!! If requests are open, can I get a goblin (goblinkin/monsterkin) foresty, dark, earthy colored moodboard pls? Thxx 💕💕
Hi!!! I hope this is what you were after ♡♡♡

So sorry I've been taking ages lately /gen