Grimm's Trigger Warning Tag - Tumblr Posts
A mothman moodboard for @liltoastieboi
(I'm currently taking requests!)

Hello! Could I request a moodboard for a half centipede Therian who loves bright lights and clubbing, with themes of dancing and mixed drinks? Thank you kindly and I hope you have a great day! :3
Here you are, I hope you like it! You have a great day as well :D ♡

This was super fun to make, and turned out really nice imo

Hellooo.. I couldn't find the restrictions or rules regarding your moodboard requests but.. could I request one?
I'm a deity of pestilence, perseverance, and decay of all kinds with a connection to nature, sleep, and death. Deer are my sacred animal, and evergreens are my sacred tree, if that also helps.
- 🌄✨(🪳)
We are a system and our main tag is 🌄✨, so it's cool to just tag that. The second emoji is our personal sign offs, to signify who is actually talking/making the request, and is more so for us.
Thanks for requesting! I don't really have any rules regarding requests. Anyone can request anything (doesn't even have to be kin-related, otherhearted people can also request. You can also request moodboards of things that calm you or that you like etc etc)

I hope this suits your needs!!! ♡

Can I request a moodboard for a cryptidkin/monsterkin? I like forestey colors, lots of eyes, the uncanny valley, blood, bugs, bones, and the overall feeling of "that is something pretending very badly to be human"
Omg I'm so super sorry, I completely forgot about this!
TW: Blood, lots of eyes
I hope this is okay, and fits your aesthetic!!!

It was pretty fun to make!

Ay dot! can i get a deathkin moodboard with inviting but ominous themes with bones, specifically crow skulls? and just general themes of death and rot, but all of it with a vibe of its ominous but comforting and welcoming
Hi Moth! Here's your moodboard! I hope I got the vibe right~

I'm pretty happy with the result!!! ♡

Hello!! Would you mind doing a moodboard for one of my fictionkins? Transmasc Dean Winchester from Supernatural
Hi! Sorry all my moodboards are taking so long, it's been busy recently haha

This was really fun, but I don't know a lot about supernatural so I did my best ♡

Hi everyone!!
In the tags on some of my moodboards will be "#grimm's trigger warning tag"
That will just be a tag to say that something in the moodboard may be a trigger, with trigger tags in the tags section as well (they're just things like "#bugs" or "#bones")
I hope this helps ♡♡♡
Hey hey!! Could ae request a moodboard for an eldritch octopus creature? With desaturated/darker blues purples and greens if you can!
Potential TW for Tentacles!
You sure can! I hope this is what you were looking for ♡

Sorry, I tried to find as many desaturated things as I could but. Yeah. I hope you like it, anyways!

hiii, can you make a simple moodboard for me? maybe 12 pictures, in an organized grid. could you make one for an angelkin, with many wings and eyes, body horror, teeth, heavy catholic themes, and computer cables/web horror? i would be overjoyed, thank you for considering.

Hey there!!! I hope this fulfills your needs ♡

I don't usually make organised grids (as I'm sure you would have seen) but I'm always happy to do them if requested!

Howdy howdy! Here for another moodboard if you're up for it!
Could ae please have a moodboard with dark blue, black, and gold as the main colors. The general theme is academic (cool looking quills + books specifically) and also demonic (with horns that look similar to this guy's:

And if that's a bit too specific just a dark demonic figure with gold eyes!
(Feel free to pass this one by if it's a bit too complicated!)
Hi! Thankyou for the request, I really hope I got what you we're looking for. It was a little hard, but I don't mind a challenge! ♡

I hope you like it! ♡

Hi, could I request a moodboard for a leopard gecko? With themes of bones and yellow?
Yeeeeeeessssss?!?!?!?! You so definitely absolutely can

I'm sobbing
I love them omg

hey grimm!! i saw u liked my jewelpet copinglink posts so i figured id ask for a moodboard!! can i ask for a moodboard for a rainbowy feathered dragon? :P
id prefer if there was cutesy stuff and or bright colors, but u can go buckwild with whatever u feel fits -u-
Hi! Yes, it's so pretty! I made two versions because I wasn't sure if you'd like the bones or not ♡


I hope this is what you were after! ♡
It was very hard to find dragon stuff, but I did what I could. Unless there's a species, I like to keep things looking "anonymous" if you know what I mean? ♡

Hello, I’m not sure if these are still open but maybe a moodboard for a grizzly bear, with themes of dark cabins and the occult. Tysm! 🐻
Omg yes?!

Ah this is so COOL
I love it
And it's not even for me! Haha
Very fun to do, I really hope you like it ♡♡♡

hey hey! Could I possibly get a yellow guy (dhmis) moodboard with hectic vibes?
I have no clue how to word this better lol. Images that feel like anxiety is the best way I can think to say it 🤣
Feel free to pass this one by if that makes absolutely no sense, hope you're having a lovely day :3!
Oh em gee I love DHMIS! I hope you're also having a lovely day!!!
I don't know how well this turned out versus your request, but I hope it's okay!

Thanks for requesting ♡♡♡♡♡♡g

Reblogging to let yall know I've updated this slightly!
Hi everyone!!
In the tags on some of my moodboards will be "#grimm's trigger warning tag"
That will just be a tag to say that something in the moodboard may be a trigger, with trigger tags in the tags section as well (they're just things like "#bugs" or "#bones")
I hope this helps ♡♡♡
· • 〔 G R I M M ' S I N T R O 〕 • ·
Name: Grimm/Bunny (usually goes by Grimm)
Age: 18
Intro Carrd:
Hello! Welcome to my tumblr blog <3
I'm a nonbinary AuDHD otherkin who regresses, and loves to make moodboards!
I identify as fictionkin, deitykin, demonkin, unseelie faekin, bunny therian, border collie puppy therian, and fennec fox therian
Related side-blogs include:
@justanotherdenki - @a-golden-goddess - @pumpkin-regresses
I may update this intro as we go along of course, but I felt like I needed a more up-to-date intro in general.
Current main tags I use and will be using on my posts are in the tags section!
And last but definitely not least, credit to @lil-toastie-boi for the DNI banner

a toh hunter werewolf AU fiction kin mood board with cryptic-core and foggy autumn woods moodboard pls! - @phantom-w0lfbane
Hi, thanks for the request!!!
I don't know much about The Owl House, so I researched Hunter so I had a vague sense of the character

I made two versions, as well

I hope it fits your theme!!! I tried to do something different with the borders, in making them autumn leaf coloured lol

hiiiiiiiiii Janus Sanders board with like a sad theme? :3
I tried my best, considering I'm not the most knowledgable on sanders sides

I hope this is okay!!

Aside from that, I believe this is a really good and comprehensive post /genpos
A buying tails PSA by franniesflowers on youtube !!!
Putting my buying tails PSA into written form too‼️
(Please share to help spread this information!)
There is a growing problem in the alterhuman community with many people, but especially younger kids, buying tails from cruel fur farms.
Amazon, SHEIN, AliExpress, and Temu are the three biggest sites that people purchase tails from. Every tail sold on these websites is sourced from cruel fur farms where foxes and other animals are subjected to horrific ab*se.
The tails sold on these websites may say “fake” or “faux fur”. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS!!! Policies in China (where all of these shops are based) allow sellers to label real and unethical tails as faux fur or ethically sourced. The only tails safe to buy from these sites are POLYESTER STUFFED FURSUIT TAILS that look nothing like the tails you see many therians wearing.
The safest way to buy a tail that looks like the kind of tails you see many therians wearing is Etsy. There are three main options that I recommend.
1. Yarn tails, you can buy them from Etsy or watch a tutorial to make your own with yarn. They’re fluffy and they’ve got a nice weight that makes them feel real.
2. Faux fur or Mohair tails are also available on Etsy, you can commission them from sellers like TalesofMischief. Mohair tails look almost exactly like real ones, and Mohair is made from the hair of the Angora goat. It is not cruel because it’s just sheared from the goats.
3. Real tails, you can find many ethical ones on Etsy, but DO YOUR RESEARCH!! To find sellers and check if they’re ethical or not, you can search “fox tail taxidermy” on Etsy and click on the description of the individual sellers. Look for “wild foxes” and “foraged taxidermy”. Avoid any shops that say “farm raised”. The seller should find the foxes already d3@d, without k*lling them for the tail.
Here’s my top ethical taxidermists on Etsy!
*if you have already purchased a tail from Amazon, Shein, AliExpress, or Temu, it’s ok because you didn’t know and there’s a lot of misinformation. Please donate to a foundation like and treat your tail with a lot of respect and mindfulness for how it came into your hands. It’s also good to watch a documentary about these cruel fur farms, but they are triggering and not for younger kids because of the graphic ab*se they show*
Thank you for reading this! Again, please share if you can <3
Very sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged, just trying to spread awareness
Things are scary these days, but if you're protesting, please stay safe (especially for my american friendos)
As protests start ramping up and violence escalates please remember:
It can and will cause infection due to bacteria. Flush with water, distilled if possible, and never EVER wear contact lenses to protests where there may be police retaliation.
Please reblog. It may save someone's sight.