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WayV As Selection Candidates

⸙🍵 WayV as selection candidates ⸙🍵

Helo! I decided to bring this Headcanon I wrote once to Twitter (that's why it is quite small). Hope you like it!

"The Selection" is a series of books written by the wonderful Kiera Cass. It tells the story of a prince who needs a wife, and for that choice to be made, the royal family from the kingdom of Illéa, decide to do the contest called "The Selection" where he has a chance to meet 35 girls of different personalities, and their most diverse reasons for being in the castle. (The kingdom of Illéa is a future monarchy, located in the territory of the United States, and is a kingdom divided by castes*.


᪥ Quian Kun

𖤍 Caste 03 - Writer 𖤍

✏️ Calm and patient boy, always with a smile on his face;

✏️ Draws attention for his elegance and presence;

✏️ Waited for the right moment to approach the princess;

✏️ Even the queen have affection for him;

✏️ Datee in the library always with plenty of tea and bookings;

✏️ Likes the princess very much and dreams of a future with her.


᪥ Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul/ Ten

𖤍 Caste 05 - Dancer 𖤍

ૢ ་ Despite being of a low caste, he is always very polite;

ૢ ་ Slightly nervous at meals with the royal family.

ૢ ་ Whenever he was nervous, he smiled;

ૢ ་ Every smile he gave was a heart attack on all the ladies in the castle.

ૢ ་ Enchanted the princess with his light conversation, smiles, and good humor;

ૢ ་ Wanderer without realizing it;

ૢ ་ He doesnt think about having a real chance since he's from a considerably low caste, but dreams of a parallel universe where he's the chosen.


᪥ Dong Sicheng/ WinWin

𖤍 Caste 02 - Model 𖤍

📷 Very quiet;

📷 Always very serious, but when he feels more comfortable, it is a little love;

📷 Extremely polite;

📷 He drew the princess's attention for his beauty and stillness, but when they met, she saw that he just needed a little time to let go;

📷 Nervous about the possibility of becoming king, but nothing against the princess.


᪥ Wong Yukhei/ Lucas

𖤍 Caste 02 - Model 𖤍


📸 He already knew WinWin, so they were always together;

📸 Wherever he goes draws attention for its beauty;

📸 Constant demonstrations that he's more than height and beauty, he has a huge heart and is very excited;

📸 In contrast to his brilliant personality among the candidates, he is extremely shy and nervous when meeting the princess;

📸 Don't care about the throne, but if chosen, you want to make the princess happy.


᪥ Xiao Dejun/ XiaoJun

𖤍 Caste 03 - Musical Producer 𖤍

🎙️ Excited, always playing with everyone;

🎙️ Managed to get the princess's attention on the first contact;

🎙️ Always very polite to everyone;

🎙️ He is always writing;

🎙️ In one of the meetings she sang one of the compositions made for the princess, and almost died of shame afterwards;

🎙️Want to be chosen for liking the princess but it's not secure if he would be a good king


᪥ Wong KunHang/Handery

𖤍 Caste 03 - Filmmaker 𖤍

🎬 It is the most excited;

🎬 Extremely creative, and loves to talk;

🎬 All candidates wants a role in their next project;

🎬 All his conversations with the princess are about both favorite films and some adaptations of books, often the duo talked to Kun and to know his opinion about it;

🎬 Very excited about the possibility of marriage, but he doesn't like the idea of ​​leaving his projects to become king.


᪥ Liu YangYang

𖤍 Caste 04 - Owner / Heir of Hotel 𖤍

🛎️ He's not working yet, but his father owns a renowned hotel;

🛎️ He really wanted to be a dancer or music producer, so he spend a lot of time talking to Ten and Xiaojun;

🛎️ At first he saw the selection as a way to escape the father, but ended up becoming fond of the princess;

🛎️ In one of their meetings, the two had a sincere conversation, she asked him about his intentions (since she wasn't so secure if he really liked being there), and he then confessed his reality;

🛎️ After the conversation they became friends. The princess promised to keep him in the castle until her choice;

🛎️ It was with him that the princess talked about the competition, since he used to tell her some informations that the candidates did not say;

🛎️ The candidates came to believe that he would be the chosen one, due to the friendship they maintained;

🛎️ Even after the competition is over, she never lost touch with the princess and ended up having a relationship with a princess from another allied country.

Caste 1: The nobility and the clergy.

* List of the Castes of Illéa *

Caste 2: Celebrities, models, professional athletes, politicians, actors and officials.

Caste 3: The elite, educators, philosophers, jewelers, inventors, writers, scientists, doctors, veterinarians, dentists, architects, librarians, engineers, psychologists, filmmakers, music producers, lawyers.

Caste 4: Farmers, real estate and insurance brokers, chefs, masters, owners and owners of restaurants, shops and hotels.

Caste 5: Dancers, musicians, photographers, artists in general.

Caste 6: Secretaries, servants, housekeepers, dressmakers, clerks, cooks, drivers.

Caste 7: Gardeners, masons, farmers, people who clean gutters and pools, and almost all manual workers.

Caste 8: People with disabilities (especially when destitute), addicts, fugitives and homeless people.

 WayV As Selection Candidates
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🍵🌿 Sedansogu [Cap. 01 ]

 Sedansogu [Cap. 01 ]

N/A: Olá! Esse é o primeiro capítulo dessa estória curtinha, e ele é bem curtinho mesmo, apenas para introduzir alguns personagens, mas principalmente o Junmyeon e a Park Eui. Espero que gostem!

 Sedansogu [Cap. 01 ]

Novamente segunda feira, e assim que o despertador de Eui toca, ela se levanta com pouca vontade. Segundas sempre são dias difíceis, entre reuniões no trabalho, e colocar a matéria em dia, Eui ainda se comprometeu a ajudar alguns amigos no seu restaurante, já que esse dia em especial não tinha aula presencial.

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Eui já estava acostumada com a agenda de reuniões de seu chefe Lee Taeyong e portanto já sabia as horas exatas para poder arrumar as salas de acordo com os encontros e as pautas em questão. Cada cadeira tinha um nome de quem iria participar e um notebook, com os documentos e informações que seriam faladas, assim como também um copo de água. Muitas vezes nem Taeyong se recordava ao certo quando ou quais reuniões ele faria no dia, então ela sempre passava em sua sala para o relembrar.

"Não sei o que faria sem você, senhorita Eui." o moreno suspira pegando o papel de sua mão.

Os dois chegam na sala no exato momento em que Seulgi, sua colega, bate na porta com os sócios. Ela os recebe sempre com educação, e entao vai para seu canto digitar seu relatório para entregar para Taeyong depois.

"Olá, desculpe mas a senhorita pode me emprestar uma caneta?" uma voz baixa chama sua atenção ao seu lado. Você o olha e sua mente procura quem é esse.

Kim Junmyeon. Um dos sócios principais da empresa adjacente à SM. Um rapaz bonito sempre bem educado e simpático com todos. É a primeira vez que ele fala com a garota, e uma parte dela fica nervosa, afinal sua presença ali deveria ser apenas de uma sombra, mas mesmo assim ela o entrega a primeira caneta que tem nas suas coisas.

"Muito obrigado." o moreno sorri a observando por um tempo a mais, mas logo volta sua atenção para a reunião.

Mais uma reunião chega ao fim, e logo então mais um turno chega ao fim. E assim que sai do escritório, Eui corre para casa tomar se banho antes de ir para o restaurante ajudar seus amigos.

Assim que chega, ela entra pelas portas dos fundos, é recebida por Jhonny que carregava algumas caixas, mas sorri e a comprimenta calorosamente. Logo ela já estava com seu avental e encontra Minseok, que assim que a vê sorri.

"Dia difícil?" ele pergunta e a garota sorri fracamente.

"Sinceramente? Já tive piores..."

" Vai querer aquele soju quando a gente fechar?" o rapaz oferece fazendo uma dancinha boba, que a faz rir.

"Depende, ainda tem guioza?"

A mesma sorri sabendo que ao final do dia teria aquilo que mais gostava, seus amigos, guioza e soju.


 Sedansogu [Cap. 01 ]

[Masterlist] • [Sedansogu Masterlist] • [Exo Masterlist]

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3 years ago

talking about your feelings is SO important I won’t do it but u guys definitely should

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