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⿴ ≡ YangYang ft. Ten (menção dos outros membros do wayv) (ɪᴅᴏʟ! YangYang x ɪᴅᴏʟ!ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ) ᴘᴀʟᴀᴠʀᴀꜱ: 2718 palavras ᴀᴠɪꜱᴏꜱ: Nenhum ☺️. ≡ ⿴
Tive a ideia pra escrever essa história de um sonho fofo que tive com o YangYang e Ten e não me aguentei. É pequeno, mas espero que gostem.
Quando seus amigos saíram de férias, a ideia de irem juntos em uma vã até o lugar onde ficariam, parecia ser muito boa. Você só não percebeu que ficaria presa com sete rapazes cheios de energia e mais ainda, um deles sendo o seu melhor amigo que jura que o mais novo do grupo nutre sentimentos por você. Mas quando se deu conta dos fatos, ja não tinha como votar atrás.
Apesar do Sol quente do dia, uma brisa fresca balançava as árvores e os cabelos de todos, e os meninos pareciam incrivelmente animados — e como não poderiam?
"Todos prontos?" Kun pergunta te ajudando com as malas, enquanto os rapazes vão se aproximando para colocarem suas próprias malas no veículo.
"Só falta o Ten hyung e o YangYang..." Winwin o informa, e você já imagina que ambos estavam brigando sobre algo besta. Enquanto pensa em qual pode ser a bobeira, os dois saem da casa com suas coisas em mãos. Ten com uma feição engraçada e o mais novo com um sorriso brincalhão no rosto.
"Hey, eu não posso cuidar de você o tempo todo okay?!" Chitta diz alto, o que faz você rir da besteira. Yang escuta e ao te ver parada ali, corre para guardar suas coisas e te envolver em um abraço confortável.
"Podemos ir?" XiaoJun pergunta com a cara de poucos amigos. "Alguém não gostou de ser acordado cedo" você comenta brincando com o rapaz que suspira dramaticamente "O que eu não faço pra ver seu lindo rosto?! "
"Tá, já chega!" Kun se pronúncia e você tenta disfarçar o rubor nas bochechas e se vira para o líder. — "eu, Winwin e Lucas vamos nos revezar para dirigir, então se preparem pois será uma longa viagem!"
E dito isso, todos se acomodaram em seus lugares. XiaoJun e Handery no último banco onde de alguma forma conseguiram deitar e seguir viagem desse modo; Winwin e Lucas tomaram os bancos da frentez restando para você e os dois últimos rapazes o longo banco do meio. YangYang sentou na janela, uma vez que você não queria pois estava muito sol, mas pegou o lugar ao seu lado com Ten logo após.
No começo tudo estava tranquilo, uma vez que em poucos minutos todos acabaram por dormir mais um pouco. Até a primeira parada, onde Kun a acordou e você se viu deitada em YangYang, que tinha sua cabeça encostada na sua, e Chitta estava com a sua cabeça em seu colo.
Após reabastecer a vã, esticar as pernas e comer algumas besteiras de postos, quando voltaram para o carro, todos foram para os mesmos lugares, porém agora mais despertos.
Sua atenção acabou sendo dividida entre o mais novo e o mais velho que ficavam tentando fazer com que visse algo "muito bom" ou "a sua cara" em seus celulares, até que Kun se vira para os três:
"Ya! Chega os dois! Será que podem deixar a coitada em paz por um segundo?" sua voz continha o tom firme de líder, e você ficou quieta escutando ambos pedirem desculpas.
Ten deita sua cabeça novamente em suas pernas, e você automaticamente leva seus dedos ao cabelo do rapaz e começa a fazer carinho.
"Ya! Você só pode estar de brincadeira com a minha cara!"
E então os dois voltam em mais uma boba discussão sobre quem é "mais digno do seu cafuné" enquanto Kun os observa com seu olhar desgostoso, e Winwin te observa tentando se comunicar com você pelo olhar.
Foi então que você teve certeza de duas coisas: a primeira era que, definitivamente YangYang nutria sentimentos por você, e a segunda que Chittaphon iria o provocar a viagem toda.
[Masterlist] • [WayV Masterlist] • [NCT 127 Masterlist] • [NCT Dream Masterlist]
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⸙🍵WayV as Candidatos da Seleção ⸙🍵
Olá! Resolvi trazer esse Headcanon que escrevi uma vez para o Twitter (por isso que é consideravelmente pequeno). Espero que gostem!
"A Seleção" é uma série de livros escritos pela maravilhosa Kiera Cass. Ele conta a história de um príncipe que precisa de uma esposa, e para que escolha seja feita, a família real do reino de Illéa, resolve fazer o concurso denominado "A Seleção" onde ele tem a chance de conhecer 35 garotas de personalidades diferentes, e seus mais diversos motivos para estarem no castelo. (O reino de Illéa é uma monarquia do futuro, situada no território dos Estados Unidos, e é um reino dividido por castas*.
᪥ Quian Kun
𖤍 Casta 03 - Escritor 𖤍
✏️ Rapaz calmo e paciente, sempre com um sorriso no rosto;
✏️ Chama atenção pela elegância e porte;
✏️ Esperou o momento certo pra se aproximar da princesa;
✏️ Até a rainha tinha afeição por ele;
✏️Encontros na biblioteca sempre regados a bastante chá e sitações de livros;
✏️ Gosta muito da princesa e sonha com um futuro com ela.
᪥ Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul/ Ten
𖤍 Casta 05 - Dançarino 𖤍
ૢ་ Apesar de ser de uma casta baixa, ele é sempre muito educado;
ૢ་ Levemente nervoso nas refeições com a família real.
ૢ་ Sempre que ficava nervoso, sorria;
ૢ་ Cada sorriso que ele dava, era um ataque cardíaco em todas as damas do castelo.
ૢ་ Encantou a princesa com sua conversa leve, sorrisos, e com seu bom humor;
ૢ་ Galanteador sem perceber;
ૢ་ Não acha que tem chances por vir de uma casta consideravelmente baixa, mas sonha com um universo paralelo onde é o escolhido.
᪥ Dong Sicheng/ WinWin
𖤍 Casta 02 - Modelo 𖤍
📷 Muito quieto;
📷 Sempre muito sério, mas quando se sente mais confortável, é um amorzinho;
📷 Extremamente educado;
📷 Chamou a atenção da princesa pela beleza e quietude, mas qndo se conheceram ela viu que ele só precisava de um pouco de tempo para se soltar;
📷 Nervoso com a possibilidade de se tornar rei, mas nada contra a princesa.
᪥ Wong Yukhei/ Lucas
𖤍 Casta 02 - Modelo 𖤍
📸 Já conhecia WinWin, portanto estavam sempre juntos;
📸 Por onde vai chama atenção pela beleza.
📸 Constantes demonstrações de que além de tamanho e beleza, tem um enorme coração e é bem animado.
📸 Em contraste com sua personalidade brilhante entre os candidatos, é extremamente tímido e nervoso nos encontros com a princesa.
📸 Não liga pro trono, mas se escolhido, quer fazer a princesa feliz
᪥ Xiao Dejun/ XiaoJun
𖤍 Casta 03 - Produtor musical 𖤍
🎙️ Animado, sempre brincando com todos;
🎙️ Conseguiu chamar atenção da princesa no primeiro contato;
🎙️ Sempre muito educado com todo mundo;
🎙️ Está sempre escrevendo;
🎙️ Em um dos encontros cantou uma das composições feitas pra princesa, e quase morreu de vergonha depois;
🎙️Quer ser escolhido por gostar da princesa mas não tem certeza se seria um bom rei
᪥ Wong KunHang/Handery
𖤍 Casta 03 - Cineasta 𖤍
🎬 É o mais animado;
🎬 Extremanente criativo, e ama falar;
🎬 Todos os candidatos querem um papel no seu próximo projeto;
🎬 Conversa com a princesa sobre seus filmes favoritos e algumas adaptações de livros, muitas vezes os dois conversavam com Kun e saber a opinião dele sobre isso;
🎬 Muito animado com a possibilidade de casamento, mas não gosta da ideia de deixar seus projetos pra se tornar rei
᪥ Liu YangYang
𖤍 Casta 04 - Dono/Herdeiro de Hotel 𖤍
🛎️ Ainda não trabalha, mas seu pai é dono de um hotel renomado;
🛎️ Queria na verdade ser dançarino ou produtor de música, por isso passa muito tempo conversando com Ten e Xiaojun;
🛎️ No começo via a seleção como uma forma de escapar do pai, mas acabou se afeiçoando a princesa;
🛎️ Em um de seus encontros, os dois tiveram uma conversa sincera, ela o indagou sobre suas intenções (já que não tinha certeza se ele realmente gostava de estar ali), e ele então a confessou sua realidade;
🛎️ Após a conversa viraram amigos. A princesa o prometeu mantê-lo na casa até sua escolha;
🛎️ Era com ele que a princesa conversava sobre a competição, uma vez que ele a levava informações que os candidatos não a diziam;
🛎️ Os candidatos chegaram a acreditar que ele seria o escolhido, por conta da amizade que mantinham;
🛎️ Mesmo após a competição ter acabado, nunca perdeu o contanto com a princesa e acabou se relacionando com uma princesa de outro país aliado.
* Lista das castas de Illéa *
Casta 1: A nobreza e o Clero.
Casta 2: Celebridades, modelos, atletas profissionais, políticos, atores e oficiais.
Casta 3: A elite, educadores, filósofos, joalheiros, inventores, escritores, cientistas, médicos, veterinários, dentistas, arquitetos, bibliotecários, engenheiros, psicólogos, cineastas, produtores musicais, advogados.
Casta 4: Fazendeiros, corretores de imóveis e de seguros, chefes de cozinha, mestres de obras, proprietários e donos de restaurantes, lojas e hotéis.
Casta 5: Músicos dançarinos, fotógrafos, artistas de modo geral.
Casta 6: Secretários, serventes, governantas, costureiras, balconistas, cozinheiros, motoristas.
Casta 7: Jardineiros, pedreiros, lavradores, pessoas que limpam calhas e piscinas, e quase todos os trabalhadores braçais.
Casta 8: Pessoas com deficiência (especialmente quando desamparadas), viciados, fugitivos e sem-tetos.
[Masterlist] • [WayV Masterlist] • [NCT 127 Masterlist] • [NCT Dream Masterlist]
🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?
⸙🍵 WayV as selection candidates ⸙🍵
Helo! I decided to bring this Headcanon I wrote once to Twitter (that’s why it is quite small). Hope you like it!
“The Selection” is a series of books written by the wonderful Kiera Cass. It tells the story of a prince who needs a wife, and for that choice to be made, the royal family from the kingdom of Illéa, decide to do the contest called “The Selection” where he has a chance to meet 35 girls of different personalities, and their most diverse reasons for being in the castle. (The kingdom of Illéa is a future monarchy, located in the territory of the United States, and is a kingdom divided by castes*.
᪥ Quian Kun
𖤍 Caste 03 - Writer 𖤍
✏️ Calm and patient boy, always with a smile on his face;
✏️ Draws attention for his elegance and presence;
✏️ Waited for the right moment to approach the princess;
✏️ Even the queen have affection for him;
✏️ Datee in the library always with plenty of tea and bookings;
✏️ Likes the princess very much and dreams of a future with her.
᪥ Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul/ Ten
𖤍 Caste 05 - Dancer 𖤍
ૢ ་ Despite being of a low caste, he is always very polite;
ૢ ་ Slightly nervous at meals with the royal family.
ૢ ་ Whenever he was nervous, he smiled;
ૢ ་ Every smile he gave was a heart attack on all the ladies in the castle.
ૢ ་ Enchanted the princess with his light conversation, smiles, and good humor;
ૢ ་ Wanderer without realizing it;
ૢ ་ He doesnt think about having a real chance since he’s from a considerably low caste, but dreams of a parallel universe where he’s the chosen.
Continuar lendo
⸙🍵 WayV as selection candidates ⸙🍵
Helo! I decided to bring this Headcanon I wrote once to Twitter (that’s why it is quite small). Hope you like it!
“The Selection” is a series of books written by the wonderful Kiera Cass. It tells the story of a prince who needs a wife, and for that choice to be made, the royal family from the kingdom of Illéa, decide to do the contest called “The Selection” where he has a chance to meet 35 girls of different personalities, and their most diverse reasons for being in the castle. (The kingdom of Illéa is a future monarchy, located in the territory of the United States, and is a kingdom divided by castes*.
᪥ Quian Kun
𖤍 Caste 03 - Writer 𖤍
✏️ Calm and patient boy, always with a smile on his face;
✏️ Draws attention for his elegance and presence;
✏️ Waited for the right moment to approach the princess;
✏️ Even the queen have affection for him;
✏️ Datee in the library always with plenty of tea and bookings;
✏️ Likes the princess very much and dreams of a future with her.
᪥ Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul/ Ten
𖤍 Caste 05 - Dancer 𖤍
ૢ ་ Despite being of a low caste, he is always very polite;
ૢ ་ Slightly nervous at meals with the royal family.
ૢ ་ Whenever he was nervous, he smiled;
ૢ ་ Every smile he gave was a heart attack on all the ladies in the castle.
ૢ ་ Enchanted the princess with his light conversation, smiles, and good humor;
ૢ ་ Wanderer without realizing it;
ૢ ་ He doesnt think about having a real chance since he’s from a considerably low caste, but dreams of a parallel universe where he’s the chosen.
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« Crush »
⿴ ≡ YangYang ft. Ten (menção dos outros membros do wayv) (ɪᴅᴏʟ! YangYang x ɪᴅᴏʟ!ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ) ᴘᴀʟᴀᴠʀᴀꜱ: 2718 palavras ᴀᴠɪꜱᴏꜱ: Nenhum ☺️. ≡ ⿴
Tive a ideia pra escrever essa história de um sonho fofo que tive com o YangYang e Ten e não me aguentei. É pequeno, mas espero que gostem.
Quando seus amigos saíram de férias, a ideia de irem juntos em uma vã até o lugar onde ficariam, parecia ser muito boa. Você só não percebeu que ficaria presa com sete rapazes cheios de energia e mais ainda, um deles sendo o seu melhor amigo que jura que o mais novo do grupo nutre sentimentos por você. Mas quando se deu conta dos fatos, ja não tinha como votar atrás.
Apesar do Sol quente do dia, uma brisa fresca balançava as árvores e os cabelos de todos, e os meninos pareciam incrivelmente animados — e como não poderiam?
"Todos prontos?" Kun pergunta te ajudando com as malas, enquanto os rapazes vão se aproximando para colocarem suas próprias malas no veículo.
"Só falta o Ten hyung e o YangYang..." Winwin o informa, e você já imagina que ambos estavam brigando sobre algo besta. Enquanto pensa em qual pode ser a bobeira, os dois saem da casa com suas coisas em mãos. Ten com uma feição engraçada e o mais novo com um sorriso brincalhão no rosto.
"Hey, eu não posso cuidar de você o tempo todo okay?!" Chitta diz alto, o que faz você rir da besteira. Yang escuta e ao te ver parada ali, corre para guardar suas coisas e te envolver em um abraço confortável.
"Podemos ir?" XiaoJun pergunta com a cara de poucos amigos. "Alguém não gostou de ser acordado cedo" você comenta brincando com o rapaz que suspira dramaticamente "O que eu não faço pra ver seu lindo rosto?! "
"Tá, já chega!" Kun se pronúncia e você tenta disfarçar o rubor nas bochechas e se vira para o líder. — "eu, Winwin e Lucas vamos nos revezar para dirigir, então se preparem pois será uma longa viagem!"
E dito isso, todos se acomodaram em seus lugares. XiaoJun e Handery no último banco onde de alguma forma conseguiram deitar e seguir viagem desse modo; Winwin e Lucas tomaram os bancos da frentez restando para você e os dois últimos rapazes o longo banco do meio. YangYang sentou na janela, uma vez que você não queria pois estava muito sol, mas pegou o lugar ao seu lado com Ten logo após.
No começo tudo estava tranquilo, uma vez que em poucos minutos todos acabaram por dormir mais um pouco. Até a primeira parada, onde Kun a acordou e você se viu deitada em YangYang, que tinha sua cabeça encostada na sua, e Chitta estava com a sua cabeça em seu colo.
Após reabastecer a vã, esticar as pernas e comer algumas besteiras de postos, quando voltaram para o carro, todos foram para os mesmos lugares, porém agora mais despertos.
Sua atenção acabou sendo dividida entre o mais novo e o mais velho que ficavam tentando fazer com que visse algo "muito bom" ou "a sua cara" em seus celulares, até que Kun se vira para os três:
"Ya! Chega os dois! Será que podem deixar a coitada em paz por um segundo?" sua voz continha o tom firme de líder, e você ficou quieta escutando ambos pedirem desculpas.
Ten deita sua cabeça novamente em suas pernas, e você automaticamente leva seus dedos ao cabelo do rapaz e começa a fazer carinho.
"Ya! Você só pode estar de brincadeira com a minha cara!"
E então os dois voltam em mais uma boba discussão sobre quem é "mais digno do seu cafuné" enquanto Kun os observa com seu olhar desgostoso, e Winwin te observa tentando se comunicar com você pelo olhar.
Foi então que você teve certeza de duas coisas: a primeira era que, definitivamente YangYang nutria sentimentos por você, e a segunda que Chittaphon iria o provocar a viagem toda.
[Masterlist] • [WayV Masterlist] • [NCT 127 Masterlist] • [NCT Dream Masterlist]
🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?
⿴ ≡ YangYang ft. Ten (mention of another's WayV members) (ɪᴅᴏʟ! YangYang x ɪᴅᴏʟ!ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ) Words: 2726 wordss Warnings: None ☺️ ≡ ⿴
* Cafuné: means running your hand through someone’s hair, caressing someone’s scalp.
When you're friends went on vacation, the idea of taking a van and going the place you were going to stay, it was really great. You just didn't realized that you was going to stay with seven boys full of energy and even more, onw of them being you're best friend that swear that the younger boy have feelings for you. But when you realized that, there it wasn't no turning backs.
Despite the warm Sun, a light breeze it was passing through the threes and through everyone's hair, and the boys looked pretty excited — and how they couldn't not?
"Everyone's ready?" Kun asked helping you with your bags, while the others boys approached to put their bags on the car.
"We're just missing Ten hyung and YangYang..." Winwin is the one to tell him, and you were already imagining that they were fighting over something fool. While you're on your head, both of them leave the house with theirs stuff in hand. Ten have a funny face and the younger a bright smile.
"Hey, I can't take care of you all the time okay?!" Chitta say it out loud, and you laugh of it. Yang listens to it and when he sees you standing there, he runs to put his stuff and put you in a comfortable hug.
"Can we go already?" XiaoJun asks not looking so happy. "Someone didn't like to being awake early" you joke with the guy that take a dramatically deep breath "What I don't do to see you're beautiful face?!"
"Okay, enough!" Kun says and you try to mask the red in your cheeks and turn to the leader. "Me, Winwin and Luca were going to take turns on the driving, so get ready because it is going to be a long way!"
That being said, all of you took a place. XiaoJun and Handery at the back sit where they somehow lay down; WinWin and Lucas took the front seat, so it left for you and the two boys to sit at the middle. YangYang took the window spot, once you didn't wanted because of the sunlight, so you sat besides him, being followed by Ten.
At the beginning everything it was fine, once in a short period of time everyone was already asleep. Until the first stop, where Kun woken up everyone, and you saw yourselves with your head layed on YangYang shoulders and his head on top of yours, and Ofcorse, Chitta with his head on your lap.
After refuel the van, put your legs up and some snacks at the gas station, you guys came back for the car, and everybody went for those same spots as before, but now awaken.
Your attention ended up by being share between the younger and the older, that kept on trying to make you see something "really nice" or that "it's just so you!" on their phones, until Kun turn for the three of you:
"Ya! Enough you two! Can you please leave the poor girl alone for a second?" His voice had the strong leader, so you got quiet listening both of the boys apologizing.
Ten lay down his head on your thighs one more time, and you automatically start brushing your fingers in his hair in a soft cafuné,
"You've got to be kidding me!" YangYang yells with red cheeks.
And like that they start a new silly discussion about who is "more worthy of your cafuné" while Kun watch both of them with a disgusting face, and WinWin look at you trying to communicate through his eyes.
It was then when you had two certainties: the first it is that YangYang actually have feelings for you, and the second being that Chittaphon it was going to provoque him every second of the trip.
[Masterlist] • [WayV Masterlist] • [NCT 127 Masterlist] • [NCT Dream Masterlist]
🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?
Taeyong: *slowly backs out of the room*
Taeyong: What’s up Ku-
Kun: Nothing much. You?
2022 Season's Greetings — WAYV.
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NCT reaction to you being small:
Because he isn't so tall himself, he really loves that you're so small (finally he can feel like the hyungnim he is). You being short is just another excuse for him to baby you to be honest. Always tells you how cute you are when you complain about your height. Loves to press his cheek against the top of your head when you're hugging and leave a kiss on your hair.
This giant adores your smallness. You practically reach his knee, but he loves it. Laughs whenever you have to jump to kiss him or when you stand on your tip toes to hug his waist. But still calls you cute all the time, and ruffles your hair gently when you get mad. You're always using him when you need to reach things that are high up. You love cuddling with him because he basically covers you completely and it makes you feel safe UWU.
He probably doesn't show it very often, but this dude melts into a puddle whenever he sees you swimming in one of his sweaters or standing next to one of the members. Compliments you all the time and talks about how much he loves you and your height, because he knows you get insecure sometimes. Always touching you, it's like an automatic response when he sees you. Loves to backhug you randomly and place his chin on the top of your head as you waddle around like two ducklings uwu.
Teases you nonstop about your height, lol rip. Invents new comments everyday to annoy you and enjoys hiding your things on top shelves just to see you struggle smh. But also, loves your shortness, and protects it shamelessly whenever you complain about it. Smiles uncontrollably when you can't reach something and ask for his help. Loves to hug you and just watch how perfectly your body fits in his.
He just loves you, to be honest. Never teases you for your height and always tells you how cute and beautiful you are. Gets really overprotective when anyone teases you, even the members, for being small, because he never wants you to be insecure about your body. Has actual heart eyes whenever you struggle to reach something and always helps you without a word, trying not to smile so you won't think he's laughing at you, but you're just TOO CUTE he can't help it.
Doyoung doesn't really tease you or act all soft for you because of your height. He's just soft for you in general lol but your shortness isn't something he thinks about alot. Sometimes you'll hug and he just melts a bit when he realizes how small you are and how his arms practically surround you completely. Will die before he admits how cute he finds you though smh. But he's still a bit more overprotective of you, especially with the members, because he knows they love to tease you and/or be affectionate towards you, and none of that is going to happen on his watch excuse you.
Another tease lol. Is super flirty and laughs at you constantly but still manages to be extra careful and soft with you. Because he is short himself, you two make the cutest couple. Loves to hug you from the front with his hands around your waist and his head on top of yours. Kisses your forehead all the time and makes a big deal of having to lean down to do it smh.
You're the most perfect human being in his eyes, and he loves you and your small body so much, he doesn't know how to express it with words. Always staring at you with shiny eyes full of adoration and a small smile. Teases you in the sweetest way possible, not in words but in actions, like suddenly picking you up and carrying you bridal style, or placing you on a counter or something so you can be eye level. Never lets you say anything bad about yourself or your body, you have to love yourself as much as he loves you missy.
Winwin isn't the best at expressing his emotions, so I don't think he would baby you like some of the other members. But don't let that confuse you, Winwin is a sucker for you and your small proportions, especially because he's a pretty tall dude. He's always smiling slightly when he's next to you, probably thinking about how adorable you are. Might be a little touchy sometimes even, holding your hand and admiring how small it is in his or back hugging you occasionally. He's also so done with the members omg, you're probably the most babied couple in history lol.
Get ready to be babied 24/7 lol. Your smallness is literally the death of Jungwoo oml. Finds everything you do adorable and can't help but kiss you all over your face and hug you tightly in his arms because you just fit there so well. Might tease you lightly because he's the main comedian but will never say anything that will make you insecure or embarrassed. Loves to cuddle you, and couldn't care less if he's the small spoon or big spoon. Calls you cute nicknames like shortcake or muffin to make you blush uwu.
Another giant lol. To be honest, I don't think Lucas would tease you at all about your height. He'd definitely be picking you up all the time, or bending down to match your height, but he doesn't do that as a way to make fun of you. Thinks you are the cutest most beautiful person he ever met, so sometimes he just gets really shy around you randomly. Cuddles with you all the time omg. Sometimes he just forgets how huge he is and you have to remind him that he's three times your size and you can't breath when he's on top of you. But then he gets all embarrassed and says sorry a hundred times and kisses you all over to make it better uwu.
I don't think he would pay much attention to your height difference. Sure, he thinks you're adorable and he wants to squish you 24/7, but it doesn't really have to do anything with your size. Sometimes he'll call you cute when he sees you taking off your heels or jumping to reach something, but you can't even blame him, it's like an automatic response. Babies you without noticing, like petting your hair absentmindedly or bopping your nose. Heart eyes all the time omg. He's honestly so whipped for you lol.
The most gentle baby in the world. Isn't very overprotective or clingy to you in general but shows his love to you in other ways. Doesn't let you say anything bad about yourself, shaking his head firmly when you say you don't look your age, or when you complain about needing to wear heels all the time. Sends you a huge list of reasons why you're perfect the way you are (it may or may not make you cry). Loves cuddling so much, and loves it even more because of your small size, because it makes it so much more comfortable to snuggle his face in your neck and leave small eskimo kisses there uwu.
Your small proportions make him feel all sorts of things, like?? can you get any cuter? Has a huge smile and sparkly eyes when he's next to you. ALWAYS touching you omg. Kissing your cheeks, holding your hand, petting your hair. Carries you everywhere. Like, you're almost never on the ground next to him. Piggybacks, bridal style, picking you up by the waist, you name it. Sometimes he'll joke around with you, teasing you about your height, but he'd much rather laugh with you than at you. Calls you weird af nicknames like munchkin or peanut. Kisses your nose all the time and holds your hand.
In Renjun's case, your height doesn't really help you tbh. If anything, he's always teasing you for it. But if any of the members even say a bad word about you, they dead. Of course if you'd ever get insecure he'd immediately be by your side, comforting you with his touches and sweet gazes. Except for that, he doesn't really baby you or anything. Loves to cuddle and hug with you because of how convenient it is tho. Is a sucker for forehead and head kisses omg.
Might tease you sometimes, but he does it in such a subtle and sweet way, he still manages to look innocent smh. Finds it adorable when you struggle to reach a high place, so he'll hide stuff purposely high just so he can giggle for a few minutes at how adorable you are. Still always helps you in the end though, handing it over to you and sending you that eye smile you can't resist. Loves to pick you up from your waist and leave kisses all over you face uwu. Also has a thing for pulling you into his lap like a baby (he does it a lot with the members... Just to remind them who you belong to lol)
Omg he loves it so much. Annoys the shit out of you 24/7. Anything from jokes about your height, like pretending not to see you, to pulling pranks on you, like hiding your heels two seconds before you go out so you have to wear regular shoes and look like a garden elf next to him smh. Pisses you off until you get mad because you're just the cutest when you're upset, with that pout and your arms crossed over your chest as you try to ignore him, and can you really blame him???? After that he'll be the sweetest tho, trying to make you forgive him by hugging you tightly in his arms while kissing all over you face and whispering apologies and comments about how beautiful you are and how much he loves you. Turns so soft seeing how perfectly you fit in his arms, so you cuddle all the time uwu.
He just loves you tbh. Wouldn't tease you deliberately, but sometimes his heart just melts and he can't help but pat your head like a baby or smile widely when you stand on your tiptoes to kiss him. Takes care of you so well, so you can never feel insecure around him. Calls you cute names like princess or cupcake, and does it without noticing, so the members always tease you for it. Loves skinship so much, he can never get his hands off of you omg. Always kissing your nose or cheeks, backhugging you with his head on top of yours and his arms around your waist, and cuddling ofc.
He's such a good boyfriend to be honest. Your size doesn't really matter to him, but he definitely loves hugging you (especially backhugs uwu). Kisses you out of the blue when you act cute, and is immediately shy afterwards. Doesn't really know what to say when you're insecure about your body, he just loves you as you are and he doesn't understand why you don't.
Teases you here and there, but he's so cute and he has the brightest smile when doing it so you cant even get mad. Bends down all the time to your height and squishes your cheeks. Tells you that you're adorable and cute ten thousand times a day. Loves to play with your hair. Sometimes he just freaks out because he just finds you so cute and small, so he just jumps on you out of the blue and hugs you tightly (usually it's followed by unexplainable screams). He doesn't really protect you from the other members teasing/affection (he sometimes even goes along with it smh), but the second you start to get mad or pouty he's immediately by your side, hugging you and acting cute to make you forgive him.
Is continusally surprised by how small you are. Always comparing your height, just to check if you're really as short as you seem lol. Calling you cute accidentally every two minutes and having a mental breakdown afterwards lmao. He probably used to tease you about your height, but he turns to putty everytime you pout or glare at him cutely and his heart can't handle it, so he doesn't bully you anymore lol. Dies a little whenever you lean up to kiss him or when you hug his waist and your head basically reaches his belly button haha. Is always blushing and super shy around you, but occasionally he'll be the one to initiate skinship, petting your hair or pecking you quickly on your lips.
Wayv as your classmates:
Class president
Everyone basically begged him to take the role
One of the most popular kids in class
You can't not like him
Even the teacher has a major crush on him
An A+ student
Super smart without trying
Fixes everything wrong in the class, the school, the world.
The type to bring cookies to class during exam week cause god knows y'all need sugar right now
You two probably got to know each other after he volunteered to give you math lessons
Is super patient with you despite your dumbness
Giggles cutely whenever you make a stupid comment
Meaning every two seconds
After you two become friends
You understand how much of a mom he is lmao
Reminds you to go to sleep early and scolds whenever you show up to school with bags under your eyes
Exasperated looks whenever you act extra
But he still has this fond smile on his face uwu
Basically, he's that friend you'd give that one phone call to after you get arrested
He'll bail you out in time for dinner
Doesn't really care about anyone tbh
Nobody really knows why he bothers coming to school
The teachers probably don't even know he exists
Draws all day
He probably has a drawing of the spiderwebs on the ceiling by now
Get randomly motivated and scares the class with his supposedly uplifting speeches
It never lasts longer than a day tho
Can be really quiet during class but has random comments every now and then that have everyone rolling on the floor
Good at everything besides learning tbh
Probably in all of the school clubs
You two probably first talked when he drew a portrait of you sleeping during your free lesson
He actually made you look better than what you do irl
You were super impressed with Ten's ability to make your drooling self look somewhat indearing
So you started talking about how he learned drawing and stuff like that
Because art is a subject he's actually passionate about, you two ended up talking for a while
More than you talked during all the years in class together combined lol
Since then, you have a pretty nice yet weird relationship
Consists mostly of Ten roasting you but also taking care of you
And you telling him what the homework is and helping him cheat on tests
Complains about how annoying you are all day but still gives you this really beautiful portrait of you for your birthday
The quiet yet lovable kid
Everyone loves him
Has lots of friends despite not being active in class
Teachers want to adopt him
Is smart but lazy
Sleeps through all the classes
Doesn't know there's a test until it's handed out
Still passes it
Is actually very funny and charming once you get to know him
You probably bonded over your mutual hate for mornings
Like you'll both be sitting in class during the first lesson looking like you were both run over by a truck and cursing the day you were born
And then you'll just look at each other and start laughing cause it's just funny you know
After you get to know each other better you'll find him so cute
Nothing like the manly image you had of him in your head
He'd always get annoyed when you try to take care of him or initiate to much skin ship
So you'd have to buy him a snack or smth so he'll talk to you again
The kind of friendship that doesn't include much craziness or even talking
But you still somehow have each other's back
The class clown
Very aware of how good he looks but seems to have no idea how funny he is
He's literally a happy virus
If he's ever quiet it's because he's sleeping or eating
The teachers are scared of him lol
Probably the most popular guy in school
Friends with everyone cause he doesn't give a duck about all the school stereotypes
Has all the girls in school running after him all day
The captain of every sport club in school cause he's a freaking giraffe
So freaking lazy
Probably would've been kicked out of school twenty times already if it wasn't for him saving the sports team's ass continusally
Probably will end up as a model or an athlete so it doesn't really matter anyway
You two probably got to know each other after he bumped into you in the hallway
He's so tall you can't even blame him for not seeing you tbh
He feels really bad and helps you pick your books up or whatever
And that's when you understand that he's nothing like the fuckboyish reputation he has
He's just an oversized baby tree tbh
You two get close really fast
And now he always smiles at you during class and you sometimes eat lunch together when he's not taken away by his friends or a group of deadly teenage girls
The sort of friendship that will probably form into a crush on your side
So soft omg
Always smiles at you in the morning and lifts your mood up
Has the cutest eboy vibes
Aesthetically pleasing to look at
Very clean and organized
Knows every song in the universe probably
Writes lyrics during class
But somehow still manages to understand everything happening during it
He probably let you copy his homework one day when you were having a breakdown for forgetting to do it
Since then he's your hero
The kind of friend that gives you tissues and Ben and Jerry's when you're sad
You two study a lot for tests together
He shows you new music he's working on and always has the most excited cute expressions uwu
You two have really deep conversations about life
The type of friends that buy matching hoodies from some sketchy store online
Needs a chill pill even in the morning
Knows all the latest trends
Probably does tiktoks during your breaks and forces random people to join him
Always volunteers to participate in anything school related
Hardworking student unless he has something better to do
Dancing and singing in the most random moments
Has the brightest smile
Sends memes to the class chat on daily basis
He probably asked you to join him during one of his tiktoks
You two ended up filming like a hundred different videos
The type of friend that you eat lunch with
Shares his tasty homemade food with you
You feel very comfortable around him
The first person you go to when you're feeling down
He can make you smile just by sending you some goofy faces or telling you some horrible jokes
The kind of friend you'd introduce to your family
A whole cutie
A.K.A the German kid
Everyone loves him
Talks a lot
The type to talk loudly during class and not notice the teacher has been clearing her throat for the last minute trying to get his attention
Has lots of friends outside of school
Knows everyone
So he also knows all the latest gossip
Likes to be involved in everything
Gets high on sugar
You two probably got to really know each other when he offered to help you with a school project
He was just standing around and saw you struggling and he had to help
Turns the project into his own and does everything like it's not a big deal
He tells you stories from his time in Germany
The more you know him the brattier he gets lmao
Says things in German and refuses to tell you what he said
Pranks you all the time
Like hiding behind the door of the class and scaring you when you come in
You try to stay mad but you can't resist that cute smile for long
Sibling-like friendship
NCT when a member catches you making out:
The two of you are probably sitting on the bed in his room, just kissing slowly and sweetly, when Haechan barges into the room, most likely going to ask for cuddles from the oldest member, catching the two of you red-handed. Taeil will probably be pretty straightforward despite his embarrassment, pulling away from you before sending the awkward member a smile that doesn't seem to match the situation, asking him to leave the room. After Haechan leaves, he'll probably laugh it off and the two of you will resume the make out session, but he'll be more alert, keeping his eyes slightly open in case another youngster walks into the wrong room.
"Can you please leave? And close the door behind you."
The two of you are probably on the couch in the living room of the dorm, kissing lazily, when Mark walks through. "Yo, Johnny, you won't believe-", Mark's excited speech gets cut off in the middle when he sees the two of you making out, and he coughs violently before turning around, mumbling apologies on his way out. Johnny on the other hand, doesn't care less, continuing to kiss you without hesitation, tightening his hold on your waist and pulling you closer when you try to push him away, your face bright red from the embarrassment, promising that nobody else will catch you, saying anything just to keep kissing you.
"Mark Lee isn't going to distract me from 'dem lips."
Oh no, this baby. When Doyoung walks in the bedroom, where you and Taeyong are lying on the bed, you on top of him and his hands around your waist, holding you close, Taeyong practically leaps off the bed at the sight of his friend, pushing you off of him in the process. "I'm so sorry, sorry-", your boyfriend says frantically, trying his hardest to smooth down his messy hair while walking towards Doyoung, who looks like he regrets everything lmao. "It's okay, hyung. I'll just-", Doyoung points to the door awkwardly before rushing out the room, leaving you and your red-faced boyfriend alone. You sigh playfully, reaching forward to hug your boyfriend, placing your head in the crook of his neck. "Well, that sort of killed the mood." Your boyfriend apologizes to you, and he'll be extra careful from now on, always locking the door or making sure the dorm is empty when you want some time to yourselves.
"Are you okay? I think I yeeted you off of me."
When Taeyong enters the kitchen to grab a cup of water, it's already the middle of the night, the only reason you'd ever agree to making out with your boyfriend at such a public place. Taeyong lets out a strange giggle when he sees your compromising situation, with you perched on the marble counter and Yuta between your legs, his large hands on your thighs as you kiss passionately. The two of you break apart at the high pitched sound, and you turn red immediately when your eyes catch the leader's embarrassed face. Yuta doesn't seem to share your thoughts, smiling cockily at his member, almost like he wanted to be seen, his hands not moving an inch from your smooth skin. It probably motivates him to kiss you even more intensely after the older leaves.
"Are you going to keep standing here and watch the show?"
When Jungwoo skips into Doyoung's bedroom, saying something about going out to eat, he doesn't expect to see the two of you sitting on the edge of the bed, kissing languidly, your boyfriend cupping your face gently. "Oopsie", the tall man says with a smile, and Doyoung sighs before the younger can start teasing him, shooting the gleeful guy a glare. "Please leave.", he says, pointing at the door, and Jungwoo swings around, walking out the room with a light-hearted laugh and a not so sincere apology. After that the two of you will probably go back to making out, but Doyoung would probably be a bit out of it, murmuring complaints between kisses about rude members who barge into rooms without knocking and how Jungwoo will never let him live this down.
"Is my room a free estate or something? These kids, seriously."
Kun's bedroom door opens slowly, and you pull away from your boyfriend, who you were making out with for the last few minutes, soft, playful kisses that left butterflies in your stomach. Kun doesn't look too bothered by Winwin, standing awkwardly at the entrance to the room. He apologizes to the younger and asks him what he needs, to which the other responds by pointing at his black backpack leaning by the door, grabbing it before scurrying out the room quickly. After he gets out, your boyfriend shrugs, a slight blush on his cheeks before he goes back to kissing you slowly. It probably doesn't affect him too much, he's rational, he lives with twenty other grown guys and knows that these things are bound to happen.
"Is it really that weird that couples kiss?"
Ten is kissing you gently, hands on your waist, and you're too lost in the feeling of his lips, moving so gracefully against yours, to notice the maknae of WayV entering the room, probably to annoy his older member. Yangyang stops walking when he sees the two of you, but doesn't move just yet, obviously wanting to tease your boyfriend, who still doesn't move from you, ignoring the younger boy. When the brown-haired boy still stays in his spot, your lover pulls away, glaring at the younger and telling him to get out of the room in the most straightforward way possible. The member leaves then, giggling to himself slightly, and Ten simply sighs before going back to kissing you, even more passionately now, as if he already managed to miss you during this short time.
"Get out. We're in the middle of something here."
You're in Jaehyun's lap, your thighs splayed on either side of him, his hands on your waist and his lips on yours, kissing you passionately, when Johnny jogs into his room, skidding to a stop when he sees the scene in front of him. Your boyfriend doesn't even notice, too in the moment to realize the presence in the room, and he furrows his eyebrows in confusion when you detach your lips from his, following your gaze to his friend, who has a small smirk playing on his lips. He would probably be a bit annoyed, not to the point of actual anger, but he'd throw a snarky remark, watching as Johnny leaves the room before going back to kiss you, rougher this time, making sure you forget about the distraction.
"Do people not knock on doors nowadays?"
You're sitting in the living room of WayV's dorm, cuddled into Sicheng, who's hands are wrapped around you, holding you close to him. His lips are on yours, moving gently, almost shyly, and you tilt your head up to kiss him better, your boyfriend letting out a soft noise at your sudden neediness. "How cute~~", Win-win pulls away from you at the sound of the fond voice, face changing color to red rapidly at the sight of Ten, who seems to think it's not such a big deal, crossing the living room and heading to the kitchen while your boyfriend splutters, explaining himself to no one in particular. After that he'll probably still be super embarrassed, and you'll have to tell him you love him and cuddle him to calm him down uwu.
"I didn't think he'd come back from recording so fast…"
You don't know how the two of you went from a pillow fight to a make out session, but you're now propped on your side with your boyfriend doing the same in front of you, kissing you messily, his hands running over your sides before tangling in your hair. The sound of a door opening knocks the two of your out of your daze, Jungwoo releasing you immediately with a squeak of surprise, letting out a nervous laugh when he sees Yuta standing at the doorway to his room, his eyebrows cocked and a teasing glint in his eyes. Before Jungwoo can start talking, Yuta is already leaving the room, yelling behind his back a teasing, "Just be safe!", and your boyfriend turns red, burying his face in your neck. You won't continue making out after that, but Jungwoo would be very concerned about you, continuously apologizing for what happened and acting sweeter than usual the whole day.
"I'll lock the door next time, I'm sorry!"
Your boyfriend is kissing you hungrily, hovering over you on his bed, his hands on either side of your head and his long legs tangled with yours. The two of you are too caught up in the moment to notice anyone or anything, Lucas' kisses leaving you a breathless mess while he devotes his attention to you, moving his lips almost fiercely. "Lucas, let the girl breathe", a teasing voice says from the entrance to the room, and Lucas pulls away from you, turning his head to look at a cocky-looking Hendery, his eyes glinting with mischief. Your boyfriend blushes immediately, pulling away from you with a shy smile, and Hendery winks slyly before grabbing a white towel hanging on the doorknob and walking out of the room, yelling behind him a teasing 'Have fun!' Lucas starts laughing after his friend is gone, the tips of his ears now completely red and a shy expression on his face, and you laugh as well, placing one last kiss on his now-swollen lips before pulling away, understanding that he is too shy to continue your session.
"He just walked in on us!" *giggles*
Mark's going to panic for sure lmao. This dude will never dare to kiss you in front of the members, always saving the affection and skinship for when you're alone, so when Jaehyun walks into his room, calling him to come eat dinner, only to find the younger and you sitting on the bed, holding hands and kissing passionately, your boyfriend is very flustered, pulling away immediately and stumbling over his words. Jaehyun doesn't seem too fazed, smiling teasingly as he watches Mark stutter, his face bright red as he promises to be there in a second, trying his best to act like nothing happened. When Jaehyun finally leaves the room, taking pity on the younger, Mark collapses against you, too paranoid to continue your session.
"Did I make things awkward?"
You were listening to Xiaojun play on his guitar, his soft voice seeping through your bones, before you couldn't take it anymore, leaning in to press a kiss to his tempting pink lips. Your boyfriend doesn't seem too surprised, kissing you back immediately, so romantic it seems like you're in some sort of K-drama, his lips enveloping yours perfectly. You've been doing this for a few minutes now, but a sudden noise causes you to pull away from each other, turning to the bedroom door where Lucas was trying to creep out, walking on his tiptoes to not disturb you, but he accidentally caused a charger to fall off the desk, and he was now smiling at the two of you sheepishly, a nervous giggle leaving his lips. Your boyfriend glares at the older member, pointing at the door in a silent command to leave the room, and the taller man mumbles an apology before closing the door behind him quietly. Sighing to himself, Xiaojun turns back to kiss you, a bit harder now that he was pissed off by the interruption.
"Basic manners, is that too much to ask for?"
You're lying on top of Hendery, cupping his face gently as you make out, Hendery kissing you excitedly, moving from sloppy kisses to tickling pecks that leave you with a smile on your face. The two of you hear the door to the bed room opening, but your boyfriend doesn't seem to care at all, reaching a hand up to move your face back to face him when you try to sneak a peek at the intruder. The door closes soon after, and you pull away from your lover momentarily, asking him who came in, and he says it was Win-win, laughing slightly when he thinks about how embarrassed the older must have been. The two of you laugh for a bit before going back to kissing, not thinking too much about the incident.
"At least he knows you're mine now."
Renjun is kissing you slowly, his hands cupping your cheeks gently, thumbs running over the soft skin, when Chenle barges into the room, racing frantically, probably running away from one of the older members who he managed to piss off. Your boyfriend pulls away, coughing loudly to get the younger boy's attention, who's still giggling into his hand, not noticing that he intruded something. "Oh", Chenle raises his head, finally noticing his hyung's glare and your blush. "Sorry." Renjun groans in annoyance as his fellow member leaves the room, mumbling something under his breath before going back to kiss you, but his kisses are probably harder now, conveying his concealed anger, and so are the hands on your waist.
"Do I have to go back to China to have a second of privacy?"
When Renjun enters the bedroom, Jeno has you on your back, his broad body pressing you deep into the soft mattress, your lips connected as you kiss gently, a result of you trying to tackle your boyfriend, and failing, obviously. You try to push your boyfriend off of you, your now open eyes catching a glimpse of Renjun's slowly reddening ears and obvious wince of regret, but Jeno leans even more into you, mumbling against your lips a soft "pretend he's not here", and you let out a breathy laugh, wrapping your hands around your boyfriend's neck and watching as Renjun leaves the room, saying under his breath: "Who needs shoes anyway. I'll just walk barefoot to the practice room." When the door closes behind him, Jeno laughs into your mouth, and the two of you keep kissing, while making sure not to take it farther.
"It'll be even more awkward if we stop now."
When Taeil walks into your boyfriend's bedroom, he can't help but smile at the sight of you and Haechan, sitting on the floor of his bedroom where you were previously gaming, your crossed legs touching and the younger's hands tangled in your dark hair. You know your boyfriend noticed the intruder, his lips stopping their movement momentarily, but he doesn't pull away, keeping his mouth on yours until you hear the door closing, signaling Taeil left the room. The second he leaves, Haechan snorts against your lips, his face flushed red as he pulls back from you, giving away his embarrassment despite him trying to act unbothered in front of you. The two of you are probably too busy laughing to continue your make out session, but it's okay.
"Ohmygod, I didn't know what to do!"
You were playing with Jaemin's hair, his head in your lap, when he suddenly sits up, kissing you gently on your lips, his hands pulling you closer by your small waist. The cute kiss somehow turned heated, and now you were practically making out, your legs thrown on either side of your boyfriend's body, fingers tangled in his blonde locks. "Jaemin, do you know where my comb is?" Jeno asks as he flings the door open, and Jaemin doesn't even try to answer, continuing to kiss you as if nothing happened before pulling away and shooting his frozen friend a mischievous smile. "What was that, Jeno?", he asks nonchalantly as you laugh at the older's disgusted face, burying your head in your boyfriend's shoulder. After the older leaves, your boyfriend would go back to kissing you, softer this time, leaving little pecks all over your face and mumbling compliments against your lips in a soft voice, the sexy mood now gone.
"My Jagiya~~"
"Yangyang!", Xiaojun bursts into the room, making your boyfriend pull away from your lips, stopping the passionate make out you were having, your legs thrown over Yanyang's lap and his hands on the small of your back, pressing you closer to him. Your boyfriend isn't too fazed, but he's impatient, asking the older what he wants but still holding you to him, his hands not leaving you for a second. Understanding the maknae isn't in the mood to talk right now, Xiaojun leaves the room, and your boyfriend doesn't even wait for the door to close entirely before he's back to kissing you, desperate and and even more passionate than before.
"This better be a life-or-death situation."
You and Shotaro are in the practice room, sitting on the shiny floor and kissing softly after you watched your boyfriend work on the choreo to NCT's newest song, admiring his amazing dance talent. Shotaro is timid in his movements, almost innocent, giggling against your lips cutely and holding your hands. You pull away from each other when the door opens suddenly, Sungchan walking in. "Oh… I thought Haechan hyung was here", the younger says with an apologetic tone, turning around swiftly and walking out the room, leaving you and your shy boyfriend behind. Shotaro apologizes to you for not being careful enough, asking if you want to continue, but his face is red and he lets out little giggles out of embarrassment, so you don't resume your actions from before, choosing to coddle him instead, laughing fondly at your boyfriend's adorable behavior.
"This is so embarrassing! I'm sorry~"
You're trapped between the wall and your boyfriend, one of his hands cupping your cheek, while the other strokes your hipbone. Sungchan kisses confidently, like he does everything else, his lips moving naturally against yours like they were meant to be there. The two of you pull away when you hear the door opening, Shotaro's head sticking into the room carefully, before seeing your position and blushing slightly. Sungchan isn't too embarrassed by being caught, greeting the other nonchalantly, but he moves away from you, playing with his fingers in slight awkwardness. "Taeyong hyung told me to ask you if you want him to make you lunch?", the older member asks shyly, and Sungchan smiles, nodding in thanks as he watches the other leave the room. He probably won't continue the make out session after that, waiting for a more private time.
"Oh, hyung, do you need something?"
Chenle leaves another kiss on your mouth, giggling into the kiss as you laugh as well, curling even more into his warm body and pulling the soft blanket around you even more. The two of you were supposed to be watching a movie, but you've been spending more time kissing each other and laughing at nothing. You pull away from your boyfriend's lips when the light in the living room suddenly comes on, blinding the two of you and making Chenle pull away with a confused noise, eyes blinking rapidly as he tries to see the person who disturbed you. Jisung is standing in the entrance to the room, his hand still on the switch and his face bright red as he understands the situation he caught his best friend in. "Yah, can't you see we're on a date here?", Chenle scolds him, and Jisung seems to snap out of his trance, mumbling apologies as he backs up, almost crashing into the wall. After that you don't go back to making out, settling for cuddles on the couch until you fall asleep.
"Jisung, you’re lucky you’re cute."
Jisung wraps an arm around you, pulling you closer to him while you wrap your own thin arms around his neck, burying your fingers in your hair. After not seeing your boyfriend for a long time due to the previous comeback, a good make out session is exactly what you needed. "Oh, sexy~", the two of you jump away from each other at the sound of the deep voice, turning your head to meet a grinning Jaemin, his arms clasped in front of his chest and fondness evident in his eyes. Jisung turns red when he sees his member, immediately stuttering and stumbling over his words as he tries to explain the situation, before understanding it's hopeless and staring at the ground until his hyung goes away, still cooing and talking about 'young love'. He'll probably be shy for the rest of the day afterwards, and he'll need lots of affection from you to get over his embarrassment.
"H-hyung! Me and Y/N were j-just-"
WayV when you're insecure about your body:
Kun will furrow his eyebrows when he sees you fixing your brand new skirt in front of the mirror for the fifth time today. "Babe, what's up?", He'll ask, his eyes confused when he comes closer to you, winding a gentle arm around your waist and making you face him. You sigh, looking embarrassed when you ask him with a small voice: "Does this skirt make me look fat? Be honest." Kun can't help raise his eyebrows at that, shocked by your question, but his eyes soften when you bite your lip, avoiding his eyes. "No, you look beautiful. You always do. And even if you did happen to gain some weight, it wouldn't change a thing.", He says as honestly as possible, internally clapping himself on the back when you smile shyly at the compliment, looking much happier and sure of yourself. He'll still be a lot clingier that night, making sure to stay close to you and keep reminding you how amazing you are.
I feel like this baby will be much more emotional, his heart breaking slightly in his chest when he sees you missing another meal, shaking your head silently when he asks you if you want to eat the tasty kimbap he made. "Y/N, this is not okay, you've hardly ate anything these past few days.", your boyfriend mentions worriedly, holding your hand in his tightly as he stares at you desperately. "I've just... I've gained a little weight lately.", you mumble, playing with your fingers absentmindedly, and your boyfriend's eyes turn pained, his grip on your hands tightening. "Oh, baby. You're perfect the way you are, don't you know? I love every single thing about you. And the most important thing is that you're happy and healthy." This guy will be so worried about you, making sure you eat well and constantly thinking about you, to the point where it'll make him visibly sad and troubled.
Winwin is completely clueless as to why you've been refusing to meet his parents for the last month, making up excuses over and over again when he brings up any suggestion. But he'll be even more shocked when you tell him that the reason you were so afraid was because you think you aren't pretty enough to be his girlfriend. This boy will straight up stumble over his own words as he tries to explain to you how beautiful you are, hugging you tightly as if he can convey his emotions through his embrace. "Y/N, I can't believe you think that. You're so beautiful baby, you are the perfect match for me." He doesn't say much, but the way he's holding you and staring at you with honesty and love in his eyes is enough to make you relax, your eyes closing as you feel embarrassment coursing through you at your own stupidity. "You're right, I'm sorry.", you say, making your lover shake his head as he hugs you tighter. "There's nothing to be sorry for. I just want you to be happy."
"Here, try this babe.", Lucas grins when he hands you a tight black mini dress, the silk garment so small it can fit in the palm of your hand. "Oh my God, no, are you crazy?", you ask, pushing the erotic clothing away with your hand as you blush, avoiding your boyfriend's smirking face. "I'm not sexy enough to wear that, anyway.", You mumble, almost to yourself, making to go back to the changing room when a strong hand wraps around your wrist, stopping you. "Hey, you're literally the sexiest girl I've ever seen in my life, baby. I don't ever want to hear you say otherwise.", Lucas says confidently, his eyes no longer teasing as he look into your eyes intently, making you blush even more than before, but the comment still makes you smile bashfully, Lucas' own grin coming back to his face as well when he sees your cute response. "Whatever, I'm still not wearing that though.", you reply, making your boyfriend groan in defeat as you giggle, your laughter changing into a shriek of surprise when Lucas lunges at you, leaving kisses all over your face. "Please, please wear it~"
When your boyfriend noticed that you weren't wearing shorts and skirts anymore, he didn't think much of it at the start. It was only when he saw you throwing away your favourite pair of pants that he understood something was wrong. He'll sit you down and ask you what's wrong, and when you'll tell him that you've been feeling anxious lately, that the stress of being a university student and missing home was starting to affect your health, he won't be too surprised. Xiaojun will be clam and collected, holding your hands in his as he assures you that you have nothing to be ashamed of. "Love, I fell in love with the pure soul that you are, not with your body. Everyone gets stressed sometimes, it is just another obstacle that you'll overcome eventually. Believe in yourself and love yourself like I love you." He won't just talk, he'll promise to help you deal with what you're going through, making sure you eat healthy and constantly cheering you up by writing you songs and offering to go with you to the gym.
"I don't get it, why don't you want to go swimming?", Hendery asks you again, looking genuinely confused as you sigh, trying not to get irritated. "I just, I don't want people to see me in a swimming suit.", you say quietly, hoping that your boyfriend will just let it go and go without you. "Why? You don't want them to get jealous?", Hendery asks, and you snort, raising your eyebrows in disbelief when you see your boyfriend is dead serious. "What? I can't think of any other reason why you'd be embarrassed to put on a bathing suit.", Your lover says honestly, not an ounce of hesitation in his eyes as he throws you the cute blue bikini you bought together last week. "Come on, I want to show off my gorgeous girlfriend." You bite you lip, thinking back to when you first wore the garment at the store, how Hendery's eyes widened so much you thought they'll fall from his sockets. You felt good wearing that swimsuit then, so what's different now? "Okay", you finally let out, smiling when Hendery kisses you with excitement.
This baby will be a bit helpless when he finds out that you don't feel good about your body, after seeing you cry in front of the mirror one day when you thought he was at practice. He can't believe he didn't see the signs before and he'll feel like a horrible boyfriend for not being there for you. "Y/N, I don't know what to do except tell you that you're so amazing and beautiful, every part of you. I'm sorry that I didn't make you feel like you're worthy enough, but I'm so lucky to have you, I really am.", he'll say, cupping your face gently and brushing the tears off your cheeks with his calloused thumbs. He'll be much more attentive after that too, looking after you silently because he doesn't want you to feel pressured, going as far as asking his teammates for help and looking in the Internet for ways to make you feel more confident.
WayV when you wear their clothes:
Kun is weak for you, ngl. When you sleep over at his house unexpectedly after a night out, your boyfriend being too worried to let you go back home alone since you seemed slightly tipsy, you don't have any clothes but the tight, uncomfortable dress you were wearing. Kun won't hesitate to lend you a large, oversized sweater and a pair of sweatpants that have grown small on him, not thinking too much about how absolutely adorable you'll look wearing them. So when you exit the bathroom looking like the meaning of 'smol', the brown-haired man will positively melt on the spot, his lips stretching into a wide grin and his hands automatically coming up to pet your hair, still wet from the shower. He will be much touchier that day, leaving kisses all over your cheeks and forehead, hugging you and just awing over how cute you look.
"You look so small, oh my god." *giggles*
The two of you were on a date, going for a walk around the city at night, when you got cold, wearing nothing but a thin, long-sleeved mini dress that could hardly warm you up. Your boyfriend had already warned you that you'll be cold but you were so we excited to wear your new outfit that you didn't listen, and now you were regretting it. Ten won't hesitate to hand you his large, wool coat when he sees you shivering against the chilling wind, but he will scold you, as well, going on and on about how you should've listened to him in the first place. Secretly, he will love seeing you in his clothes, and even though he won't admit it to you, his actions will speak better than his words, and he will be more affectionate than usual, wrapping you in his arms and pressing chaste, loving kisses against your hair and temple.
"Aish, what do I have to do to get you to listen to me?"
This baby is a blushing mess and it's the cutest thing ever, uwu. It is comeback season and you really freaking miss your older boyfriend, so on one of the nights when your apartment feels emptier and more silent than usual, you go to Win-Win's closet put of desperation, taking from it one of his favorite dary-gray sweatshirts he wears around the house. When Win-Win will come that day from practice, entering the house on his tiptoes to not disturb you, he will freeze in place, mouth slightly open and cheeks burning at the sight of you cuddled up on the couch in his shirt and some sweats. Winnie will be thankful that nobody can see how red he is right now, nor the stupid smile on his face, before he will join you on the sofa, wrapping you in his long, lean arms and leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead before he drifts to sleep.
"Is that my shirt?" *blushes*
Lucas will be too happy seeing you in his clothes lol. Your boyfriend will love the fact that his favorite hoodie is so big on you it brushes your knees, making you look utterly small and somehow even more adorable than before. When you accidentally spilled on yourself some of the tea that Lucas had made you, your lover didn't think too much before handing you one of his plain, black hoodies, not even looking up while you changed, too busy cleaning the mess on the sofa. But when Lucas raised his head to look at you, he promptly choked on his own spit, before his lips practically broke his face in half with how big his grin was. He won't even try to hide his enthusiasm, rushing up to you and twirling you around, ignoring your squeaks of surprise and fear before putting you down, mumbling a half-heared apology when you punch his arm weakly in retaliation.
"You are the cutest human in the world, god."
Xiaojun will have a more protective and possessive persona when he'll see you in his clothes. The only thing that will run through his mind at the sight of you, wearing nothing but his old, worn-out tee from when he was a trainee, the hem just barely brushing the top of your thighs, is that he needs to hide you away from anything bad and evil in this shitty world. You will be wearing his old shirt to clean the house since you don't want to ruin your own clothes, but your boyfriend won't let you fulfill the purpose of your wardrobe change, too busy backhugging you like some sort of adorable leech, burying his face in the crook of your neck and leaving gentle, tickling butterfly kisses to your exposed skin until you whine that you can't get any work done, but he'll still sit on the couch and watch you with fond eyes and slightly red cheeks.
"Tell me if you need help with anything, beautiful."
When you ask your boyfriend if you can borrow one of his sweatpants for your trip to the supermarket, Hendery will gladly agree, already manifesting a mental image of you wearing the thin, black trainers he threw you. But of course, reality will be much better than his imagination, and your boyfriend might have a severe addiction to you wearing his clothes. Hendery will be rather vocal about how much he loves how you look, talking with you only to throw another compliment about how good you look, continually getting distracted by you. He will also make sure that you know that you don't have a choice but to keep taking clothes from him, purposely putting some of his sweats and shirts on your bed or inside your closet so you get the hint, also straight up asking you to wear them.
"You look much better than I do, and I look amazing."
Yangyang is definitely the type to be very fond of matching couple outfits and wearing each other's others. He will definitely be on board to color coordinate or whatever so of course he loves when you steal his clothes, it makes him feel like you belong to him in every way, and now everyone can see it. Yangyang will flirt with you so much more when he sees you wearing one of his oversized jackets, teasingly asking you over and over again where did you buy your jacket, but shutting up immediately when you threaten him to take off the garment. He'll make sure that everyone knows that you belong to him, and when you're hanging out with the rest of the WayV boys, he'll repeat how pretty you are in his clothes, asking the other boys if they agree with him and feeling smug when they do.
"Wow, you look really good. Where did you get that jacket?"
𝐱𝐢𝐚𝐨 𝐝𝐞𝐣𝐮𝐧 (𝐱𝐢𝐚𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐧) | 𝐦𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝
[a/n: this is only for entertainment purposes, do not come for me for writing this]
「 wayv | as your boyfriend 」
[a/n: this is only for entertainment purposes, do not come for me for writing this]
as your bf/gf ♡ 127 | dream ♡
how you met ♡ 127 | dream ♡
first kiss + gifs ♡ 127 | dream ♡
first date + photos ♡ 127 | dream ♡
first time ♡ 127 | dream ♡
𝒌𝒖𝒏; — 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩-𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙨 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙥𝙡𝙚
you two have done everything together since you two were young
growing up he’d get you anything you wanted
he was always taking you out on every friday night
you two were always together no matter what
he asked you out when you two graduated from high school
𝒕𝒆𝒏; — 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙩 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙥𝙡𝙚
when you met he knew that you were the one
you two met while at mnet, it was your groups’ debut
he’s always doing things you never asked for
he said ‘i love you’ first
when you two are away from each other, he makes sure to facetime
𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒘𝒊𝒏; — 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙙𝙤𝙧𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙥𝙡𝙚
growing up you always thought of him as the ‘cute boy’
you two are always together, he loves spending time with you
he’s always trying to hold your hand
he sings to you whenever your down
he always calls when you're away from each other
𝒍𝒖𝒄𝒂𝒔; — 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙤𝙥𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙨 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙥𝙡𝙚
he’s a total bad boy compared to you, the quiet innocent girl
he is always telling ppl how you’re way too good for him
he never wants to see you with another guy, except for his friends
he gets jealous out of nowhere, like when you were talking about your brother one day
he can’t live without you in his life when he’s away he facetimes you all of the time
𝒙𝒊𝒂𝒐𝒋𝒖𝒏; — 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙥𝙡𝙚
when you two are alone you watch movies
he’ll write songs for you when you’re away from each other
he sings to you almost all the time
he loves hanging out with you, no matter what he’s doing
you two will sometimes sing together when there's nothing to do
𝒉𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒚; — 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙥𝙡𝙚
your friends have shipped you two together for the longest time
he’s always given you gifts for no reason
he’s always saying things to make you blush
when you guys are alone you two will watch funny videos, etc.
he’s always inviting you out to hang out whenever he’s not busy
𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒈; — 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐟𝐟 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙚𝙘𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙥𝙡𝙚
you two were best friends before getting together
he’s always thought of you as more than friends
he is always hanging with you when he’s not with his friends
he loves spending time with you just playing music and watching movies
he holds your hand every chance he can get
「 wayv au | mafia mob 」
[a/n: this is only for entertainment purposes, do not come for me for writing this]
name: qian kun
hometown: fujian, china
birthday: january 1, 1996
age: 23
role: spy, sniper, distraction
code name: kun
code number: 010196
leader: the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country.
spy: a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
sniper: a person who shoots from a hiding place, especially accurately and at long range.
distraction: a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else.
criminal record:
gang activity
gang violence
left crime scene
grand theft auto
grand theft
breaking & entering
assault & battery
accessory to murder
accessory to theft
name: chittaphon leechaipornkul
hometown: bangkok, thailand
birthday: feburary 27, 1996
age: 23
role: spy, lure, sniper, assassin, arsonist, distraction, torture
code name: ten
code number: 022796
spy: a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
lure: tempt to do something or to go somewhere, especially by offering some form of reward.
sniper: a person who shoots from a hiding place, especially accurately and at long range.
assassin: a murderer of an important person in a surprise attack for political or religious reasons.
arsonist: the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property.
distraction: a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else.
torture: the action or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment or to force them to do or say something, or for the pleasure of the person inflicting the pain.
criminal record:
gang activity
gang violence
grand theft auto
grand theft
breaking & entering
assault & battery
trespassing (government property)
left crime scene
1st & 2nd-degree murder
attempted murder
accessory to murder
aggravated assault
left crime scene
name: dong si cheng
hometown: wenzhou, zhejiang, china
birthday: october, 28, 1997
age: 22
role: spy, lure, assassin
code name: winwin
code number: 102897
spy: a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
lure: tempt to do something or to go somewhere, especially by offering some form of reward.
assassin: a murderer of an important person in a surprise attack for political or religious reasons.
criminal record:
gang activity
gang violence
left crime scene
grand theft auto
grand theft
breaking & entering
assault & battery
1st & 2nd-degree murder
attempted murder
accessory to murder
aggravated assault
name: wong yuk hei
hometown: hong-kong, china
birthday: january 25, 1999
age: 20
role: spy, seducer, arsonist, assassin
code name: lucas
code number: 012599
spy: a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
seducer: a person who entices someone into sexual activity.
arsonist: the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property.
assassin: a murderer of an important person in a surprise attack for political or religious reasons.
criminal record:
gang activity
gang violence
left crime scene
grand theft auto
grand theft
breaking & entering
assault & battery
1st & 2nd-degree murder
attempted murder
accessory to murder
aggravated assault
attempted arson
name: xiao de jun
hometown: guangging, china
birthday: auguast 8, 1999
age: 20
role: spy, hacker, assassin
code name: xiao jun
code number: 080899
spy: a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
hacker: a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data.
assassin: a murderer of an important person in a surprise attack for political or religious reasons.
criminal record:
gang activity
gang violence
grand theft auto
grand theft
breaking & entering
assault & battery
trespassing (government property)
hacking (government officials)
left crime scene
1st & 2nd-degree murder
accessory to murder
left crime scene
name: wong kun hang
hometown: mcasu, china
birthday: september 28, 1999
age: 19
role: spy, assassin, arsonist
code name: hendery
code number: 092899
spy: a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
assassin: a murderer of an important person in a surprise attack for political or religious reasons.
arsonist: the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property.
criminal record:
gang activity
gang violence
grand theft auto
grand theft
breaking & entering
assault & battery
left crime scene
1st & 2nd-degree murder
attempted murder
accessory to murder
aggravated assault
left crime scene
name: lui yang yang
hometown: taiwan
birthday: october 10, 2000
age: 19
role: spy, sniper
code name: yangyang
code number: 101000
spy: a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
sniper: a person who shoots from a hiding place, especially accurately and at long range.
criminal record:
gang activity
gang violence
grand theft auto
grand theft
breaking & entering
assault & battery
left crime scene
1st & 2nd-degree murder
attempted murder
accessory to murder
aggravated assault
left crime scene
𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐯 𝐚𝐮.
「...mafia mob」
— a/n: this is only for entertainment purposes, do not come for me for writing this
Qɪᴀɴ ᴋᴜɴ;
name: qian kun
hometown: fujian, china
birthday: january 1, 1996
age: 26
role: boss, spy, hacker
code name: kun
code number: 01011996
Boss/Godfather- the person who leads or commands or group or organization.
Spy- a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
Hacker- a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data.
ᴄʜɪᴛᴛᴀᴘʜᴏɴ ʟᴇᴇᴄʜᴀɪʏᴀᴘᴏʀɴᴋᴜʟ – ᴛᴇɴ;
name: chittaphon leechaiyapornkul
hometown: bangkok, thailand
birthday: february 27, 1996
age: 26
role: spy, sniper, drug dealer, diver
code name: ten
code number: 02271996
Spy- a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
Sniper- a person who shoots from a hiding place, especially accurately and at long range.
Drug Dealer- a person or business that buys and sells goods.
Driver- a driver who ensure the escape of his accomplices, for example; bank-robbers, from the scene of a crime.
ᴅᴏɴɢ ꜱɪᴄʜᴇɴɢ – ᴡɪɴᴡɪɴ;
name: dong si cheng
hometown: wenzhou, zhejiang, china
birthday: october 28, 1997
age: 25
role: spy, seducer, assassin
code name: winwin
code number: 10281997
Spy- a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
Seducer/Distraction- someone that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else.
Assassin- a murderer of an important person in a surprise attack for political or religious reasons.
ᴡᴏɴɢ ʏᴜᴋʜᴇɪ – ʟᴜᴄᴀꜱ;
name: wong yuk hei
hometown: hong-kong, china
birthday: january 25, 1999
age: 23
role: spy, hitman, lure
code name: lucas
code number: 01251999
Spy- a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
Hitman- a person who is paid to kill someone, especially for a criminal or political organization.
Lure- tempt to do something or to go somewhere, especially by offering some form of reward.
xɪᴀᴏ ᴅᴇᴊᴜɴ – xɪᴀᴏᴊᴜɴ;
name: xiao de jun
hometown: dongguan, guangdong, china
birthday: august 8. 1999
age: 23
role: spy, arsonist, torture
code name: xiaojun
code number: 08081999
Spy- a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
Arsonist- the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property.
Torture- the action or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment or to force them to do or say something, or for the pleasure of the person inflicting the pain.
ʜᴜᴀɴɢ ɢᴜᴀɴʜᴇɴɢ – ʜᴇɴᴅᴇʀʏ;
name: huang guan heng
hometown: macau, china
birthday: september 28, 1999
age: 23
role: spy, weapon specialist
code name: hendery
code number: 09281999
Spy- a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
Weapon Specialist- is specifically responsible for maintaining control of any weapon props (including firearms, knives, swords, bows, and staff weapons).
ʟɪᴜ ʏᴀɴɢʏᴀɴɢ;
name: liu yang yang
birthday: october 10, 2000
age: 22
role: spy, capture, hooligan
code name: yangyang
code number: 10102000
Spy- a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
Capture- to take into one’s possession or control by force.
Hooligan- a violent young trouble maker, typically one of a gang.
𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐯 𝐚𝐮.
「...vampire clan」
a/n: this is only for entertainment purposes, do not come for me for writing this! | all gifs are from pintrest
*•.¸♡ navigaion. ♡¸.•*
*•.¸♡ au. ♡¸.•*
‣ summary... wayv as vampire clan
↺ genre... fluff, vampire au
♪ listen to... kickback by wayv
♔ Qɪᴀɴ ᴋᴜɴ;
name: qian kun
hometown: fujian, china
human birthday: january 1, 1996
vampire birthday: october 12, 2018
age when turned: 22
human eye colour: brown
vampire eye colour: gold
food choice: animal blood
powers: compassion
abilities: elemental manipulation
how he turned: bitten by ten
warnings: i wouldn’t get on his bad side.
elemental manipulation: allows them to physically manipulate the four elements of nature with his will: fire, water, air, and earth. this power is channeled through his mind and hands.
♔ ᴄʜɪᴛᴛᴀᴘʜᴏɴ ʟᴇᴇᴄʜᴀɪʏᴀᴘᴏʀɴᴋᴜʟ – ᴛᴇɴ;
name: cittaphon leechaiyapornkul
hometown: bangkok, thailand
human birthday: february 27, 1996
vampire birthday: april 9, 2016
age when turned: 20
human eye colour: brown
vampire eye colour: red
food choice: human blood
powers: speed, strength, beauty
abilities: enhanced self-preservation
how he turned: spelled by a witch
warnings: he’ll track you down if he has to.
enhanced self-preservation: the instinctive need to keep alive. it allows realization when to evade danger as well as if the place she ran to was safe or not.
♔ ᴅᴏɴɢ ꜱɪᴄʜᴇɴɢ – ᴡɪɴᴡɪɴ;
name: dong si cheng
hometown: wenzhou, zhejiang, china
human birthday: october 28, 1997
vampire birthday: july 7, 2016
age when turned: 18
human eye colour: brown
vampire eye colour: gold
food choice: human blood
powers: speed
abilities: shield penetration
how he turned: bitten by ten
warnings: i wouldn’t wanna be a shield around him.
shield penetration: can destroy or penetrate a mental shield.
♔ ᴡᴏɴɢ ʏᴜᴋʜᴇɪ – ʟᴜᴄᴀꜱ;
name: wong yukhei
hometown: hong kong, china
human birthday: january 25, 1999
vampire birthday: march 14, 2018
age when turned: 19
human eye colour: brown
vampire eye colour: gold
food choice: human blood
powers: speed, strength
abilities: pathokinesis
how he turned: bitten by ten
warnings: just dont get near him.
pathokinesis: can feel the emotions of those around them as well as manipulate them according to his content. this gift is no illusion, mental shield’s would not protect against it. the likely consciously controls the manipulative aspect of the ability.
♔ xɪᴀᴏ ᴅᴇᴊᴜɴ – xɪᴀᴏᴊᴜɴ;
name: xiao dejun
hometown: guangdong, china
human birthday: august 8, 1999
vampire birthday: january 2019
age when turned: 19
human eye colour: brown
vampire eye colour: gold
food choice: human blood
powers: speed
abilities: mental shield
how he turned: bitten by ten
warnings: he can shield just about anything.
mental shield: the shield is so strong that it has been working without them knowing. it protects them from "psychic attacks" that affect the mind.
♔ ᴡᴏɴɢ ᴋᴜɴʜᴀɴɢ – ʜᴇɴᴅᴇʀʏ;
name: wong kun hang
hometown: macau, china
human birthday: september 28, 1999
vampire birthday: january 2019
age when turned: 19
human eye colour: brown
vampire eye colour: gold
food choice: human blood
powers: speed, strength
abilities: psychic electrokinesis
how he turned: bitten by ten
warnings: dont let him near you when hes mad.
psychic electrokinesis: can cover their body with an electrical current. upon physical contact while their gift is in use, depending on the power they put into it, the person can feel as little as static shock or great enough to cause their knees to buckle and have them on their backs.
♔ ʟɪᴜ ʏᴀɴɢʏᴀɴɢ;
name: liu yang yang
hometown: taiwan
human birthday: october 10, 2000
vampire birthday: january 2019
age when turned: 18
human eye colour: brown
vampire eye colour: gold
food choice: animal blood
powers: compassion, speed
abilities: lie detection
how he turned: bitten by ten
warnings: dont ever lie to him.
lie detection: can sense if they are being lied to, can also tell if someone is lying by movement or facial expression.