Anybody Wanna Send Yandere Slenderverse X Reader Requests (optionally NSFW) C'mon Don't Be Shy W
Anybody wanna send yandere slenderverse x reader requests (optionally NSFW) c'mon don't be shy 👁w👁
Also, I could do head cannons
Here are the characters I'll do
1. Kevin Haas -TT
2. Observer -TT
3.Pre brandd - TT
4. Firebrand - TT
5. Skully - MH
6. Jay Merrick - MH
7. Alex Kralie - MH
8. Masky - MH
9. Hoodie - MH
10. Brian Thomas - MH
11. Inhabited Noah Maxwell - TT/EMH
12. Inhabited Vincent - EMH
13. Vincent - EMH
14. Evan Jennings - EMH
16. Patrick Anderson - MLA0
17. Michael Anderson - MLA0
Send em in, and one last thing...I can deny the requests if I want to my degeneracy, my rules.
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More Posts from Yanderes-stuff
Hey I finally got the courage to post this so let's go
Words: 1,617
Characters: Yan Masky
Thick oak branches struck your body, beads of sweat trailing down your face as you ran, ran from him, the mysterious person hunting you down through the quiet forest you once called your escape from reality. You didn't know what he wanted from you, but you sure as hell didn't want to find out.You ducked behind a bush in the hidden shadows for protection, like an animal hiding from a hungry predator eager to find it. You clamped your pale hands over your mouth in an attempt to muffle your erratic breathing and sealed your eyes shut to make the light-headed sensation in your skull fade.
The forest surrounding you was completely silent, almost like it was mocking you for being so hysterical. If there was an audible sound, the ringing in your ears drowned it out. You waited there for what seemed like an eternity of tense tranquility. You were currently having thoughts about this mysterious person. You didn’t get a good look at him since you were too focused on avoiding him seeing you at all costs. Again, you didn’t know his motivation for stalking you at first. You just saw him lurking around your neighborhood at the time, and you thought it was just some impolite teen wearing a freaky mask to frighten the local children, but you quickly noticed he only appeared around you like it was a routine for him, but you made one fatal mistake: you were beginning to feel uncomfortable with this person.
You were already arming yourself with a stainless steel kitchen knife as you roared your threat, gripping the sleek wooden handle and trying to maintain eye contact with the man. Despite your anxiety, you managed to mentally note his appearance: he was dressed in tattered jeans and a light tan jacket, both with pockets.
For a few seconds, the man stood motionless, his eyes gleaming through his mask, staring at daggers piercing your soul. coffee brown hair shifted as a breeze hit his face before he calmly turned in the other direction and walked off out of your sight. In response to this, you breathed a sigh of relief, but that relief was short-lived when you heard a noise coming from your door. The unnerving sound was the jingling and rattle off your doorknob. held the kitchen knife to your beating chest and prepared yourself while trembling as you realized he was trying to lockpick the door to get inside stood there too afraid to take initiative
Suddenly, the rustling of the lock ceased, and he gave your timber door a powerful push, allowing the door to swing open. Much to your dismay, you recognized that in his hand was a crimson flathead screwdriver, and you could easily recognize the scarlet liquid on his ripped jeans as well as the rod of the screwdriver.
You already regretted saying anything in the first place, now that you were in this situation, and in an instant, he began rushing towards you, the stained screwdriver still gripped in his pale hand, while you tightened your eyes in terror and stood too stunned to flee from this maniac until you felt his rough hand on your neck while the screwdriver hovered over your sensitive flesh.
His frigid paper mache mask was burrowing in the crook of your neck while his leg was bent in between yours, effectively pinning you to the aged wall. Then you felt the vibration of him speaking in a low musky voice,
"I miss you so fucking much..." His rough voice causes you to tremble."You clearly don't understand how I yearn for your affection." His dark chuckle echoed off the walls as he made his final statement.
His voice sounded familiar but you couldn't recall who he was. The panic flowing through your veins wouldn't let you process your next logical words as fight or flight kicked in"...Ge-
Get off please I'll do anything I'll give you all my money just leave me alone!" You started to squirm in his grip in a fruitless attempt while he resumed pinning you to the wall.
"I don't want your money, I want you back [Name.]" He emphasized the last word as he deeply breathed down the crook of your neck. He seemed to be disappointed in your plea by the tone of his voice.
But your panic increased when you felt him start to caress the side of your chest with the side of his hand and slowly started to creep up to your breasts. He started to chuckle as he did, making sure the screwdriver he had was still in his view.
"What the fuck are you doing... stop!" You shouted and wanted nothing more than to flee at that moment, so after a deep breath, you clenched your clammy hands around his arm that held your neck in place. You reeled back one fist and punched him square in the face as he took a step back from the impact.
You took your chance and continued your flurry of punches before turning sharply towards your backyard door and twisting the knob as it flew open from your force and continuing your mad dash away from that maniac as he followed dangerously close behind you, calling for you to "name, COME BACK NOW!"
The man exclaimed while you kept running your surroundings making it difficult to keep a good distance
That's when you had the bright idea to sling one of the thick tree branches back at him while running, which worked in practice with the satisfying sound of the whip of the tree limb and the loud pained groan mixed with the man's voice as it hit him in the face.
You didn't hear him running behind you anymore, so you just kept running until you couldn't anymore from exhaustion, which left you trembling behind some bushes like a scared prey with your eyes still glued shut.
You decide to open your eyes, only to be met with the gaze of a man.His face was now unmasked before he pinned you to the ground, roughly scanning your body; at this point, you were too exhausted from running to fight back, which he took advantage of by using his entire muscular body as a weight on yours, and as your tired eyes observed his face, you realized it was none other than your ex, Tim Wright.
voice sounded a lot different than what you remember, gravelly and deep, like he was hooked on cigarettes and his voice showed that and his body looked like it had a lot more muscles compared to when you remember dating him, but your thoughts were interrupted by him.
"You must've tired yourself out after running for so long. I'm really glad you left a trail of footprints in leaves and broken twigs, sweetheart." Tim cooed in your ear while stroking your thighs. You said nothing in response, your eyes wide in shock. He chuckled at your expression and continued
"I'm sorry for scaring you. It is the last thing I want, but I really need you back in my life". Tim mumbled his eyes looking adoringly at you which you found oddly comforting much to your dismay
As he continued, you still didn't have the ability to speak. "I've been so stressed lately, and I haven't been able to get you off my mind."
"You know, the thought of you has been my only solace."He leaned down and readjusted a few strands of hair out of your face, allowing you to see slightly better.
"Why-who did you stab with the screwdriver, Tim?" You implored him as his face contorted in discomfort and turned his head to avoid your gaze.
"Your neighbor, and before you ask why, it's because he was a dickhead to you with cruel names and harassment." His face morphed into hatred as he gazed at the ground below.
You instantly knew who he was talking about: your neighbor. Greg was one of those people who was despised in the community for his failure to be a decent human being; you remembered when he killed the local's dog by feeding it antifreeze and when he got into a fight with the host of a barbecue party you attended near your house; additionally, whenever he saw you, he would sexually harass you and mock you for rejection.
Internally, even though he wasn't a good person in your eyes, you knew he didn't deserve to die and you decided against voicing that.
"I'm sorry, I know you don't like it, but I had no choice!"His hands were firmly placed on the sides of your chest as he gave you a hysterical look, catching your terrified expression.
"You have to understand that I killed him for you!" He continued his insane rambling as he gripped harshly at your arms "I'll make it up to you, I'll make you love me again!"
You parted your lips to speak before Tim clamped a pale hand over your mouth. "You don't get a say in this, darling. You are going to be mine, whether you like it or not."
With one hand silencing your cries for help, he took the other and started to gently caress your cheek with your clothes still covering you, while whispering incoherently under his breath.
You will eventually learn to love him, he will make sure of it. You will understand why he did this in time, he will make sure of it.
Spot x Sick Reader

(Felt like making something fluffy so eat up ❤️)
Spot was admittedly appreciative when you welcomed him into your home. You knew him before the collider incident, and although it took you a while to get used to his new form you still treated him as an equal. Something he didn't realize he craved.
You never realized Spot had feelings for you, but he did. Never wanting to admit it, he doubted himself extremely. Maybe if he just took things slowly while balancing his schemes he'd have a chance to get closer to you at least.
So when you got sick with a virus he took his chance, making sure work never bothered you. He didn't mind taking care of you. In fact, he enjoyed that you were dependent on him.
He'd make sure you wouldn't have to lift a finger, after all you've done for him the least he could do was make sure you're as relaxed as possible.
There were some attempts at cooking, he wanted to make you something to help heal your poor body. He spent a surprising amount of time making broth soup for you, making sure he didn't mess anything up due to his nerves.
He spoon-fed the first bite to you after coming into your bedroom, you hummed and thanked him. You seemed to enjoy it; a faint stretch at the corners of your lips. It took his mind off being a villain and all he could think about was your warm summer smile.
He watched you slowly drink the rest of it as you two talked. He could tell you missed talking to people, something which he had gotten used to over time.
In an effort to cheer you up, he'd try to use his portals to grab you a little gift. He'd look into the swirling void like a magician looking into his hat. Then he'd reach in and pull out a scented candle. Setting it on your bedside as you giggled in amusement.
It wasn't the first time he had stolen something to make you happy, at first you protested but he made it clear he wasn't going to stop. You quit complaining and let him get a kick out of his unique techniques of thievery.
He'd put a hand nervously on your forehead after that, saying he needed your temperature to check. Although he also just wanted to feel the warmth that he craved.
After that, he took the dishes from your room and lit the candle. Letting the scent comfort you in his absence. He'd come right back with a warm wet washcloth.
He'd linger after putting it over your head, his posture seemed nervous before he stammered "C-can I pet your hair?"
You looked at him and nodded, closing your eyes. His long slender fingers combed through the surface of your hair. It felt oddly relaxing the way he slowly petted you; you slowly lifted your head to rub his hand like an animal craving affection.
You couldn't read his face but internally he was blushing and flustered, he never got to have a moment like this before with anybody. The rims of his portals were now slightly rosy and he quickly excused himself before his pale skin turned red from his flustered state.
He was going to take good care of you, he just… Had to get used to how indulgent you were with him. Maybe you two were truly meant to be from the start.
Sorry for the delay, but I think Habit would make a pretty wacky yandere, possibly a manipulative and sadistic yandere.
Just to be clear, I do not condone yandere behavior, and the stories I write should not be interpreted as romance novels.I think of my writing as dreadful nightmare stories about fictional characters becoming so lovesick to the point where it's incredibly fucked up.
Characters: Habit, Vinny, and lastly, Michael
TW: Drugging, mentions of self harm and injuries regarding knives
You met Michael in a New Jersey mental ward when you decided to visit a mentally ill relative as some much needed company for them and it just so happened that you decided to sit at Michael's table at lunchtime when he was sitting all alone. At first, you thought it was a bad sign, but seeing him so calm yet miserable by looks alone made your heart sink so you gave him a sympathetic look.
When Michael looked at you, surprised by your actions, when you decided to make small talk about various subjects with him, which was a pleasant experience for Michael to finally have a casual conversation with someone who wasn't a doctor or nurse, when unexpectedly you slid him a small ripped paper with your Number engraved with a black pen, which he kept in his possession afterward when he was let out,
He decided to contact you, and as time passed and he began texting you more frequently, the two of you began to get closer, much to Michael's delight, but things were getting tense when Michael struck a deal with Patrick to manipulate you into moving in with him in exchange for him avoiding harming himself on propose, which worked out well, especially when you admitted you had romantic feelings for him.
But Evan also befriended you through Michael, and you hit it off almost immediately, having sleepovers at Evan's house while you brought Michael, which made for some of the most memorable times in your life; not a weekend was spent apart from each other, but over time you began to notice Evan staring at you with delusional eyes that were unlike his occasional glance in your direction that you didn't mingle with.
He looked at you not as a friend, but as a desired object; it was becoming uncomfortable, and after some thought, reflection, and fighting over yourself, thinking it was a petty thing to do, but when the staring got you to your wits end, you decided to confess to Michael for comfort about the uneasy staring, you saw his face contort into a grimace, and now he, too, was acting unlike himself.
"If you catch him staring at you again you tell him to stop and if he doesn't...promise me you'll come and tell me." Michael stated, his tone sounding odd and his face now stern as his hands clasped on your shoulders.
"I promise," you replied, trying to explain why Michael was so serious about something as insignificant as being bothered by Evans' gaze, but chalking it up to him being overprotective.
After that, you started to notice that Micheal was hovering around you more often when Evan was present and Evans' staring ceased when he was around, but even then, you felt a burning sensation in the back of your head when you believed you were alone, but you just dismissed it as paranoia
That's where Vinny came in after you told Michael about your paranoia; you met through a group chat after you met Evan, and what set him apart from Michael was that he listened to your uneasy ranting without being overbearing, and Michael trusted Vinny. However, your lover began to act differently around Evan, and you decided to give them space and leave them alone for a while.
And at that time, Vinny contacted you to see if you were okay, and you confirmed your well-being to him, and your text quickly snowballed into a friendship. You two were constantly texting each other for comfort, but on one cold winter day, he asked to meet up with you at your house at the same time Michael was visiting the local grocery store, so you thought why not and accepted his request.
You noticed how stiff and uneasy he seemed upon his arrival, but you just shrugged it off as him being nervous at your house for the first time. After some awkward silence and getting comfortable, you made some friendly conversation when he parted his lips to make a request "Sooooooo would you like anything to drink, maybe some water, soda, or tea?"
"Oh yeah, sure thing man, I would love some water right now. it's in the bottom of the fridge in the cabinet along with the other drinks feel free to help yourself," Vinny said in a soft, trusting tone, his legs crossed adoring a crimson and black flannel along with baby blue aged jeans adjacent to you at the time you were parched from lack of water.
You said, smiling warmly at the man. His raven hair seemed messy as he stood up and strolled into your kitchen.
You were focused on the TV as he came back and handed you a water bottle. His hands were still clammy for reasons unknown to you, as you sipped from the foggy icy-cold plastic bottle, you failed to notice that your vision was slipping over a long span of time.
The last words you heard before slipping completely are "I'm so sorry... habit made me do it. Please forgive me!"
You awoke on the frigid floor of what appeared to be a shed, thin rays of moonlight beamed from the window. Realizing you were in danger, you thrashed as much as you could, but the bindings on your legs and arms wouldn't loosen. They appeared to be zip ties, which caused your thrashing to cut into your skin, leaving uncomfortable marks in their place.
It was then you heard a deep rough voice aimed in your direction,
"Are you awake yet" His question was straight to the point and you instantly recognized it as Evan, but for some reason, his voice sounded way different than his normal voice?.
"E-Evan what's going on?" You inquired, and thoughts raced through your mind about how Michael must be worried to death because he couldn't find you or Vinny, and you haven't responded to any texts from him, which he was bound to do if he couldn't find you.
"Hate to break it to you but Evans is not here anymore. I'm Habit and you're here because Michael doesn't deserve to have you and trust me that idiot does not know what's best for you like I do." He stated, sounding amused by your question. Then he paused as if determining what to say next "you see the problem with him is that he doesn't bother to protect you." He chuckled ominously
"Protect me fro-" just then he cut you off rather impolitely "from anybody you don't understand how fragile you are and I don't know what it is about you but I want to keep you for myself and away from HIM." He paused again you noticed that he was getting visibly excited
"I tried to convince Michael to let me take you for myself, but he wouldn't budge and that son of a bitch Patrick refused my request too." He said his tone seeping venom
"but don't worry you don't have to worry about him, coming for you he's too much of a coward if you didn't already know." You flinched when he said that last part and felt rage flow through your veins
"Untie me RIGHT FUCKING NOW YOU PSYCHO!" You exclaimed you wanted nothing more than to be back at home spending time with your boyfriend but he glared at you before speaking
"Looks like Michael didn't teach you manners looks like it's up to me now to teach you some respect, and I'll teach you how to cherish me as much as I do you while I'm at it" He was giving that God awful stare of dark obsession again as he emphasized on that last part
You didn't say anything. You were too shocked and didn't know how to react to his words, but you didn't even have time to react when you heard footsteps coming your way as you felt the cold of a metal knife gently slice at your flesh
Gentle slices turned into harsh strikes up and down your body as you screamed in pain, and Habit took pleasure in each one. You just hoped to God Michael or the cops would come to your rescue so you could see the light of day again.
But you knew deep down that was unlikely.
pspsps....firebrand yandera
Mmmm yes lonely fire God goes mental just
to have you in his arms again I love it
TW: Cussing, murder, kidnapping and also yandere stuff and LOTS of grammar errors
P.S this is probably the last fanfic I'll do that includes Noah Maxwell
Also, I got a head cannon that Firebrand can have inky tentacles out his back at will
"Hey, hothead wanna hear something fucking infuriating," HABIT questioned the man towering in front of him which already seemed infuriated from the man's presence.
"Piss off and go bother someone else for the love of God." the shadow-man spat back glaring daggers at the shorter man, which just made HABIT cackle in amusement to him
"It's about your weird-ass obsession with your long-lost best friend," HABIT informed him in a ridiculing tone to capture his attention which was a success by the way Firebrand perked up at this.
A long time ago before Noah became a God he recalled kidnapping you in a snowy winter from your house before that Noah was planning to ask you to come over for dinner Which you gladly accepted following that he came over and you made pleasant conversation with him
discussing childhood memories on the sofa about how you, him, and Milo being the best of buddies but when you brought up how you were sad for drifting away from Milo he seemed miserable when you asked him what's wrong he admitted that Milo overdosed
To say you were horrified was an understatement you apologized for bringing up such a traumatic event to Noah which he excused and changed the subject
But your conversation was interrupted by the beeping of the oven signaling the dinner was ready and so you got up and started preparing the dinner which gave Noah the perfect time slot to slip a drug into the beverage you set on the table
You clutched your glass and told him dinner was ready so you both seated yourselves and continued your conversation whilst eating some steak, and potatoes but suddenly you were more and more drowsy as the conversation progressed
With your head hanging low in exhaustion until finally with a small thud your upper body hit the dining surface giving a sign to Noah that it's time to flee the area and go home
He cheerfully settled you in his bed in the house surrounded by the snowy woods he selected winter to abduct you since you wouldn't bother escaping the logic being
You would surely freeze to death if you even attempted, giving you enough time to start your Stockholm syndrome for him, and also a chance to enjoy the winter holiday with each other.
But alas 3 weeks into late January long since the snow settled you managed to find a paperclip that was disguised burrowed in the carpet floor and successfully utilized it to pick the lock Noah put on your window and my God once you were running you never stopped out of fear until you knew your safe
Much to Noah's dismay, but despite that he swore to one day find you, and this time he'll be sure you won't have a chance to leave but once he hunted out for you, the collective found him once again making him their victim to torment...which leads him to now
"This better be good." Firebrand was trying to hide his interest in what HABIT was about to say hoping you weren't dead by his hands but the shorter man just gave him a sly smirk and composed himself
"Wellllllll...I remember how you said you knew where she used to live." HABIT said with great confidence
"I threatened the landlord to kill him and his entire family if he didn't give me her moving notice and if he told [Name.] So he gave me the new address." He sounded so pleased with himself the fucker might've just proven to be useful
"But that's not all, once I found her neighborhood I googled it and found the neighborhood's social media, in which pictures of her were posted…but not just her." He emphasized the word not. while explaining his efforts to him still with that sick smile
"She had a wedding ring in her posts and mentions some guy's name...what was it again." He was teasing him at this point stroking his chin while doing it
"Spit his name the fuck out." Firebrand demanded already weaving a plan in his mind on what he was going to do when he kidnapped you.
"It's Connor I'll cut you a deal, you let me kill him with free creative means while you kidnap [Name.] Deal?" Not even taking a moment to consider the man already made up his mind
"It's a deal." Firebrand approved now his objective has been set and he was trying to hold back his excitement to see you again.
The day following after that
"Hey, Connor I'm out to do errands sweetheart I'll be back later tonight." You proclaimed to Connor who was relaxing on the couch watching T.V
"Okay got it," Connor replied to focused on the T.V to pay attention to your words little did he know of the two men that broke in and are lurking in the living room closet
As soon as they were sure you drove off they both stepped out of the space and HABIT set foot in Connors direction with purple duct tape in hand while Firebrand waited patiently for him
As soon as HABIT was behind him he snaked his hand over Connors's hands pinning him while grabbed his tape with the other hand as Connor wiggled to get free HABIT was wrapping both his arms in tape
Firebrand finally stepped out while walking towards the scene in front of him flashing a malicious grin on his face he needed to know why his life would be coming to a bitter painful end
"Look asshole this is for the best, I'm only doing this because she's mine and mine alone." Completely ignoring Connors's fearful look "All I want is her. All I ever wanted was her and I can't lose her to your dumbass. So here we are." Firebrand continues a cold look plastered on his face
"I told him he could kill you any way he wants while I take [Name.] Back home where she belongs." Firebrand was visibly eager despite his cold look he just couldn't wait to see you
HABIT smirked at Firebrands words and carried the screaming restrained man to the basement to proceed with his work while Firebrand watched him descend the basement stairs
When he was out of his sight he started to prepare his confrontation with you, readying a tea kettle on the stove and heating it till it made that easily recognized whistle
While the echo of Connors screams was slowly drowned out by both the kettle and his painfully slow demise coming to an end as HABIT was most likely cleaning up the body now as Firebrand waited in the corner of the kitchen next to the door frame
As you finally walked in carrying the days work on your shoulders the house was oddly silent besides the whistle of a kettle Connor must've made tea for you and him while you were gone
You shouted his name in hopes of some kind of response back only to be met with the same hissing...maybe he didn't hear you but when you got closer to the kitchen the sizzle came to a sudden halt
You waltzed into the kitchen only to be tackled by a bizarre-looking individual who had pinned your arms down on the floor and was straddled on top of your body you immediately started struggling to break free but upon your closer inspection of the man
He seemed to be completely jet black with inky tendrils coming out of his back to add to that his expression with pinpoint eyes and a demented smirk that seems to be getting wider by the second and a gold chain adorning his neck, he seemed oddly familiar
"Who are you? What are you? stay away from me!" You shouted squirming in his grip you were trying to kick him off but he was easily overpowering you without breaking a sweat despite your best efforts
"You really don't fucking remember me?" He seemed pained by your words his smile now turning into a light frown while his eyes bore into yours
Regardless of your trembling, you examined his figure, and then you instantly recognized him "N-Noah?"
His face lit up at the sound of his name being said. so you do remember him! "Of course you remember! how could I have ever doubted you." He muttered enthusiastically "But the name's Firebrand now." He added
"Please...I don't want anything to do with you, not after the things you did to me." You told him trying not to waver your voice
His face immediately transformed from enthusiasm to an upset expression as the words processed in his mind as the room became dreadful and uneasy. It was already getting hard for you to breathe especially when you were trying not to have a mental breakdown in front of him then he begins to chuckle which grabs your attention
"Your pleads are so cute like anything could get you out of this." He confesses casually as he continued "I didn't think you would say that so quickly." The brunet was starting to laugh maniacally now which disturbed you further
"You're probably still shocked and scared but luckily for you, I have just the thing for that." He whispered the last part to himself while smiling whilst you on the other hand had your heart was beating faster than ever before
He arranged both your arms together over your head and wrapped his humid sticky tendril around your wrist while he pulled a syringe with a unique liquid from his pocket and put a hand over your mouth to smother your commotions
He searched for the best place to insert it feeling around your neck with his warm rough fingers and in a matter of seconds you felt the prick of your skin and your world succumbed to darkness
You woke up in an unfamiliar room tied up with duct tape your mind was foggy and you couldn't think straight you tried to move but to no avail just then you saw a figure move in the corner of your eye which only made your movements more frantic
The figure shifted to be closer to the bed you were in until he was at the foot of the bed you felt a smooth tentacle wrap around your neck
"Hey, sweetheart did you miss me cause I really missed you." He couldn't believe you were all his again but my God was glad about it but one thing is for certain
This time he was going to be sure you would accept his demented affection