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Ybba1234 - Ybba1234 - Tumblr Blog
This. Especially when I’m constantly reminding myself that I don’t hate feminine clothing or styles because of its femininity. I just don’t want to be perceived as a girl. Perceived as a flaming fruitcake man? Yes, that’s the goal.
Trans allyship leaving y’all’s body the moment a trans man has a unique relationship with masculinity/manhood and doesn’t want to look like a cis man
you don't need to know everything / memorize everything about your special interest(s) to be a special interest
talking about gender can be a love language actually
I always hate it when people are all “so do you go to school, or are you working, or” and I either have to
make up some lie, or
eventually get around to “I am not working because of depression/anxiety,” and subsequently have to deal with whatever bullshit-riddled and completely unsolicited opinions on mental illness this stranger feels obligated to share with me.
So my therapist was like, “You don’t have to do either. You can just say you haven’t worked in a while because you’re recovering from an illness.”
I tried it when the home inspector was here today, and it fucking worked. He was like, “oh, I’m sorry, are you doing better now,” and I’m like yeah, and don’t worry, it’s not contagious, awkward laugh, and we moved on.
MY THERAPIST. IS A GENIUS. Because it is an illness, so it’s not a lie to say that, and it’s also none of his business to know specifically what it is, and I clearly don’t want to give more details, so we should move on from this topic. MY THERAPIST IS A GODDAMN GENIUS.
Happiness Will Come To You.