245 posts
Slytherin Harry.
Slytherin Harry.
I want Slytherin Harry being dormates with Draco. I want Slytherin Harry to argue with Draco playfully every single day. I want Slytherin Harry to still be friends with Ron and Hermione and stand up for muggle borns. I want Slytherin Harry to sass the fuck out of Snape wIth the help of Draco. i want Slytherin Harry to rise Slytherin out of its stereotypes because of how freaking nice he is to everybody. I want Slytherin Harry to encourage his fellow housemates to not be dicks, so that all of them can be seen in a different light. I want Slytherin Harry to comfort Draco whenever the poor boy needed it, because let’s be honest, they’re both broken. I want Slytherin Harry to look really intimidating at first then end up tripping on his own feet which pretty much tells everybody how much of a dork he is. I want Slytherin Harry’s amazing sass to unleash in the common room every night. I want Slytherin Harry becoming best friends with Draco in their first year, because once you get through all those mean comments, Harry saw a boy just like him. I want Slytherin Harry being looked at respectfully by his fellow housemates when his name came out of the Goblet of Fire because it fit so perfectly with Slytherin. Harry “cunningly” put his name in, he “ambitiously” thought of it, and he did it so “mischievously”. I want Slytherin Harry to convince at least his dormates that he didn’t put his name in, and I want them to roll their eyes and go “We believe you, Potter, but good luck. You were far too stupid to even figure out how to put your bloody name in there, anyway.” I want Slytherin Harry to laugh at all those “POTTER STINKS” badges because it’s such an inside joke to the Slytherins, and that Blaise started it as a joke in History of Magic. I want Slytherin Harry to hide behind the older Slytherins when people would taunt him for being “The Heir Of Slytherin” because they believe him and as we all know, “You’re far too stupid to even get to class without tripping, Potter, how the fuck would you be an heir to our almighty ancestor Salazar?”I want Slytherin Harry to come barreling into the common room right after his talk with Dumbledore and start sobbing. I want some of the Slytherins to start comfroting him and bringing him chocolate. I want Slytherin Harry to amazingly stop the prejudice. I want Slytherin Harry to jokingly blow a kiss to Malfoy when he wins the quidditch cup. LOOK I WANT MALFOY TO ROLL HIS EYES AND SARCASTICALLY WINK BACK WITH HIS SIGNATURE SMIRK ON HIS BEAUTIFUL FACE. I WANT THE SLYTHERINS TO RISE A REBELLION AGAINST UMBRIDGE ONCE THEY SAW THE WRITINGS ON HARRY’S HAND. I WANT THEM TO BRING HELL. I WANT THE SLYTHERINS TO BE SUCH AN AWESOME HOUSE WITH HARRY BY THEIR SIDE. I WANT SLYTHERIN HARRY TO STRUT INTO THE COMMON ROOM WHEN ANNOUNCED QUIDDITCH CAPTAIN. I WANT SLYTHERIN HARRY TO SNEAK INTO THE KITCHEN WITH DRACO FOR A MIDNIGHT SNACK. I WANT SLYTHERIN HARRY TO LEAD DRACO BACK INTO THE GOOD SIDE. I WANT SLYTHERIN HARRY TO HISS AT DRACO WHENEVER HE COMES IN WITH “Malfoy.” I WANT A TON OF SLYTHERINS TO STAY BEHIND FOR THE BATTLE AT HOGWARTS BECAUSE HARRY THOUGHT THEM WHAT GOOD MEANT AND THEY WERE WILLING TO FIGHT FOR IT EVEN WHEN THEY COULD BE FIGHTING RELATIVES. I WANT SLYTHERIN HARRY TO JUST FUCKING SAVAGE YOU KNOW.
Slytherin Harry.
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More Posts from Yu-winchester

Santa is on strike due to global warming. All presents this year will be delivered by Sasha the Christmas Tiger. Milk and cookies may not be sufficient.
the first time {harry potter}
a/n; This imagine is a little different, but I really liked writing it. I hope you enjoyed it too! I’m so happy I’m getting this one out a day after the last one!
“Important encounters are planned by the souls
long before the bodies see each other.”
~Paul Coelho

The first time Harry saw her, she was rolling her eyes. Stood outside his carriage, with her bright h/c hair that was curled slightly at the ends, she appeared to be smirking at a girl with big bushy hair and a chubby boy. He watched her a bit more as she threw her head back and laughed at something the girl next to her had said. The h/c haired girl waved to her friend and linked arms with the boy while skipping away. Harry wondered if she was always that happy.
The first time she laid eyes on him, he was muttering something under his breath. Sitting on the stool facing all of Hogwarts, his famous name echoed through the hall. Y/N met eye contact with Draco when the name was announced, his Father and her Mother had warned her about him. The boy who lived and killed Lord Voldemort. Y/n looked away from Draco and hoped with all her might that she was in a completely different house than he was. She got lucky that time.
The first time they met eye contact was when Seamus Finnigan had blown up his feather in Charms. Y/N’s eyes twitched and she glanced over at the ash-covered boy with disgust. She felt eyes on her figure and looked at his partner. It was the famous boy, who got special treatment from all the teachers, except for Snape. Y/N felt herself smirk at the thought and kept up the eye-contact. Only did she turn away when Draco tapped her shoulder and asked her ‘What do you think Father will get me for Christmas?’
The first time they scowled at each other was when Draco’s mouth had gotten out of hand. He had said something to Potter and she knew she had to step in before word spread around the castle and drifted off to his Father. Y/N glared at the green-eyed boy in front of her, if she disliked him before then this would be nothing compared to now. Y/n’s eyes looked to her left to see the red-haired boy who had insulted her favorite bushy-haired friend, Hermione Granger. Y/N’s nose crinkled up in disgust and he asked her if she had a problem with Weasley. She said 'I do, as a matter a fact. If you hurt Hermione one more time I’ll nail you in the nose.’ Y/N glared at the redhead then at Harry. She scowled at him before grabbing Draco’s hand and stalking off, leaving Harry to growl at her back.
The first time they smiled at each other, they had just saved the four of them from an escaped troll. Y/N had gone off after Hermione to help conceal her from those 'pig-headed idiots’ when a troll walked into their lavatory. Y/N screamed louder than she’s ever done in her life and helped Hermione up into a random stall. She knew about no magic but stood firmly in front of her friend and prayed to Merlin for some miracle to happen. That was when her Golden Boy miracle came in. He jumped onto the troll and stuffed his wand up his nose. As the troll started to fall, Y/N started to giggle and looked to her left to see Harry smiling back at her. Who knew four first years could fight off a troll that was as deadly as Horned Dragon?
The first time they had a conversation was when the rumor of Harry being the opener of the Chamber of Secrets went around the school and landed in Y/N’s ears. The Slytherin marched over to Harry and grabbed him by the arm, “Have you been really opening the Chamber of Secrets and setting them against muggle-borns?” Harry looked shocked at her abruptness but shook his head. Y/n studied him once more before nodding and stalking away with her head held high, glaring at anyone who shot her a weird look.
The first time they laughed together, Draco was dragging Y/N into this club about how to defend yourself. Y/N didn’t quite see the point of the club, she already knew how to defend herself the muggle way and could send a wicked stinging hex that would last for hours as the second year. Y/N sighed when she saw where Draco’s eyes were at Harry Potter and his troublesome goony. Y/N often wondered why Hermione hung out with the two of them, but then she would remind her why she was hanging out with Draco. That shut her up a lot of the time. 'Are we really here to spy on your crush like a first year?’ Draco looked at her weirdly, 'I don’t get crushes, L/N. Girls crush after me.“ Y/n snorted at that comment, 'I forgot you were such a ladies man. Now tell me why you won’t admit you are in love with Potter?’ 'Ya, Malfoy. Tell us why you are in love with me?’ Y/N turned around to see Harry smirking at her and Y/n fought the urge to giggle. Draco turned bright red and that’s when they both lost it. Their laughter caught the attraction of many others and smiled fondly at the two colleagues giggling together.
The first time they became acquaintances was when Hermione had gotten herself frozen. Y/n was walking as fast as she could to the Hospital Wing, she saw Harry and Ron also walking them and she shouted their names. Y/n was the one to find the note in Hermione’s hand, shockingly enough. As she looked into Harry’s eyes she knew she would have to put her past behind her to help keep her beloved Hogwarts open.
The first time hugged each other, Harry had just defeated Voldemort for the third time. Y/N felt relief as the image of Tom Riddle burned up, Ginny stirred next to her but all Y/N could look at was Harry. Her stomach was swirling as she stared at his arm, 'Harry no! You can’t die. We have to do something.’ Y/n looked weirdly at the bird, her mind was calling it over to the animal. 'Harry! It’s a phoenix! Its tears have healing powers!’ She called the bird over and looked over at a worried Ginny. Y/N quickly scooped the younger girl into her arms, her motherly instinct coming over. Harry’s face started to pale even after the tears of the magical animal, that’s when Y/N started to panic. She grabbed the hat and pressed the part of his arm just before his shoulder while praying to Merlin. 'Y/n, Y/N, I’m fine.’ A voice said Y/N opened her eyes that she didn’t even know she had closed. Her eyes raked over his form before sighing in relief and throwing herself at a very shocked Harry.
The first time they called each other friends was when Harry had just fainted from a Dementor. Y/N’s hand felt the ice on the window with bewilderment and shock. 'Do any of you know what’s going on?’ A loud scream left her mouth as she stared at the creature in horror. Y/N’s mind immediately went to her thoughts about her dead Father and her Mother who had almost killed her last Summer. She tried hard to think about her amazing friends and how Draco had saved her from her crazy Mother. Y/N felt the temperature heighten and she peeked her eyes open to see the man known as Remus J. Lupin had scared the creature away somehow. 'Why is Harry on the floor?’ Y/N’s eyes switched from analyzing the man in front of her to a very pale looking Harry. Y/N kneeled next to him and placed his head on her legs for a better pillow, 'Why is it that it’s always him who’s in danger?’ Ron laughed, 'Believe me I ask that all the time. I was thinking that maybe we got very coincidental these past few years. But now this happened and I’m starting to regret becoming friends with Hermione.’ 'What do I have to with any of this?’ 'Harry and I were fine before you came along.’ Y/N rolled her eyes at the bickering pair and turned to Harry who was staring at her. Y/N looked surprised to see him awake and quickly helped him up and onto the benches, "Are you alright?’ 'I’m um fine. Did you by chance hear a woman screaming?’ Y/N looked confused and raised her hand to his forehead as if to check for a fever, "No one heard a woman screaming Harry. Maybe you dreamed when you fainted?’ Harry nodded but looked concerned, 'Don’t worry about it, Harry. I don’t think he we have to enroll you in a mental hospital yet.’ Harry cracked a smile making Y/N feel a little bit of relief for her friend. She looked next to her to see the chocolate the man had given her before he left, "Here, Harry. This will make you feel better.’ 'Thanks, Y/N.’ 'Of course, what are friends for?’
The first time they fought with each other was when Draco and Y/N had started dating. Y/N fell onto the couch a huge smile on her face, 'What’s gotten you so happy?’ 'She went out on a date with Draco Malfoy.’ Y/N giggled, 'Ugh, he was so sweet and we went to Hogsmeade. Have you tried butterbeer? Salazar, I-’ 'You went out with the guy who called Hermione a… bad word for muggle-borns?’ Y/N looked at Harry to see him looking a bit disgruntled, 'I asked Hermione and she said it’s fine and I’ve talked him into not calling her a… that word.’ 'Oh wow, that’s really endearing.’ Y/N’s face scrunched up, 'What the hell is your problem Harry?’ 'My problem! You are going out with Malfoy!’ 'He’s been my best friend for years Harry and that never seemed to bother you!’ 'He’s just going to break your heart, Y/N!’ 'And how do you know that?’ 'Because he’s going to treat you like something special right now but once he finds out your not then he’s just going to dump you. I don’t want to be the one-’ Y/N smacked Harry on the face as hard as she could, 'Well, I’m glad I know your opinion of me, Harry.’ Y/N spat and wiped her cheeks from the tears.
The first time they comforted each other was when they had just found out that their parents had been sold out by Sirius Black. It had been a long month for everyone. Harry and Y/N spat out as many insults as they could whenever they saw each other. Their rivalry took the castle by storm, especially when Y/N beat Harry to the snitch during their last Quidditch game. Then, Draco had been sent to the hospital after getting injured by the Buckbeak. Y/N spent most of her time with the blonde haired boy, she talked to Hermione and Ron as much as she could but not enough in her opinion. Finally, Buckbeak was sentenced to death. Y/N had found out when Draco was bragging about how his Father was sentencing the 'bloody bird’ to death. The only thing Y/N was impressed about was how hard her left hook hit him and how much the breakup hurt. With the exhausting month coming to an end, Y/N was walking around Hogsmeade and doing a terrible job of ignoring Malfoy. 'Getaway, Malfoy! Nothing will change my decision.’ 'Not even if I tell my Father to cancel the extinction?’ Y/N never got her chance to reply as she was swallowed by the invisibility cloak. 'Harry?’ He did a silencing motion with his finger, she did what he said and followed him inside the Three Broomsticks. The second she got out of there, Harry dropped her off and headed somewhere. Y/N saw Ron and Hermione, she mentioned for them to follow her and look for Harry’s footsteps. Y/N was the first one to find him, she brought him into her embrace and held him as he balled into her shoulder murmuring about how he was going to kill his godfather.
The first time Y/N risked her life for Harry, they had been running from Remus Lupin. Y/N clamped Hermione’s mouth when she started to howl, 'You are going to get ourselves killed!’ 'I was saving the past us!’ 'And I’m saving the present us! Run!’ The trio ran as fast as they could form the werewolf. Y/N somehow got ahead of them and stopped for a bit to catch her breath. She was going to have to thank Flint for the extra training later. A loud growl startled her and she looked behind her to see Harry pushing Hermione behind him. Y/N quickly formed a plan in her head and howled behind a tree.
The first time Harry and Y/N held hands were when the Triwizard Tournament Competitors were announced. Harry’s name echoed through the hall, Y/N looked confused and met eye contact with the poor boy. Hermione pushed him up but Harry grabbed Y/N’s hands and dragged her with him to where the other three contestants were. Y/N didn’t even have to time to savor their laced hands before she stepped in front of Harry and stood up to a very angry Dumbledore and Minister.
The first time Harry asked Y/N out was when the Yule Ball was announced. Y/N was giggling with Hermione about how Ron had to dance with McGonagall when Harry crept up behind her asked for a word with her. She told Hermione she’d catch up with her in a second and followed Harry out of the crowd of people. Harry looked more nervous than usual and shoved his hands in his pockets, 'Do you want to go to the Yule Ball with me?’ A big smile made its way onto their faces when she said her answer.
The first time Y/N stayed the night, a day had passed from Cedric’s death and the end of the tournament. It was around midnight when Y/N snuck out of the girls’ dormitory. Y/N had borrowed his invisibility cloak to go see him. Surprisingly, Ron had understood when Y/N hadn’t wanted him to join her. 'Hey, Harry.’ Y/N whispered and ran a hand through his hair. 'Hey, Y/N. I don’t understand why Pomfrey didn’t let you stay in here also.’ Y/N laughed, 'I’m not the one who had an unforgivable curse set on them, Harry.’ 'You had a dream about me Y/N. You felt the same pain as I did.’ Y/N blushed, 'It’s rather weird isn’t it.’ Harry smiled and played with her fingers, 'I overheard Dumbledore and McGonagall talking about it. They said something about soulmates.’ Y/N rolled her eyes, 'Did you also hear how it could have been a complete coincidence.’ 'Be quiet and get in here… soulmate.’ Y/N laughed and cuddled into Harry, she traced his jawline where a cut was, 'Don’t do that again Harry. That scared me so much.’ Harry kissed the top of her head, 'I’ll try.’
The first time they kissed each other, Harry had initiated it, surprisingly. Harry had just gotten back from his trial and Y/N was waiting for him quite nervously. Her fingers drummed the edge of the counter as she listened to Sirius and Remus talk about how to break Harry out of Azkaban. 'HE GOT OFF! HE GOT OFF!’ The twins yelled and entered the kitchen, Y/N looked at them with disbelieving eyes before dashing over to Harry. 'Harry! Thank Salazar you go-’ Y/N swore she died and landed in Heaven because there was no way something here on Earth felt like this. There was just no way.
The first time Y/N stood up for Harry was when Umbridge had yelled at Harry saying he was a liar. Y/N’s heart was racing as she yelled at the woman before her. The toad had sent her to McGonagall’s’ only for the woman to congratulate her. She walked out of her office with a smirk on her face and no detentions, Y/N saw Harry and smiled. She quickly walked over to him and kissed him. Y/n could never get used to the feeling of his lips on hers. He broke it off too quickly, 'I can’t even handle how hot you look when you’re mad, L/N.’
The first time they fought with each other, Y/N had lied to Harry and brought him to the Hog’s Head for a date. Harry grinned down at Y/n, 'This is going to be nice to have some time alone. I love Hermione and Ron but-’ Y/N giggled at his awkwardness, 'I know what you mean Harry.’ 'That’s good because I really didn’t feel like explaining myself. Now, I’m paying for everything today so lead the way. I know you already had a plan.’ Y/N looked surprised, 'Who told you that?’ 'Hermione, was she wrong?’ Y/N laughed, 'Hermione’s never wrong Harry.’ Y/N felt guilty the whole walk to the Hogs’ Head as Harry peppered her with love and affection. She always knew Harry was dramatic but she never thought he would be this mad at her. The Slytherin was merely doing him a favor, pushing him to perform the first step of the DA. That’s why she didn’t understand why he ignored her and pushed her away when she kissed him on the cheek and told him how proud she was of him. The boy was about to walk out of the restaurant with Dean when she called out to him. If he was going to be mad then so was she. Personally, all Y/N wanted to do was hang out with her beloved but he was proving hard to do so. 'What?’ 'Don’t you 'what’ me, Potter. This is not my fault, if you hadn’t been so stubborn and just started it by yourself we wouldn’t be having this problem.’ 'Maybe you shouldn’t have lied to me, Y/N. I would’ve just came if you asked.’ 'Don’t talk out of your ass, Harry. Everyone knows how stubborn you are.’
The first gift Harry gave Y/N was the only thing he had left of his Mothers’. It was an emerald green necklace. The stone was the shape of pearl drop and matched Harry’s eyes, her favorite color. The chain was gold and dainty and fit around Y/n’s neck perfectly. The Slytherin had been ignoring Harry for a while now after he called her a liar, something she refused to be called. Harry had cornered her and stumbled out a speech Hermione had obviously helped him out with. However, the only reason why she forgave was that of how she touched she was about was the fact that Harry would give her something this precious and meaningful.
The first time they told each other they loved each other, Y/N was sitting with Harry against a wall of the school. Sirius had just died and Umbridge was finally gone and out of this godforsaken school. However, neither felt like they had won anything. Y/N’s hand was playing with Harry’s, his other arm was draped around her shoulder. 'I love you, Y/N.’ Y/N looked up from where she had buried her face into his chest, 'What?’ 'I love you.’ A smile made her way on her face as she kissed him tenderly, 'I love you too, Harry.’
The first time they broke up, they had been fighting about Draco. Y/N refused to believe that her ex-best friend was a death eater and Harry had gotten jealous. 'I can’t believe you are sick enough to believe that Harry! His Father was just thrown into Azkaban. Don’t you dare say that again.’ 'He’s a death eater Y/N! Hermione saw something on his arm!’ 'First of all, Hermione says she doesn’t know what she saw on his arm. Second, I know his Mother and trust me she would never let that happen. Third, this is Draco Malfoy we are talking about! He would never ever purposely hurt someone!’ Silence settled between them for a little bit, 'I don’t want you hanging around him anymore.’ 'And how do you have a say in who I hang out with Harry!’ 'I think I have a little leeway for the fact that I’m your boyfriend.’ A tear ran down Y/N’s face, 'Not anymore.’
The first time Harry felt his heartbreak, Y/N was holding hands with Roger Davies. {just pretend he’s in his seventh year} Y/N’s laughter rang down the hall as she whispered something into his ear. Roger was carrying her books with ease, as they talked into hushed tones to each other. Harry’s eyes were glued to the new couple as Ron and Hermione talked. 'Harry?’ Ron asked and looked at his best mate weirdly until he saw what he was looking at, 'oh.’ Harry risked a look over at Y/N again to see her making eye contact with Harry. She quickly looked away from Harry and kissed Rogers’ cheek. Harry felt lightheaded as his breaths got shorter and shorter. His eyes finally peeled themselves off the couple as he took a few seconds to regain his composure. Godric, he would do anything to get her back in his arms.
The first time Y/N felt her heartbreak, Harry had kissed Ginny Weasley. The Gryffindor shouts taunted her down the hall as she debated just going into the Slytherin Common Room and turning in for an early night. However, Hermione forced her to come along saying something about helping her get over Ron. Y/N’s boredom hit the second she walked into the Gryffindor Common Room. She sat down on the couch and twirled a bit of string that was coming out of the plush furniture. 'So when’s the next SPEW meeting…’ Y/N’s words died in her mouth as she watched Harry kiss Ginny Weasley. By the looks of it, she seemed to be enjoying herself also. Y/N gulped down the bile that fought its way up from her stomach, her face felt unusually hot. She closed her open lips and told herself the few things to keep herself centered when she saw about to break. This had been the one time she had to use the advice from other Purebloods.
The first time Y/n told Harry she hated him, Harry had just cursed Draco to the brink of death. Y/N heard yells and shouts in the boys’ bathroom and went to check it out. She was a Slytherin Perfect after all. She thought of the few things she needed to say to get the two rowdy boys to stop dueling. 'Hey! I know you all need to get your testosterone out, but-’ Y/N’s breath caught in her throat as she stared at a terrified Draco. His already pale self-was whiter than normal, however, that wasn’t the thing scaring her. No, it was the pool of blood that was rapidly growing. Y/N stopped her panicked thoughts and pushed Harry out of the way, 'Asciendo.’ Y/N whispered with shaking hands, the healing spell worked and she thanked her younger self for picking OWL Alchemy. Y/N repeated the spells a few times, then worked on calming Draco down, 'hey, hey, hey. You’re alright. okay? No, no, no, shh.’ Y/n whispered and ran the hand that wasn’t holding his through his hair, 'Shh, don’t worry.’ Y/N moved her hand down his face and did what her Mother used to when she was little, she stroked his face with her small hands and kissed each spot after she was done. 'Go to sleep, Draco.’ Draco’s eyes flickered as he finally went to sleep. Y/N but her lip and fought down the tears, 'He’s lost a lot of blood. I’m going to do the Patronus charm and call for Madame Pomfrey.’ Y/N whispered. After she finished, she made sure Draco was okay before rounding on Harry. 'What the hell?’ Y/n spat quietly, she was about to crumble in a second from the shock, 'Y/N, I don’t even know what happened, I-.’ Harry stopped as he saw the strongest Woman he’s ever known in his life broke down right in front of his eyes. 'You are so lucky I came in here. He would’ve died, Harry. Salazar, what the hell were you thinking.’ Y/N burst into sobs and Harry reached to pull her into a hug, but she recoiled away, "No! No, I don’t want you to ever touch me again! I hate you so so much! You almost killed my best friend and you break my heart every day. You are to never look at me, breath near me, let alone try and speak to me, understand?’
The first time Harry saved Y/N’s life was when Harry pushed her out of the way of a Death Eater’s Unforgivable Curse. The Castle was in a frenzy when Death Eaters entered the Castle. Y/N had heard rumors about Dumbledore being dead but she didn’t believe them. She couldn’t believe them, not when she knew Harry had been with him. Y/N sent a Stunning Spell at a Death Eater, who crumbled when he hit the wall behind him. Y/N felt herself hitting the floor and cursed under her breath, a body was on top of her but she was too scared to open her eyes. However, after waiting a few seconds she saw Harry on top of her making her breath catch in her throat.
The first time Harry saw her since the sixth year, Harry had been making conversation with Ron when he saw her eyes. She looked radiant as ever and Harry swore he felt his heart jump out of his chest the second he saw the figure. Harry’s eyes seemed to be attracted to her during Bill and Fleur’s wedding ceremony making him wonder how she hadn’t seen him yet. Harry knew he wasn’t being discreet about it, hell, every Weasley had noticed his infatuation with the L/N, even if they were broken up. 'The Ministry has fallen. They are-’ The Patronus hadn’t even finished before the Death Eaters came. 'Harry come on!’ Hermione shouted at him, but his attention was nowhere near his two friends, his eyes were searching for Y/N. Ron grabbed onto his shoulder and they all apparated away. Harry never stopped worrying if she was alright or not.
The first time Y/n saw Harry since the sixth year, she had been healing the first year from one of the Professor’s curses. Y/N smiled at the shaking first year and helped him up, 'You are very brave and all the way healed. You are free to go as long as you make a pact with me, mister. No more getting hurt.’ The first year smiled and blushed, 'I’ll try, Ms.L/N.’ Y/N rolled her eyes, 'I am a Slytherin Seventh Year not some scary medical attendant.’ A whisper of Y/N’s name brought her attention to the crowd’s parting. A shocked gasp left her lips as she saw Harry standing there with a longing in his eyes that scared her. Y/N abandoned the poor first year and walked towards him, that turned into a run when she was close enough. She fell into his arms, as he sank down to the floor as he held her. Harry’s face was buried into Y/N’s neck as Y/N took in Harry’s scent. Pure, unusual silence strayed through the room as they watched the couple finally crumble under each other’s embraces. Everyone started to slowly talk to each other as more and more people collected into the room. Y/N and Harry didn’t budge, not even when all the Weasley’s told them they need to hear the plan. Harry merely mumbled something about Hermione and Ron doing it.
The last time Harry thought about Y/N before he died, Harry was walking through the woods with his loved ones. Lily was talking to Harry about something but his mind was elsewhere. He knew if he was in a different situation he would be using this time to his advantage but he couldn’t help his mind wandering to Y/N. He had passed her on his way here, she was tending to the wounded. He knew she was going to become an amazing Healer. But the scene couldn’t help but trigger a few thoughts in his brain. If he ran away now, he might have just enough time to grab Y/n, Hermione, and Ron. They could run away together. Get married. Have kids and Grandchildren. Harry smiled fondly at the thought of little Y/N’s and Harry’s running around. 'What are you smiling at Potter?’ Harry was brought to the present, his feet had taken him in front of Voldemort. His eyes took in the scene with a sense of calmness. Harry thought about the kisses him and Y/N had shared, the way she would comb through his hair as she read a book to him, and the way the would hold each other. Harry’s mind strayed away towards his most recent memory with her. They were holding each other for what seemed about five minutes but was probably about 10 or 15. He had taken in her scent as much as he could, she smelled of a mix of vanilla and gardenias, something Harry had recognized in his list of Ammortia smells. A green light splashed towards Harry, enveloping him completely, his last thought burning in his bran, the image of Y/N laughing at something he had said a long time ago.
The first time Y/N heard about Harry’s death, she was running out of the Great Hall to see what all the commotion was. Y/N caught up to Neville and was about to ask him what was going on when she heard her answer, 'Harry Potter is dead.’ The floor seemed to shake under Y/n, she lost balance and almost fell on the floor. There was no way Harry was dead. No, not her Harry. A loud scream erupted from her lips as she finally fell to her knees. Her heart was pounding, her mind was swirling, and she felt like an elephant was sitting on her chest. 'Well, it seems someone is upset. Who are you?’ Y/N growled and looked up at the disgusting man she’s known her whole life, "Ahh, Ms.L/N. Quite lovely to run into you again, I’ve been seeing plenty-’ 'Shut up shut up, you disgusting freak.’ 'Excuse me?’ 'You heard me. Just because you killed Harry does not mean it’s over. You are no Lord yet, Voldemort. You don’t understand. There’s a reason why the evil never wins. You always seem to forget that hope and light and love lives in everyone. Yes, you may rule for a little while. But there will always be someone brave enough to stand up and stop you from your destruction. Unfortunately for you, you have about one hundred of them behind me, and if you think you are going to kill every single one of us then you’re wrong. We will win and the best I can do for you is wish rot in hell.’
The first time they kissed each other since their breakup, Harry had defeated Voldemort once and for all. The golden light passed through Y/N’s eyes as she tried desperately to decipher what happened. Harry stood there next to a very much dead Voldemort. Shock and silence took over the occupants in the Great Hall for a while before it was broken by a delighted Y/n L/n. The Slytherin squirmed through the crowd as she made her way towards Harry. Harry started to run towards her and finally kissed her. The couple sighed, relief and happiness overtook them. It was nowhere near their best kiss, it was sloppy and salty from tears. Harry broke the kiss and nuzzled his nose against hers, but Y/N had different ideas. She captured his mouth in hers again. Y/N wrapped her arms around Harry’s neck and ran her fingers through the soft locks. A smile played on both of their lips as they knew they could finally feel this heavenly feeling whenever they wanted.
rdj: can you guys at least try to see this from my perspective?
hemsworth: [ crouches down]
hiddleston: [kneels down]
evans: [sits on the floor]
rdj: i fucking hate all of you
I love it!
i can still see the sun [james potter]

second enstallment of i can feel the darkness coming
wanrings: Movie spoilers, language, death,
word count: 5730
italics= flashback
One hundred and twenty-two thousand, six hundred and forty hours.
Five thousand, one hundred and ten days.
Seven hundred and thirty weeks.
One hundred and sixty eight months.
Fourteen years.
Fourteen years since you had last seen James and Lily after their demise.
Fourteen years since you had last seen Sirius after he had been sent to Azkaban.
Fourteen years since you had last seen Hogwarts.
Now, you were stepping through the large, double doors, walking through the hallways with various memories washing over you. Turning your head from side to side, you reveled in the pure happiness of being back at the school. It had been so long since you had walked these pathways and marveled at the moving portraits. You were walking besides Remus, the both of you had acquired jobs at the school; both of you knowing that it would help you keep a closer eye on a certain chosen one. You also felt as though you owed yourself some kind of closure from James’ death, and what better place to find closure than the place you had last seen him?
You and Remus stepped through the threshold of your new classroom, scanning the empty room for an idea of how you wanted to set things up. Placing your bags down on a chair by the door, you turned back to look at your old friend Remus.
“Been awhile, eh?” You questioned.
Remus chuckled under his breath before smiling softly, “Yes, yes it has.”
You slowly turned in a circle to admire your surroundings as Remus watched. He admired the way that you smiled, knowing how long it had been since you had last let a smile grace your features. A sharp pang filtered through his heart at the thoughts, but Remus just pushed them aside and distracted himself with talking to you.
“Do you remember the time that you and Sirius changed Peter’s quill into a rat’s tail in the middle of class during our fourth year?” Remus questioned with a fond smile on his face.
By this point you had stopped spinning and instead turned to face Remus with a giggle escaping your lips, “Yes! That was bloody hilarious!”
You turned to face the corner of the room, and recalled another memory, “Or the time that we made you go sit in the one chair that was in the corner because we turned it into mud.”
Remus laughed and fell back against one of the other chairs in the room. His chest was rising and falling with every breath he took, joyous laughter escaping his lips, “I remember that! I was so mad because you and James pretended like you didn’t know how it happened!”
You let yourself fall into the chair besides Remus and giggled once again, “James and I were brilliant actors, if I may say so myself.”
“Brillant? You kept that bloody secret from me for two months!” Remus yelped. His eyebrows were raised in a hilarious expression of false betrayal, but his lips failed in keeping a smile off of his face.
His statement only caused you to laugh even harder, your ribs beginning to hurt with each intake of air.
Eventually, the two of you managed to calm your laughter and you both laid back to look up at the ceiling. The mood seemed much more lonesome and quiet after your fit of giggles. Intent on making the situation less sad, you spoke, “It feels weird, doesn’t it? Being here without James and Sirius- even Peter?”
Remus looked over at you with a sad smile gracing his lips, “Yeah, I guess it does. It’s definitely a lot quieter than it used to be.”
With a far away look in your eye, you turned your body to face the window across the room. You sighed when thoughts of your former best friends filled your mind. Letting out a sigh as a tear slowly dripped from the corner of your eye and onto your legs that were curled beneath you. The thought of James being killed without knowing that you forgave him, or the thought of leaving Sirius without talking to him haunted you. Knowing that you would never see either of them again after you had left them so abruptly was a horrid feeling.
It left you swamped with remorse and guilt.
Remus, sensing your thoughts, stood from his chair before moving swiftly to the foot of yours. He kneeled so that his head was level with your lowered one, before he grabbed your chin between two fingers and gently forced you to meet his eyes. His face held an unmeasurable amount of sympathy; the kind that you would only see on someone who had known you for a very long time.
Remus spoke to you gently, knowing that anything else would only cause the hole in your heart to be ripped open even wider.
“Hey,” he spoke, gently grasping one of your cheeks with his palm, “None of that- no crying. I know that you are upset about what happened, but this is not what they would have wanted. If James and Sirius were here they would tell you to that you should not be crying over them. They’d want you to be happy again, and Merlin knows that I have not seen you smile in so long. You have to know that they would not want you to be sad; those boys loved you more than anything in this world and if they were here right now, I know they would be telling you the exact same thing.”
By the end of Remus’ speech, the tears that had been previously soaking your face were now running down your cheeks like a ceaseless waterfall. The clear, salty drops littered your lap like rain did to the cement of the sidewalk before a storm. You were sniffing and huffing, both happy and sad about the words that had emitted from Remus’ mouth. Reaching forward, you clutched onto Remus as if he were your lifeline. The man clung to you just as tightly, both of you mourning your fallen and imprisoned friends one more time.
From the heavens, James Potter watched you hug James with a sad smile on his face. He watched as you cried over his demise with a heavy heart full of guilt and sadness. James regretted ever yelling at you that day in the bathroom. He regretted every word he had ever spoken to you that had hurt you. He regretted these things because the moment you left him, he realized how he truly felt. He was never in love with Lily, he was in love with you and he just refused to believe it. He refused to believe that he had fallen in love with one of his closest friends, so he covered it by believing that he was in love with another women. After you left him, he continued to stay with Lily, even if he was not love her as he loved you. When Harry was born, James knew his fate. He knew that he was to die, but his biggest regret was that he never told you that he loved you.
A few days after you were situated at Hogwarts, you were informed that Sirius Black had escaped Azkaban. Since you were in public and surrounded by other witches and wizards, you had to keep our excitement and relief to yourself.
You had known from the beginning that it was not Sirius who had revealed where James and Lily were hiding. No matter how mad Sirius was, he would have never ratted one of his best friends out to the Dark Lord. Because of this, you were led to believe that there was only one person that could have revealed that information to you-know-who: Peter Pettigrew.
Peter was the only other person besides Sirius and Remus to know where James and Lily were hiding, and there was absolutely no way that Moony or Padfoot would do such a thing. That left Wormtail.
Of course, you had always known something was a bit off with Peter; he was always secretive and nervous around the rest of the Marauders. After a certain point, you had stopped trusting him and planned to stay away because you were absolutely sure that something was up with him, and it was not something good.
Back in the present, you were standing besides Harry Potter as he explained the events that had occurred. You had met Harry on the train to Hogwarts, as you were staying in the same compartment as Remus when Harry and his friends walked in. When the train had mysteriously stopped and a Dementor made its way into the compartment, you’re Patronus had been the one to save Harry. Remus had later introduced himself and you as friends, not explaining who either of you really were to Harry. From then on, Harry had come to you and Remus for help on learning how to cast his own Patronus. It was a stag, just like his father. When you had seen the charm, you had left the room with tears in your eyes; leaving Harry to wonder what he had done wrong. Remus had gently told him that it was not Harry’s fault, he just reminded you of someone you had once known.
Being around Harry had served quite difficult in the beginning, seeing as he looked and acted so much like his father. Every time Harry was around you, you had to take a few deep breaths to prevent yourself from bursting into tears. You had eventually gotten over it, realizing that there was nothing you could do to bring James back, so you stopped imagining James when Harry was around. Instead you believed that James was somewhere above, watching as you helped take care of his son.
And James was watching from above, a permanent, radiant smile planted on his face as he observed how good you were with Harry. It made him wonder how life would have been if Harry had been your child instead of Lily’s.
While Harry explained what happened between Sirius escaping and the experience in the Shrieking Shack, he finally told you where Sirius was. Seconds after the words escaped Harry’s mouth, you were bolting away from the school. Taking off in the direction of the Whomping Willow, you scurried into the secret passage way and raced towards the Shrieking Shack. Harry had told you Sirius would not stay long because he was being hunted, so you pushed yourself to run faster.
When you reached the entrance to the shack, you pushed it open with strength you did not even know you had.
And standing in the middle of the room, was an old friend.
Sirius Black.
For a few moments, you had just stood at the entrance of the room, watching Sirius as he tried to contain a laugh.
“Well, hello Talon,” Sirius spoke, “Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to give an old friend a hug?”
Then you were running, launching yourself at Sirius and tackling him with a bone crushing hug. Sirius chuckled and squeezed you back just as hard. Both of you were crying tears of joy, happy that three of the five Marauders were still alive. Sirius had his face buried in your neck and you had your fingers buried in his long hair that had grown out while in prison. You felt a few tears dribble down your collarbone because of Sirius, but you did not care because Sirius’ shirt probably had a few of its own tears to worry about.
When you pulled away, you smiled through your tears, “I missed you so much, Padfoot.”
Sirius smiled happily, “And I missed you too, Talon.” He then pulled you back into another hug and mumbled something about hexing you if you ever decided to leave him and the others again.
For the next few hours, you and Sirius were constantly near each other. Having spent almost fifteen years apart led to the two of you needing some time to catch up. Sirius told you about James making him Harry’s Godfather, and you told him about the adventures you and Remus had taken after being reunited.
Later in the evening, Harry and Remus had gone to the Shrieking Shack to find you, seeing as it had been many hours since they had seen you. When they arrived, they found you and Sirius propped up against the window, talking and laughing about the old days.
Turning your head, you motioned for Remus to join the two of you, and he did. Harry watched from the sides as three of the five Marauders were happy once again, a sight that he did not get to see very often.
After that day, you, Remus and Sirius joined the Order of the Phoenix. The three of you fled Hogwarts in fear of being found by the Dark Lord and took refuge in 12 Grimmauld Place, Sirius’ old home.
A few weeks later, Harry was transported there to speak with the Order. You and Sirius had welcomed him, both receiving joyous hugs by Harry Potter himself. You and Harry had formed quite a close bond over the few months you had known him; you had practically become his mother figure.
Now, Harry stood next to Sirius, admiring the pictures that Sirius had tacked up on his walls. They were old and wrinkle, but they obviously meant a lot to Sirius as they were the only photographs he had left of the original Marauders.
Harry was walking around and looking closely at each picture before he got to one that confused him. It was a photograph of what looked like his dad standing next to you. He was behind you, his arms wrapped around your waist, both of you sporting giant smiles. It was something he never expected to see from you, a smile. He did not see them on you very often. A smile on you was like seeing Hagrid’s dog Fang, not cowardly.
When Harry turned to question Sirius about the picture, a far away look appeared in his eyes; a clear sign that Sirius was remembering something from a long time ago.
It was Christmas time; your favorite time of the year.
You and the rest of the Marauders had decided to spend the holiday at Hogwarts as a present for Sirius. You all knew how much he hated his family, so you wanted to keep him company and he could have a happy holiday for once in his life.
On Christmas morning, you had all gathered to open presents. After opening a few of them, you discovered that one of your muggle family members had sent you an old polaroid camera. The boys obviously had no idea what it was, but you had explained it to them. They had immediately wanted to take pictures together so you all rushed to put on thicker clothing. After doing so, the five of you hurried outside into the cold snow.
The scenery was beautiful; the pristine, white snow falling down in sheets of cool snowflakes. You took a few moments to turn around in circles, just admiring the beauty of nature. When you heard the flash of a camera, you turned to face Sirius, who held your camera in his hands. He grinned happily as the picture came out; you turning in circles with a smile on your face. He pocketed the picture quickly, smiling as you whined.
“I’m going to need something to remember you by when Remus finally decides to kill you for pranking him so much!” Sirius joked.
You had giggled and nudged his shoulder, laughing when he almost fell into a pile of snow.
The rest of the afternoon was spent playing in the snow and taking muggle photographs of each other. By the end of the day, you were exhausted, huffing and puffing breaths of cold air as you tried to catch your breath.
As you tried to walk back towards the castle, you were grabbed from behind, the person dragging you into their arms.
“You’re not going anywhere!” James shouted as he wrapped you in his arms. You giggled as you tried to escape, but James was to strong. You heard the shutter of the camera going off again, but you ignored it and instead continued to wrestle with James until the two of you got too tired.
Later that evening, you found a picture placed on your bed. It was of earlier that evening, you and James playing in the snow with large smiles on your faces. You picked up the picture with a fond smile on your face before you placed it on your bedside table, content with how the day had turned out.
Sirius shook his head with a laugh as he remembered the day. Harry turned to see Sirius smiling, so Harry turned back to the picture before speaking again, “Is that my dad?”
Sirius nodded and told Harry that the girl in the photo was you. When Harry heard the words he was shocked; he thought that you were just a friend of Remus and Sirius, he had not know that you knew his father.
“She knew my dad?” Harry questioned, confusion evident on his face.
Sirius chuckled once again before responding, “Yes she did.”
“Who is she?” Harry asked, “I knew she was a friend of your’s and Remus’ but I did not know she knew my dad.”
“Harry, my boy. That women knew your father before I did; she was the second Marauder. Her name was Talon because she was an animagus too. She could morph into an eagle; it was a magnificent sight to see,” Sirius spoke, memories resurfacing with each word.
“So she was important to you and my dad?”
“Yes, she was very important to us. In fact, she was- is- in love with your father. Always was, she could never stay too far away from him. They were practically inseparable for the longest time,” Sirius reminisce.
“She was in love with my dad?” Harry pondered, “Did he love her back?”
“Yes, yes he did.”
After the conversation, Sirius left the room to find you. Looking back at the wall, Harry pulled the picture from it’s spot and tucked it into his pocket, just to remember the man who was his father, and the women who should have been his mother.
Harry and the rest of his friends landed on their stomachs in the Department of Mysteries, the Prophecy shining brightly in Harry’s hands. He stands, along with the rest of his friends, his ears twitching when he hears the sound of whispering. When he turns, he is met with an archway, what looks like smoke is filtering inside of it. Harry takes a step closer to it, his gaze inquisitive.
He can hear his friends speaking to him, but Harry continues to stare at the archway. He feels as though something bad was about to happen, and it had to do with the mysterious archway in the center of the room.
Seconds later, Harry turns and shouts for his friends to get behind him, knowing the Death Eaters were about to arrive. Harry’s suspicions were confirmed when black smoke appeared from around him. It swirls around him, and Harry shuts his eyes, his hand gripping the Prophecy tightly.
When the black smoke disappears, Harry opens his eyes to find that his friends are no longer beside him. Instead they have been grabbed, each of them being restrained by a Death Eater, wands pointed at their throats.
Harry’s heart clenches as he worries about what is to come.
From behind him, Harry hears a malicious chuckle, and he instantly knows the culprit.
Lucius Malfoy.
Harry turns to see Malfoy approaching, an evil glint in his eye. The platinum blonde male smirks as he knows that he was going to get the Prophecy from Harry.
“Did you really believe, or were you truly naive enough to think that you stood a chance against us?” Malfoy spits, his voice low and threatening. He takes a step closer to Harry, turning and pulling his palm up and open, “I’ll make this simple for you, Potter. Give me the Prophecy; or watch your friends die.”
Harry is silent for a few moments, pondering his next move. His gaze moves to Hermione, who struggles in the grip of the Death Eater behind her. The Death Eater is strong, however, and he continues to restrain the curly haired girl by holding onto the collar of her shirt, causing her to choke on the lack of air.
From next to Hermione, Neville Longbottom shouts out, “Don’t give it to him, Harry!”
He is silenced by Bellatrix Lestrange, who pulls on his shirt, closing the distance between his neck and her wand. Neville instantly quiets down, fearing his life.
Believing it was worse than watching his friends die, Harry hands over the Prophecy. The shining orb is placed into the hands of Lucius Malfoy, who grins in such a manner that shivers run down Harry’s spine.
Seconds after the orb is placed in Malfoy’s hands, a bright light appears from behind the blonde’s back.
“Get away from my Godson,” Sirius spits, before he reels his fist back and punches Malfoy straight in the nose.
The punch knocks Malfoy off of his feet, and he lands on the floor beneath him, the Prophecy falling from his hands and breaking against the hard rock. Malfoy stares at the broken orb for a few moments before he stands to face Harry and Sirius.
Before he can even utter a spell, he is knocked off his feet as you fire a spell in his direction. Smirking, you turn to face Sirius and Harry who are muttering quietly. Harry turns to you and you nod your head in a way that says both ‘hello’ and ‘please be careful.’ Harry nods back, his indicating the same words yours did before the three of you and turning to face Malfoy and two other Death Eaters who decided to join the party.
The rest of the Order had appeared by this point, and you scanned the room, quickly locking eyes with Remus and Tonks. You smiled at them and then responded with the same small smile before you both turned to face your opponents.
Dropping into a battle stance, you pulled your wand up so it was ready to defend against any spells fire your way. When Malfoy fired a curse at you, you brought your wand up to cover your face, blocking the curse. You fired back an immobilization charm, aiming not to kill because you did not want that kind of guilt on your conscious.
Curses, charms and spells were being fired back and forth before Harry managed to knock the wand out of the hand of the Death Eater he was fighting.
“Expelliarmus,” Harry had shouted. The Death Eater fell back, falling off a ledge to the fight below, and you felt relief filling you as you knew that you would not have to deal with that Death Eater again.
From beside you, you heard Sirius shout out, “Nice one, James!”
At the mention of the name, you froze, losing the ability to focus. Harry had too, hearing the name of his father rendering him useless. The two of you simply stood and watched Sirius as he fired a spell at Malfoy, whose wand was knocked away before he flew back off the ledge.
Before you could do anything to protect yourself or Sirius, you heard two simple words being shouted from behind you, “Avada kedavra!”
The words came from the mouth of Bellatrix Lestrange, who had thrown her wand out at both you and Sirius.
You were unable to protect yourself from the killing curse as it hit your body, filling you with unimaginable pain. Screaming out, you closed your eyes before you heard the same curse being shouted. You heard Sirius’ cry of pain before the both of you were knocked back.
Harry watched with his eyes wide as you and Sirius were knocked into the archway that was beside them as they battled. Knowing what was to happen to you, you locked eyes with Harry and mouthed ‘goodbye.’
Harry’s eyes widened even more before he shifted his eyes to Sirius, watching for a few blissful moments.
Then the smoke in the archway turned and carried you and Sirius off into the unknown.
Harry stood silently for a few moments, his eyes locked on the arch in front of him, praying that you and Sirius would come back. He was hoping and praying with all his might that the mist in front of him did not just take part of the only family he had left.
When nothing happened, Harry made to take a step forward, his heart clenching in his chest. From behind, Remus quickly clutched Harry. He restrained the saddened boy with tears in his eyes. Harry struggled harshly, trying to find a way to escape and get to you and Sirius. Crying out in pain, Harry fell back into Remus. You and Sirius had become his only family. Sirius was like a father to him, and you, like a mother.
From behind Harry, Remus watched in shock as his last two friends perished. He watched as the last two people he could resort to, vanished. Remus cried out in pain of his own. The only people he ever trusted and loved were gone. He let a few tears fall from his eyes as he watched Harry cry out. Remus let out a strangled sob as he thought about how he was going to get through full moons. He would never be able to do it without you. You and Sirius were his best friends, the only people he had known for more then twenty years. His last two Marauders; his Padfoot and his Talon, were gone. Forever.
Harry continued to struggle and cry, tears escaping his eyes.
He cried for Sirius.
He cried for you.
He cried for Remus who had lost you both.
He cried for Tonks who had been one of your greatest friends.
He cried for everyone who had ever known you.
From the Heavens, James Potter watched as you appeared next to Harry and Sirius. He smirked as he watched you throw Lucius to the ground, knowing you had never liked the man.
“That’s my girl,” James muttered.
He watched on as you made sure Harry was safe before going back to battling. His heart skipped a beat as he watched you treat his son with such care and gentleness.
James watched with his heart in his stomach as you got distracted by his name. He pleaded for you to turn around and prepare for what was to come.
“Talon, Talon please turn around. Talon, please,” He practically shouted.
But you could not hear him.
Of course you couldn’t.
James cried out when Bellatrix Lestrange fired a killing curse at you. He cried out in pain as he watched you gravel in pain. James shouted out in rage as Sirius was hit with the same curse.
James Potter let out a sob as you told his son goodbye.
He cried as you fell back into the archway.
He cried as Sirius Black followed immediately after.
He cried as you disappeared from his view.
Standing up from his previous kneeling position and took off running. He knew exactly where you would appear. He knew exactly where and he needed to get there before you did.
Pushing his legs to move faster, he gained speed. His breath was choppy as he realized that he would finally see you again after so long. James’ chest tightened as he thought of you, and he moved faster.
When he reached the position he wanted to be in, he skidded to a stop just as a bright light appeared from in front of him. He raised a hand to shield his eyes from the light, squinting his eyes. He waited for a few tense seconds before the light finally vanished.
In its absence, it was replaced by a figure.
It was a women.
It was the women he loved.
His heart fell from his chest and his eyes widened. The tears that had previously slowed to a stop arose once again. They began to fall from his eyes as he let out a sob. It was not one of sadness, nor was it one of grief. It was one of joy, one of relief.
James took a step forward, his legs shaky and barely able to hold himself up.
When your eyes finally focused, you were able to make out the figure in front of you.
It was a man.
It was the man you loved.
Letting a tear fall from your eyes, you let out a sob. A sob of happiness.
“James?” You managed to croak out through your tears.
James nodded softly through his own tears and you let out another sob at his answer.
After so long, you were finally seeing him again.
Kicking off, you ran at full speed. You stretched your arms, James doing the same thing before you reached him. When you reached him, you jumped, throwing yourself at his body. James caught you with open arms, sobbing into your neck. He wrapped his arms around your waist, supporting your weight as you wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. You cried out in happiness and buried your face in his fluffy, brown hair. James grasped you with strength that he did not know he had, you squeezing him back just as hard. Managing a smile through your tears, you pulled a hand through James’ hair. He sniffled against your neck, tears soaking the material of your shirt.
Pulling back, you looked down at James once before you brought your lips down to connect with his. James smiled into the kiss, both of your lips tasting slightly salty from the tears leaking from your eyes. Your lips moved furiously against his, and James responded with just as much enthusiasm. He was finally kissing the one girl that he had been in love with for so long. Finally. James pushed his lips harder against yours and slipped his tongue into your mouth. You smiled even harder (if it was even possible) and kissed him back.
Pulling away for a few seconds you mumbled out the words, “I love you, Prongs.”
“I love you too, Talon.”
And then James is kissing you once again.
The moment is interrupted when a familiar voice calls out, “Hey losers! Stop bloody snogging and come hug me!”
Turning, the two of you embrace Sirius in a hug, finally together once more.
Harry Potter approaches the clearing with a heavy heart.
He knows that if he goes any further, he is to die. But since he knew he would come back and it was to destroy Voldemort, he knew it had to be done.
Holding up the Golden Snitch, the words I open at the close, appearing.
Harry nods and confronts his fate, “I’m ready to die.”
He brings the Snitch up to his mouth and kisses the golden casing. His eyes are closed, but when he opens them, he discovers that the Snitch is opening to reveal the Resurrection Stone.
The one thing he needs to bring him back to life.
He stares down at the small stone in amazement, his breath coming out in a small gasp. It levitates into the air and Harry gently opens his palm and allows it to fall into his hand. He closes his palm around it, his eyes still focused on his hand. He closes his eyes and imagines exactly who he wants to see in that moment, and when he opens them, he is met with exactly who he wanted to see.
Remus, Sirius, James, and you.
The four of you surround him, small smiles of happiness on your faces.
When Harry turns to see you, he is met with a radiant smile as you cling to his father who is beside you. Harry smiles in joy when he sees that you have finally gotten what you wanted in life, his father.
He approached you and James and reached out, you doing the same thing. When Harry’s hand disappears through yours, he sighs in disappointment.
“You’ve been so brave, Harry,” You whisper, “I’ve missed you since I left.”
Harry smiles softly before questioning, “Why are you here? All of you?”
“We never left.”
Harry turns to face Sirius before speaking, “Does it hurt? Dying?”
Sirius shakes his head, “Quicker than falling asleep.”
Harry nods before James speaks, “You’re nearly there, son”
“I’m sorry; I never wanted any of you to die. And Remus- your son-” Harry tries.
Remus cuts him off, “Others will tell him what his mother and father died for. One day, he’ll understand.”
Harry nods softly before facing you and James, small smile still on your faces.
“You’ll stay with me?” Harry questions.
“Until the end.”
He was ready. He was ready to join his family again.

It is refreshing to see a congresswoman, who is unencumbered by corporate cash, speak truth to power.