Dreams Feel Real While Were In Them. It Is Only When We Wake Up That We Realize Something Was Actually

Dreams feel real while we’re in them. It is only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange.
— Cobb, Inception
More Posts from Zadeofearth
You know the feeling of not belonging anywhere anymore?
That’s what I feel right now and worse.
Somehow, it felt like it is partly my fault. But seeing everyone go on with their life while I’m desperately trying to grasp mine makes me feel left out. Alone. If only I could start cutting my ties with everything and everyone just to have a fresh new start, I would not be like this. It wouldn’t feel like this. Sadly, I can’t. I’m on the ground with people standing on my back, having no energy to stand back up. I need someone to clear the crowd and pull me back up.
I just need someone to find me.
Our ‘almost’ will always haunt me.
six word story #29 (m.f.) (via artofephemera)
And now I know
I’ve been suffering for the past three years because of what we have become. April 6, 2017, your birthday, made me very reluctant of the plans I thought I have well-thought of. You already look happier. I wouldn’t want to take that away by bringing you a problem only I couldn’t solve.
But I still did it.
I messaged you. I wished you a very happy birthday and told you the things that bothered me since the very first time we became something. No, we’re not a couple. I don’t even know what we are. What I only know is that we have something fragile going on between us. People are desperately trying to find out what it is, but how would they even understand if we, ourselves, don’t get it at all?
But now, with that message, it was clear that we don’t need other people to understand.
It is us that needs the understanding. Finally, we understood it last night.
And now I know, we’ll both go on with our lives without carrying the mess of the past. I can finally say that I’m relieved and that I’m ready to move forward too.
Thank you for making things a little better than it should.
You might not see this letter, but I wanted to tell you that I’m finally loosening my hold to that hope. You have a special place in my heart, you always do.
// 040617