Been A Bit Busy, So I Havent Been Able To Fully Sit Down And Get Some Of This Done, But I Have Started

Been a bit busy, so I haven’t been able to fully sit down and get some of this done, but I have started shading! Tested out some stuff with transparent paper before fully committing.
magic-allity liked this · 8 months ago
cyansongz liked this · 9 months ago
More Posts from Zie-dawg

Day 7 & 8: Freedom & Book
When he has free time in between waiting for challengers, I like to believe he cracks open a book :)

Look for anything (or anyone) that could be familiar
For part two:
🔁 70 reblogs
Reblog with the hashtag:
🔼 for Ingo to find Emmet
🔽 for Emmet to find Ingo
As September starts coming to a close, I would like to say that I am still going to work on Sept-Ingo stuff, and my busy schedule and poor time management have shot me in the knee. Idrk if that’s ok, but I’m gunna try to do all of them :)

Day 4: excitement
This is in reference to that one glitch thing in PLA where Ingo wouldn’t acknowledge the player, but would turn to any Pokémon!

Sorry not sorry /j

sketch of Lobster/Shrimp Kleavor that got away from me. The fun think about aquatic Kleavor is that he just kind of gets...longer. lol.