Sept-ingo - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
Hello World!

Hello world!

I’ve been wanting to get back to drawing daily, and having fallen in the SubMas fandom rabbit hole recently, I was excited to learn about the Sept-Ingo challenge! I’m excited to use this as a way to practice, but also to see what areas I could focus on practicing. 

I worked hard all Labor Day weekend on this one for the prompt “BATTLE”. It depicts Ingo and Emmet during their time as depot agents. (I suppose it could be a bit more Ingo centric! But it just didn’t feel right without Emmet there!). 

Critique is always welcome! I tried to mess around with foreshortening, something I’ve never really tried before (I haven’t practiced anatomy very much either!). I know it needs improvement, but I have to say I am proud of what I’ve accomplished — it’s so nice to create a finished work again!! 

(also...sorry for posting so late @monthofingo ..! i draw very slowly ;D;)

More about my inspiration under the cut

I was inspired by @maniacwatchestheworld post about how the brothers’ Klinklangs were most likely their starters! I adore Chandelure and Elektross as much as the next SubMas fan, but I think these two deserve some more love! They represent Ingo and Emmet’s battling synchronicity and bond very well! I like to think they used them a lot in their time as depot agents before they became masters. 

I took inspiration from the idea of the two Pokémon having Plus and Minus as abilities! You might notice the two klangs look a little different from each other. ;)

I originally wanted to include a speech bubble with an attack name or cool phrase, but I couldn’t squeeze one in…and I couldn’t think of one. I’d love to hear if you guys have any ideas of what they might be saying. :D (I entertained "Gear Shift!" but technically, only one of them knows that move, lol).

p.s. if anyone has tips on how to draw their silly hats in perspective i would be eternally indebted to you ;D:)

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6 months ago
Hello Again!

Hello again!

Here is my drawing for today's Sept-Ingo prompt: EXCITED!

Ingo isn't the only one who's feeling starry-eyed here. I'm so excited about the responses I've received in reblogs and comments! I felt a little shy about posting my art at first, but the responses of kind people have really encouraged me! Thank you!!

(And thanks for letting me know about the looser timeframe with submissions, @monthofingo. It's nice not to feel too pressured!)


Although Ingo doesn't smile as big as Emmet, I'm sure one can easily tell how he's feeling via his eyes (and the volume of his voice!)

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I feel like Ingo looks different every time I draw him haha. This is good practice -- perhaps at the end of this I'll have a clear style for him (so far, I've been trying to look at their Masters models, along with artists I admire! This one is especially based on his Masters model...and a bit of Sailor Moon with the shiny eyes lol, specifically this GIF:)

Hello Again!

*cue anime WOW! sfx*

Somehow, I got his second head bigger than intended than the first -- but that's okay! It brings greater focus to his big ol eyes.

In my dreams, this would be a cute little animation loop where his expression changes as the "excitement bar" goes up and down . Maybe one day, I can actually bring this to life! Potentially, I might be able to mess with it in AE...Hmm... 😏

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6 months ago

ahhhhh thank you!!! I'm so happy you liked it! I feel honored that you even commented on this!! ;D:

They did indeed take quite a while lol! a lot longer than it did with the brothers i think. I appreciate the praise!! ^D^

Hello World!

Hello world!

I’ve been wanting to get back to drawing daily, and having fallen in the SubMas fandom rabbit hole recently, I was excited to learn about the Sept-Ingo challenge! I’m excited to use this as a way to practice, but also to see what areas I could focus on practicing. 

I worked hard all Labor Day weekend on this one for the prompt “BATTLE”. It depicts Ingo and Emmet during their time as depot agents. (I suppose it could be a bit more Ingo centric! But it just didn’t feel right without Emmet there!). 

Critique is always welcome! I tried to mess around with foreshortening, something I’ve never really tried before (I haven’t practiced anatomy very much either!). I know it needs improvement, but I have to say I am proud of what I’ve accomplished — it’s so nice to create a finished work again!! 

(also...sorry for posting so late @monthofingo ..! i draw very slowly ;D;)

More about my inspiration under the cut

I was inspired by @maniacwatchestheworld post about how the brothers’ Klinklangs were most likely their starters! I adore Chandelure and Elektross as much as the next SubMas fan, but I think these two deserve some more love! They represent Ingo and Emmet’s battling synchronicity and bond very well! I like to think they used them a lot in their time as depot agents before they became masters. 

I took inspiration from the idea of the two Pokémon having Plus and Minus as abilities! You might notice the two klangs look a little different from each other. ;)

I originally wanted to include a speech bubble with an attack name or cool phrase, but I couldn’t squeeze one in…and I couldn’t think of one. I’d love to hear if you guys have any ideas of what they might be saying. :D (I entertained "Gear Shift!" but technically, only one of them knows that move, lol).

p.s. if anyone has tips on how to draw their silly hats in perspective i would be eternally indebted to you ;D:)

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6 months ago


Today's Sept-Ingo prompt is about Family, and of course, the first thing I thought was Emmet! Perhaps one of the things I like most about the Subway Bosses is the strong brotherly bond they share. Perhaps they remind me a little of me and my sis! :) It's such a blessing to have a sibling who is also a best friend!

Today's Sept-Ingo drawing is a bit different -- It's a digital drawing instead of a traditional one! And it's in color! Woa!

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I have not messed around with digital art very much (nor with color) so you'll have to forgive the really weird color palette and sketchy weirdness lol. (I also didn't really try with Emmet's hand ahaha...). But hey! I think they still look purdy cute.

Fun fact: I made this while hanging out with a buddy in Magma! Quite a cool free collaborative drawing software! I'd love to mess around with it more -- I know there's a Subway-Boss-related Magma group on'd be super fun to check that out sometime! (But...maybe when I am a bit better at digital art...and drawing in general... :,D)

...I'm only just now noticing I didn't put Emmet's other hand on Ingo's shoulder. Darn. >:( Oh well - it's not like I can't come back to this later! Just pretend it's hidden behind Ingo lol

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6 months ago
primejourney - PrimeJourney


Looks like I can't get enough of the Klink line! With today's Sept-Ingo prompt, I couldn't help but think of the bros first receiving their Klinks as their starter Pokemon! Ingo's Klink liked him immediately in first hearing the enthusiastic sound of his voice!

I couldn't help but sneak Emmet in the back there hehe. I'm sure he wanted to battle with his bro the very second he got his hands on his own Pokemon!

(I think Ingo picked up his signature "bravo" phrase as a kid, but before he learned one of his most favorite words, he used other cute utterances such as "wowie!" and "gosh" and perhaps even a "gee willikers, mister!!". (His adult self might pull those out again once in a while XD).

When drawing their kiddy versions, I felt a bit lost on how to draw their hair! For inspiration, I looked at @noxstrages submas kid designs! Please take a look at it! They're so sweet!

I might take a better picture later. It's a bit late here, so I didn't take the time to clear up some smudges or fix the lighting. >>

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6 months ago
Posting This Quickly Since Im In A Rush This Evening!

Posting this quickly since I’m in a rush this evening!

But sadly I wasn’t able to make a drawing for the prompt “Freedom” today. (TBH I started drawing and realized it might be a better fit for the “Memories” prompt! So keep your eyes peeled for that later on) ^^

But inspired by @spiderware ‘s awesome post-it note drawings, I realized it might be nice to post one of the quick brainstorm sketches I made for it prior. I’m not good sure if it fits the theme exactly, but I just really like the look of it haha. My thinking was that Ingo feels a sense of freedom with Pokémon battling! And his Hisui self feels a greater sense of catharsis and comfort in its well worn familiarity. It feels like home. :,)

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6 months ago


Here is my drawing for the LESSONS prompt (late by a few days). I wanted to take my time with things since I was having so much fun with it :D

I wanted an excuse to draw Ingo is his butler outfit, and “lessons” immediately reminded me of how he asked Darach for butler advice in Pokémon Masters! (…I have never actually played that game lol. I like watching the juicy lore bits on YouTube >D>;)

Even though he stated he felt he didn’t have much to teach, I like to think he gave Ingo some pointers (especially since Ingo really thought he needed it! But little does he know, he’s already quite a natural haha)

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I’m also not sure if this is in character for Ingo, but I was too tempted to try more extreme expressions on his muppet face XD I get the vibe he might tend to overthink things at times, given how in the game he discussed thinking hard about the future (which is why he has adopted the “keep moving forward and see what the future brings!” ideals…perhaps Emmet had his own way of overthinking things as well, given how hard he thought about singing as a butler or not lol). And I tend to be one myself XD so it felt a bit cathartic to draw I suppose

Oh! It was also fun to see how a little bit of @choochooboss ‘s art style bled into my drawing. I really adore the way this artist draws them (really, it inspired me a lot to start drawing again!). ChooChoo, you really make them look so darn handsome! <3

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6 months ago
Hello Again!

Hello again!

Well, now I'm posting these out of order lol...But here is my belated entry for the prompt Protect!

As soon as I read the prompt, I was struck by the image of Ingo bravely protecting the main character. (I, too, am a fan of the "Duncle Ingo" concept haha).

I'm not exactly sure of the story here (ambiguity is fun!), but it looks like Akari had a bad run-in with a Zoroark. She's lucky Ingo found her! (Don't worry! They'll be okay!).

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I originally wanted a shadow of the threatening Pokemon looming onto the rocks behind them, but I wasn't able to figure out how to do that. So, I decided to try to make some fun ghost flames instead and threw in the Zoroark claws. But now I think the paws look kind of silly. (They kind of look like bear paws...). Oh well.

I'd like to color this one day! I definitely want the ghost flames and Ingo's eyes to pop! I imagine his eyes shine in a very cool manner in dramatic moments.

This is the first finished Hisui Ingo drawing I've made so far. Drawing both older and young ingo has made me appreciate their designs more -- it's amazing how a few tweaks in style can make a fella with a simple design look a bit older!

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6 months ago


Here is my entry for the Sept-Ingo prompt "Memories"! This is the one I mentioned as being in the works before (originally started for the "Freedom" prompt). I worked a long time on it. I'm rather proud of it, I have to say!

(...I keep telling myself I'll make a quick sketch for the day but wind up getting sucked into making a complicated piece instead lol. A good thing though! I think I'm making more finished pieces than I have done for a while!)

As I mentioned before, I think Ingo finds Pokemon battles comforting, even though he does not fully remember why. He can feel the powerful presence of past companions.

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I hope the empty eyes don't make them look sinister. I was going for a bit of a "nebulous" look since Ingo doesn't' remember them fully (...yet ^^). They're sort of ghosts of the past (and future!). I also gave them determined but happy expressions - they love sharing the thrill of the fight and strengthening their bond with Ingo!

I wasn't sure how to draw Ingo's side profile, so I looked to @waywardstation for inspiration. I really like how their Ingo has a strong silhouette that still keeps that cartoon look! However, I now wish I had made his hand match that style a bit more versus looking anatomical. Somethin' for me to keep in mind for the future. :)

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5 months ago


Here is my belated submission for the Sept-Ingo prompt GHOST! I was inspired by Hisuian Typhlosian's Pokedex description -- it states that the species benevolently eats lost spirits to help guide them to the afterlife. Additionally, Ingo strikes me as a "ghost" in a poetic sense, in that he is someone displaced in time, a "ghost" of the future, so to speak.

With all that said, I thought it'd be kind of funny for a Hisui Typhlosion to get a bit confused, lol. Although realistically, it would probably tell Ingo is a living person, I'm conjecturing here that Ingo gives off enough vibes similar to lost spirits (forgotten memories, a lonely aura, a sense of being displaced in time/space, etc.) to make it second-guess itself!

btw i hate having to say this but the weirdness of the internet gives me paranoia: Akari's Typhlosion is being motherly here! please don't tag as a ship i beg of you

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This Typhlosion is Akari's, and she is a very nurturing, motherly type—a bit like a sweet grandma, lol. Hisuian Typhlosions strike me as gentle and kind despite being a little eerie and mysterious. They are friendly psychopomps, after all!!

Although Akari helps her understand that Ingo is indeed not a ghost to be eaten, I imagine she still goes out of her way to dote on Ingo (probably as much as she does so for Akari!). She does not see age -- everyone is a potential child to her lollll.

Ingo is not sure how to feel about this. After almost losing his beloved hat, he probably is a little wary of her at first (I think losing his hat is one way to make the composed man panic! It is one of his very few beloved possessions, and it holds strong meaning to him, even though he doesn't remember why completely). It doesn't take very long for him to warm up to the silly team mom fire badger, however. :)

Hmm, I need to come up with a name for her! You guys have any ideas? >0>

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7 months ago

Month of Ingo! Or Sept-Ingo

I’ve been seeing a lot of month of Emmet stuff, so I figured I’d give Ingo a turn!

Working on Sept-Ingo stuff

Don’t feel like you have to do all of them. If you want to pick and choose which ones you do then that’s fine!

Rules! ❌ No blank-shipping or proshippers!

Keep it SFW!

And most of all! Have fun and be nice! Take the prompt and run if you want.

And please use the tag #Sept-Ingo or #Month of Ingo, so I can easily find the posts!

Month Of Ingo! Or Sept-Ingo

Now that the announcements are done, All Aboard!

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6 months ago
Day 1 & 2: Trains & BattleI Had To Rush This One A Little, And The Car Is A Little Off, But Im Too Tired

Day 1 & 2: Trains & Battle I had to rush this one a little, and the car is a little off, but I’m too tired to fix it.

I do like this however, and am excited for the rest of the month, tho I might not be able to post some days :)

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6 months ago
Day 3: Loud

Day 3: Loud

just a little guy today, ran out of time and couldn’t think of anything

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6 months ago
Day 4: Excitement

Day 4: excitement

This is in reference to that one glitch thing in PLA where Ingo wouldn’t acknowledge the player, but would turn to any Pokémon!

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6 months ago
Day 5: Family

Day 5: Family

My, what a strange family :)

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6 months ago
Day 6: New Pokemon

Day 6: New Pokemon

*Checks the date then the prompt’s day* Ok, listen-

*Gets hit by a steel chair*

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5 months ago
Day 7 & 8: Freedom & Book

Day 7 & 8: Freedom & Book

When he has free time in between waiting for challengers, I like to believe he cracks open a book :)

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