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7 years ago

- "A serious fervent preacher" of 1662

William Dyer (1632-1696) pastor in London

Scarce Puritan Survivor
Scarce Puritan Survivor
Scarce Puritan Survivor
Scarce Puritan Survivor
Scarce Puritan Survivor
Scarce Puritan Survivor
Scarce Puritan Survivor
Scarce Puritan Survivor
Scarce Puritan Survivor
Scarce Puritan Survivor

Scarce Puritan survivor

Christ’s Famous Titles - The Second Part containing several significant names, titles, and similitudes, whereby our Lord Jesus Christ is described in the Holy Scriptures … : in seven sermons, preach’d in and about the city of London : persuant to the design of the first part formerly published - by William Dyer Late Minister of the Gospel London Printed for Nath. Crouch a the bell in the Poultry near Cheapside 1701 180 pages + 12 page publishers catalogue

contains (from t. p.) I. The great shepherd – II. The power of God – III. The wisdom of God – IV. The glory of his people – V. The light of the world – VI. The gift of god – VII. The hope of salvation.

William Dyer (1632-1696) was a godly pastor in London, who was expelled from his church in the ‘Great Ejection’ of 1662. He is described as a man of great piety, and a serious fervent preacher.

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