Old Books - Tumblr Posts

11 years ago
My Latest Additions To My Collection Of Books. I Was Very Please To Find The Catch-22.

My latest additions to my collection of books. I was very please to find the Catch-22.

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11 years ago

Why Old Books Smell Good

“Lignin, the stuff that prevents all trees from adopting the weeping habit, is a polymer made up of units that are closely related to vanillin. When made into paper and stored for years, it breaks down and smells good. Which is how divine providence has arranged for secondhand bookstores to smell like good quality vanilla absolute, subliminally stoking a hunger for knowledge in all of us.

—From Luca Turin and Tania Sanchez’s Perfumes: the guide

themanfromnantucket - There once was a man from Nantucket...

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3 years ago

Cats leave their mark on centuries of books

Evidence of feline interference in a 15th-century manuscript reminds us of how big an impression they've made on literature as a whole

Emir Filipović, an academic at the University of Sarajevo, was researching his PhD in the Dubrovnik State Archives when he stumbled across a medieval Italian manuscript from 11 March 1445, from "the 13th volume of a series of archival registers called 'Lettere e commissioni di Levante'".

Doesn't sound that exciting, does it? But the discovery has placed Filipović at the centre of a social media whirl – because the medieval manuscript was stained with inky cat paw prints. I dropped Filipović a line, and he says he's still surprised at how popular the photograph has proved to be ("Cats - walking all over your shit since the 15th century", says a Reddit post).

Cats leave their mark on centuries of books
the Guardian
Alison Flood: Evidence of feline interference in a 15th-century manuscript reminds us of how big an impression they've made on literature as
squinty-cat - Funny cats pics, gifs & videos
▶️ Titus Squinty Cat

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1 year ago

I love collecting old books just look at this one I got

I Love Collecting Old Books Just Look At This One I Got

It’s such a high quality cover

And the pages inside of that fantastical aged look

I Love Collecting Old Books Just Look At This One I Got
I Love Collecting Old Books Just Look At This One I Got

I even found some notes that were made by the previous owners of the book

I Love Collecting Old Books Just Look At This One I Got

Its just so fun to explore these and find bookmarks and loose papers from those who touched it before

Speaking of look at this gem I found while looking at another

I Love Collecting Old Books Just Look At This One I Got

So fun

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5 months ago

So I was trying to find out when choking became a popular fetish (i don't remember what made me think of this, don't ask) and google was not giving any answers but eventually I found out it was first depicted in a novel made in 1791. People were reading kinky smut in the 1700s.

Also - apparently some dude in 1718 died of autoerotic asphyxiation so it's been around for longer, but there is smut from 1791 that is still readable (I found a pdf, I'm going to read it with my friend soon) and it's called "Justine (Les infortunes de la vertu)" by Marquis de Sade but I've seen it just being called "Justine" so

And it's a French book from during the French revolution. There is kinky 1790s smut that was published during the French revolution

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6 months ago

Got some nostalgia in the mail. Ordered some very old anime and manga drawing books I used to sit and read for hours while stuck at the local library to improve my drawing skills but I could never check them all out at the same time due to their rule of 3 (can't take more than three books from the same section in case someone else wants to borrow a book on the same subject). Which sucked because I was the only person in the area that even bothered looking at the book, unless the other libraries in the circuit needed to pull it out of the library.

But now I own these books and no one can stop me from using them all at once. Of course I doubt my drawing skills will improve much, but at least I'll be able to see nice poses without having to squint at my puter screen.

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8 months ago



Just went through one of my old boxes and found a hoarde of memories..

The way my chest swelled with pride at the sight😂

Tag your high school book collections!

no pressure, just fun, and a stroll down memory lane lol.



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4 years ago
October 4, 2020
October 4, 2020

October 4, 2020

Purchased this British literature book and was thrilled to see that someone had written their name and annotations inside. I did some research on this Emma Hickstein and learned that she was born in November of 1879 and her father was from Prussia and her mother from Germany (so technically they’re both from Germany). She lived in Black Earth, Wisconsin and had many siblings. That’s all I was able to gather as more information about her was kept private. How fascinating it is to have held this book that belonged to someone from a completely different time. Makes you wonder how it ended up in a bookshop. {Mine}

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4 years ago
October 16, 2020

October 16, 2020

Went to my favorite bookshop looking for Wuthering Heights (which they didn’t have??) So I’m gonna have to continue reading it on my phone🤷🏻‍♀️✨ {mine}

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4 years ago
October 29, 2020

October 29, 2020

Classics section at my old book store. However it seems to be a very popular section as there’s not many books here. {mine}

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1 year ago
Some Books I Purchased From My Favorite Bookstore. The Yellow Book Is About Middle English Literature
Some Books I Purchased From My Favorite Bookstore. The Yellow Book Is About Middle English Literature

Some books I purchased from my favorite bookstore. The yellow book is about Middle English literature and the brown is a book on anthropology :) Currently reading A Winter in Arabia and I like it so far! {mine}

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3 years ago
The Madman's Librabry By Edward Brooke-Hitching
The Madman's Librabry By Edward Brooke-Hitching
The Madman's Librabry By Edward Brooke-Hitching
The Madman's Librabry By Edward Brooke-Hitching
The Madman's Librabry By Edward Brooke-Hitching
The Madman's Librabry By Edward Brooke-Hitching
The Madman's Librabry By Edward Brooke-Hitching

The Madman's Librabry by Edward Brooke-Hitching

This has to be one of the most amazing and interesting books i own. Please buy it! It is an incredible introduction to the most extraordinary books in the world with fabulous pictures.

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