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- "A serious fervent preacher" of 1662
William Dyer (1632-1696) pastor in London
Scarce Puritan survivor
Christ’s Famous Titles - The Second Part containing several significant names, titles, and similitudes, whereby our Lord Jesus Christ is described in the Holy Scriptures … : in seven sermons, preach’d in and about the city of London : persuant to the design of the first part formerly published - by William Dyer Late Minister of the Gospel London Printed for Nath. Crouch a the bell in the Poultry near Cheapside 1701 180 pages + 12 page publishers catalogue
contains (from t. p.) I. The great shepherd – II. The power of God – III. The wisdom of God – IV. The glory of his people – V. The light of the world – VI. The gift of god – VII. The hope of salvation.
William Dyer (1632-1696) was a godly pastor in London, who was expelled from his church in the ‘Great Ejection’ of 1662. He is described as a man of great piety, and a serious fervent preacher.