1992sies - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Shut up with your “The Shining” this or “Scream” that, you all have obviously not seen the true genius that is Blood Drips Heavily on Newsies Square

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2 years ago

sometimes I think about how typically newsies had to pay 6 cents for a night at the Lodging House so that means during the strike since literally NONE of the newsies were being payed Kloppman was letting them stay for free

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1 year ago

im probably the stupidest fucker in the world and other people have probably noticed and talk about this but i realized it at one in the morning and I feel like I need to share

Jack and Davey’s costumes in 1992sies clash so well and fit so well with their opinions towards each other at the start of the movie

Jack is wearing red and Davey is wearing blue. Why does this matter? Because a simple google search can tell you red as a color means hardiness and valor, and blue as a color means vigilance, perseverance, and justice. But ALSO the colors aren’t traditionally complimentary colors. It’s such a PERFECT way to show how Jack and Davey aren’t the same and don’t exactly like each other without directly telling the audience, and yes most of their actions can also explain this but outfits can also tell you a lot about a person. 

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1 year ago

feeling sicker than a dog and rewatched 1992sies again and something I noticed was after they leave Medda’s and Jack sits down on the shoe shining chair if you pay attention to Les after he sits down he’s imitating Jack smoking his cigarette with his piece of red licorice (at least i think it’s red licorice), or I could also be reaching but either way it’s adorable

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1 year ago

I feel like Jack would be scared of the dentist, i have no proof of this other than my own experience of having too much anxiety about the dentist when i was little and one time i tried to punch the dentist when i was like...5

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9 months ago

Anyone else up for playing this?

MONOPOLY ~Newsies Broadway Edition!

Game pieces >

Hat - Les

Art palette - Jack kelly

Newsies sash - Davey jacobs

Type writter - Katherine

Cigar - Racetrack

Crutch - Crutchie

Feather fan - Bowurey beauty's

Glass of seltzer - Albert

Instead of Monopoly money they have to use coins

Instead of community chest it would be Headline board

If you land on go to jail it would be called Get sent to the refuge by snyder

If you have the crutch you have to stay in jail intell there are only 2 people left in the game 3 if you count the person who just got back in the game, but you have to pay 60 cents since your safe.

Free parking space would be changed to Get away from the bulls

Just visiting will be changed to Helping escape the refuge and if you choose to help someone escape you would have to either role doubles or pay 60 cents to get them out of the refuge.

Also one of the fun cards would be called "Startin a strike" you would have to throw the coins in the air from the bank and try to get more money

The middle of the board is newsies square

Some of the properties would be,

Santa fe

(Basically all of the places in New York that had newsies)

And medda's theater

And more places from the show

If you get passed go you get 200 and it'll be known as "Carryin' the banner"

There will be a couple spots on the board where you get into trouble with the dalanceys. You have to pick one other person to roll one dice and if you roll higher then them your safe but if they roll higher then you you loose 50 cents. But if you get a tie you both pay 25.

If you loose it's not bankruptcy... It's loosin' the strike

Also whoever wins the game is "The King of new york"

Thank you for listening to my Ted talk.

(The broadway Edition!!)

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9 months ago

i don't think anyone who isn't a newsies fan understands how important my little gay tapdancing newsboys are to me

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7 months ago

Try Central Park it’s guaranteed

try bottle alley or the harbor 🤷🤷🤷

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9 months ago

Fun fact, the reason he’s wearing a red bandanna is reference to how the term redneck came to be, which was a way to define striking minors, which is one of the first labor unions. It’s a play on words and history reference give it back. 


I'm not mad, I just wanna know



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