thatgaynewsies - Gay Newsies
Gay Newsies

Hi this is just my hyper fixations. He/him

121 posts

Thatgaynewsies - Gay Newsies - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

I also feel like Disney’s Hercules got his voice perfect

it’s not the most myth accurate but I love the movie and I think it did Zeus pretty well but especially his voice

one thing I love of Luke Holt voicing Lord Zeus is that his voice is LOUD, booming, commanding, like the thunder, but also like The King should be. But in the same vein, that voice could be soft, fatherly, loving. Which for Lord Zeus, King of Olympus, father to many, is really fitting.

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6 months ago

And as always it’s about his wife

Odysseus is the ultimate yapper, he even yaps in his sleep.

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6 months ago

Saving for later

List of newsies resources masterpost:

Hi! So I made out a list of general resources and information I usually use while researching newsies that I thought I would share. If anyone would like to send me any more videos, essays or information of importance to add to this list, do!! Please note, this list is constantly updating.

Newsies scripts

Newsies 1992 script

Newsies stage script & sheet music

Newsies jr. edition script

Newsies 1991 revised script

The original "Hard Promises" script (the original when newsies wasn't going to be a musical. A LOT was changed in the rewrites)

Newsies books, merch and info

Newsies production handbook

Newsies 1992 novelization by Jonathan Fast

Newsies promotional paper (1992) collected and posted by @queenofbrooklyn

The original North American VHS cover of Newsies

Newsies press kit booklet collected and posted by @queenofbrooklyn

2011 Papermill Playhouse Program by @letter-from-the-refuge

2011 Papermill Playhouse audience guide by @letter-from-the-refuge

The Big Bad Book of Newsies by the Bryan Denton Worshipers

A UK version of one of the Newsies theatrical posters, where it was originally released as “The Newsboys” posted by @queenofbrooklyn

Newsies posters different eras by @brooklynbadboys

Listing of characters

List of Newsies characters (both movie and stage) by @newsiepedia

A list of "who's whosies" from the film made by @letter-from-the-refuge

A guide to the stage characters

A guide to the film characters

Trading cards photos and their bios

An intro to the newsies by @ask-newsies

Newsies historical research

"Kids on strike!" novel by Susan Campbell Bartoletti

Some things we know about the real Kid Blink, part one by @newsieshistory

"Mapping out newsies" essay made by @letter-from-the-refuge

Notes on the Refuge made by @newsiesquare

Newsboys information Google drive made by @newsboys-of-1899

How the Newsboy’s Strike of 1899 Was Reported on in Cities Other Than New York by @musicalhistory

The women of the newsboy strike by @newsboys-of-1899 and The Girlsies by @pioneergirlsie

Jewish Immigration and the Jacobs Family in Turn of the Century New York by @newsiesquare

Names/list of real life newsies found on @newsieshistory blog

"Kid Blink beats The World" picture book by Don Brown

Information about Jack's dime novel by @letter-from-the-refuge

Essays via The Newsboys Of 1899 website

A historical recount of The New York House of Refuge by @lousy-old-shrimp

Some great blogs to look at if you want a historical point of view! @newsboys-of-1899 @newsieshistory @newsiesquare @newsiesandhistory-blog

This is just a list of historical essays I find important however if anyone would like me to add anything, please add it/link it!

Interviews with the casts

Masterpost of newsies videos, particularly of the stage cast and tour interviews made by @lizzy88musicalsblog

Newsies Minute (Podcast) Interview with Michael Goorjan (Skittery) which focuses on the behind the scenes spoof horror movie they made, BDHONS

Newsies Minute (Podcast) Interview with Kevin Smets (Ten Pin)

Newsies, The Ultimate Broadway Fan Film on YouTube.

Newsies 1992 interview with Aaron Lohr (Mush), Max Casella (Racetrack), and David Moscow (David Jacobs)

D23's from the vaults: Newsies at Walt Disney studio

Max Casella - "Betting on Racetrack"

Newsies—An Oral History: How It All Happened

Deleted scenes and songs

List of deleted scenes (1992)

Cut songs from Newsies Paper Mill Playhouse production (2011)

"The Truth About The Moon" a cut song for Sarah sang by Dan DeLuca & Joey Barreiro

Carrying the banner deleted scene

Bloopers and observations 1992 Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3

Jack's cut rope trick (1992)

Newsies gag reel

Newsies gag reel (without the age restriction) Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 from @lousy-old-shrimp

David being kicked while selling - deleted scene

Behind the scenes

Blood Drips Heavily on Newsies Square on YouTube Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 which is a spoof horror movie made behind the scenes by the cast of newsies 1992

Newsies The Ultimate Broadway Fan Film again, I really recommend this!!

Behind the scenes (1992) videos here and here

Newsies backstage Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 on Kevin Stea's Youtube Channel (Swifty the Rake)

The map of the Newsies set on the Universal backlot by @annihilatedthenightstalker

Other newsies videos & audios

West end cast audio boot by @waterfaery

Newsies Drug PSA VHS Tape

Second released Newsies Trailer

Newsies Broadway Reunion charity stream

92sies vs livesies comparison video

Santa Fe vs Bet On It choreo comparison

"Finding the appeal of Newsies" video essay on YouTube.

"Newsies | Based on a true story" on YouTubube

Newsies websites

My masterpost on newsies fan websites

Link to the infamous (updated as the original URL was changed) and another link just in case things get changed or lost again.

The brief history of by @queenofbrooklyn

Newsies fanlore

Explanation to why people call Spot and Race "Anthony" and "Seán" in fics, art, fanon ect by @letter-from-the-refuge

Screencaps of every frame of the film

How Boots got his name

Understanding "Juck" by @undercover-vampire

The story with Jack's brother by @letter-from-the-refuge

Newsies findings & essays

A transcript of The Banner by @lousy-old-shrimp

Irish Newsies essay made by me (hi!)

Jack Kelly as the canonical My Little Pony character, "Fine Print"

All of my newsies playlists

An article quoting that David and Les' surname is "Baum" in the Papermill Playhouse production

"Spot Conlon Makes Us A Little Nervous" by Honest Iago

Timon as Racetrack by gooseberry007 on Devianart

La Pandilla - Newsies promotional pictures Part 1 and Part 2

Newsies accounts you should look at!






6 months ago

Santa Fe newsies


If you see this you are OBLIGATED to reblog w/ the song currently stuck in your head :)

7 months ago

How Intimidating Am I?

Send 🐹 for “You? Intimidating? Hell no.”

Send 🐰 for barely intimidating

Send 🐭 for slightly intimidating

Send 🐱 for moderately intimidating

Send 🦊 for fairly intimidating

Send 🐯 for very intimidating


7 months ago

We don’t want to stop you

no one can stop me from giving almost all the newsies cats for pets

7 months ago

He’s mildly feral and I love him for it

newsies fans make a post about crutchie without calling him a sunshine baby, referencing him hitting people with his crutch, making a polio joke, or using offensive disabled terminology challenge

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7 months ago

[gets in with you]

[gets in my little clown car]

7 months ago

I need more of this au

Found Out That There Was A Trojan Prince Also Named Polites So I Thought About An Au Where Polites Was

Found out that there was a Trojan Prince also named Polites so I thought about an au where Polites was given to given to Odysseus as a prize instead of them meeting as kids. I might actually make a story but for now it’s just doodles :3

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7 months ago

Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.

If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals

7 months ago

I've seen a lot of these recently so here we are

If this gets __ notes, I'll …

5 - clean my room

10 - start drinking enough water

25 - try to limit my screentime to like 2 hours a day

50 - fix my sleep schedule

75 - try my absolute best to not sh anymore (I'm already trying but yk extra motivation)

100 - actually do my homework this school year

125 - study regularly

150 - tell someone about my mental health issues and sh (again just need extra motivation)

175 - clean my room regularly

300 - actively try to stop hating myself

400 - tell one of my friends I'm questioning my gender

600 - run regularly

5000 - tell an adult about my mental health issues and sh

Rules: no spamming ig and also don't reblog a hundred times

7 months ago

reblog this if your account is a safe space for polyamorous and non-monag people or is owned by someone who is polyamorous or non-monogamous

op is a monogamous person who felt they haven't seen enough posts acknowledging this part of the queer community outside of non-monogamous circles and blogs

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8 months ago

Going to audition tomorrow wish me luck

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8 months ago

It should be called ‘The untold stories of modern demigods’

U know what we'd need in the riordanverse? An entire book dedicated to chill scenes from both the pjo and hoo series, as how the seven bonded together, how they accepted each other and how they imagined them before they met, etc. or how Percy was friend with the Stolls and Beckendorf, how everything was after the war (the losses, the grief...), or just this cool evening when Percy showed up in a dress because he lost a bet. I don't know, just the chill and cool scenes from chb, CJ, the Argo II...

8 months ago

They’re a year apart it’s confirmed in trials of Apollo in the first book

So this woman had two children with the same god in two years time I needed a book about her yesterday

"I want x spinoff, I want a book about y"

I want to meet the woman who had not one but TWO kids with Hermes. Two kids so close in age and are so alike people just assume that they're twins, two kids who are chaos personified, who singlehandedly run the camp shop, who are in charge of the biggest cabin at camp and look after their equally chaotic gremlin siblings plus every unclaimed kid at camp like Lou Ellen a daughter of Hecate and another being of chaos who learnt it all from them, and who take every opportunity to fuck shit up, to prank their camp mates or to steal shit. Their last name, which they get from their mama? Stoll by the way. Neither child notices the pun.

I want to meet Mama Stoll, who saw the chaos, who saw the bullshit Hermes brought into her life the first go around and said tonight's the night let's do it again. She is either the world's greatest cat burglar who enticed the god of Thieves or the messenger god was enchanted by the best god dam delivery woman on the planet. There's no in-between. It was just a bonus that her surname was the perfect pun. Her and Hermes laugh about it. In my head, it's all canon. Regardless, she unleashed two agents of unlimited chaos onto an unsuspecting world, and I love her for it. I take my hat off to her, I kneel before her.

Oh, and the oldest kid, Travis? He's dating a girl called Katie, who is the daughter of Demeter. Her last name? Gardner. Fucking Gardner. She has a sister called Miranda Gardiner, by the way. Mama Stoll finds it hilarious. Her sons still don't get the pun, but at least she gets on with her future daughter in law like a house on fire.

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8 months ago

If i don’t read it it didn’t happen

Still denying Jason death club🤚🏼

8 months ago

He’s to straight it’s suspicious

im gonna be honest

just don't understand how so many people shipp Jason with any other guy (Leo principally)

he is literally the STRAIGHTEST character of riordanverse

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8 months ago

Ok I have too many of these types of stories one is that my great grandmother helped take down the mob so if anyone want to here that story in more detail please tell me but here’s the one so im related to a murder my great aunt father killed her mother and sister and then just kind sat down at the dinner table and then dropped her off at his wife’s sister’s house and and that sister is my grandma’s mother on my dads side a different one from the one who took down the mob oh and I had a gay relative how was killed and they waited to hold the funeral until my grandfathers aunt also died

fathers casually dropping the craziest lore of their lives in the middle of a conversation

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8 months ago

i have no hope for this but yk ( falsettosblr discord server spare me ) . also hey don't judge me for some of this stuff pls , smile

25 notes - I'll tidy my room + put clothes away

50 notes - I'll brush my teeth at least once every day ( aiming for twice )

100 notes - I'll try shower every other day

200 notes - I'll finish my falsettos fic

300 notes - I'll work through my art wips

400 notes - I'll work through my other writing wips

500 notes - I'll do something social once a week for the whole of summer

600 notes - I'll work through household chores I've been putting off

750 notes bcs fuck you and i hate doing it - I'll reorganise my entire simply plural + pluralkit for the system

go wild , sigh .

8 months ago

If you want to point a finger at a villain point it at Zeus or Poseidon or if you really want to go back Agamemnon or Aphrodite or Paris but not my boys

Guys PLEASE just because eury can't turn pigs back into people doesn't mean he would sacrifice his friends to a sea monster. That doesn't make him a hypocrite PLEASE

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8 months ago

I’ll bring the souls of the damed

would u like to have a picnic :3 i’ll cut fruit :3

yes!!! ill bring all the bread and baked goods !! ^_^

who else is coming ? :D

8 months ago

E offering to Apollo

E Offering To Apollo
E Offering To Apollo
E Offering To Apollo
E Offering To Apollo
E Offering To Apollo

Oh lord Apollo god of the sun

Oh lord Apollo god of music

Ok lord Apollo I thank you for your gifts

Oh lord Apollo please except this offering

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8 months ago


I hate it when you’re reading smut and you can’t figure out what position they’re in.