2012 Avengers - Tumblr Posts
mr. & mrs. smith

pairing ~ loki x f!reader
summary ~ after a new member is introduced to the team, loki begins to imagine a life beyond the tower, not unlike many times before, but his daydream receives an interesting addition, you.
warnings ~ avengers(?) loki, (like living in avengers tower loki, cus that mess is my gosh darn favorite), so i suppose 2012 avengers era (what a classic! self-indulgent yes, but still, my freaking favorite), mentions of reader being a science gal but nothing in-depth, reader gets kind of sad, so angst? but like, happy ending so no worries, description of injury on a mission and patching up a not so nice injury, blood, kind of possessive loki, mostly fluff! let me know if i missed anything!
word count ~ 5.2k
a/n ~ i’ve had this sitting in my docs for forever, but, let me give quick rundown. okay so i freaking love this song and had always thought it was so adorable for loki, i also had some zemo thoughts, as well as bucky, so if you like this concept let me know! it’s so gosh darn cute, it’s obviously not required to listen to this song (mr and mrs smith from the tv show ‘smash!’), but do i recommend giving it a listen, HECK YES! this is primarily from loki’s pov because why not, kind of super ooc loki but again, what is fic if not denial persevering. i really love this concept so much, like wow, too cute, i’m thinking of doing some spooky things for spooky season (nothing too spooky though!), but feel free to hope in le ole ask box and let me know what you guys think/would like to see! requests are i guess(?) open! I know i haven’t been writing like, longer things, but i hope too soon! I hope you all enjoy!
‘I’d gladly disappear if it might guarantee a view of, no one but mr., no one but mrs. smith, and you.’
Loki grumbled as his brother’s thunderous knocking pulled him from his sleep for the third time this morning. He knew there was a meeting, everyone had made sure to remind him all week,
‘Brother, you’re a part of the team! They want you there!’ Thor exclaimed, if Loki hadn’t had his strength, he was almost sure that with the force at which his brother had pulled him into his side, he would have broken a rib.
He attempted to escape Thor’s tirade of misplaced excitement to return to his room, only to be interrupted by another, albeit, a bit less enthusiastic.
‘Better yet, Steve wants you to be there, new recruits.’ Natasha commented, strolling into the kitchen
Like that was going to make him any more excited for this meeting.
He begrudgingly opened the door, “I’m awake.” He all but growled, his brother’s obnoxiously oafish smile faltering at the sight of his anger.
Why is he so enthused about this meeting? Loki thought. Usually, Thor was almost just as irked about the early morning meetings as him, almost. But today he seemed too excited, not just ‘Steve said the meeting will end early today’ excited, but an excitement Loki himself was all too familiar with, a rush he often felt when he had pulled off something particularly mischievous within the golden palace of his younger years. He squinted with suspicion at the realization. Was this all a trick? He scoffed at the thought, the beginning of some sort of ‘passive revenge’ plot for all he had done to them?
“Come, we’re already late,” Thor said softly, pulling Loki from his own spiraling thoughts
“Let’s get this over with” he replied, pushing past his brother, he couldn’t help but notice the smug look he wore, what did Thor know?
Everyone came to a halt once the two entered the room, the already stuffy board room being filled with a tension Loki did not care for. Every seat was filled with the usual suspects, Clint leaving a seat open beside him for his brother, and as Thor apologized his way to his seat, Loki found himself content standing in the back corner, making a show as he crossed his arms across his chest.
“Alright, now that we’re all here…” Steve smiled, looking across to Thor
What was going on? Should he just leave now? Before all the confetti and tar and jokes and endless nicknames and-
“I’d like to introduce one of our new recruits who’s going to be working with Bruce down at the lab”
Suddenly, you rose from your seat, it wasn’t a far journey to the Captain’s side, as you sat in the very first chair, how had he not noticed you?
Steve introduced you, looking around the room, Loki noticed the shy smiles and cocked eyebrows exchanged by the rest of the team.
“That’s me!” You softly interjected, receiving a flurry of good to have you’s and welcome to the team’s in response, though Loki couldn’t bring himself to say anything.
Is this why everyone was so excited? You?
As far as he could see, you were completely human, nothing out of the ordinary. Your smile, much too bright and wide and welcoming, just like every other Midgardian he had come across. Your hands twitched against your soft curves as you did your best to not to seem nervous, and that certain way your eyes glinted with a sort of excitement and hope he could only ever hope to feel one day, filled with a kind of passion for life that he had, until now, only read about in his mother’s fairy-tale storybooks, yes, completely average.
“I’m excited to work with all of you, and…” You sighed, what else could you say to this group of miraculous people without sounding so out of place? “... and thank you!”
He watched your eyebrows furrow, as if you were wincing at some terrible joke. He found himself wondering what your laugh would sound like.
“Well, I don’t know about you guys but I think it’s about time we give her a tour around!” Tony exclaimed, almost jumping out of his seat as he reached for you, rushing you out of the meeting room so quickly Loki barely had a moment to process what had occurred.
As the rest of the team trailed behind, he found himself still planted in his corner
“So, what do you think?”
Loki rolled his eyes, what was he to say? What did Thor want him to think? The rest of the team? Why was everyone watching him so closely today? Did they think he would hurt you? The very thought of that-
“She’s intriguing isn’t she?” Thor smiled, his eyebrows raised, as if he were trying to pull something out of Loki
“What would you like me to say, Thor?” Loki spat, why was everyone acting so especially strange today? “She’s completely... human.”
It took a lot to catch the God of Mischief off guard, let alone frighten him, but it seemed you had done just that.
“I’m so, so sorry” you mumbled, frantically searching his body for any damages
“May I ask what you are checking for, exactly?” Loki replied, too confused by your rapid movements to think of pulling away from your touch, you had just caught him off guard is all, he was still very confused at what had even happened, if he simply had been more prepared then he wouldn’t be allowing you to fuss over him like this. Absolutely not.
“I fell into you pretty hard, I just want to make sure you’re okay…”
Did you really think you could hurt him? Did you not know?
“Oh, God… My first week…” he heard you whisper to yourself, shaking your head frantically
“I can assure you, I am perfectly fine” he laughed, how long had it been since he had done that?
He almost got whiplash from the speed at which you turned your head up to look at him, facing him with a brilliant smile
Had he been the cause of that?
Content with your examination, you casually slid your hand over his arm, just to make sure
How long had it been since he had felt that?
“Well if you ever need a check-up, you know where I’ll be!”
“Thank you…” He barely had any time to reply before you ran off to the lab once again, but as he called your name, he could have sworn he saw your steps falter for a moment, though you didn’t stop. He smirked to himself
‘She’s intriguing isn’t she?’
He hadn’t seen you since, it had been a few days, and he, begrudgingly, felt himself begin to worry for you. How had the rest of your first week gone? How has everyone else been treating you?
He looked around the living area, hoping to see you reading a book on the couch, maybe even making yourself a cup of coffee or hot chocolate in the kitchen, yet he saw no sign of you. Everyone else was always there in the mornings, where were you?
Loki heard a deep chuckle from behind him, he didn’t need to turn around to discover who it was.
“Yes?” Loki questioned, it seemed that every soul in the tower was aware of some long-running joke except for him, and frankly, he was becoming weary of the knowing looks and mocking smiles that had been going around recently.
“You seem to be looking for someone…” Thor replied, a certain much-too-aware tone laced within his simple response.
Loki didn’t even have a moment to reply before his eyes landed on your soft form, bare feet tapping across the kitchen tile, closing your eyes slightly before throwing your arms above your head and stretching.
He couldn’t help but smile at the sight of you. You carried such a peaceful aura as you journeyed throughout the chaos of the kitchen, instead of fighting with Clint or Sam over who got to use the coffee maker next, you just waited, quietly drumming your fingers against your mug of choice as you observed the rest of the team, smiling to yourself as you overheard the jokes of your teammates that didn’t require caffeine to be energetic in the morning.
What were you like in the morning when you were alone, before the lab? Before the Avengers? He could almost guarantee it was much less chaotic. Did you have something like Tony’s fancy coffee maker at your apartment? Or did you stop by a local coffee shop on your way to work? He could imagine you as someone who may have enjoyed a cup of tea more than anything, humming whatever song was currently stuck in your head as you poured the steaming water into two mugs.
He could imagine you on rainy days, standing by your window, smiling quietly at the sound of the rain, not unlike how you were now; calm and content, eyes shining with a silent joy at the thought of staying in all day. Were you frightened of thunderstorms? A sly smirk crept onto his lips at the thought, as silly as it was, he kind of hoped you were.
“Good morning”
He could imagine the softness of your voice in the morning, mixed with the slight scratch of a restful night.
“How’d you sleep?”
Except he wasn’t imagining it.
He looked to his side to find you, when had you snuck up on him? Your eyes wandered across the vast living area, scanning almost, like you were making sure every vase and TV remote was in its place, making sure Sam and Bucky didn’t kill each other, making mental notes to blow out any candles that were left unattended on the kitchen counter, making sure that everyone was safe.
“I slept…” He couldn’t remember the last time someone had asked him how he had slept. “... Well” he quickly responded, he hoped you couldn’t sense his lie, though you had done nothing to exhibit any sort of untrustworthiness, it seemed his heart wouldn’t allow for him to tell you the truth. He ached at the thought of adding on to your presumably already quite large stack of worries, but the selfish part of him wished he had told you, then maybe you would gasp and tell him your secret recipe for some sort of passed-down-from-generation-to-generation tea that had always helped you fall asleep as a child.
His eyes finally met your own, your warm, sleepy smile awakening a feeling within him that he chose not to name for the moment.
His own tongue felt heavy in his mouth as he spoke, “And yourself?” he asked, his brow furrowing at your heavy sigh.
“Just getting used to-” you waved your unoccupied hand around the room, almost slapping him in the process, a breathy chuckle escaping your lips, “All this…”
Loki couldn’t help but notice the hint of sadness that accompanied your reply, he wondered if you even liked it here at all, he agreed that living with the constant clashing of personalities that were your teammates could be overwhelming at times, but you seemed to coexist with them so gracefully.
He hummed in agreement, in truth, he didn’t think he could ever get used to ‘all this’, everyone, no matter how much he attempted to prove himself, still seemed to see him as the monster they first encountered him as, he winced at the thought that you may have initially became acquainted with him then as well.
A large clatter interrupted his thoughts, turning, he saw you shake your head disapprovingly, “Would you like to, maybe, join me in the lab?” you asked
“Thor! Can’t you just, shock it back to life or something?” Clint yelled
Loki shook his head, “absolutely.”
Loki couldn’t recall how long you two had sat in the lab talking with each other, but enough time had passed that he started to become increasingly concerned with the thought of when Bruce would interrupt your time together.
Once he had gotten you to talk about yourself for a bit instead of just asking him questions, (though he had to admit, it pained him slightly to stop you from wanting to know more about him) he reveled in your intelligence, your ability to throw just as quickly as you were able to catch his own facetiousness, you seemed genuinely interested in his stories, and though he had told them all before, at the very least a thousand times, it suddenly seemed as if he were telling them for the very first time.
You laughed, throwing your head back as you carefully set your now empty mug on the metallic bench. “So you can just do that? With-”
“Magic.” Loki smugly replied, opening his hand, he revealed small fireworks appearing from his palm. If he had been an outsider during this moment, he maybe would have thought you had been hypnotized by him with the way you stared at the colorful bursts.
Your lips parted, a silent ‘wow’ slipping past as you continued to be mesmerized by his skill. “Who taught you all this…” you murmured, so quietly, that if he had been any further from you he wouldn’t have been able to hear you, when did he get so close to you?
“My mother, Frigga…” his smile softened as he closed his palm, “Queen of Asgard…” He sighed
“Tell me more about her”
He was struck with a combination of feelings he was unsure what to make of, the only thought he really understood at the moment was that he was suddenly compelled to cradle your face between his hands and thank you.
“... If that’s okay?”
He looked up at you, a shadow of concern shading your features, had you thought you offended him?
“She seemed amazing…”
You reminded him of her, she would have adored you.
You two had fallen into a routine of sorts, Loki would wake up and venture into the kitchen, you would appear soon after to make whatever morning beverage that had struck your fancy that particular morning, then, the both of you would escape into the lab, Loki telling stories of his childhood as you cleaned up whatever was leftover from Bruce’s experiments.
What Loki began to live for though, was the moments when he found you deep in concentration, conducting an experiment of your own, your eyes squinting as you scribbled numbers down on your notepad beside you. He knew you were still listening to him though, throwing him an occasional smile or laugh. His proudest moments were when he made you lose your sharp focus, moments when you laughed so hard at his brother’s misfortune, you ended up having to clean up even more of a mess before you closed the lab for the day.
“Thanks” You smiled, frantically wiping up whatever fluids you had managed to spill across the floor
“Your secret’s safe with me” he winked
Loki felt so comfortable with you, he didn’t know how you did it. You never treated him like a prisoner, or ever talked to him as less than, or made him feel like nothing else but an accessory to his brother, around you, he was Loki, nothing more, nothing less.
Yes, nothing more.
He liked the person you seemed to pull from him when you were around, and it seemed that so did everyone else in the tower. Loki couldn’t tell if they were all experiencing the effects of being around you, or if Tony Stark was just genuinely being nicer to him.
“Loki” he heard Bruce grumble from the door
“Just helping your darling assistant!” he called from the floor, darling? He quickly gathered the rest of his paper towels and shot up, practically running from the trash can to the door, when did you become darling?
He had called other people darling, right? It was just a term of endearment. Mortals used it all the time with everyone! You weren’t special, not one bit, and he should absolutely not be this worried about you taking that the wrong way, you were kind and understanding, Loki was quite sure that you wouldn’t think twice about what he had said, just as he was quite sure he’d be thinking about it for the rest of the night.
Loki wasn’t doing it on purpose, avoiding you, you had just become so busy and he would have hated to disturb you, but as he trudged into the board room once again, he couldn’t tell if he was looking forward to seeing you, or if it would just be easier to return to his room with his tail between his legs.
He paused in his journey to the back corner of the room, scanning you, he noticed you didn’t hold even a hint of anger or disappointment in your gaze, but even more significant, was that you had saved him a seat. Loki tilted his head, questioning, were you really not mad at him? You hadn’t seen him for days, and yet it was like nothing had ever happened.
As he found his place beside you, you leaned into him, “I missed you” you whispered, quickly returning your eyes to Steve as he discussed the details of some upcoming mission he couldn’t bring himself to care about.
Loki was frozen in place, a strange warmth blooming within his chest, he smiled softly, leaning into your chair “I’ve missed you too” he replied, quickly sitting back in his chair, though he pretended to nod and seem interested in whatever words were being exchanged between the others, he found himself sneaking glances at you. Loki ignored the sly snickers from his teammates, he didn’t mind them, the sounds of stifled laughter no longer bothered him, for once, he was content with the knowledge of just one person caring for him, enough to miss him, the opinions of the rest of the Avengers no longer mattered to him. Until he heard your name,
“Welcome, officially, to the team”
What was that supposed to mean? She’s been doing her part ever since she-
“Nothing too dangerous, just an in-and-out deal” Tony added
No. They weren’t sending you on a mission, they couldn’t be. You belonged in the lab, here, with him. You worked so well with Bruce, you were doing such good work here at the tower? What had compelled them to send you out there?
Loki turned to look at you, a weary smile gracing your face, you were scared.
“Thanks, guys…” you softly replied,
“And where will I be?” All but tumbled from Loki’s lips before he could stop himself, he prayed to anyone who would listen that they would be including him on this one mission, maybe he could even convince them to send himself in your place.
“We’ll need someone to hold down the fort with Thor” Natasha replied, “It’s nothing any of us haven’t done before, she’ll be fine” she added
Was she trying to comfort him?
Before he could even think of what he was doing, his hand fell upon your thigh, his concerned eyes meeting yours.
“I’ll be fine” you smiled, “And I’ll be right back in the lab before you know it!”
He watched you reluctantly pull from your seat, head down as you followed the rest of the team back to their rooms to get packed, finding himself reeling once again as he sat in the room alone.
It wasn’t that he thought you would be torn to pieces on the field, he was more than sure you’d be able to hold your own alongside the rest of them, it was just that, he didn’t want you to. You belonged by the fogged windows of the tower when it began to storm, no, not the tower, maybe a cottage in the middle of nowhere, a kettle whistling in the kitchen. A kind smile lighting the dim room. A notepad readily available on the counter in preparation for any last-minute thoughts on any experiments,
“Good morning”
“Good morning my love.”
“How’d you sleep?”
He couldn’t remember the last time something had seemed so clear to him, you made it so easy to imagine a life beyond all this. You deserved a simpler life, a rush of anger flooded through him as he thought about how his teammates had robbed you of whatever life you had before intergalactic threats and monsters.
You deserved to be happy.
It had been a week, one full week without you, and Loki had begun to feel more like the prisoner he first entered the tower as.
He couldn’t bring himself to even read, too caught up in thoughts of if you were doing okay, if you were safe, if you were taking care of yourself just as much as you took care of the others.
On days when you managed to shoot him a quick text, he found his stride felt a little lighter,
‘Still all in one piece! See you soon! :)’
‘Hope ur doing good, don’t let thor drive you too crazy before I get back!’
But those moments were too few and far between for his liking. He found his mind drifting during even the simplest of tasks, and unfortunately, Thor seemed to notice.
“I’m sure you have nothing to worry about! She’s more than proved herself to be just as fierce as the others!” His hand coming down to pat Loki on the back
Was it really that obvious?
“And what makes you think I’m truly that concerned?” He questioned, secretly hoping Thor would just tell him if his own face was really that telling in his affections for you.
Affections for you. Was that was this was?
Loki began to realize it may have been more than that.
Thor shot him a knowing glare, perhaps that was all that needed to be exchanged.
A dull murmur emerging from the hallway had both men turning their heads,
“You’ve returned!” Thor bellowed, his voice bouncing off the walls of the empty living quarters, “All in one piece, I hope?” he questioned as both brothers met with the rest of the team.
Quiet thanks were exchanged, all of them too tired to do any more than pat each other on the back and return to their quarters. He searched the group for you, his heart beating a bit faster as he noticed your absence.
“Where is she.”
The team stilled, no one daring to say a word,
“Where is she?...” He repeated, softer this time, he could have sworn he felt his eyes begin to water, but he tried not to dwell on it.
“The lab” Steve finally broke the deafening silence, “She got-”
Before anyone could tell him anything else, he was already rushing downstairs, she was safe, she was back, nothing had happened.
“Hey Loki”
He sighed, standing by the doorway, he took in the sight of you, eyes glistening in the dim light of the lamp on your desk, your hair slightly out of place, the shadow of dark circles a result of anxious, sleepless nights on the road. Your hands worked majestically over the gauze, wrapping it delicately around your upper thigh-
You had been hurt
A quiet gasp left his lips before he rushed over to you, his hands anxiously roaming your form as he did his best to suppress his panic. His heart ached when he finally glimpsed the crimson liquid that bloomed from under the dressing.
“Loki… I’m fine” feigning a weak smile, “I promise”
“You don’t look it.” He replied, shaking hands doing what they could as he took over in wrapping your leg. He shook his head, you shouldn’t have been there.
“Well, it was nice to feel like I was really a part of the team…”
Had he said that out loud? He looked back up at you, you were crying.
Before he knew it, his hands had moved to your cheeks, thumbs delicately whipping away tears as they spilled. You deserved to be happy, you deserved so much.
“You are” Loki replied softly, “Since the moment you were first introduced... I don’t know what they were thinking…” he trailed off, you were now sobbing, heaving breaths shaking your frame while he still cradled your face.
“I don’t know what I was thinking” you managed to sputter between cries, “I should have said no, I don’t belong out there”
And then you held him, your arms weaved their way around his waist, pulling him to you, tears already beginning to form a wet patch on his shirt.
Loki stood there, astounded for a moment, the pain in his chest from witnessing your distress dissipated. You were hurt, both physically and emotionally, and in your time of need, you reached for him. It seemed you were just as comfortable around him as he was around you, a small smile stretching onto his lips. He slowly wrapped his arms around your form, feeling you melt against him.
“You-” he found himself lost for words, how could he explain to you just how wonderful you were? Did you really not understand how much an impact you had on everyone? The impact you had on him? “You do belong here, there was never a glimmer of doubt in my mind that you didn’t”
Sniffling, you looked up at him, noticing he wasn’t even looking at you, it was as if you were witnessing a private conversation he was holding with himself, confessing something not meant for you. He continued, still staring across the lab.
“Though what I believe you don’t realize, is just how much you make others feel like they belong. How many years some of them wandered around the tower… So suspicious of each other”
Something in his tone told you he wasn’t just talking about Natasha and Bucky.
“You make everyone feel so… at home.” He looked down at you, “And that’s something I haven’t felt, in a-” he sighed, had he really ever felt that way? “I don’t know.”
“Sometimes it just feels so,” you shrugged “not like that” not like home.
What he would do to make you feel just as at home as you made him feel, and before he could protest, the words flew from his lips before he even had a moment to question them.
“It could” he muttered, “It could feel like home.”
You raised an eyebrow at him, and he resisted the urge to pull you back into him as you slid your arms back into your lap,
You were so, human, perfectly human. The way you cared so much, how even when you were in pain, you still entertained his ramblings, truthfully, he wasn’t used to someone giving him this much attention, and it was just so utterly human of you, it was just so, you.
“Loki?” You pressed, and he swore he could just die right then and be content, your hand had found its way onto his cheek, your thumb slowly tracing nonsensical patterns into his skin.
“The tower, if you would let me, I would do my absolute very best to make you feel like you were at home, before all this.”
“Loki, I don’t-”
“Or we could just leave” he quickly cut you off “Leave the tower entirely” he seemed to stand a bit straighter, a rush of confidence surging through him, “Pack your things and leave, I’ll leave a note and we can go anywhere you’d like, anywhere that you’d like to go, London, Amsterdam, we can go back to your apartment if you’d like” he was beginning to sound frantic as he pulled his face away from you, opting to grab your hands instead, “Anywhere…” he whispered, his wild eyes searching your face for an answer, he found himself blinking back tears, “I’d go anywhere with you.”
Loki took a deep breath, finally realizing what he had said, there was no way he didn’t just ruin everything, how could he be so selfish?
Then it was you comforting Loki as tears flowed freely down his cheeks, “I’d go anywhere with you” he repeated, barely above a whisper, “I’m so sorry” he attempted to collect himself before you pulled him out of his thoughts
“Loki, why are you sorry?” You laughed,
Why were you laughing? Had he really humiliated himself so horribly that you were laughing at him?
“I would go anywhere with you,”
He couldn’t have just heard you correctly.
“But we don’t have to leave the tower” you seemed so unsure of yourself, were you crying again? “Loki,” you took a deep breath, as if you were steadying yourself before continuing “you make this” you gestured aimlessly around the lab, “you make all of this feel like home.”
He couldn’t contain himself anymore, the feelings he had felt around you finally had a name, and he now understood why everyone had seemed to be keeping a secret from him. It was you. The knowing looks his brother had exchanged with the others during your first meeting, the stifled snickers as Loki barely held himself from protesting you joining them on the mission, everyone knew.
‘She’s intriguing isn’t she’
He didn’t know if he was angry or thankful, had they recruited you just for him? Were you only hired to be nothing more than a babysitter for him? He remembered the nerves that radiated from you during your first introduction. Or had they just known that he would fall for you eventually? Your brilliant smile and sharp intelligence had to have struck them just as much as they struck him initially, was Thor to blame for all this? Was this his plan all along?
He couldn’t tell if it was fear or gratitude he felt at the realization, though he was too preoccupied to give it any more thought when his lips found yours in an instant, and just as quickly you two had settled into your morning routine, this felt just as comfortable, just as right.
“So,” Loki said breathlessly, placing his forehead against yours, “Where to?”
“Good morning” you grumbled from your pillow, sighing contently, there were no early meetings today, nothing to do, no urgent matters to attend to, you could stay in for as long as you’d like. A sleepy smile crept its way onto your face, a little slice of normalcy for a change.
“Good morning my love” Loki replied, wrapping his arm just a bit tighter around your waist
“I’m not going anywhere you know?” He barely left you an inch of wiggle room, only squeezing you closer to him as you attempted to slide out from his hold on you, not that you actually wanted to be anywhere else.
One day, he would take you away from all this, he would talk to Stark and Rogers before, he knew how you’d worry if they didn’t know where you were. He had often dreamed about life outside of the tower, though he never could have foreseen the white picket fence and perfectly trimmed yard that now plagued his daydreams, in truth, he never could have foreseen you at all, yet here you were, staring up at him with every ounce of love you had in your body. He promised himself that you would never have to worry about anything again, at least nothing like what he found you worried about now. Before, when he had imagined you dancing around the kitchen, humming off-key as you poured the both of you a cup of tea, it had seemed a bit like a distant dream, like a memory from his childhood he could barely recall, but now, lying beside you, it didn’t seem so far off, like his dream was just barely out of reach, but as he listened to your quiet breathing, feeling your warmth against his chest, he realized something, it was all right here.
‘Nothing can beat the view, for as far as the eye can see there’s, no one but mr., no one but mrs., smith, and me.’
thank you so much for reading! i really do appreciate it! want more loki? drop me a message in my ask box! i'd love to hear from you! as always, reblogs, comments, and likes are always super appreciated! let me know what you guys think! (and if you do happen to listen to that song, let me know!)