6 Seeds Of Sin - Tumblr Posts

Introducing Noeru Aranami, Aka Naku, #theboywith10000hoodies. He is one of seven #OCs for a project that is in the works. Art of the other six will be coming soon, as well as some insight into each character.

Introducing the second out of the seven #OCs, Satoyo Arima, #thegirlwiththeyellowhairscarf.

Last night, an idea just popped into my head that if I were to make my story live action, I'd have to know just how my poster child, Naku, would look, if cast done perfectly (I.E. No White Washing)
P.S. I'm not the best with Photoshop. Yet I'm constantly told that I should know Photoshop before I know clip Studio yet I know clip Studio much better. Not to mention my time was preoccupied for nearly a year and this is the first time in a year that I've opened Photoshop, So please forgive me if the work looks a little off.
(Disclaimer) all the reference pictures were from Pinterest...

Fukuryu the Dragon of Luck is one of the countless Dragon familiars within the Ryumyaku, and is one of the most recurring Dragons to be summoned and aid the Dragon Sage in all endeavors. (The current Dragon Sage being Naku.) Because the Dragons' appearances are based on the imagination of the Ryumyaku's current possessor, Fukuryu's appearance is that of a humanoid dragon with bronze colored scales, his face completely obscured by the Black and White Dragon Sage mask, and dressed all in Onmyoji attire. The most significant part were his seven ways forked tail, each ending with a different colored four petaled flower and a shide. With each tail, Fukuryu can (to an extent) draw power from one if the Seven Lucky Gods. Fukuryu's forte is magic, represented by his enormously unwieldy gunbai uchiwa (war fan) that enables minor, but effective elemental conjuring and manipulation magics. The sword he possesses is more of an accessory rather than for actual combat. (In an RPG setting, he's a support role, buffing allies and de-buffing enemies. As far as offensive power goes, Fukuryu is the weakest within the Ryumyaku, next to Genshoryu and several countless, lesser dragons.) His true ace in the hole, is the ability to perform miracles a good. Only drawback he can only use this ability 7 times a year, after which it refreshes, but is there a still left over Miracles before the new year in the number just tell he's back to 7. No more no less Fukuryu is something of a trickster, even going so far as to crack jokes in times of absolute seriousness.