Urban Fantasy Author. Blog for my story, learning to draw, and making up tag games. Occasionally I reblog things I find inspiring. 18+, mature themes.
194 posts
WIP Wednesday
WIP Wednesday ✍️
Time for a writing share!! For some reason I'm not getting notified for tags right now but I know @the-golden-comet and @tragedycoded got their writing shares out today~ Right now I'm working on 3rd drafting chapter 8 and chapter 9 and I'm STUCK in BOTH of them 🫠 🎉
Ch 8: In Proper Behavior (Seeker POV)
They go to see how Valian fared, moving very slowly, and very quietly so they wouldn’t disturb him. Seeker finds him cuddled up in the same closet they found him in yesterday. And oh.. he was achingly lovely- Lovely for his skin which was green like the moss fields beyond the Navesen Citadel, lovely for his hair white as clouds, and lovely for his eyes.. like Seekers, but a pure brilliant gold. Achingly, because when Seeker met him yesterday they thought his eyes made a nice contrast to his thick silver necklace that now glints coldly in Seeker’s knowledge. Achingly because they saw the silk wrapping around his lithe body and thought it enticing. Achingly because he was so small, over a foot shorter than They and so thin, his cheek bones prominently crowning his dimples, and yet that tiny body held the burden of an unjust system and ultimately- the burden of Seeker’s admiration which had put him here.
Ch 9: Tea/Party (Kazimier POV)
Kazimier figured he’d earned it- instigated and burned for it, even. It couldn’t be fuckin’ helped. The damn Nexi holding Kazimier’s leash had an even tighter leash over himself and had far too much self-control for his own good, and more importantly for the good of Kazimier.
Please sent me good writing energy and put in a word for me with the muses 🙏 I need a spark to get these chapters pressed and ready to show.
Tagging my 7C list: @gioiaalbanoart @biblicallyaccuratefruitbat @katenewmanwrites @lychhiker-writes @autism-purgatory
@wyked-ao3 @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @smellyrottentrees @aalinaaaaaa
@quillswriting @nbkuhn @ddgraywrites @desastreus @theglitchywriterboi
@shanakin-skywalker @honeybewrites @sincerelydorky (hmu to be +/-!)
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Repost for Fanart Friday! 🎨
This is a favorite of mine, I wanna eat this anatomy so bad! 🔥♥️
I really need to draw more Kazimier with less clothing..
Artstuff tag!: @the-golden-comet @lychhiker-writes @gioiaalbanoart @quillswriting @wyked-ao3

Late valentine's post of Kazimier, my shapeshifting incubus character. This amazing art was gift from my friend Furazoa!
WIP Wednesday: Confession Tag! ✨️
Thanks for the tag @tragedycoded~
I'm posting a confession-vibe clip from my WIP 🌐7 Circles🌐, and there's spoilers and 🌶sexual content🌶 ahead
From Chapter 5: The Pent-Up House
Kazimier barely gives a grunt in response as his finger gently traces a pattern in the plush fabric of the sofa, mind elsewhere. Klaus moves closer, studying his charge, looking at more than just what the shock did to his system- the flush not linked to the burns, the way his hips shift in discomfort under the blanket.
“..So how often are you supposed to feed, then?”
Kazimier’s jaw tightens and he pauses his idle occupation of creating a criss-cross design in the couch's soft upholstery. "Ya' feed me once a week- just what a 'Cubi needs." he offers smoothly, rubbing his design into nothingness.
Two can play at that game. "So, every day then." Klaus says deliberately.
"Pfft." Kazimier rolls his eyes hard enough that his head follows the movement before tipping back to look at Klaus. "Seems like a lot," Klaus says, keeping his voice and face suspiciously innocent. His hands fall to his belt, undoing the buckles. "But what kind of incubus would I be if I couldn't keep up?"
The implication is clear. And Klaus has every intention of sticking to this ridiculous schedule unless Kazimier answers. Something behind Kazimier’s eyes flashes with the temptation, the hunger. The rest of him lashes out, unable to grit his teeth another time.
"Now Sir," Kazimier grinds out, muscles protesting as he heaves himself into a seated position, "I'm a domesticated mongrel these days, not usin' as much energy as I did in 'the wild'. I don' know why in tha’ four districts you'd wanna screw yourself feedin' me higher than my former rate- three days durrin' workin’ weeks for your damn information, but it ain't needed." he spits out, lip curling. He leans forward, eyes full of defiance and desire in a way that sent a shiver down Klaus’ spine "I can keep on with you slidin’ your cock past my fangs on the weekly for a loong while yet. Sir." He purrs loathingly. They had taken the man out of Du’Preve, but he was definitely 4th class, even here in Nexis.
Klaus should be outraged. He should hit the anadem and send another charge through Kazimier for his insolence. He should beat him. Or starve him. Or something.
Three days.
Klaus smiles wide and warm as he delights in the fire he’s uncovered in the hybrid. "Three days then. Easy enough." He responds, fixing his belt. Kazimier licks his teeth, mismatched eyes squinting in contempt as his temper cools and gravity sets in. "So you’re a moxie thing.. ain't ya?" he says, mouth stuck between a snarl and a smirk. "So I've been told," Klaus says smugly.
7 Circles stuffs taglist: @gioiaalbanoart @biblicallyaccuratefruitbat @katenewmanwrites @pencilpusher1000 @lychhiker-writes @autism-purgatory @wyked-ao3 @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @smellyrottentrees @aalinaaaaaa @the-golden-comet @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting @nbkuhn @ddgraywrites @desastreus @nbkuhn @theglitchywriterboi @shanakin-skywalker @honeybewrites @sincerelydorky
...really feeling this one today.
He's my favorite character, my comfort character, even. I hate him and he's the worst.
Last question I swear
Where is the fanart from your banner from 🧍
It's for uh research purposes
Ask as many as you want!
A friend of mine named Saturn drew this for a birthday gift 🥰✨️

It's a great rendition of Kazimier and Klaus based on mine and my partners cosplays of them 🙌 I think the only notable inaccuracies are that Klaus should have pointed ears, jet black hair, and his nails are naturally black. 🤔 (but that's on me for not sending better refs 😅)
But nonetheless it's an amazing amazing piece of art and I'm so lucky to have received it as a gift 💕
He's not my little meow meow, but he might be my little yowling-bloody-murder-from-the-damp-alleyway.